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Chapter 331 Farewell, Fengshen Star

Chapter 331 Farewell, Fengshen Star
Back in time to four months ago, the S79 galaxy.

One month after Luo Yu's 776th Squadron set off.

On November 62, 11 in the Imperial Calendar, the local cosmic expansion disaster exceeded Li Chunfeng's calculations, and ruthlessly spread to Fengshen Star.

Throughout the entire Fengshen Empire, everyone looked sad and looked at the various projections on the battleships, spaceships, and S79 planets.

In the picture, the terrifying local expansion of the universe, after entering the Fengshen galaxy, spread towards the Fengshen star at the speed of light.

Along the way, planets were completely destroyed after being covered by the shady curtain. When the shady curtain gradually covered the Fengshen star, people couldn't help but shed tears.

Fengshen star is a new home that people have found outside the earth, and it has been completely destroyed now. This is the home of the citizens of the empire for 50 years.

In the new life-class spaceship, because the entire empire has moved into the battleship spaceship and is about to sail away, the excited people are also silent at this time.

"Mom, why does the sky eat our stars?" A boy who looked only four or five years old suddenly asked.

"That was a disaster in the universe, and our stars were just affected." A woman said softly with tears on her face.

"Mom, don't cry! When I grow up, I will pick a star for you." The boy comforted his mother.

"We don't have a home anymore!" A man who looked young on the surface, but with vicissitudes in his eyes, said with a long sigh.

A man next to him stared at the disaster picture on the projection, and said calmly but forcefully: "We will have a better home!"

"Yes! The universe is so big, we must have a better home!" Another woman agreed.


A high proportion of the citizens of the Fengshen Empire are scientific workers. As an advanced interstellar civilization, even if they are not scientific workers, they will master some basic astronomical knowledge through learning machines.

For this astonishing catastrophe, from the initial ignorance of the cause, to knowing that it was caused by the Sailors, but because it is far away from the mainland, I don't feel anything special.

However, he was suddenly notified by the empire that this disaster would affect his homeland, and that feeling suddenly became bad.

Now, seeing this terrifying cosmic-level disaster really destroying the home planet, everyone feels very heartbroken.

At this time, whether in the real world or in the virtual world, an announcement from the empire was officially issued.

"Citizens, in view of the fact that the current disaster of local cosmic expansion is not over, for the sake of safety, the Imperial Grand Fleet has decided to set off for the S188 galaxy in an hour.

Please stay on the planet S79, or people in other life-class spaceships, please hurry back to the spaceship where your residence or household registration is located. "

As soon as this announcement came out, the people of the empire knew that a new voyage was really about to start.

People on the planet S79, hurry up to pack up their belongings, catch the nearest transportation boat, and return to their life-class spaceship.

Individuals with private spaceships rushed into the sky and flew towards some special transport ships.

Most of the private spaceships can travel faster than the speed of light and jump in space, and they can't keep up with the large fleet. Under normal circumstances, there will be special transport ships responsible for loading and transporting these spaceships.

Of course, a private spaceship is a privileged means of transportation only for high-level citizens, and it doesn't mean that you can buy it if you have money.

Therefore, the number is not very large, and dozens of special transport ships can be fully loaded.

As for the S79 galaxy, it will be under the control of the all-intelligent brain, and no left-behind personnel will be left behind, just in case the disaster of local expansion of the universe spreads further here, harming the lives of the left-behind personnel.

Earth Battlestar, Chang'an City, Head of State Palace, in Li Chunfeng's dedicated laboratory.

"Ah Chun, I didn't expect that after only 50 years of stability, we will be running around in the universe again." Wu Yumeng leaned on Li Chunfeng's shoulder, looked at the Fengshen galaxy that was being destroyed in the projection in front of him, and said with emotion.

"Yes, but this time we can look for it with peace of mind. We don't have to worry about any powerful enemies chasing us. We will soon find a new home star." Li Chunfeng comforted.

"Is there really no need to worry about that Kunpeng battleship?" Wu Yumeng asked.

"With our current strength, there should be no need to worry. If it reappears, it will be a decisive battle between us and it!
With its attitude towards intelligent life, we must eliminate it! "Li Chunfeng said firmly.

"The two battle stars of the Yate Civilization were unable to defeat it last time. Although we have one battle star now, can we defeat it?" Wu Yumeng was still a little worried.

"Yes, it is indeed very powerful, but we are also very strong. The most important point is that we have a large number of warships. Although its shield is very powerful, don't forget that we have the ultimate annihilation and the dimension teleportation attack. Should be able to bypass its shield.

As for its powerful space weapon, maybe the dimensional shield can't stop it, but we have two superimposed space shields, so it is difficult for its space weapon to hurt us.

The most important point is that our technology is still advancing. Maybe when it reappears, we will have new and more powerful weapons.

For example, weapons similar to local space expansion, I think the Kunpeng battleship may not be able to escape. "Li Chunfeng explained further, finally Wu Yumeng gradually felt at ease.

"The biological virus attack of the Sailors this time really almost hurt Chengyu and Yuan'er. When I saw the tragic situation on the S113 planet, my heart was in my throat." Wu Yumeng was a little scared. Said.

Li Chunfeng nodded, and said: "That virus is indeed very powerful. Phoenix conducted preliminary research in the early stage and found some characteristics. I also participated in the research. I feel that the consequences of this virus are different from the death ray used by the Kunpeng battleship. The consequences are somewhat similar.

On the entire planet, apart from plants, no other animals can survive, and no intelligent creatures can survive.

Moreover, its characteristic of binding water molecules is also very targeted, that is to say, it only binds the water in the body of intelligent organisms and animals, even if it is placed in water, it does not perform any binding. "

Wu Yumeng was very surprised when she heard this, and asked, "Could it be that this virus was also specially created by a higher civilization to deal with intelligent life?"

Li Chunfeng shook his head and said, "I don't know yet. Now that the Imperial fleet is about to depart, research and experiments in this area can only be suspended. After all, this virus cannot be studied in a spaceship."

"That's true. However, it takes a long time to go to the S188 galaxy. Will you continue to move forward when you get there?" Wu Yumeng asked.

The S188 galaxy was recently discovered, and it is 79 light-years away from the S2000 galaxy. Because of the long distance, the large number of warships in the Imperial Grand Fleet, and the massive objects like the Earth Battlestar, it is really exhausting to continuously transmit space gates. Can't afford that energy.

Therefore, the itinerary planned by the General Staff is to use the short-distance space gate method combined with the superluminal flight mode, and after several artificial intelligence calculations, complete this 2000 light-year voyage in the most economical combination. It takes 3 years.

The empire's space gate transmissions of more than 1000 light-years are now applicable to squadrons and fleets most of the time. Even if the large fleet conducts such long-distance space gate transmissions, the energy consumed by it is a bit unbearable for the empire.

Therefore, the ultra-long-distance navigation methods above the large fleet are generally a combination of short-distance space gates, a part of space transition, and super-light speed navigation.

Needless to say, faster-than-light sailing is currently the most energy-efficient way of sailing, and the imperial fleet usually adopts this way when sailing on a regular basis.

Li Chunfeng heard that Wu Yumeng paid attention to the whereabouts of the main imperial fleet after arriving in the S188 galaxy, and said: "The location of the S188 galaxy is on the edge of the spiral arm, separated by the vast dark void, opposite the Perseus spiral arm.

After arriving there, we will stay for a while to see if our exploration ship has found a new planet of life. If so, we will continue to rush to the new planet of life. If there is still no planet, then we will temporarily stay in S188 time. "

As Li Chunfeng spoke, he projected it, marking the S188 galaxy and the itinerary planned by the General Staff, so that Wu Yumeng could see it more clearly.

Wu Yumeng looked at the simulated starry sky, felt a little disappointed, and said, "Before we know it, we are getting farther and farther away from the solar system. I don't know when we can go back again?"

Li Chunfeng suddenly remembered something, and said: "There are some human secrets in the solar system. We will go back after we have completely deciphered the human genetic code and our technological level has been further improved.

I must find out the advanced civilization that restricts the human beings on the earth, and find out why we humans are designed in this way. "

"Ah Chun, isn't this advanced civilization a formidable opponent?" Wu Yumeng was a little worried.

"Don't be afraid, before we don't have the strength, we will definitely not pursue this truth. In fact, I most want to research a technology that can separate human consciousness from the body. If we can't completely separate it like me, we must be able to Make some sort of transfer.

In this way, humans may be able to obtain a longer life.Judging from the modification of the current gene life limit, the human life limit may not be able to be continuously modified.

With this kind of technology, there is actually another problem to be solved. Perhaps human beings are not afraid of accidental death. For example, soldiers are not afraid of dying in battle, because they can be resurrected with backup at any time.

Maybe a little bit of memory will be lost, just like the No. [-] intelligence who died in battle in the Celerian galaxy, but because of the backup body, it was quickly restored.

However, this may be the best case, and perhaps only partially technically possible. "

Li Chunfeng talked to Wu Yumeng about the research topic he has been most concerned about recently.

"Can this kind of technology really be developed? It sounds amazing." Wu Yumeng was a little puzzled, but also a little hopeful.

"My biggest magic is right in front of you, so it should be possible to research it. There were some obstacles before, but since I got the mysterious creation contributed by the Westminster civilization, I have made a little progress. Therefore, I have been busy with research in this area recently. .”

"Well, I believe you can finish it. The time is almost up, are we going to set off?" Wu Yumeng looked at the projection on the other side, which showed that in the S79 galaxy, all the battleships and spaceships are now ready to go up.

Li Chunfeng nodded, and then let the No. [-] intelligence convey the order, and the main fleet of the empire set off.

Wu Yumeng looked back at the local expansion of the universe, which was about to approach the stars of the Fengshen Galaxy, and said inwardly, "Farewell, Fengshen!"

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(End of this chapter)

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