live on the computer

Chapter 337 The Underworld

Chapter 337 The Underworld
That's right, Li Chunfeng is going to use his consciousness to devour this energy.Since it is impossible to let the mind directly penetrate the thick energy shield, then use the mind to wrap the invisible energy back and let the conscious body swallow it.

Li Chunfeng is not worried that this energy is too large for the conscious body to accommodate, because in the previous research on the cuboid, the invisible energy in the cuboid once flowed into the virtual world by itself after being incorporated by the conscious body.

If one's own consciousness can't swallow this energy, it can also be imported into the virtual world. The little invisible energy before entering the virtual world disappears.

Assuming that there is a lot of energy in this shield, if it is imported into the virtual world, it will allow itself to find out where it goes, and then figure out where the energy goes into the virtual world?

This kills two birds with one stone.Now Li Chunfeng no longer hesitated, and the battleship Xinfengshen quickly approached the planet S128 C, and began to orbit the planet in an orbit of 1000 kilometers.Such a distance can reduce the consumption of the energy channel constructed by the mind.

The idea that extended from the descending "hercules" and entered the shield to move forward with difficulty, has instantly wrapped the invisible energy in the shield, retracted it into the consciousness body, and built an energy channel to allow the idea to circulate Reciprocatingly introduces the energy in the shield into the conscious body.

When this invisible energy entered the consciousness body, Li Chunfeng felt the same feeling as the cuboid invisible energy, and this energy can also make the consciousness body grow.

Therefore, Li Chunfeng did not introduce this energy into the virtual world for the time being, but out of caution, Li Chunfeng still took the initiative to establish an energy channel leading to the virtual world.

Then he began to devour this energy, as if he had taken a great tonic, which made Li Chunfeng feel comfortable all over his body.

Then came the feeling of growth, when Li Chunfeng's consciousness energy was devouring this invisible energy to grow.

Zhuang Yun and the others were still looking at the surveillance screen while continuing to discuss ways to break the energy.

When I saw that the head of state's ship was so close to the planet S128 C and began to orbit the planet, I was also a little surprised.

But soon, something even more surprising appeared on the screen.

In the space at the equator, there was already a big hole in the rocks in the energy ground. At this moment, I don’t know when, because a big hole was drilled out, many rocks started to fall down by themselves, as if lost Energy support is average.

"Hey, that's not right, isn't this rock layer fixed by energy? Why is it starting to fall now?" Ke Fei's eyes were sharpest, and he pointed to the projection screen and shouted immediately.

"Really, has this invisible energy shield disappeared?"

"Mr. Zhuang, hurry up and ask 'Drilling Mole' to try again to see if he can get through this rock layer."

"Use that 'samurai' high-frequency knife."


For a while, everyone was talking about it.

Zhuang Yun was also very surprised, thinking to himself, could it be that the head of state took some measures to make it work?
Hearing several people's suggestions, he didn't care about it immediately, and ordered the "drilling mouse" to start working again immediately.

As a result, it was really not blocked by the shield, and even a larger huge hole was dug out of the rock layer, but then it stopped.

Because that kind of shield seems to have appeared again, but at this moment it is about 10 meters deeper than when it started.

It was at this time that Li Chunfeng stopped devouring, and was carefully comprehending. Just for a while, Li Chunfeng felt that the energy level of the conscious body had risen to a new level.

If compared with the battle with the brown algae, the energy level of his own consciousness was one, then it was two when he fought the shadow consciousness, and now it is ten.

Li Chunfeng never thought that there would be such a chance to increase the energy level of his consciousness, so should he continue to devour it?

the answer is negative!

Because at this time Li Chunfeng felt the bloated feeling that he hadn't seen for a long time. Compared with the current supercomputer, he became fat again.

Li Chunfeng didn't want the energy of his conscious body to blow up the supercomputer he lived in, so he stopped devouring it.

However, the shield of the ruins obviously still has a lot of energy, which has not been exhausted by the devouring just now, so I have to find a way to continue to consume it.

Then import it into the virtual world.

Li Chunfeng thought this way just now, and the invisible energy in the conscious body actually flowed towards the virtual world by itself.

This surprised Li Chunfeng. He was not surprised that this energy entered the virtual world, but that this energy was the same as the invisible energy of the cuboid. Go through the passage and enter the virtual world.

This time, Li Chunfeng's thoughts immediately followed closely, and he wanted to figure out where such energy would go after entering the virtual world.

Following the invisible energy, the mind seems to enter a strange space, where there is no light at all, but endless darkness.

The moment the thought entered, it exited there.

This feeling is exactly the same as the space I encountered when I was exploring the wall of the wormhole in the natural wormhole. I gained energy instantly and lost the superluminal speed, returning to the slow universe state.

Hey, this space seems to be the same as that space, is it also a fast universe area?

Originally, after coming into contact with antimatter, Li Chunfeng always thought that the strange space that his mind contacted should be the antimatter space, but now Li Chunfeng was a little shaken.

If it is antimatter space, why does it appear in the virtual world?The virtual world was originally compiled by Li Chunfeng with software codes.

Although many modules later had self-evolving parts, no matter how you look at it, it is still a false world composed of code.

Wait, there is a difference.Compared with the virtual reality environment built by ordinary codes, this virtual world seems to be bound to my own consciousness. I remember that I still wanted to separate before.

However, once separated, the remaining energy of consciousness generated by people entering the virtual world cannot be absorbed by their own consciousness.

So later, the virtual world was still run on the supercomputer where the conscious body is located. Fortunately, with the continuous advancement of computer technology, the computing power and storage capacity of the supercomputer where the conscious body is located is getting larger and larger.

Therefore, it can completely satisfy the activities of billions of people in the virtual world, and generate hundreds of millions of residual energy of consciousness every day, which can be devoured and grown by the conscious body.

Moreover, there is another difference in that if the code is written in a virtual reality environment, the time ratio in it can be set by yourself. However, this virtual world cannot be modified very early on, and it has been changed once by itself, so far it is 15 :1 time difference.

Even if he wanted to modify it so that the various scientific research tasks of the Fengshen Empire could save more time, he couldn't do it.

However, Li Chunfeng is also content. The time difference in the virtual world has saved a lot of time in various scientific researches of the Fengshen Empire.

Otherwise, even with the help of some scientific and technological materials of the Yate civilization, it is impossible to jump from the fourth-level civilization to the peak of the fifth-level civilization in just 50 years.

Because counting the scientific research time in the virtual world, it becomes more than 750 years, which is more reasonable.

The Sailors studied brain technology, and many outstanding scientists and great scientists were born. It only took more than 100 years for the Kingdom of Sailor to upgrade to the middle stage of the fifth-level civilization. This has already shown that the achievements of brain technology are extremely amazing.

Now the Fengshen Empire has obtained the corresponding brain technology core technology through previous rescue operations, especially the capture of a brain technology scientist.

At present, this part has been handed over to Chen Yu to be responsible, and strive to apply the corresponding results to human beings, so that more great scientists will be born.

Closer to home, my virtual world looks the same as my own consciousness, and it also has mysterious places, and there must be a connection between the two.

It's just that the magical space behind the natural wormhole wall also exists in the virtual world, and now the invisible energy in the shield has also entered there. Could it be that my virtual world is real?

This... seems a bit unreal.

In the real universe, behind the natural wormhole wall, there is that kind of magical energy space, and now there is that magical energy space in the virtual world, but this alone should not mean that the virtual world is real, maybe it is just my own imagination. too much.

Then, let this magical energy space in the virtual world absorb the energy of the protective shield now.

Thinking about it this way, Li Chunfeng's mind speeded up the speed of returning the invisible energy to the conscious body. In the case of Li Chunfeng not devouring the invisible energy, as long as the mind enters the virtual world, this energy will immediately flow into the magical space of the virtual world. to go.

As this energy continuously entered the virtual world, Li Chunfeng scanned the entire virtual world with his mind, and at the same time quickly scanned the core code of the virtual world.

What frustrates Li Chunfeng is that neither the virtual world nor the core code of the virtual world has changed in any way, as if this energy has entered a bottomless pit.

Thinking of this, Li Chunfeng's thoughts suddenly stopped introducing energy into the consciousness body, and extended his thoughts again, trying to pass through the remaining energy shield.

At this moment, the feeling of being trapped in a swamp in the protective shield disappeared, and with the super-light speed of the thought particles, without that restriction, it penetrated the rest of the protective shield almost instantly.

I only felt a "boo", and the thought particles broke through the barrier of the shield and entered a huge space.

Thoughts swept across the entire space in an instant at super-light speed.

"My God! It's spectacular!"

Li Chunfeng's body in the command hall of the Xinfengshen also couldn't help exclaiming.

As the head of the Fengshen Empire, Li Chunfeng has learned to control his emotions more and more over the years, but such a spectacular scenery still made him exclaim.

After the energy level of the previous conscious body has been raised, now Li Chunfeng's thoughts can easily scan the entire planet, and even this energy shield can't stop it.

Obviously, because the energy of the shield has become weak enough, and the energy level of the continuous mind particles exceeds the strength of the remaining energy of the shield, it is no longer possible to block the penetration of the mind particles. After a large number of mind particles penetrate, it will It is enough to support Li Chunfeng to scan this huge space.

Yes, very huge space!

No one can imagine that starting 128 meters below the surface of the planet S1000C, it is an incomparably huge space.

In the entire space, only about one-third of the 1000-meter surface rock layer is connected to the rock layer below, and most of the rest is blocked out by an invisible energy out of thin air.

The height of this part of the hollow reaches 2 meters!

Fortunately, I stopped the energy extraction, otherwise, maybe the entire rock layer would fall down, destroying the picturesque scenery below!

It's really an underground world down there!
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(End of this chapter)

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