live on the computer

Chapter 316 Tearing the Starry Sky

Chapter 316 Tearing the Starry Sky
With the continuous completion of the transformation of the dark matter cannon, the production speed of dark matter continues to accelerate, and the dark matter reserves are also increasing.

King Snow saw that all the 360 ​​dark matter cannons of Seiler's defense system had been remodeled ahead of schedule, and was planning to arrange for people to go to the Kuiper Belt to carry out the remodeling work.

Prince Star sent a warning that the fleet of the Fengshen Empire had suddenly appeared and launched an attack, and the kingdom's fleet was desperately resisting.

This is like a basin of cold water, pouring King Snower from head to toe.

How could the enemy come so fast?Why is their space technology so advanced?To be able to span dozens of light years in a few days?Can the space jump go that far?
No, it was clear that the information yesterday showed that the six fleets were still around the six major galaxies.

Where did this fleet come from?

Before he had time to think about it, King Snower ordered someone to sound the alarm, and at the same time the global defense system and the 360 ​​dark matter cannons had already made corresponding preparations.

He and Hammer also came to the defense command center, quietly waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

At this time, on some screens in the command center, the defense situation from the Kuiper belt to the capital star line was being broadcast.

One of the screens showed that the defense line of the Kuiper belt seemed to have fallen after only about half a day, and all the dwarf planets and negative matter cannons deployed in the Kuiper belt were completely destroyed.

The more than 50 warships gathered by the kingdom at last, under the command of Prince Stahl, took the front line in Kuiper and attacked in an all-round way.

In view of the fact that the six large fleets of the core defense line were concentrated against the Fengshen Empire fleet before, they were hit by the opponent's large-scale quantum ripples, thus ending the battle in a short time.

In order to avoid being wiped out by the enemy's quantum ripples, Prince Star took the distance and used every 500 ships as a formation to adopt high-speed mobile harassment operations in an attempt to reduce the enemy's hit rate, thereby holding the enemy back.

Prince Star just had an idea. Anyway, if his battleship can't break through the enemy's shield, he should try to fight the enemy. As long as he doesn't let the enemy hit him, the battleship can survive.

If one's own fleet is engaged in a diversion battle in the Kuiper Belt, the fleet of the Fengshen Empire will not ignore it and attack the capital star.

Unexpectedly, the No. 8 intelligence quickly responded to this tactic. Since a large number of "Pathfinder [-]" has been launched near the capital star of the Celer people, the basic deployment of the Celer people's planetary defense system has been figured out. .

Therefore, the No. 20 intelligence quickly divided the 5 warships into several parts. First, it arranged for the first wave of [-] warships to suddenly space jump around the enemy's capital star and launch a dimensional missile attack on the detected defense facilities and energy facilities.

Suddenly, the intelligence brain of Celer's planetary defense system issued an alarm.

"It is found that the enemy fleet has invaded the range of the defense system. Do you want to launch a counterattack?"

At the same time, the screen showed that 2000 million kilometers away from the planet, a total of 5 Lieutenant-class warships of the Fengshen Empire formed a hemispherical attack formation.

The first is a wave of quantum ripples, which wipes out all the spaceports and satellites in the outer space of the planet, and then launches the dimensional missiles to attack the discovered planetary defense system facilities.

"Fire the dark matter cannon immediately, attack at maximum volume!" King Snower ordered without hesitation.

Because the Fengshen Empire has as many as 5 warships, covering the starry sky, King Snow is worried that the amount of dark matter will be reduced, and it will not be able to damage a large enough starry sky area, so he directly uses the largest number of attacks.

Along with the attack of the regular defensive fortress artillery on this side of the planet, 180 dark matter cannons were mixed in and launched the first round of attacks.

The attack of the No. [-] intelligence arrived first, and the super-light effect of the dimension missile caused its antimatter warhead to explode almost simultaneously in some facilities of the locked planetary defense system.

While destroying the facility in an instant, it also destroyed hundreds of kilometers around it. The huge explosion crater seemed to add a bowl-sized scar to the planet.

Intensive explosions rang non-stop on this side of the planet, and all the Sailors around the defense facilities were attacked by the explosions.

This is because the Fengshen Empire reduced the amount of antimatter charge in the warhead in consideration of reducing the damage to the planet. Otherwise, increasing the charge amount could completely destroy all facilities on the surface of the entire planet.

This is the first time that the capital planet of the Sailor Kingdom has suffered such a major blow, and blood and fire are intertwined at this moment.

Fortunately, a large number of underground defense facilities have been prepared before, and most of the Sailors have taken refuge there. Some projections arranged by the kingdom are showing images of the capital planet being attacked.

For a moment, countless Sailors were either angry, sad, or helpless...

In this round of attacks, 180 of the 92 dark matter cannons on this side were destroyed, but the remaining 88 dark matter cannons have launched the second round of the largest number of attacks again.

"No! Why are they so powerful? Our planet has an energy shield. How did their antimatter bombs get in?"

"I see! This is a high-dimensional attack! Then, their shields should be dimensional shields!" Hammer suddenly thought about the principle of the weapons of the Fengshen Empire, and shouted.

"Look! The enemy's warship has been destroyed!" the Sailor in the command center suddenly called out.

On the screen, the starry sky where the Fengshen Empire fleet originally formed a hemispherical formation suddenly shattered.

And the battleships in it also shattered in an instant, even though they were still in the virtual state, but at the moment when the cosmic space they were in completely exploded, the battleships fell from the high-dimensional state back to the three-dimensional space, and were instantly surrounded by a kind of The invisible energy shattered.

This kind of shattering did not even produce an explosion. The battleship seemed to be a porcelain plate smashed on the ground, and the fragments flew in all directions.

"We succeeded!" The command hall burst into joy.

Seeing this scene, the Sailors in the underground bunker cheered immediately. Since the war began, this was the first time that the Sailors saw a warship of the Fengshen Empire destroyed by their own side.

The long-lost confidence returned to the hearts of the Sailors. Prince Star also saw this scene, but it was also the last scene he saw.

At this time, as the flagship, Prince Stahl's warship was finally attacked by the warships of the Fengshen Empire. This time, Prince Stahl's warship was actually crashed by the warships of the Fengshen Empire.

The No. [-] intelligence directly dispatched a group of warships, opened the space distortion shield, and continuously carried out space jumps in the battlefield with a tyrannical posture.

They disappeared suddenly, and after being adjusted elsewhere, they suddenly appeared in the enemy battleship group. Using the space distortion shield as a weapon, they easily knocked the Sailer's battleship shield away, followed by a gravitational bullet , causing the enemy's battleship to collapse in an instant.

This kind of tactics comes from the final battle of the Kunpeng warship that wiped out the four-sided star warship. However, human commanders have never used it. The No. [-] intelligence thinks it is good. It happens that the enemy implements this kind of harassment guerrilla tactics, so it uses this method to deal with it.

The effect was surprisingly good, and the warships of the Sailors were quickly wiped out, including the largest flagship that had long been targeted.

After completely wiping out the Kuiper battleship group, the No. [-] intelligence found that the [-] warships attacking the enemy's capital star were attacked by some kind of enemy weapon, and all of them were damaged in an instant.

As an artificial intelligence, it has no fear. It just analyzes that the enemy has powerful weapons that can break through the dimensional shield, but this does not stop it from attacking.

Therefore, all warships were immediately ordered to activate multiple shields including space distortion shields regardless of energy consumption. According to the power of weapons in the known database, it is impossible to break through so many shields at the same time.

Then the whole army jumped towards the capital star, this time it surrounded the capital star of the Celer people.Not only launched an intensive dimensional missile attack, destroying all suspicious planetary defense system facilities and energy shield facilities, but also launched a large number of red energy bombs to pour on the surface of the planet.

Because it is unclear which defensive weapon of the Sailors is a lethal weapon, it is obvious that the No. [-] intelligence is planning to use this method to destroy all buildings and energy facilities on the surface of the planet, so powerful weapons are also impossible. Then play a role.

"Didi, the second wave of enemy warships has appeared and surrounded the planet!"

"According to the previous instruction, the defense system will automatically launch an attack, and the dark matter cannon will be fired at the maximum amount immediately!"

The intellectual brain suddenly issued an alarm, and then made an automatic response.

The warships from the second wave of space jumping from the Fengshen Empire fell into a bizarre state of fragmentation one by one shortly after launching the dimension missiles and red energy bombs.

This second wave of battleships, even though the No. [-] intelligence made the battleships ignore energy consumption and opened multiple shields, they still failed to resist this weird attack.

The powerful multiple shields of No. [-] Intelligence's Xinzhishen also couldn't resist, but it lasted a little longer for about ten seconds. During these ten seconds, No. [-] Intelligence threw another antimatter with a huge charge. Bomb, this is a super lethal weapon only available on the New Fengshen class.

One is enough to destroy a planet!
However, the dimensional missile loaded with a huge amount of anti-matter warhead failed to be successfully launched to the star Seiler.

When it was teleporting in dimensions, it fell out of a high-dimensional state due to the fragmentation of space, thus triggering the fuze and exploding before fragmentation.

In the shattered space, the explosion of antimatter seemed to stir up a shock, but nothing seemed to happen.

For the Fengshen Empire fleet, a total of 20 Lieutenant-class warships and a new Fengshen-class warship were wiped out in two waves, including the No. [-] intelligence.

Zhuang Yun had received real-time information from the battlefield before. When the first wave of 5 warships was lost, Zhuang Yun felt something was wrong, but the situation on the battlefield changed so quickly, and the No. [-] intelligence responded so quickly.

Almost before Zhuang Yun had figured out how to deal with the new situation, Smart No. [-] had already led the remaining battleships to launch a second wave of attacks according to the corresponding pattern.

Then, it was attacked by the enemy again. Obviously, the speed of this attack should be extremely fast, almost instantly causing the entire fleet to collapse into pieces.

What kind of weapon is this?It can actually cause more than 2000 warships scattered in the outer space of the planet for about [-] million kilometers to instantly disintegrate into pieces.

When this picture appeared in front of Zhuang Yun and Zhang Wenhao, they were completely stunned.This weapon is too terrifying, beyond the imagination of the two people before.

It is neither the annihilation of quantum ripples, nor the explosion of energy weapons, it looks like the splitting of space weapons, but it is silent.

You must know that there are gases and various pipelines that are prone to deflagration in the battleship. If they are cut apart by space weapons, there should be an explosion.

However, all the battleships just shattered into pieces, and the wreckage flew in all directions, as if they were frozen and then shattered.

Just when Zhuang Yun and Zhang Wenhao were lamenting the complete failure of this battle, amazing changes were taking place in the Seiler galaxy.

In the underground command room on Seiler, the people were all in extreme panic before they got over the cheers. Hammer stared at the battlefield observation screen and murmured: "Oh my God! We really tore apart Starry sky!"

King Snow sat slumped on a chair, his gaze a little dull.

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(End of this chapter)

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