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Chapter 334 is off the charts

Chapter 334 is off the charts

S128 galaxy, with the arrival of the 5th and 7th fleets, the entire galaxy seems to be bustling, with more than 30 warships of various types filling the galaxy.

The 5th and 7th Fleets quickly laid out a layered formation from two directions, forming a triangle attack posture together with the 16th Fleet.

In the middle of the large fleet, the incomparably huge new Fengshen-class battleship is extremely conspicuous, and of course its offensive and defensive capabilities are also extremely outstanding.

And behind all the warships, a fleet-sized battleship surrounded an equally conspicuous new Fengshen-class warship, which was the ship "Zhanshen" owned by Chief of Staff Zhuang Yun.

At this time, the Zhanshen command room has logically become the frontline command headquarters. At the conference table beside it, the projections of six generals are already sitting, listening to Zhuang Yun's arrangements for the missions of the various large fleets.

"The 16th Fleet is in charge of the first phase of the tentative attack. 100 asteroids will be dropped in advance, and the energy detectors will be fully activated, trying to detect the strength of the shield.

If not, the second wave will drop 1000 asteroids.During the entire launch process, the first wave must ensure that the asteroids are concentrated on one side, and the second wave must be concentrated on three areas, and the three areas must be synchronized. "

"Mr. Zhuang, if the opponent counterattacks during the release, how should we respond?" Su Yi asked.

"If the asteroid impact can draw out the opponent's counterattack, then the 16th Fleet can directly launch the first wave of fortress artillery attacks.

If the opponent does not counterattack, the shield is not broken, and the first wave of the 16th Fleet's fortress artillery attack is ineffective, immediately use the flagship to project a super anti-matter bomb. "

Zhuang Yun said this, stopped, looked at the chief officers of the other two large fleets, and said: "If the attack of the 16th large fleet still fails, then the flagships of your two large fleets will attack from two directions at the same time. Throws a super antimatter bomb.

During the entire attack process, as long as the opponent counterattacks, the fleet will attack in an all-round way.But the Quantum Ripple attack has to wait for the command's order.Do you all understand? "

"Understood!" The six responded in unison.

"Okay, hurry up and get ready, the attack will start in 15 minutes!"

"Yes!" After the six projections answered, they disappeared quickly.

Zhuang Yun looked at the planet S128 C and thought, if there is really a kunpeng warship hidden here, then it is really not a good thing for the empire.

After all, facing the Kunpeng battleship, the empire is still not absolutely sure of winning the battle. At least the research inspiration obtained by the empire from the Kunpeng battleship and the space distortion shield developed by the empire are very powerful.

Without Ultimate Annihilation, not even dimensional missiles would be able to pass through such shields, as dimensional teleportation would fail when traveling through warped space.This shows that, with the defense capabilities of the Kunpeng battleship, the means by which the empire can break through its defense are very limited.

Zhuang Yun has a good relationship with the great scientist Zhong Han. He knows that in the process of studying the expansion of the local universe, the empire has already produced a good product for the dark matter cannon, and has even refitted several new Fengshen-class warships, but it is used as The last ultimate strategic weapon is stockpiled.

After all, the empire is also worried that if one is not careful, it will cause an accident of local expansion of the universe.

Zhuang Yun actually thought of what Zhong Han said. On this basis, the empire should be able to research more powerful tactical weapons, so that they can be used to fight against the Kunpeng warship.

But these weapons are not available yet, so Zhuang Yun suggested to Li Chunfeng to evacuate here first, avoid this unknown existence, and come back again when he is absolutely sure.

Of course, before the second half of the sentence was said, the first half of the sentence was denied by the head of state. The empire needs the courage to explore the unknown, and this reason also convinced Zhuang Yun.

So he came to direct in person.

While Zhuang Yun was thinking, 15 minutes passed quickly.

Su Yi's 16th fleet had already prepared asteroids before. At this time, the first wave of asteroids had been bound with corresponding nano-ropes, and dragged to the corresponding position by battleships.

These asteroids were then pushed to a certain distance by the battleship, and rushed towards the planet S128 C at a relatively high speed.

Since the planet S128 C has no atmosphere, these asteroids are not consumed at all, but hit the planet with huge kinetic energy.

When the first wave of 100 asteroids rushed towards the surface of the planet at high speed and was 1 meters above the ground, invisible fluctuations flashed in the sky above the planet.

The 100 asteroids instantly disappeared without a trace like ice cream melting at high temperature in less than a second.

"Didi, abnormal magnetic energy has been detected, the energy level is C!"

The previously installed energy detector finally rang. It seems that in the case of a large number of asteroids, the energy released by the shield when destroying the asteroids was still detected.

"Magnetic energy, does this shield imply the effect of the magnetic energy cannon?" Zhuang Yun in the command hall also received the synchronized information.

After this wave of asteroid attacks ended, the entire planet S128B remained as quiet as ever, as if it had been so since ancient times.

However, just 10 minutes later, another wave of asteroids pierced the starry sky and rushed to it.

This time, three regions of the entire planet were hit by the asteroid swarm.

The same thing happened again, and a full 1000 asteroids still disappeared without a trace at an altitude of 1 meters from the surface of the planet.

"Didi, abnormal magnetic energy has been detected, the energy level is S!"

The energy monitor divides the energy level from high to low into SSS-D level, and smashing the impact of 1000 asteroids at the same time, the energy level has reached S level, obviously the shield level is extremely high.

A shield that can easily release S-level energy is indeed very good, and it can already match the level of the shield of a famous general-class warship.

But in fact, even if this shield only has this energy level, it is much more powerful than the famous general level, because it covers the entire planet.

After the asteroid attack ended, less than 10 minutes later, the antimatter shells from the fortress guns 8000 million kilometers away had already hit the surface of the planet.

This wave of shells fired by a total of 500 long-range fortress guns on two space fortress ships exploded over two regions of the planet.

This kind of explosion is not due to the explosion of the projectile caused by hitting the surface of the planet, but due to the annihilation of the magnetic energy in the planet's shield, the antimatter of the projectile instantly contacts with the positive matter and detonates.

The energy shock wave of the explosion did not cause any damage to the surface of the planet, because the shield still dispelled these invisible energy shocks invisibly.

"Didi, abnormal magnetic energy energy detected, energy level SS level!"

Zhuang Yun has already started to frown. The power of this planet's defensive shield is unexpected. It has already reached SS level, maybe SSS level can also be reached.

Today's Fengshen Empire is not yet capable of erecting an SSS-level planetary shield, not to mention the energy consumption involved, it is very difficult to resist SSS-level attacks with such a large range.

The empire is currently in the field of energy technology, and is still at the fifth-level civilization stage, that is, it has not been long before getting started. The possibility that this planet may be the target of the Kunpeng battleship level has greatly increased.

After this attack, there was almost no pause in the next wave of attacks, and the dimension missile sent the planet-level antimatter bomb with the largest charge.

This giant bomb was also thrown when the No. [-] intelligence faced the home planet of the Seiler civilization, but it was destroyed by the local expansion of the universe.

Now, the planetary killer of the Fengshen Empire finally bared its fangs again.

An astonishing flash of light flashed, and the explosion still failed to occur on the surface of the planet, but exploded at an altitude of 1 meters.

The planet S128C seemed to be pushed by the huge explosion energy shock wave, and the entire planet moved in the opposite direction for more than 100 kilometers.

As a result, the orbit of the planet changed dramatically, and the No. [-] intelligence quickly calculated other new orbits.

"Didi, abnormal magnetic energy has been detected, the energy level is SSS level!"

Sure enough, this planetary shield has really reached the SSS level, that is to say, apart from the ultimate annihilation, the Fengshen Empire may have no weapons to break through it.

The most critical point is that the dimension missile just now failed to transmit the antimatter warhead to the surface of the planet.

This shield can actually block the dimension transmission, the technological content in it is obvious.

Just as Zhuang Yun was thinking, the attacks of the 5th and 7th fleets were launched simultaneously.

The two huge explosions are very dazzling in the starry sky, and the brightness even surpasses the stars of the S128 galaxy for a moment.

When the light flashed, the planet S128 C shifted its position again after it had just shifted 100 kilometers, because this time it was affected by the impact force from two directions, so it moved 160 kilometers to its original position. kilometer.

"Didi, abnormal magnetic energy has been detected, the energy level is SSS level!"

The Fengshen Empire defines the energy exceeding the destruction of planets as SSS level, as for the energy far exceeding this level, it is still marked as SSS level.

In other words, this time the energy detector is off the charts!
The problem is that under such an explosive energy attack, the planet remains unchanged, and the surface topography has not been affected by the huge energy shock wave at all.

Obviously, this energy shield completely offset the energy shock wave transmitted from the altitude of [-] meters. Under such resistance, this invisible shield did not disintegrate at all, showing that it has powerful energy support inside.

It seems that this planet was just hit a few times by the large fleet of the Fengshen Empire as a rubber ball, and after it bounced in space, it remained as quiet as before.

The expected counterattack did not occur, nor did the recovery of some kind of cosmic life.

Zhuang Yun couldn't help hesitating, what's going on?If there is no life like the Kunpeng battleship hidden on the planet, then what is the matter with this planet shield?

Moreover, according to Su Yi's previous exploration, the "Gust 4" flying saucer can land on the surface of the planet without being blocked by the shield. Obviously, the shield can identify artificial aircraft.

That is to say, there should be some kind of intelligent creature on this planet.

Wait, is it possible that what exists on this planet is not intelligent creatures, but a planetary defense system with artificial intelligence?
At this time, the six projections appeared again in the command hall of the God of War.

"President Zhuang, the planet's shield is so powerful that even an attack like ours can't break it."

"Yes, the key is that it can offset the impact of energy shock waves on the surface. This planetary defense system is much more powerful than the empire's own."

"President Zhuang, what should we do next? Do we want to use quantum ripples to completely annihilate this planet?"


The chief officers of the six large fleets talked endlessly as soon as they arrived.

Zhuang Yun's heart moved, and he said: "Su Yi, you arrange 100 lieutenant-class warships to approach 2000 million kilometers, and an ordinary quantum ripple attack occurs, and then try this shield."

Su Yi responded quickly: "Yes, I will arrange it right away."

Then they withdrew the projection with Zheng Ran.

"President Zhuang, are you not afraid that this quantum ripple will destroy this planet?" Ke Fei asked.

"If this shield can block the quantum ripple, does our empire have almost no way to deal with it?" Song Yuan also asked.

"Don't worry, the effect will come out soon, let's take a look together." Zhuang Yun said.

 Today's first update, thank you for your subscription and rewards!In the new week, I look forward to your recommendation and monthly votes!
(End of this chapter)

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