live on the computer

Chapter 330 Ocean of Light

Chapter 330 Ocean of Light
Inside the Orion Nebula, a fleet suddenly appeared in a void.

"My God! simply an ocean of light!" Luo Yu exclaimed exaggeratedly.

The entire fleet is bathed in the light of stars, no, it should be wandering in the ocean of countless stars.

This fleet has 501 warships and 2 large transport ships, and the flagship is obviously much larger than the other warships.

"Luo Yu, you are the commander of Squadron 776. Why do you always make such a fuss? This place is near the center of the nebula, and there are too many stars shining around it. Isn't it just an ocean of light?" Du Yaoqiu said with a frown.

"Hey, it's just the two of us, you're just too serious." Luo Yu smiled.

"If you are always so immature, I'm afraid that if you want to upgrade the fleet commander next time, you will still fail the first test of the brain." Du Yaoqiu sighed.

"Why did I get in touch with this again? I was a little excited last time, and gave an unconventional answer to the question raised by the brain. Whoever knew it would have deducted points. This level of brain review is too dogmatic. "Luo Yu said with some embarrassment.

Originally, the 776 Squadron of the two had achieved good feats in the war against Sailor civilization, and had the opportunity to upgrade the fleet commander. However, due to Luo Yu's escaped personality, they failed to pass the level of the intellectual brain review. pass.

Because the two declared to retain their partnership and upgrade simultaneously, Du Yaoqiu was dragged down and failed to advance.

Therefore, Luo Yu felt very guilty facing Du Yaoqiu.

Du Yaoqiu said calmly: "Luo Yu, the fleet commander has to command more than 1 warships, although the empire's intelligent brain unmanned warships are more extensive.

However, nowadays, clone captains have been popularized in battleships, and a team of experts has also been deployed at the fleet level, which means that fleet commanders and staff officers shoulder more and more lives.

If you are not prudent enough and act only on impulse, then you will definitely not be able to rise to the rank of fleet commander.

I think you can do things as long as you have a little control, why do you have to challenge the rules? "

"Okay, I'll listen to you. But, can't you even joke? I'll feel too bored." Seeing that Du Yaoqiu said it carefully, Luo Yu replied.

"You can joke, of course, but you have to distinguish the occasion. In short, when you talk, you should think a little bit, and there will be no problem." Du Yaoqiu didn't want to say too much, after all, Luo Yu is not a child, and he is just a friend.

"Your Excellency, Commander, researcher Deng Cong of the temporary expert group has something to ask for you, and he is already outside the command room." Zhinao suddenly issued a notification tone.

Luo Yu stood up and said, "Open the door, let him in."

The door of the command room opened automatically, and a handsome man walked in. Luo Yu stretched out his hand and said with a smile, "Expert Deng, hello! What do you want from us?"

Deng Cong and Luo Yu shook hands, and said: "The fleet has now reached near the center of the nebula, and the situation here is indeed similar to what we observed.

Therefore, we are about to start the corresponding experiments, and I would like to trouble you for your cooperation. "

Luo Yu nodded and said: "No problem, the task of our 776 Squadron is to cooperate with you, so if you have any requirements, just say it, and we will guarantee it."

Deng Cong looked at Luo Yu playfully, and said, "You can fulfill any requirements?"

"Expert Deng, we don't dare to guarantee this. We will do our best within our capabilities." Du Yaoqiu quickly took over the conversation.

Deng Cong didn't embarrass the two of them, so he explained the requirements of the experiment and what the fleet needs to do.

Luo Yu and Du Yaoqiu didn't dare to be negligent, this time the 776 squadron came to serve Deng Cong's temporary expert group.

This is an important experiment of the Imperial Academy of Materials Sciences, and if all goes well, it may mean the birth of a brand new material.

Although the fleet had been prepared for a long time, many optical observation equipment were destroyed when they just passed through the space gate and came here.

This is because there are many stars here, and the visible light radiation is too strong, which leads to the failure of optical observation equipment.

At this time, other observation methods have been used. In the flagship command room, multiple observation methods synthesized images and projected them in front of several people.

Deng Cong pointed to several huge light spots in the image, and said: "These are the largest stars in the nebula. Their brightness is close to or even exceeds the Eddington luminosity. This is because they are not naturally evolved stars. .

The Eddington luminosity is the maximum luminosity that an accreting object can achieve.Optical radiation always has an outward light pressure effect on matter. If the light emitted by an object is too strong, exceeding the limit of a certain material, the optical radiation will take away the electrons that make up the material molecules, leaving positive If the charge continues, the substance will be charged with a large number of positive charges, forming a strong electric field from the center to the outside. This electric field is strengthened to a certain extent, and the positive charges also fly away from the object under the action of the electric field.In this way, the substance decomposes under the intense light radiation.

Before 2010 in the Earth era, the largest star observed by scientists had a mass as large as 150 suns. This record has not been broken, so it is believed that stars exceeding this weight will not be formed during the evolution of stars.

Because if the star wants to naturally evolve to be heavier, it will collapse rapidly under its gravitational force, and the gravitational energy will be converted into thermal energy, causing the temperature inside the star to rise sharply to more than 10 billion degrees Celsius, which will trigger a violent nuclear reaction and release The huge energy directly disintegrated the star itself.

But in 2010, scientists discovered that there is a star giant R300a136 that may be larger than 1 solar masses in the Large Magellanic Cloud!
The R136a1 star obviously did not evolve naturally, but came from the merger of multiple stars.Although the Orion Nebula is not as good as the Large Magellanic Cloud, where R136a1 was born, it is also the birthplace of stars.

In fact, these brightest stars are all merged by multiple stars, so although the size is not as amazing as R136a1, it is not small.

Our experiment this time is divided into two steps. The first step is to collect the corresponding substances. If the substances collected in the first step prove our conjecture, then we will conduct the second step of observation. "

Although Luo Yu understood Deng Cong's astronomical knowledge, he didn't know what the experiments to be done by the School of Materials Science had to do with these astronomical knowledge.

Then he asked, "What is the relationship between our experiment and these stars you mentioned?"

Deng Cong smiled, pointed to the largest bright star and said: "The predecessor of this star may be two stars, they revolve around each other, because they are located in a star cluster with relatively dense stars, they are easily affected by the surrounding stars, resulting in The orbits of the two stars around each other become more and more flattened, becoming a slender elliptical orbit, so the distance between the two stars fluctuates, and finally the two stars collide when they are closest to each other, merging into a a huge star.

During the fusion process of stars, certain substances will be born in this special environment, and this is the new material substance we are looking for. "

Only then did Luo Yu understand that emotion is inspired by the synthesis of substances from cosmic phenomena, and then finds a way to simulate the synthesis process and research the production process, thereby realizing the production of new substances.

But this difficulty is not small, just like scientists are watching the nuclear fusion happening in the sun every day, but human beings have not been able to realize the controllable nuclear fusion reaction for many years.

Immediately, together with Du Yaoqiu, they mobilized the warships in the squadron to form a formation, and began to release the collection equipment prepared by Deng Cong and the others.

These devices have their own power, like a small network. After so many devices are slowly put together, a giant network is formed. All devices are controlled by the brain, so as to ensure coordination and ensure the precise connection between the small networks. There are almost no gaps.

Under the propulsion of power, they will slowly approach a safe distance from the brightest star, and collect the matter thrown out by this bright star.

The whole process was not as smooth as imagined, because the intense stellar activity and the occasional stellar wind would blow the giant net into chaos.

Moreover, in the nebula, all kinds of X-rays and ultraviolet rays are extremely strong. If it weren't for the protection of the battleship's powerful shield, the humans in the battleship would have died long ago.

After two months of collection, the first phase was completed, in one of the transport ships, where there was a series of analytical equipment.

After two months of collection, more than 1000 tons of stellar matter were obtained. The expert team led by Deng Cong mobilized the equipment in the transport ship to conduct a comprehensive analysis of more than 1000 tons of matter.

One day after another month, Deng Cong came to the command room of the flagship again, and excitedly said to Luo Yu and Du Yaoqiu: "We succeeded! Our speculation is correct. Super nanometers can indeed be born in the process of star fusion." polymer.

This super nano-polymer is not any element, there is no nucleus composed of protons and neutrons, and there are no electrons orbiting the nucleus.

It purely refers to the direct polymerization at the particle level below the nanoscale. This magical structure allows such materials to have incredible material properties.

It even goes far beyond hydrogen degenerate polymer materials. With this material, our Fengshen Empire will be able to build the most powerful warships. "

"Really? Great, so are we going to go to the next step?" Luo Yu asked.

"Of course, we immediately launched all the observation equipment in the second transport ship, striving to observe how this substance is produced in the stars.

The environment here is too harsh. Although the fleet has shields, it won't work if it stays for a long time. " Deng Cong said hastily.

If the research I lead this time, if I really realize that kind of super nano-polymer, I might rely on this research result and become a great scientist in one fell swoop.

The fleet quickly released all the observation equipment carried by the second transport ship. These equipment are already special observation equipment made of the best materials in the Fengshen Empire.

They will be released to a very close distance from the largest bright star, observing and recording all aspects of the activities of this huge star, and becoming the data of the production process of this super nanopolymer.

With these observation data, when we return to the laboratory, we can complete the replication process through research, so as to study the real material production process, and finally reach the level of mass production.

Of course, this is certainly not a short process, and Deng Cong never thought it would be accomplished overnight, at least his guess is correct, so as long as he moves forward on the right path, he will reach the end sooner or later.

Two months later, the fleet completed the collection of observation data and set off for the return voyage.

In the void, the small fleet that had been active here for five months suddenly disappeared.When it reappeared, it was already in the S79 galaxy.

"Hey, is the entire fleet of the empire dispatched? The galaxy is so empty!" Luo Yu looked at the projection of the observation equipment. After the fleet passed through the space gate, the busy scene when it set off was gone.

"Squadron 776, please temporarily stop at the port for rest. The main fleet of the Empire has already gone to the S188 galaxy. After finishing the rest, please go to the S188 galaxy."

The prompt from the intelligent brain suddenly sounded, apparently this was an instruction from the general staff conveyed by the intelligent brain of the mobile spaceport of the S79 galaxy.

Unexpectedly, after five months of going out, the main fleet of the empire has already embarked on an interstellar voyage.

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(End of this chapter)

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