live on the computer

Chapter 318 Disaster Begins

Chapter 318 Disaster Begins
When Solfis, the great wise man of the Celer people, was taken to a separate cabin in the New Ares, the shady scene was attacking the Celer star.

This picture was directly projected in front of Solfis, and when he was a little surprised, a voice sounded in the room.

"Your Excellency Solfis, the picture in front of you is the new weapon used by you Celer people. After destroying your own Celer capital star, it is destroying the stars of the Celer galaxy.

Can you tell us what weapon you Cyle people have researched? "

After hearing the fluent Sailor's words, Solphis was completely dumbfounded.

What?Sailor's capital star was destroyed?Is this a picture of Seiler's star being destroyed?
"Impossible! How could Planet Seiler be destroyed? It was you, you who used demonic weapons to destroy Planet Seiler!"

Solfius shouted, the usual calmness and wisdom were completely gone, replaced by a hysterical roar and a ferocious face.

"Then look at the images of the destruction of Celer Star and see who used the demonic weapon."

Another projection appeared in front of Solfis, and the picture was played from the time when the battleship of the Fengshen Empire was destroyed. When he saw the destruction and disappearance of Celer Star, Solfis burst into tears.

"Now that you understand, can you talk about your new weapons?"

Solphis remained silent, obviously not wanting to answer this question.

"You have also seen that this serious consequence is still continuing. If you don't say it, we will not be able to study this situation. Then do you hope that the Sailors in other galaxies will also enter the same fate in the Sailor galaxy?"

Solfius was stunned suddenly, and said in a hoarse voice: "Are you threatening me?"

"I don't need to threaten you. In fact, we have the technology to obtain the secrets hidden in your brain, but I hope you can say it yourself."

Solfis almost immediately thought of the brain experiments that the Sailors had done on other intelligent races. Could it be that the Fengshen Empire also conducted such experiments?And more advanced than our technology, can learn the secrets of the brain?
"I'll give you 3 minutes. If you still refuse, then I have no choice but to take our solution. After all, the destruction of the Seiler galaxy is still going on, and there is not enough time."

Sophie shuddered uncontrollably, and said, "Okay, let me tell you.

I just listened to our big scientist briefly talk about the principle of this weapon. As for how to make it, it is up to you to study it yourself.

This is to use negative matter and antimatter to react to obtain dark matter, and then launch the dark matter into the starry sky, causing the starry sky to tear, thus destroying the warships and other materials in the tearing starry sky area.

By the way, the cannon that fires dark matter is also modified from the negative matter cannon.In other cases, I don't know.Please, if this disaster continues, can you save my people? "

"Do you know why the Fengshen Empire launched an attack on your Celer civilization?"

"Why? This is what we've always wanted to know." Sophie asked eagerly.

"Because you have lost the most basic attributes of being a highly civilized intelligent race, you regard other intelligent races as animals, and wantonly conduct brutal and inhumane living experiments. This kind of beastly behavior is absolutely intolerable to the Fengshen Empire.

For the peace and tranquility of the Milky Way, our Fengshen Empire must destroy you! "

"No, no, you can't wipe out us Sailors. It's only us upper-class people who conduct living experiments on intelligent races. You can punish our upper-class people, but please let the hundreds of billions of Sailor civilians go.

They didn't know that there was such a thing, and the living experiments of intelligent races were top secrets within the Seiler civilization. "Solphis hurriedly distinguished.

"Oh, is that so? Then you slaughtered nearly [-] billion people in the Westminster civilization, leaving only a few million as an experimental group. How can you explain your animal nature?"

"This..." Sophie was at a loss for words.It can't be said, because the Westminster civilization is about to step into the fifth level civilization. If so many people remain, they will easily develop and rebel for revenge. Wouldn't it be another battle then?
If so, what if the Fengshen Empire also dealt with the Sailors?
"As a higher civilization, even invaders shouldn't carry out bloody genocidal massacres against intelligent races, right?"

Listening to the words of this voice, Solfis thought for a while. It seems that the Fengshen Empire may not exterminate the Celer people. Then simply talk about the Celer civilization becoming the subordinate civilization of the other side, and see if there is such a possibility. .

"Your Excellency, in fact, in the interstellar civilization, if two civilizations with obvious differences in civilization levels meet, the weaker one will become the subordinate civilization of the stronger one.

If there are two civilizations with equal levels of civilization and strength, then it is possible to have some kind of evenly matched peace.

Today, Seiler civilization is far weaker than your country, and it is not your country's opponent at all. We are willing to be your country's subsidiary civilization.Where there is a need for us Sailors to work, we will do our best. "

"Your calculations are very precise, but it is not so easy to be a subsidiary civilization of the Fengshen Empire. Without enough contributions, it is impossible to become a subsidiary civilization of the empire.

Well, now we need to study, how to clean up the mess you made, you can rest first. "

The voice then fell silent. Solfis waited for a long time, but no new words came out. At this time, the two projections had disappeared, and the cabin was very quiet.

Now that he is being imprisoned, it can be seen from the words of this voice before that as the upper class, he will definitely not be able to escape and will be punished by the Fengshen Empire.

Thinking of this, Solphis recalled the scene when he saw the destruction of Celer Star and Celer Star just now, and felt a burst of heartache in his heart.

Obviously, this dark matter weapon, which was used on a large scale without careful calculation and experimentation, led to such a terrible disaster, and it is too late to regret it now.

I just don’t know how this disaster will spread. Solphis has limited knowledge about this aspect of science and technology. There are five galaxies within 10 light-years of the Seiler galaxy, and there are only two secondary galaxies. , the combined population will exceed that of the Seiler capital galaxy.

If this disaster continues to spread, these people don't know if there will be time to evacuate, and whether the Fengshen Empire is willing to rescue the Sailors.

Sophie fell asleep in a daze after thinking about it.

He had a very long dream. In the dream, he seemed to see himself growing up little by little, defeating all kinds of opponents and enemies, and finally becoming a great wise man of the kingdom, participating in many secret military and state affairs of the kingdom, and promoting the kingdom step by step from level two Civilization is promoted to level [-] civilization.

After hundreds of years of scientific and technological development, especially after the development of brain technology, the life span of the Sailor people has reached 3000 years.

This dream of Solfis was simply a reinterpretation of most of his life and most of his experiences, but when he woke up, he didn't feel very tired, and even the memory of this dream was incomplete .

He didn't know that all the secrets he buried in his memory, no matter whether it was private or the kingdom's, had become a part of the Fengshen Empire's database in every detail.

After a quick look at the interpretation of Solfis' dream, Li Chunfeng listened to Hammer's simple explanation about the dark matter cannon as if he was there in person.

It was really consistent with what I thought, and it seemed that we should start from the theory in this area to see whether this disaster has just begun or is about to end.

At this moment, several academicians of the Academy of Sciences have been summoned by Li Chunfeng to the meeting room of the capital after watching the corresponding video materials.

"Prince, after discussion and analysis by several of us, it is preliminarily confirmed that this may be the dark matter that Dr. Watson has studied for a long time, and it caused some kind of local expansion of the universe."

This time, except for three big scientists in computer science and two big scientists in biology who did not participate, the other six big scientists in physics, astronomy, mathematics, etc. all arrived.

Zhong Han, the leader, took the lead in reporting the conclusions of everyone's preliminary discussion to Li Chunfeng.

"Well, tell me, Watson, how did it happen?" Li Chunfeng said.

"I studied the black hole in the Triangulum galaxy at the beginning, and later I took the opportunity to observe it at a long distance many times, and initially concluded some theories.

Firstly, dark matter is one of the basic substances, and secondly, dark matter is the carrier matter of some kind of energy conversion.Dark matter has no strong or weak force, electromagnetic force, but only gravitational force, so photons can pass through it without producing electromagnetic effects, and only the gravitational lens can observe it.

In this way, dark matter seems to be incomplete matter, but I think that once it is combined with dark energy, dark matter has an important role, that is, filling the space of the universe.

Our universe is made up of 5% observable matter, 20% dark matter, and 75% dark energy.

We also basically believe that the universe originated from the Big Bang, and continued to expand and develop from an existence similar to a singularity. After 138.2 billion years of development, the expansion became what it is today.

But it is still expanding, but this expansion is under the large scale of the universe, and it cannot be felt at the level of our human beings.

But dark matter can make this expansion manifest locally.Normally, dark energy is the bulk of the expansion of the universe, so it also accounts for the vast majority of the universe.

There is a certain balance between it and dark matter. After observation and calculation, I have found that about one part of dark matter can be combined with four parts of dark energy to form a stable filling of the universe.

It is precisely because of the existence of a large number of cosmic fillers that the entire universe can be stabilized and expanded. As for where the dark energy needed for the overall expansion of the universe comes from, it is still unclear, but it must have been obtained from the moment of the big bang in the early days.

But after my deduction, in the local starry sky, if the dark matter exceeds the dark energy, it will cause some energy in the universe to be converted into dark energy.

I have just deduced this mysterious cosmic energy through dark matter, but I have not had time to make further observations to discover it. In addition, how the newly added dark energy triggers the expansion of the local universe, and the calculation formula for the size of the expansion area has not yet been deduced.

Of course, in the process of local expansion of the universe, if there is matter in the original space, it will be destroyed by dark energy, and the mass of the destroyed matter may be transformed into that mysterious energy.

Therefore, this dark matter is an important medium for the transformation of mysterious energy into dark energy.If you want to know where this catastrophe ended, you have to calculate how much dark matter the Sailors released.

According to the ratio of 1:4, the dark energy that it can convert is calculated, and then it is possible to calculate how much this part of the new dark energy will cause the expansion of the universe, that is, how large the scope of influence will be. "

Li Chunfeng nodded and said: "The general direction of your theory is correct, now it is how to calculate the scope of influence.

Let me provide a reference data. Scientist Hammer of the National People's University of Seiler once said that according to their test, 1 gram of dark matter caused the fragmentation of the starry sky within a sphere of 700 kilometers, that is, it affected the starry sky of 700 kilometers. "

 Today's first update.These two days are free, thank you book friends for your rewards!Everyone remember to vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets.It's the end of the month, and the monthly pass should be cleared.

(End of this chapter)

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