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Chapter 314 Destructive Weapon

Chapter 314 Destructive Weapon

Looking at the fleet commanders and staff officers in front of him, Wang Dingnan was rather annoyed. He didn't expect that he, who has always been known for his rigorous and reliable work, actually ran away from the enemy's flagship in this battle.

Speaking of this kind of mistake would completely embarrass the second largest fleet.At this moment, facing the commanders and staff officers of the six fleets that were in charge of the pursuit at that time, there was a feeling that there was no way to scold them.

"Tell me, why didn't a fleet turn on the space energy detector? Or the space positioning detector?"

"Commander, we are all driving these two instruments. You must know that we are jumping continuously in space to chase the enemy at that time, and it is impossible to turn them off."

"Yeah, could there be something wrong with our equipment? Otherwise, it's impossible not to find it."

"It should be impossible for the instrument to have a problem. It is impossible to use it well one moment, and it will not work well the next moment, unless it is interfered by the enemy."

"It's impossible to be interfered. If the enemy has this kind of equipment, why not use it from the beginning? Wouldn't it escape our pursuit?"


The generals were also a little frustrated. This impossible thing happened, but it happened to the second large fleet.

Sun Jiaming was listening, and suddenly asked: "Wait a minute, you just said that all the detectors of the warships were not found? It seems to be disturbed?"

"Yes, Chief of Staff." Someone answered immediately.

"Old Wang, do you think it will be like the space energy neutralizer we used, which can instantly neutralize the overflowing space energy. If that is the case, neither of these two instruments will be able to detect it." Sun Jiaming speculated .

Wang Dingnan shook his head and said, "No, didn't someone say that just now? If the enemy has this kind of equipment, they must have used it from the very beginning, so they won't leave it unused and only lose one flagship in the end."

"Your Excellency, Commander, there is information from the headquarters!" The intelligent brain prompt suddenly came to mind.

Wang Dingnan turned around to check the corresponding information, and after a few minutes, he came back, looked at everyone and said: "The No. [-] intelligence in the headquarters analyzed the battlefield video we sent back and found the reason.

Since the enemy flagship chose to jump out of space at the moment before the arrival of the quantum ripple attack, the overflowing space energy was instantly annihilated by the subsequent arrival of the quantum ripple, which made the instrument unable to detect it, and the enemy flagship ran away. "

"Ah?! The enemy's commander is too fierce, he dared to jump in space at that moment."

"Anyway, it's a death, why not dare? Isn't this the right bet."

"Fortunately, it was discovered by Zhuo Yuan of the 88th Fleet, and he didn't let it escape. I heard that it was the main culprit who captured the compatriots on Earth back then."

"Fortunately, fortunately. Otherwise, we people would never be able to hold our heads up again."

"Oh... I guess we will inevitably be ridiculed in the future, really..."


Everyone sighed and sighed.

"Okay, cheer up, we have taken the lead in the six major galaxies, and after the other five major galaxies are won, we will go straight to the capital galaxy of the Sailors.

Knowing that there is such a potential, you should pay more attention when using the Quantum Ripple Cannon in the future.Now, hurry back and prepare, the fleet will set off soon. "

Wang Dingnan interrupted everyone's exclamation, reminded them, and let these guys go back to his flagship.

"It is necessary to prepare. It is nearly 50 light-years from here to the enemy's capital galaxy. If we don't use the space gate, we will have to travel for a while." Sun Jiaming said.

"Whether to use the space door or not, just wait for the headquarters to inform you." Wang Dingnan said.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + +
The mother galaxy of Sailor civilization, Sailor palace.

In a conference room, King Snow stood up in surprise and asked, "Is what you said true?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. We have successfully developed a destructive weapon!" Hammer said excitedly.

Prince Star quickly asked: "What kind of weapon? How powerful is it?"

Hammer stabilized his emotions, and then said with a smile: "We originally wanted to miniaturize the negative matter cannon, but there were several problems.

The most important thing is that enough energy needs to be invested to produce a large amount of negative matter, so as to meet the requirements of weapon grade.

Matter in the universe is divided into positive matter and negative matter according to the positive or negative mass, while antimatter is specific positive matter such as antiprotons and positrons, and its mass is still positive.

We found that in the process of making negative matter, as many grams of negative matter are produced, the same amount of ordinary positive matter is produced.

When antimatter comes into contact with ordinary positive matter, there will be an explosion and energy release, so we infer, what kind of reaction will it have when it contacts negative matter?

After experiments, we found that after the reaction of the two, we will get a kind of cosmic matter that we have been looking for all the time—'dark matter'.

The most important point is that this kind of 'dark matter' is really in our hands, and we then used it to conduct an experiment and found that it can cause extreme instability in a certain region of the starry sky, which we call tearing. crack.

In our previous research, the matter that we can observe and recognize in the universe accounts for about 5%.Invisible but gravitational, dark matter that can be detected by us accounts for 20%.The remaining 75% or so is completely intangible and invisible dark energy.

We speculate that it is dark energy that causes the universe to expand. My teacher Falda once established a theoretical model that dark energy is devouring dark matter. When the dark matter is consumed, the universe will burst and collapse.

Now our experiment indirectly proves this point. When we put the dark matter we have into a certain starry space region, it will break a certain balance between dark matter and dark energy in this region, and dark matter will be swallowed by dark energy, resulting in This region of the starry sky produces a sudden local expansion, which will bring a devastating blow to the matter in this region.

Therefore, we have used the principle of the negative matter cannon to create a brand new weapon - the dark matter cannon. Through this weapon, we can project the dark matter we have created into the corresponding starry sky area, which can cause destruction to the enemy warships in the area. kill. "

Hammer even discovered the principle, and explained it in a miscellaneous manner, regardless of whether the three people present understood it or not. In short, he was very excited.

There is nothing more exciting for scientists than being able to use 75% of the material properties in the universe and use it as a weapon to kill enemies.

The wise man Solfis asked solemnly: "Hammer, is there a relationship between the amount of dark matter you put in and the disruption of the balance of the starry sky region? Is there any formula to deduce the scope of its influence?"

Hammer was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "We just completed an experiment in which a gram of dark matter was emitted, which triggered the expansion of the starry sky in a spherical region with a diameter of 700 kilometers.

For the experimental battleship, we enhanced the power of its shield to 1.2 times that of the flagship shield, but it was still completely destroyed.

We haven't had time to make a theoretical summary, nor have we carried out corresponding batch experiments, so we don't know whether there is a specific formula for the changes.

But we believe that this weapon should be able to destroy the magical shield of the Fengshen Empire battleship. I don't believe that this kind of shield can still be maintained when the local space expands. "

Prince Starr rubbed his hands and said, "Your Excellency Hammer, I would like to know how long it will take for our military to have this kind of weapon and deploy it in the defense system?"

Hammer thought for a while and said, "It will take at least a month to complete the manufacturing process of a dark matter cannon."

"No, it's too slow! Is there any way to speed up this process? It is estimated that we have no time to deploy to the core defense lines of the six galaxies, so we can only deploy to the capital galaxies." King Snow was a little anxious.

The Fengshen Empire's army has already begun to attack the core line of defense. According to the information just received, the Botha galaxy has fallen, and it took only one day for the opponent to attack and completely occupy the Botha galaxy.

The other five major galaxies all reported that the enemy has been dispatched and will launch an attack soon.The time period of the meeting now may have been lost.

Obviously, the negative matter cannon on the defense line still has no effect on the enemy's shield. This feeling of being passively beaten and useless to fight back is really too powerless.

Hearing the good news reported by Hammer at this time, King Snow could not wait to have this weapon on the battlefield.

Hammer said with some embarrassment: "Your Majesty, this is already the shortest time, no matter how short it is, the effect of the weapon cannot be guaranteed, after all, it has not yet reached the stage of mass production.

In addition, it takes time to prepare dark matter. At present, we only have 30 grams of dark matter left, which was originally used for continuing experiments. "

King Snoll gritted his teeth and said, "Sdar, you must notify immediately that the garrison fleets of the five major galaxies must immediately withdraw to the capital galaxies!
Then the garrison warships of those secondary galaxies between the core defense line and the capital star are also withdrawn to the capital star system.

And counting all the remaining modified armed spaceships, it should be possible to gather a million warships, all of which are deployed on the protective circle of the capital galaxy.When the enemy attacks here, try to hold on for as much time as possible. "

After finishing speaking, he turned to Hammer and said, "Think of a way and see if you can directly transform those negative matter cannons. Didn't you say that dark matter cannons are transformed from negative matter cannons? Then directly transform the existing Used for remodeling.

Since the negative matter cannons are ineffective against the enemy's battleship shield attack, they should all be removed for transformation.I don't know if there is enough time for such a transformation? "

Hammer made some calculations in his mind, and said: "In fact, the dark matter cannon and the negative matter cannon have only a small part of the structure that is different. The main reason is that the two parts of the storage and launch modules are different. Just replace these two parts.

In this way, it should only take two weeks to complete the transformation of the negative matter cannons in the capital star defense system. As for the negative matter cannons in the galaxy defense system, I don’t know if there is still time to continue the transformation.

Moreover, if dark matter is fully produced in two weeks, then 360 dark matter cannons can be guaranteed, each with 5000 grams of dark matter, and the maximum amount of firing can also be used for two rounds of shooting. "

Hammer had just finished speaking when he saw that Prince Stahl had come back. He said with a heavy face, "I tell you a piece of unfortunate news. The enemy has broken through the core line of defense and occupied the six major galaxies, and the six major fleets have all been wiped out." , it is no longer possible to retreat back.

Now I can only shrink all the fleet between the core defense line and the capital galaxy, and with the garrison fleet of the capital galaxy, I can barely make up 50 warships.

However, it is estimated that when the enemy comes, we may not be able to last even a day.I hope that by then, the dark matter cannon will be able to play a role and repel the attack of the Fengshen Empire. "

Solfis suddenly said: "Everyone, I see it this way, prepare a space-jumping civil spaceship in the Seth galaxy, and I will start from here immediately, and the warships along the way will use the space-jump relay to take me to the spaceship in the shortest possible time." Send it to the Seth galaxy, and then transfer to this civilian spaceship to go to the Fengshen Empire to seek peace, maybe it can delay some time."

The words of the great wise man made the other three people stunned.

King Snow thought for a while, and said, "If the Fengshen Empire is not willing to negotiate at all, then it will be very unfortunate for you to go here."

Solfis smiled wryly: "If we don't have time to create enough dark matter cannons and dark matter, then the kingdom will inevitably be defeated, and we will not be spared either.

If the other party is willing to negotiate, I will try to delay the time as much as possible, so that we have time to create enough dark matter weapons, and we will have the confidence to negotiate. When the time comes, it will depend on the battlefield situation.

If the other party is unwilling to negotiate, I think that because of my presence, even an hour's delay can help Hammer and the others create more dark matter.

So I went to peace talks, which is the best choice. "

Hammer suddenly stood up and said, "Don't waste any time, I will immediately supervise the completion of the transformation of the negative matter cannon and the production of dark matter."

After speaking, he strode out of the conference room.

Prince Star also got up to leave, and said something before leaving, "I will integrate all the warships and try to block the enemy for a while in the Kuiper belt."

"Your Majesty, take care!" Sophie turned and left.

King Snow looked at the conference room where he was the only one left, with a trace of firmness in his small eyes.

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(End of this chapter)

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