Chapter 315
Dunka Galaxy, the command hall of the New God of War.

Zhuang Yun is studying the attack situation of the six fleets in the star chart. The core defense line of the Sailors is said to be 50 light-years away from the capital galaxy. In fact, it is not an accurate one because it relies on the six major galaxies as the core nodes. number.

Among the six galaxies, the Botha galaxy is the farthest from the capital galaxy, with a distance of 51 light-years.The closest to the capital galaxy is the Ikrypton galaxy, which is only 42 light-years away from the capital galaxy.

On the irregular spherical surface built by this core line of defense, the six most important pillar points have now been captured by the six fleets of the Fengshen Empire.

At the same time, the large fleets stationed in these galaxies by the Seilers were completely wiped out, which meant that more than half of the millions of warships of the Seilers had been wiped out.

Now from here to the Celer galaxy, although I dare not say that it is unimpeded, basically there is not much resistance. Now it is just a matter of how to attack the Celer capital galaxy.

Originally the fastest attack plan was to use the space gate to directly attack the capital galaxy of Seiler, but Zhuang Yun did not seek quick success because of safety considerations, but instead ordered the six fleets to advance steadily, spend time clearing its periphery, and then attack the rest capital galaxy.

After all, since the last time a special attack invaded the network of the current capital galaxy, the Seilers have completely covered the capital galaxy. At the same time, the "Pathfinder 8" previously deployed in the galaxy was found and cleared by the other party.

In the ten days since the capture of the core line of defense, according to the feedback from the "Pathfinder 8" deployed by the Fengshen Empire infiltrating into Sailor's core star field, it seems that the warships of the Sailors stationed in secondary galaxies are withdrawing, and even some secondary galaxies are evacuating. All the warships in the galaxy have been evacuated, completely ignoring the billions of people in the area.

"Old Zhuang, that's not right. It seems that these Sailors are planning to abandon their pawns, withdraw all their warships, and prepare to defend the capital galaxy." Zhang Wenhao said so, but he always felt something was wrong in his heart. place.

"Well, at present, I have ordered the six major fleets to steadily advance towards the capital galaxy, and at the same time ignore the secondary galaxies of the Sailors, and go directly to their capital galaxy with a combination of faster-than-light travel and space jumps. Let's see if the Sailors stop it." Zhuang Yun said.

"It's also a way, but I think it's better to open the space gate and send the six fleets directly to the capital galaxy of the Sailors, so as to hit Huanglong directly." Zhang Wenhao said.

"Haha, are you thinking about your big plan to go straight to Huanglong again? The head of state has explained before that the Sailors are after all a fifth-level mid-stage civilization, and because of the astonishing progress in brain technology over the years, the number of great scientists There has been a great improvement.

It also obtained a lot of scientific and technological information of the Westminster civilization. Although it is not a core database, it has also greatly promoted it.

Therefore, although we rely on the dimensional shield to make the battleship almost invincible, we can't take it lightly. War is the catalyst for technological progress. Maybe these days, the opponent will have some newly invented weapons. "Zhuang Yun smiled first, and then said cautiously.

When Zhang Wenhao heard Zhuang Yun mentioning the head of state, he asked, "I said, just report the current battle situation to the head of state, and then listen to the head of state's instructions."

Zhuang Yun glanced at Zhang Wenhao and said, "You think I didn't report? I send the battle situation back to the imperial capital every day. Every time the head of state read it, he always said, 'Let go and fight!'."

Zhang Wenhao slapped his thigh and said: "It's over, Yuandu asked you to fight freely, what are you still looking forward to? Besides, I support you too."

Zhuang Yun shook his head and said: "I'm not looking forward and backward, but I'm thinking about a problem. The Sailors originally swore to defend the core line of defense, but now they seem to be relying on negative matter cannons.

When the negative matter cannon was found to be ineffective, they seemed to have given up all their land and retreated back to the capital galaxy, but even the people abandoned it, which seemed a bit too much.

I think there should be special weapons in their capital galaxy, so we can't be too careless.If they are not careful, under the defense of their capital galaxy, they suffer heavy losses, especially if the human commanders of the empire suffer a great sacrifice, then it will be entrusted by the head of state. "

After listening to Zhuang Yun's words, Zhang Wenhao pondered in his mind, and then suggested: "I think it's better to let the No. [-] intelligence command a group of all-intelligence warships, and not arrange human commanders, not even clone captains.

This all-intelligent fleet is responsible for attacking the capital galaxy, and the rest of the fleet will first occupy the surrounding galaxies and obtain the corresponding computing centers, energy centers, manufacturing plants, etc. equipment of the Sailors.

In this way, even if the core database of the Sailors cannot be obtained, some technologies can be deduced from these devices in the same way that the Sailors obtained the technology of the Westminster civilization.

Regardless of whether it is useful to us or not, taking it back for research can always give researchers some different ideas.dont you agree? "

Zhuang Yun's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he nodded, "I think your suggestion is very good. This time the army was dispatched, and many human soldiers were dispatched. I was actually worried about this. After all, the Fengshen Empire had hardly ever fought with personnel in the past. If it happens this time, it will be my fault.

Oops, your suggestion is great, just do it!By the way, the head of state originally approved Chen Qingquan and Xie Zhongming to be promoted to admirals to command the newly formed 8th large fleet.

Simply, I will readjust the other medium-sized fleets that have not yet formed a large fleet. Except for the formation of the 8th large fleet, the remaining 20 warships will be handed over to the No. [-] intelligence, and it will be commanded by it. Let's go straight to Huanglong! "

Zhang Wenhao laughed immediately after hearing this, "Is that right, we should go straight to Huanglong!"

The two laughed.

At this time, a colonel came to report: "The veteran, the chief, just received a report from Han Zongqin, the commander of the 102nd Fleet, that their fleet captured a civilian spaceship 8 light-years away from the Ikrypton galaxy.

Someone in the spaceship claimed to be Solfis, the great wise man of Seiler civilization, and wanted to have peace talks with us. "

"Peace talks?!" Zhang Wenhao and Zhuang Yun couldn't help but looked at each other, and a strange feeling suddenly hit their hearts.

Zhuang Yun thought for a while and said, "Ning Cheng, notify Han Zongqin immediately to arrange a squadron to escort this great wise man and related people, and use space jumping combined with faster-than-light navigation to come to the Dunka Galaxy. Remember, I Said way of sailing."

"Yes, Chief." The colonel left in a hurry.

Zhuang Yun immediately called up the star map, marked the location where Solfis appeared, and then said: "Old Zhang, look, if the opponent didn't go through continuous and uninterrupted space jumps, it would be impossible to appear here.

It is 46 light-years away from the capital galaxy of the Seiler civilization, and it takes nearly 100 months to reach it at 6 times faster than the speed of light of the Sailors. If the warships combined with them can only make 3-5 space jumps, it will not take a month. Can't get there.

So the question is, how did this great wise man come from?Set off before our two sides started fighting?Of course not.

Then there is only one possibility, through the battleships in the galaxy along the way, use the relay space jump method to rush to the galaxy near this position, and then change to a civilian spacecraft.

Including the time it takes for civilian spacecraft to sail here and encounter our patrol fleet, it will not exceed ten days at most.

It has only been ten days since the imperial fleet captured the six major galaxies. This great sage should have come after the loss of the core defense line, so the time matches. "

"Old Zhuang, have you guessed his purpose?" Zhang Wenhao asked.

"Ninety-nine out of [-] are delays! In our Chinese history, there are many such examples where negotiations are used to delay time, but they are actually preparing for a big fight, and some even fight while talking.

Otherwise, when the core line of defense fell and more than half of the warships were lost, he would not say that he came for peace talks, but that he came to surrender. "Zhuang Yun asserted.

"Hahaha, Lao Zhuang, it's not bad. Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and organize the battleships for the No. [-] intelligence. The imperial army will approach the periphery of its capital galaxy tomorrow." Zhang Wenhao laughed.

"Tomorrow? Are you going to play games? The battleships have to return to the formation from various places, and there is also a pre-battle reconnaissance. This doesn't take time? Three days, three days later, the smart fleet will attack the Seiler galaxy!"

Zhuang Yun immediately discussed with the No. [-] intelligence about the formation and mobilization of battleships, and ordered the other six large fleets to stand still, so as to paralyze the enemy and make the enemy think that the empire was preparing for peace talks before stopping military operations.

At the same time, the space gate was opened, and a new batch of "Pathfinder 8" was launched near the capital galaxy of the Sailors, preparing to set up a detection network to realize comprehensive monitoring of the capital galaxy of the Sailor civilization.

With the deployment of "Pathfinder 8" in place, the situation near the capital galaxy of Seiler civilization gradually became clear.

Similar to the core defense line encountered before, the Kuiper belt of the Seiler galaxy has also built a negative matter cannon defense system, but after the previous network penetration special operations conducted by the Fengshen Empire, the Seiler galaxy has achieved complete and complete information obscuration. .

With the powerful detection capabilities of "Pathfinder 8", it is almost impossible to detect the situation inside the galaxy. It can only observe the situation near the Kuiper belt. It is found that the warships of the Celerians are constantly arriving and deployed in the Kuiper belt. .

Obviously the enemy is planning to defend the capital galaxy.

Zhuang Yun didn't find anything abnormal, so he continued to dispatch warships with the No. [-] intelligence. These warships will be transferred back to the Donka galaxy through the space gate from the patrolling fleets. After the Donka galaxy is concentrated, the No. [-] intelligence will Led by the flagship Xinzhishen, it appeared directly to the periphery of the Seiler galaxy through the space gate.

Since it was impossible to detect the situation inside the Seiler galaxy, Zhuang Yun and the No. [-] intelligence decided that the fleet should appear outside the galaxy before launching an attack.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Stal, how is the return of the warship?" King Snow spoke to Prince Sdar who was far away in the Kuiper defense line through a video call.

"Your Majesty, I asked them to choose some natural wormholes, which can retreat more than ten light years in about a week, and then perform space jumps combined with superluminal navigation, but this is also a battleship that is about 20 light years away.

So there are still about 5 warships that cannot be returned.Since the enemy's six fleets are on the way to attack, I have arranged for them to simply launch a harassment attack on these fleets, hoping to delay the enemy a little bit. ” Starr said.

"I received the last telegram from Solfis. He has already contacted the fleet of the Fengshen Empire. And there have been telegrams from the galaxy closest to the enemy's six fleets, reporting that the enemy has not appeared. It seems that the peace talks of the great wise men, Let the enemy suspend the action.

I wish I could delay a little longer.Now Hammer and the others have mobilized all the relevant equipment and production capacity of the entire Celer star. Under full production, the dark matter production has exceeded the standard, and 300 dark matter cannons have been remodeled. "King Snoll communicated the relevant situation with Star.

"Well, that's good. If the capital star's defense system has been transformed, then the negative matter cannon brought here by Kuiper can also be transformed. If we have enough time, we might be able to fill the entire galaxy with dark matter cannons." Prince Starr said.

"I'm worried that the wise man will negotiate with the Fengshen Empire. Seeing that we don't surrender, the Fengshen Empire will become angry and launch an attack in advance. In that case, we will not have enough time." King Snow said worriedly.

"Your Majesty, don't worry. By the time they arrive at the capital galaxy, we must have enough dark matter cannons. I believe that we will be able to repel the Fengshen Empire, and the Seiler Kingdom will also survive this catastrophe." Prince Star comforted.

"I hope so, so be careful."

After the two finished talking, King Snoll looked at the starry sky outside and was full of thoughts for a moment. How could the thriving Sailor civilization encounter such a formidable enemy?

Time flies, and three days have passed in a blink of an eye.

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(End of this chapter)

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