live on the computer

Chapter 333 Getting ready to fight

Chapter 333 Getting ready to fight

"Old Zheng, you are not here for a while, I have analyzed the situation of this planet, there are too many unreasonable and unexplainable things, I think this planet has a big problem.

At present, I have suspended the landing and exploration of this planet. Now that you are back, I will discuss with you how to deal with this planet. "Su Yi said solemnly.

Zheng Ran looked at Su Yi in surprise, and said, "Okay, old Su, you want to make a big scene quietly? What do you think is on this planet?"

Su Yi shook his head and said: "It's hard to estimate, it can block all the meteorites that hit the planet, which is similar to the function of a protective shield.

It's just strange that the energy detector didn't find any abnormal energy on the planet, so what kind of shield is this?
The most important thing is that the 'Gust 4' flying saucer has landed on this planet before, so it doesn't feel blocked by the protective cover at all. "

Zheng Ran also became serious. This situation shows that there should be an intelligent life on this planet. It did not prevent the landing of "Gust 4", and obviously wanted to continue to hide.

"Old Su, do you think it could be some alien life? Wait a minute, it can't be something like the Kunpeng battleship hiding here?" Zheng Ran suddenly thought of the Kunpeng battleship.

You must know that the Kunpeng battleship was also awakened by the Ninth Fleet of the Shenmu Empire Heyin, and then brought a disaster to the Shenmu Empire.

Su Yi also became vigilant, and said cautiously: "In my opinion, it is best to notify the General Staff in advance, and withdraw all the members of the Galaxy Construction Committee to the S79 galaxy.

Only our 16th Fleet remains here, ready for combat operations. "

Zheng Ran thought for a while and said, "Your idea is good, but we don't know what the other party is, can we live in peace? Or are you going to annihilate the entire planet directly?"

Su Yi hesitated, and said: "If this planet is annihilated directly, the gravitational balance of this galaxy may be broken, so at least it is not suitable for any construction for quite a while.

However, if the entire planet is not directly annihilated, in case the opponent is something like the Kunpeng battleship as you guessed, then if it wakes up, our 16th fleet is probably not an opponent. "

Zheng Ran circled the projection, thinking about how to deal with it.

On the projection, half of our warships have been deployed 3000 million kilometers away from the planet, divided into three layers of hemispherical formations, surrounding the planet, with each layer separated by 500 million kilometers.

"Old Su, you have already taken precautions? No wonder you told me before that you need to rearrange the position of the fleet. The relationship is for this planet." Zheng Ran said.

Su Yi nodded and said: "The meeting just sent 'Gust 4' to the planet, so I'm not sure if there is a problem. You were also arranging for the defense of Kuiper's space fortress with a natural wormhole entrance, so I didn't talk to you about it." To elaborate..."

"Wait, what are you talking about? Space Fortress?" Zheng Ran interrupted.

"Yes, you were in the Kuiper Belt at that time, and you were in charge of arranging three huge space fortress ships." Su Yi said.

Zheng Ran patted his forehead and said, "Old Su, I thought of a way, we dispatched two space fortress ships to surround this planet.

Then, use the long-range antimatter cannon in the space fortress to bombard the planet. It must be hidden in the planet's crust. If it can be shot out to reveal its true face, if it is a Kunpeng battleship, then we will be directly quantum annihilated.

If not, then with the constant bombardment of the space fortress, it may not be able to survive. "

Su Yi thought about it carefully, and said: "Don't use the space fortress cannon, first get a batch of asteroids from the asteroid belt, and then project them onto this planet.

I don't believe that under the impact of a large number of asteroids, its shield will have no energy response? "

Zheng Ran understood: "Do you want to test the strength of its shield first, and then determine the equivalent of the ultra-long-range antimatter cannon of the space fortress?"

"That's right! If the protective shield is strong, then we simply use a large antimatter bomb to attack. I don't believe that an antimatter bomb that can blow up the entire planet can't be dealt with?" Su Yi nodded.

"You plan to use the flagship to launch a dimensional missile attack, and cooperate with the anti-matter cannon of the space fortress. This combined punch must be enough for this guy." Zheng Ran said.

"Hehe, I don't know what it is. You report this to the headquarters first, and then arrange for the withdrawal of all the members of the Galaxy Construction Committee.

I asked Han Feng of the 162nd Fleet, who was responsible for the defense of the natural wormhole mouth, to call in two space fortress ships, and then arranged for the transport ship to drag a batch of asteroids from the asteroid belt, preparing for a meteor shower on this planet. "

Su Yi made a general arrangement, Zheng Ran didn't talk nonsense, and went directly to work on related matters.

The 16th Fleet immediately took full-scale action, and the five fleets that had surrounded the planet S128 C still maintained their battle formation.

At the same time, various detection instruments and equipment have been turned on or deployed in the orbit of the planet S128 C to conduct various remote sensing detections on this planet.

However, none of the instruments found any problems.

No, when the supermagnetic scanner was scanning the crust, when it entered the crust about 1000 meters away, it was inexplicably disturbed and could not image.

At this moment, the 162nd Fleet, which is dozens of astronomical units away, has brought two space fortress ships and appeared at a place 128 million kilometers away from planet S8000 C by space jumping.

The two space fortress ships moved their huge bodies slowly, and aimed their countless fortress cannons at the planet S128 C.

A day later, a space gate opened near the planet S128a in the galaxy, and dozens of huge transport ships passed through quickly and disappeared into the starry sky.

Apparently, the construction army of the Galaxy Construction Committee has also all withdrawn.

At this time, after a day of preparation, only ten fleets of the 128th Fleet remained in the entire S16 galaxy.

At present, apart from the five fleets originally surrounding the planet S128 C in a battle formation, the other five fleets also gathered from various places in the galaxy.

The entire 16th Fleet is already on the verge of a great enemy, and it regards the S128 planet C as its target, and now it is waiting for the order of the General Staff.

The battle star Earth in superluminal travel, Chang'an City, the command hall of the Head of State.

This is the front line of the General Staff Headquarters. The Fengshen Empire's large fleet, fleet, squadron, and exploration ship missions at various strategic nodes will be fed back here.

The No. [-] and No. [-] intelligences ensure the normal operation of various affairs of the huge military force of the Fengshen Empire with a double insurance model.

"Hey, the 16th Fleet's emergency message, encountering a hidden target that is suspected to be a Kunpeng battleship, the entire fleet is ready for battle."

A staff officer saw this telegram and immediately reported it to Chief of Staff Zhuang Yun.

Zhuang Yun couldn't help but focus his eyes, "What's the situation? It seems that the Kunpeng battleship is hidden in the planet?"

He hastily examined the telegram, and the staff officer just now asked the brain to project the video data sent simultaneously.

Su Yi carefully photographed the situation of the planet S128C, and added a narration to introduce the weirdness of the planet.

At the same time, the specific combat plan was also reported. Now that everything is ready, the attack will be launched after the headquarters gives an order.

Zhuang Yun pondered for a while, but couldn't determine whether the Kunpeng warship was hidden in this planet, so he immediately asked Zhinao to contact the head of state and report the matter to Li Chunfeng.

In just a few seconds, Li Chunfeng's 3D projection appeared in front of Zhuang Yun.

Seeing that Zhuang Yun and everyone in the hall stood up and saluted, he said: "There is no need to be too polite, everyone can continue to work."

Then he said to Zhuang Yun: "Are you a little worried, if it is really the sleeping Kunpeng battleship, if it is disturbed, it will bring trouble to the empire instead?"

"Yes, if we don't disturb it and directly evacuate the S128 galaxy and abandon this galaxy, it's not a big deal for us, after all, we haven't invested much in construction.

At the same time, the empire is now looking for life planets, and the main fleet may be getting farther and farther away from the S128 galaxy. In that case, the transfer base of the S128 galaxy will not be so important. "Zhuang Yun expressed his thoughts.

"Well, it's right to think so. However, it seems to be too conservative. Although the empire will not be happy when it hears the war, it must at least have the courage to find out the enemy's situation when facing the enemy.

I think Su Yi's battle plan is still advisable, but the ultimate killer is not prepared enough.In addition, if the Kunpeng battleship is really the case, only the 16th fleet will conduct independent operations, and its strength is seriously insufficient.

Thinking about the scene when the Kunpeng battleship wiped out 10,000+ warships in the Yate fleet, the strength of the 16th fleet is not as good as that of the Yate fleet.

Therefore, we need to redeploy our troops and generals, and arrange for reinforcements to go up.On the 128th, calculate the distance between the main fleet and the S[-] galaxy! "Li Chunfeng said while ordering Smart No. [-].

"Master, the main fleet is currently about 128 light-years away from the S1600 galaxy, which exceeds the teleportation distance of the farthest space gate and requires multiple teleportations." After the No. [-] intelligence finished talking about the distance, it quickly put forward an alternative suggestion.

"Führer, are you planning to target the Kunpeng battleship?" Zhuang Yun asked.

"It can be said that. I remember that your general staff has made many plans to confront the Kunpeng battleship. It seems that they all use the Earth battle star?
But after all, the target has not been confirmed. If the Earth battle star hastily teleported there first, if it is not the Kunpeng battleship, the loss will not be worth the loss. " Li Chunfeng hesitated.

Zhuang Yun suggested: "Prince, it is better to prepare the Earth battle star for teleportation. Once the target appears on the front line is an enemy like the Kunpeng battleship, then the Earth battle star will immediately teleport there for reinforcements.

As for now, we may need to exit the FTL state first, stay here for a while, and send two more large fleets there.

I think, with the strength of the three large fleets, even in the face of the Kunpeng battleship, they can hold on to the situation until the arrival of the Earth battle star. "

Li Chunfeng agreed: "That's right, your idea is feasible. On the [-]th, coordinate immediately, and the main fleet will exit the state of flying faster than the speed of light, and stay here."

"Obey, master." The No. 20 intelligence responded, and immediately contacted the No. [-] intelligence and others to control the formation of [-] fleets flying at super-light speed and exit from the curvature space.

This is a void between galaxies. Because it is on the edge of Orion's cantilever, the galaxies are far apart, and this void is very wide.

The main fleet of the Fengshen Empire suddenly appeared from the void, and more than 200 million battleships and spaceships covered the sky and filled the void in an instant.

All life-class spaceships have their own simulated day and night systems, so for the people living here, they don't know that the spaceship is in a moored state.

"Zhuang Yun, which two large fleets do you plan to send?" Li Chunfeng asked looking at the fleets in the projection.

"Ke Fei and Ma Xiaotian's 5th Fleet, Song Yuan and Leng Shuming's 7th Fleet, and I'm going to the front line myself to take charge of overall coordination and command." Zhuang Yun replied.

"Why do you want to fight a battle by yourself? It's okay, with you in front, I can rest assured. If it is really an enemy of the Kunpeng battleship type, be more careful." Li Chunfeng warned.

"Yes, Führer."

At this time, a space gate spaceship is ready and has opened the space gate. After calculation by the brain, the reinforcement fleet will travel through the space gate three times and arrive at the S128 galaxy.

The two locations in the middle are the new strategic node galaxies of the Fengshen Empire. Although construction has just begun, it is better than safety.

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(End of this chapter)

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