live on the computer

Chapter 319 Mutation

Chapter 319 Mutation
"Head of State, I don't know if their calculations are accurate?" Dr. Watson asked.

"That's unknown, maybe we can test out an accurate data by ourselves." Li Chunfeng said calmly.

"Führer, are you saying that we can also create dark matter, and then conduct this dangerous experiment?" Watson asked with some surprise.

"Well, dark matter and dark energy account for 95% of the universe. If we can't study their properties and uses clearly, how can we conquer this vast universe?
If research is not carried out just because it is dangerous, it will be impossible for human beings to carry out nuclear tests, and it is impossible to manufacture nuclear weapons, let alone use nuclear energy.

Of course, we will control it within a very small range, and the amount of dark matter can also be precisely controlled, so we only need to test the results. "

There is a certain light in Li Chunfeng's eyes. For him, dark matter and dark energy must be mastered, because it involves the energy of the conscious body.

The creation of a higher civilization contributed by the Westminster civilization before, after preliminary research by Li Chunfeng, is not only related to the energy of the conscious body, but also related to the dark matter or dark energy in the universe. .

Therefore, Li Chunfeng handed over the battle to Zhuang Yun and Zhang Wenhao, while he devoted himself to the research on the function of the mysterious creation.

Just now, he had some eyebrows, and unexpectedly encountered a big event caused by the Sailors, but this big event seemed to have a lot to do with the mysterious creation he studied.

"I think it is really necessary to further study dark matter and dark energy. We can't dare to study them just because the Sailors' reckless application destroyed our own capital galaxy.

You know, if we don't study it clearly, how can we determine where the disaster caused by the Sailors will end?This may involve the lives of nearly [-] billion Sailors. "Professor Justin said.

"That's right, I also agree with research. The head of state is right. In the earth age, he dared to carry out nuclear tests and research, and created a huge nuclear arsenal. They said they could destroy the earth, but in the end the earth was not destroyed by nuclear weapons.

Therefore, although dark matter and dark energy may cause local expansion of the universe and destroy the corresponding galaxies, as long as we control them properly, we can still study them clearly. "Qian Minhua, a leading scientist in the field of negative matter, also agreed.

For a while, everyone also expressed their agreement. Just kidding, being able to reveal the truth about 95% of the most mysterious matter in the universe is the supreme glory of scientists.

Dr. Watson blushed a little, and said: "I didn't say not to conduct experiments and conduct research. I just reminded the head of state that such experiments are more dangerous."

Everyone laughed, and they naturally understood what Dr. Watson meant. Dr. Watson was the most courageous of these people.

He is the closest to the black hole when studying the dark matter of the black hole.

"Okay, it's best if everyone has no objection. In addition, let me talk about another reference data, which was also provided by the Sailors. Their dark matter cannons can emit 2500 grams of dark matter at a time.

There are a total of 360 cannons on the entire Celer planet.According to the battlefield situation at that time, they should have fired at least twice, but it is not clear how many cannons they had participated in the attack at a time, nor did they know how much their cannons fired each time.

It is also unknown how much dark matter remains on Seiler.

Once we can deduce the corresponding formula for the range of dark matter affecting the size of the starry sky, then we can basically measure the impact range of this disaster. "

Li Chunfeng told everyone present what he learned from Solfius for future research.

"Führer, leave this subject to me. I promise to study and deduce this formula in the shortest possible time, and estimate the scope of this disaster." Dr. Watson said.

"Hey, Watson, should I leave this matter to me? Dark matter can only be produced after the reaction between negative matter and antimatter. Otherwise, although there is a lot of dark matter in the universe, I'm afraid you won't be able to collect it." Qian Minhua said hastily.

Seeing that several scientists were eager to try it, Li Chunfeng said quickly: "Don't argue, this subject is now the highest priority, I think all of you should participate, and I will also participate.

Time waits for no one. We will work together to find out the law as soon as possible and evaluate the scope of influence.You must know that this disaster is spreading at the speed of light. "

As a result, a group of the highest standard for dark matter and dark energy research was established, led by Li Chunfeng himself, with the participation of six great scientists, mobilizing hundreds of thousands of relevant scientists to share the corresponding sub-tasks.

This lineup exceeds the research team of the Seilers.At the beginning, there were three great scientists in the Seiler people who led [-] to [-] researchers to research dark matter by accident.

Later, it was applied in a hurry, and a lot of auxiliary research and calculation work was not done, which led to such a big disaster.

Now the Fengshen Empire will certainly not make their mistakes, but must complete this experiment carefully and rigorously, and verify the corresponding formula, in order to estimate the scope of the local expansion of the universe.

After Li Chunfeng arranged the corresponding matters, he returned to the laboratory of his head of state, where an experiment was still going on.

The creations of advanced civilizations offered by the Westminster civilization are not big ones, but just a small cuboid box.

The crux of the problem is that the whole box is extremely smooth, and the four sides seem to be neatly cut from some metal.

Yes, this is a small cuboid box with silver metallic luster.It is 28 cm long, 21 cm wide and 7 cm high.

Such a box gives people the feeling that there should be a document or something in it. After all, the height of 7 cm is really limited.

However, what really surprised Li Chunfeng was that no matter what methods were used, the box could not be opened or destroyed.

Not to mention that the Westminster civilization is close to the level of science and technology of the fifth-level civilization, and it has not been opened after many years.It's just that the Fengshen Empire is considered to be close to the technological level of a sixth-level civilization, and it can't find a way to open it.

The most important thing is that Li Chunfeng's mind field scan, which has always been invincible, is actually invalid!
This is the first object that cannot be scanned since Li Chunfeng had the mind field!

When the thought field touches the cuboid, it seems to be repelled by some invisible energy, and no thought particle can penetrate the material of the cuboid.

What kind of metallic substance is this?After a preliminary measurement, it was found that it seemed to be chromium, but it was different from ordinary chromium alloy materials, because it could not be scanned with thought particles, and ordinary detection methods could not be carried out.

In this regard, Li Chunfeng originally wanted to use space distortion to try to open the cuboid, but he was worried about destroying the cuboid.

Just after the last time the mind field was wrapped and could not be detected and scanned, when Li Chunfeng retracted the mind particles directly into the consciousness body, a new change occurred. Particles have entered into the consciousness body.

This invisible energy is very insignificant compared to the conscious body, but after the conscious body swallows it instantly, it feels as if it has swallowed the remaining energy of 30 billion virtual worlds.

This shocked Li Chunfeng. In the past 50 years, with the increase of population, the residual energy of consciousness provided by the virtual world reached 30 billion every day.

But just now this invisible energy actually provided the remaining energy of consciousness equivalent to one day, what an astonishing statistic this is.

For Li Chunfeng, what can add energy to the conscious body is not only the residual conscious body energy generated by the conscious activities of intelligent creatures, but also the high-energy ray particles emitted by stars and supernovae, and of course the sub-consciousness of conscious life.

After 50 years of research on the consciousness body, Li Chunfeng can basically confirm that the consciousness body is an existence similar to energy, but it is not completely composed of energy, but is composed of thought particles combined with energy.

Thought particle is a special kind of tachyon, which has all the characteristics of tachyon, but has its own attribute characteristics of combining energy.

After Li Chunfeng's conscious body devoured the invisible energy, he found that this energy seemed to have no attributes, but it had a certain repellency to matter.

This made Li Chunfeng understand why his mind field could not scan the chromium metal box at all, and mind particles could not penetrate into it. It was because this invisible energy would repel the matter of mind particles.

However, why did it merge with this magical chrome metal box instead of repelling the chrome metal box?
Although Li Chunfeng has no research progress, but because of this invisible energy, Li Chunfeng is reluctant to use powerful space weapons to destroy this box.

Li Chunfeng remembered that when Westminster Civilization donated this box, they also donated the materials they had studied this box over the years.In the process of researching the box, the people of Westminster discovered that this box can make people smart.

After getting the box, Li Chunfeng conducted research step by step, and did not conduct research on the fact that the box makes people smarter.

After discovering the characteristics of this invisible energy now, it is obvious that it can enhance one's own consciousness, so it seems that it can also enhance the consciousness of ordinary intelligent creatures. After the consciousness of intelligent creatures is enhanced, they will naturally be smarter.

Li Chunfeng chose Alex and some volunteers to conduct some experiments, and just obtained some experimental data, he was distracted by the catastrophe caused by the dark matter weapons of the Sailors.

Now, after listening to Watson's analysis of dark matter and dark energy, Li Chunfeng feels that his thought particles are actually similar to dark matter. The combination of thought particles and energy forms a consciousness body, and when dark matter combines with dark energy, it becomes the filler of the universe. .

According to the theory of cosmic strings, there are two kinds of cosmic strings, one is a closed string with two ends connected end to end, and the other is a straight string that traverses the universe, then the expanding universe is like a soap bubble, and the cosmic string is the skeleton, in which It is filled with dark matter and dark energy.

It can be said that if there is no dark matter and dark energy, maybe the soap bubble of the universe will burst.

Li Chunfeng feels that the invisible energy emitted by that mysterious creation is very similar to the mysterious energy in the universe. Dark matter acts as a medium to convert this mysterious energy into dark energy.

In other words, the power source of the expansion of the universe is actually this mysterious energy. Without it, there would be no new dark energy, and the universe would no longer expand.

Hey, what's the problem with the universe not expanding anymore?
Does it mean that the universe has no vitality?But why should the universe have vitality?What is the nature of the universe?

For a while Li Chunfeng fell into some kind of philosophical thinking.

"Master, it's an emergency! Zhuang Yun sent a video request!" Smart No. [-] suddenly interrupted Li Chunfeng's thinking.

"Well, come here." Li Chunfeng reacted and said.

Soon, a figure projected in front of Li Chunfeng.

"Hello, Head of State. The disaster in the Seiler galaxy has changed, and the speed of propagation seems to exceed the speed of light. Now one-third of its surrounding 3 light-year range has been destroyed!"

"What?! So fast?" Li Chunfeng was stunned. This speed far exceeded the previously estimated speed of light.

This means that the conversion of dark matter and dark energy that everyone speculated before is all wrong, and the local expansion of the universe has changed, or this is not the local expansion of the universe that Li Chunfeng and his colleagues think.

"Yes, before the Seiler galaxy was destroyed, the spread speed measured by our detection system was indeed the speed of light, but for some reason, the speed increased instantly after passing the Kuiper belt!" Zhuang Yun further explained.

Li Chunfeng suddenly thought of a possibility.

 The second update today.Thank you for your book friends!Continue to ask for recommendation tickets and monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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