live on the computer

Chapter 335 Login

Chapter 335 Login
In the projection in front of them at this time, the 16th Fleet has dispatched 100 lieutenant-class warships, approaching 2000 million kilometers away.

Afterwards, the sea of ​​quantum ripples intertwined with 100 quantum ripples has spread towards the planet S128.

The planet S128 C hangs silently in the void and rotates slowly.

The quantum ripples spread quickly, because the planet S128 has no atmosphere, so the quantum ripples are extending rapidly, and are about to touch the surface of the planet.

The location at an altitude of 1 meters.

Here, all the previous attacks of the Fengshen Empire were blocked, and the energy impact that hit the surface of the planet was invisible.

At this moment, the quantum ripple has come here.

The entire planet S128C, at a distance of 1 meters from the surface, suddenly burst into a bright glow, and this glow continued to fall from an altitude of 1 meters.

Seen from a distant place, the entire planet S128 C looks like a dazzling pearl in the dark starry sky, exuding a charming light.

This ray of light is moving, gradually approaching the surface.

I don't know why, when Zhuang Yun saw this scene, his heart seemed to rise in his throat, and he was very worried that the shield would be broken.

"Didi, abnormal energy detected, energy level SSS level!"

The energy detector sent out a reminder again, and Zhuang Yun suddenly discovered a difference. Before that, the abnormal magnetic energy energy was detected, but this time the word magnetic energy was missing.

That is to say, it is not magnetic energy that the shield is used to resist quantum ripples this time.

So, what kind of energy can resist quantum ripples?This is the first time Zhuang Yun has seen energy that can resist quantum ripples!

When the glow gradually fell to a height of 4000 meters above the ground, suddenly, the eyes went dark, and the glow disappeared!
If you look carefully at the projection, the planet S128 C is still there!
It was not annihilated by this wave of quantum ripples!

"God! This shield is so strong that it can resist the attack of Quantum Ripple!"

"Hey, look, this planet doesn't even have a mountain over 1000 meters high, it's really rare!"

"This planet looks like it has been artificially modified, otherwise how could there be a shield."

"You said, if 1000 warships launched quantum ripples together just now, wouldn't the planet's shield be able to stop it?"



Several people kept discussing that since the Fengshen Empire possessed the Quantum Ripple, it has become a natural killer. Later, the head of state developed the ultimate annihilation, which is even more invincible.Even the Kunpeng warship, which is equivalent to a sixth-level civilization, uses quantum ripples as weapons.

Although when facing the dimensional shield, the attack target is not in this space, causing the quantum ripple to fail, but I have never seen a shield that can directly resist the quantum ripple.

Today, several people were eye-opening.

"President Zhuang, what should we do now? Do we want to continue the attack?" Song Yuan asked.

Zhuang Yun shook his head and said, "Didn't you find out? There should be no life on this planet, otherwise it must have launched a counterattack against us.

I think this planet should have an intelligent planet defense system, but the level of intelligence is definitely not high, so the 'Gust 4' sent by Su Yi before was not blocked or attacked by the shield. "

"President Zhuang, what do you mean we send 'Gust 4' over there?" Ke Fei couldn't help asking.

"Of course, we also need to send a landing ship to bring the 'Hunter 4'. If we can find out where the defense system is, we can find a way to connect to the opponent's network.

At that time, the No. [-] intelligence will be able to show its power. I think the No. [-] intelligence should be able to take down the intelligence of this defense system. " Zhuang Yun said.

"That's for sure, the No. [-] intelligence is so powerful, if it is manipulating this shield, it will probably fight back against us." Song Yuan said.

"General Song is smart!" Song Yuan had just finished speaking when Smart No. [-]'s voice suddenly sounded.

When the others heard this, they immediately laughed. Ke Fei gave Song Yuan a thumbs up and said, "Brother Song is really extraordinary."

Zhuang Yun also smiled a little, but the No. [-] intelligence actually knew that he was praised, which seemed to be more and more humane.

"No. 4, wait a minute. If 'Hunter [-]' finds their network access point, it will really depend on you. Once this place is captured without bloodshed, maybe the technology of the empire will be greatly improved."

"President Zhuang, don't worry, as long as you connect to their network, I promise to take it down." Intelligent voice No. [-] said flatly.

Zhuang Yun did not act immediately, but transmitted the situation here to the imperial headquarters in real time, but he knew that the head of state was still paying attention.

In fact, Li Chunfeng didn't pay special attention to it, because there are three large fleets fighting together, even the Kunpeng battleship can fight.

There is really a problem, and it is enough to delay the arrival of reinforcements to his Earth Battlestar. After all, reinforcements are already ready here.

Therefore, Li Chunfeng and Alex are studying to what extent the magical cuboid affects the consciousness of ordinary people.

According to Li Chunfeng's instructions, Alex obtained some clones from Chen Yu, and at the same time recruited several natural persons who voluntarily participated in the experiment as experimental subjects.

These natural persons are actually members of the project team, and they are all very interested in enhancing consciousness. Of course, the most important thing is that this experiment is not dangerous.

Although Li Chunfeng's mind field can't scan the cuboid, it can scan the people participating in the experiment, and can have a clear grasp of the consciousness in their bodies.

In the past, it was difficult for Li Chunfeng to detect human consciousness when he scanned the human beings on the earth with his mind. However, after the invisible energy of the cuboid was enhanced, Li Chunfeng found that his mind field could already detect these enhanced human consciousness.

Of course, Li Chunfeng also learned from these experimenters what they felt like in their consciousness.

"I felt like I was in a dark world, but there was a warm flame around me, and there seemed to be a huge sun in the distance."

This feeling is the common description in the experiment after all participants participated in the experiment and enhanced their consciousness. Li Chunfeng understood that the warm flame they felt might be their own mind field, and the huge sun in the distance might be their own consciousness body .

After all, the experimental site is in the battle star, and the core of the battle star is the huge supercomputer where one's own consciousness lives.

From this point of view, if the consciousness of human beings is enhanced, they may be able to network with each other like the gold swallowing beast, bring together consciousness, and then control the corresponding technological equipment.

Li Chunfeng has imitated the consciousness control equipment obtained from the swallowing gold beast, and also designed a batch by himself, but the human consciousness was too weak to be controlled by consciousness.

Now that there is a cuboid, I can finally see the way to increase consciousness, but the cuboid cannot be analyzed, otherwise the way to increase consciousness can be completely opened.

Now, all the experimenters are only dozens of people. After many experiments, after testing by Alex, these people have gradually reached his previous level.

Obviously, the enhancement of consciousness by invisible energy also varies from person to person. Some people may be able to obtain enhancement after a few experiments, while others need more times.

Of course, Alex himself also used the cuboid to conduct consciousness enhancement experiments, and achieved greater growth than others.

In Alex's words, "What to watch and what to learn now, even if you don't need a learning machine, you can quickly master it."

Li Chunfeng knew that the Westminster civilization used the cuboid as a tool for cultivating great scientists, but the effect used by the Westminster people was not as ideal as that of Earth humans.

Li Chunfeng tested it and found that Alex's current consciousness strength can already control technological equipment through a crystal ball.

Therefore, Li Chunfeng determined the level of consciousness intensity of Alex as the second level, and positioned the level of consciousness intensity that exceeds ordinary people and can produce the feeling of the conscious world.

In Li Chunfeng's view, if consciousness technology really develops in Fengshen Empire, there must be a standard of measurement, and now is the time to establish this standard.

When the consciousness of Alex or other experimenters is further enhanced to a new symbol state, the third level can be determined.

As for what level I am now, I am still not sure yet, everything has just begun, so take your time.

Just when Li Chunfeng made some initial achievements in consciousness technology, Zhuang Yun's report reminded him that his 30 warships were still in a possible war.

After quickly understanding the information sent back, Li Chunfeng was a little pleasantly surprised.

"Zhuang Yun, from this point of view, this planet should not hide terrifying creatures or civilizations like the Kunpeng battleship, but perhaps it should be the relics left by some intelligent life civilization.

Therefore, when our 'Gust 4' flying saucer, this man-made aircraft landed, the artificial intelligence of its defense system did not stop it.

Your idea is very good. Immediately arrange the landing ship and 'Gust 4' to land and explore to find the location of this shield system. We must obtain the technology of this shield.

With it, facing the Kunpeng battleship, at least he has the capital to be invincible. "Li Chunfeng quickly expressed his opinion.

"Okay, Head of State. Then I will let the exploration team land, and at the same time make the No. [-] intelligence ready." Zhuang Yun said.

Li Chunfeng thought about it, and felt a little uneasy about No. [-]'s intelligent system attacking the opponent's intelligent system, and said immediately: "Wait, I'll come over right away, and log in after I arrive."

Zhuang Yun was a little surprised, but quickly replied: "Okay, then we will wait for the head of state."

Here, Li Chunfeng greeted several elders and asked Zhang Wenhao to stay here to arrange the defense of the main fleet in the void.

Then he transferred the consciousness body from the battle star to the New Fengshen, and led his head of state escort fleet to rush to the S128 galaxy through the space gate.

The reason why Li Chunfeng wanted his conscious body to rush there in person was to ensure the success of the network intrusion on the one hand, and to use the function of the mind field on the other hand.

After all, since this is a civilization relic, and it is obviously better than Fengshen Empire's technology, then there must be good civilization products, and there must be a field of thought, which can speed up the analysis of products and the understanding of technology.

After passing through the space gate twice in a row, Li Chunfeng's head fleet appeared in the S128 galaxy.

Immediately, Li Chunfeng's 3D projection directly appeared in Zhuang Yun's Zhanshen command hall.

"During this period of time, there is nothing unusual about planet S128 C, right?" Li Chunfeng asked directly.

"No, planet S128 C is still as quiet as before." Zhuang Yun said.

Li Chunfeng said immediately: "Then arrange the landing team to go there immediately. In addition, organize the interstellar marines to prepare for the second batch of landing."

In Li Chunfeng's mind, as long as he controls the opponent's defense system, he will basically take down the opponent's planet, and there should be no danger.

Naturally, an interstellar marine regiment led by humans is needed to thoroughly explore the relevant facilities of this planet.

A total of 20 landing teams landed on planet S128C from multiple locations. When the landing ship and the accompanying 'Gust 4' passed the altitude of 1 meters and gradually descended, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, this planet shield can identify man-made aircraft.

 The second update today, thank you for your subscription and rewards!Thank you for your recommendation tickets and monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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