live on the computer

Chapter 336 A Legend

Chapter 336 A Legend

The 20 landing locations were all selected by Zhuang Yun based on the obstruction of the supermagnetic scanner, and they should all be the closest to the surface.

Because after remote sensing detection of most parts of the planet's surface, the planet's surface has not changed for at least tens of thousands of years.

This is also Li Chunfeng's reaction to the previous shield, and he believes that this should be a site of wisdom civilization.

At the 20 landing sites, there is a team of 500 robots, they are fully armed, and 50 of them are "Samurai 4", which have powerful land combat capabilities.

Due to the need for ground drilling and excavation, two "drilling mice" and a group of "hercules" were also arranged in the landing ship. When the "drilling mice" came down from the landing ship by themselves, they immediately selected the corresponding position and completed the preliminary detection. It opened its powerful earth-drilling function.

Two huge holes with a diameter of 10 meters meandered towards the position marked by the ultra-magnetic scanner. The "Russians" quickly transported all the excavated rock and soil and reinforced the tunnel. "Hunter 4" and "Hunter 4" Samurai [-]" then proceeded along the tunnel towards the target.

The progress of the 20 locations is about the same, but the earliest discovery of the dungeon is a location near the planet's equator.

This is a plain, and it is also the closest to the surface among the 20 locations.

When the "driller" touched the place marked on the supermagnetic scanner, an invisible energy wall blocked the advance of the "driller".

"Drilling Mole" couldn't move the rock formation, so he turned around, and as a result, he created a large space. After it came out, the entire rock formation under his feet seemed to be filled with invisible energy, making it impossible to drill.

Fortunately, the defense system did not act aggressively. Seeing this situation, Li Chunfeng and others knew that the ruins should be protected by some kind of energy shield technology, which should be similar to the shield 1 meters above the surface of the planet. Or just one.

It's just that the shields here are beginning to block even the man-made machines.

Obviously, if a too violent method is used like the previous attack on the planet shield, it may not be able to work. Even if it does work, there is no guarantee that it will not cause certain damage to the ruins.

Now it is different from the previous thinking. It is obvious that this is a relic left by an intelligent life civilization, and there are things worthy of the Fengshen Empire.Rather than something that must be destroyed like the Kunpeng battleship, it can be destroyed regardless.

Li Chunfeng looked at the crowd and asked directly: "Think about it, is there any way to pass through this shield without damaging the inside?"

Ma Xiaotian thought for a while, and said: "I have some ideas, but I'm not mature enough, so I'm just throwing bricks at it. I think you can try dimension teleportation and see if you can directly teleport 'Hunter 4' there."

Ke Fei frowned and said, "It's not that simple, is it? Our previous dimensional missile attack was blocked by the shield outside, which shows that this shield is very powerful. It can not only resist quantum ripple attacks, but also prevent dimension teleportation. "

However, Li Chunfeng encouraged: "It doesn't matter, although the shield outside has blocked the dimension missile, you can still try the dimension teleportation, and you will know if it works only after you try it.

Now that it has been determined that this is a relic of civilization, we need to be patient. Anyway, we have time and its defense system to slowly consume.

Judging from the detection of the planet, this civilization relic should have existed for at least tens of thousands of years. Since it has existed for so long, and it was attacked violently by us before, I think its energy should have been consumed a lot.

Therefore, we can continue to experiment with various methods, and there is no way to tell which method can successfully break through this layer of shield. "

Zhuang Yun suggested: "Prince, judging from the current situation, this kind of shield should be some kind of energy shield. In terms of energy technology, the empire should still be in the introductory stage. Perhaps we can think of ways to counteract or neutralize energy. .

Our smallest energy shield can already be configured on the 'Samurai', so we can let the 'Samurai' activate the energy shield, and try to see if it can pass through this barrier. "

Li Chunfeng nodded, and said: "You first arrange to try the two methods just now. I will let the 'Lushi' get closer to collect some information so that we can do a research."

After Li Chunfeng finished speaking, he withdrew the projection.

In fact, Li Chunfeng is going to descend on one of the "hercules", and then try to use the mind field scanning method. If the mind can penetrate this invisible energy shield, then the matter will be simple.

Here, Zhuang Yun has already issued an order to mark the coordinates according to Ma Xiaotian's method, and then arrange a warship to descend hundreds of kilometers from the planet, and send a small team of "Hunter 4" directly to the planet by means of dimension transmission. The transmission is carried out under the rock layer wrapped in invisible energy under the feet.

What happened next shocked everyone.

The rock layer wrapped by this invisible shield squeezed out the small team of "Hunter 4" robots just like the shield of the outer planet blocks the dimension missile.

This time, because the pictures were taken nearby, everyone clearly saw that this small group of robots suddenly appeared in the rock formation where the invisible energy wall was, and then were squeezed out.

At the same time, with the extrusion of the robot, a large hole appeared in the damaged part of the rock formation that was originally tight, and rock fragments also rushed out with the extrusion robot, covering the ground.

This invisible energy wall actually fuses the entire rock layer. It looks like a rock layer, but in fact there is an invisible energy wall in it. Although a small part of it is hollow now, the energy wall is still there.

Sure enough, this shield can block the dimension transmission, and the technological content in it is beyond doubt. The technological level of civilization inside is definitely the lowest level of five civilizations, and it is more likely to have reached level six.

So although the teleportation failed this time, the generals are still enthusiastic. The first contribution to discovering the ruins this time is naturally the 16th Fleet.

But everyone has participated now, as long as the ruins are successfully opened and the technology inside is obtained, the credit cannot be lost.

The most important thing is that with such a powerful shield, after obtaining this technology, there will be such shields on warships in the future. When encountering battles with other advanced civilizations, I will have enough confidence in my heart.

At this moment, Zhuang Yun quickly dispatched the prepared hexapod robot "Warrior".

I saw the "samurai" robot wearing an invisible energy shield, quickly approaching the damaged part of the rock layer just now, and then stretched out two mechanical arms with high-frequency knives. Surrounded by layers of invisible energy shields.

When its shield came into contact with the invisible energy shield, nothing happened. The high-frequency knife of the "Warrior" actually merged into it, and even punched a hole in the rock layer.

Just when everyone thought that this method worked, the mechanical arm of the "Warrior" robot was suddenly pushed out by an invisible force, and only the rock hole under its feet was enlarged.


At this time, the other 19 locations also heard the picture of the "drilling mouse" being blocked by the shield. Obviously, this shield is still valid globally.

Think about it, what a huge underground relic it must be, there are even underground on the entire planet, no wonder there is interference in the scanning of the supermagnetic scanner around the world.

It is now very clear that this relic is spread all over the world, and it is located below 900 meters to 1100 meters underground. Like the equatorial plain, it is about 900 meters underground.

Smart No. [-] has quickly shown this situation through simulation.

At this time, Li Chunfeng had already established a mind field, and gradually penetrated into the shield through his mind.

Li Chunfeng felt that his mind seemed to be trapped in a swamp, where the super-light speed of his mind became impossible, and his progress became very difficult.

During the two trials initiated by Zhuang Yun just now, Li Chunfeng's mind field also observed the energy changes of the shield.

This kind of energy is different from the space energy studied by Li Chunfeng, also different from the antimatter energy encountered before, and even more different from dark energy.

Speaking of it, this energy seems to be somewhat similar to X energy, and it seems that this energy has multiple attributes.

When encountering dimensional teleportation, the shield will change the corresponding part of the energy into space energy, and the overflowing space energy will destroy the high-dimensional space channel built by the dimensional teleportation, which is why the shield can block the dimensional teleportation.

As for resisting quantum ripples, Li Chunfeng had a preliminary idea in mind, that this energy might be transformed into some specific particles, which would be directly neutralized with the virtual particles that produced quantum ripples.

Energy is converted into particles, this technology should belong to the high-level of energy technology.

Energy is a measure of the degree to which the space-time distribution of matter may vary, and it is used to characterize the ability of a physical system to do work.

Einstein's mass-energy relationship formula: E=MC, clarifies the relationship between the mass and energy of matter.Energy is the unifying measure used to measure the magnitude of motion of all matter.

These are all concepts of energy, but the energy technology obtained from the Yate civilization has changed some of the conventional cognition of the earth age.

At least energy is no longer an abstract physical concept. For example, space energy is actually a kind of space particle, and more essentially, it is also a certain type of string in string theory.

In this research on the expansion of the local universe, the X energy that comes into contact with can combine with dark matter and transform into dark energy. This kind of energy can actually be regarded as the existence of some kind of matter.

The performance of the shield energy of this relic now shows that energy can be directly transformed into some kind of particles.

This means that when the development of energy technology reaches a high level, energy becomes matter, and everything in the world can be transformed with energy.

At this moment, Li Chunfeng has a new understanding of energy technology. If you observe it in nanotechnology, as long as there is energy, nanorobots can actually transform into everything.

So, if energy can be converted into some kind of particle, then this kind of particle is like a nano-robot, can it be considered as the incarnation of everything?
There used to be a legend on earth that gods could create things out of thin air.Could it be that a certain high-level alien civilization visited the earth when the earth was in a certain period of ancient times, and showed people at that time the technology of using seemingly invisible energy to create things out of thin air?

It should be. There are more than one kind of animal on Fengshen Planet in the Shan Hai Jing. At the same time, the shape of the Kunpeng battleship really makes Li Chunfeng have some associations.

However, the death ray of the Kunpeng battleship is to exterminate all animals and intelligent life, so it should not be that the Kunpeng battleship has visited the earth, otherwise there should be no human beings on the earth.

However, since it is energy, maybe he can absorb and devour it?
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(End of this chapter)

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