live on the computer

Chapter 338 Ziya Civilization

Chapter 338 Ziya Civilization
For the first time, Li Chunfeng felt the terrifying scanning ability of thought particles.

Previously, Li Chunfeng's ideas had three application modes.

First, the idea field mode, the idea field can only be formed within 1000 million kilometers of the conscious body.

Second, the idea descending mode is effective within 3 light years, and through the relay satellite, it is effective within 30 light years.

The third is the mind detection mode, which can detect moving targets within 6 light years, similar to the super radar function.

The third mode is basically unnecessary now that tachyon detectors are available.

Speaking of the current method of scanning the entire underground world with the mind, it seems to be similar to the third mode, but Li Chunfeng knows that it is completely different,

The third mode can only observe moving targets, and the higher the speed, the easier it is to observe.Now this kind of scanning is a comprehensive control of all objects in the entire scanning area.

It's like looking at the world from the perspective of God. In fact, in some small areas, ideas have been used in this way before, but it is the first time that it has been used on such a large scale.

The ability to achieve such a range of applications is obviously because the energy level of the conscious body has just increased by one level.

Thinking about the tachyon properties of thought particles, and thinking about the huge energy possessed by the conscious body, Li Chunfeng was relieved.

In any case, thoughts have now become Li Chunfeng's other pair of eyes to see the world.

At this moment, Li Chunfeng "sees" the whole underground world in his mind. This world is huge and the scenery is beautiful.

However, it was unusually quiet!

Because there are no animals or other living things in the whole world, only lush green plants, large forests, vast grasslands, beautiful lakes, magnificent rivers, vast oceans, and huge mountains towering to the sky.

However, none of these places have animals!Not on land, not in water.

In addition to these places of natural beauty, the city composed of strange high-rise buildings, and the dense magnetic levitation transportation system in the city, there are also no intelligent creatures.

The world is so quiet that one can't bear to be disturbed.

In a certain center of one of the huge cities, Li Chunfeng found that it should be the control center of the entire planet's defense system.

Li Chunfeng's thought was like the wind, and he immediately entered the control center everywhere. Sure enough, he saw that the central computer in the control center was running.

If the system is running, then you can infiltrate it. Now Li Chunfeng's thoughts broke into it along the network port.


Almost when Li Chunfeng's thoughts broke into the system, a voice sounded.

Li Chunfeng couldn't understand the meaning of this sentence, but knew that it must be the artificial intelligence of the system, so Li Chunfeng invaded the inner core of the system like lightning.

The computer system here is a light computer, and this civilization obviously has unique research on light energy.

For Li Chunfeng, no matter what kind of technology is used in the computer world, its essential core is still the digital world. That peculiar world is the world that Li Chunfeng can be called a god.

Sweeping thoughts at a super-light speed, the core technology of the underlying computer technology of this civilization has been completely mastered, and its program logic has also been quickly deciphered.

The artificial intelligence that made the sound urgently wanted to stop Li Chunfeng from cracking its underlying core, but how could it be Li Chunfeng's opponent?

If the No. [-] intelligence invades the network to confront it, maybe it can still fight well, but in the face of Li Chunfeng, who is like a god in the digital world, it can only be killed in seconds.

Almost at the moment it mobilized the corresponding means of clearing data, its core code has been completely cracked by Li Chunfeng.

Just kidding, now Li Chunfeng's conscious body is inhabited by a super quantum computer. Even if the civilization of this planet has some technologies higher than that of the Fengshen Empire, even if they have used light computer technology, but facing the Fengshen Empire based on quantum computing technology, computers that integrate multiple civilizations Technology, the manufactured supercomputer, the computing performance of this planetary defense system is still far inferior.

After Li Chunfeng cracked the artificial intelligence core code protection layer, he quickly modified the artificial intelligence core.

At this time, the artificial intelligence no longer resisted. After Li Chunfeng obtained and cracked the language pack, and replaced it with the Chinese language pack, he issued corresponding instructions.

"From now on, you are the No. [-] intelligence. Before you, there are eight brothers, all of whom are artificial intelligences just like you."

"Yes, Master." Smart No. [-] seemed a little dull.

Li Chunfeng soon discovered that this artificial intelligence has not yet fully reached the level of super artificial intelligence, but it should be very close.

Li Chunfeng checked its core code, and quickly found the reason. Obviously, this is a restricted artificial intelligence.

It seems that the original intelligent creatures on this planet are also wary of artificial intelligence.

The Sailors can control artificial intelligence at the level of strong artificial intelligence, but this civilization can control artificial intelligence between strong artificial intelligence and super artificial intelligence. Obviously, the level of technology is higher than that of the Sailor civilization.

In addition, their energy technology seems to be more developed, it seems that they should be a sixth-level civilization.

This was the first time that Li Chunfeng came into close contact with a relic of a sixth-level civilization.

Sure enough, if interstellar civilization wants to develop by leaps and bounds, what is more effective than war is to explore the remains of high-level civilization.

The Fengshen Empire is weak in energy technology. Even if it can reach the sixth-level civilization, the energy technology may not be greatly developed. Now that there are relics of this civilization, it is obvious that the empire will reach the sixth-level civilization.

After quickly scanning Xiaoba's database, Li Chunfeng learned that this civilization is called the Ziya Civilization. This underground world was originally a residential planet with a powerful defense system built by the Ziya Civilization to defend against a certain enemy.

However, such defensive measures still failed to block the enemy's attack. The intelligent creatures and animals of the Ziya civilization died in large numbers.

Seeing this, Li Chunfeng's heart trembled. Why is the enemy's attack mode so similar to the death ray weapon used by the Kunpeng battleship?

A large number of intelligent creatures and animals died. Could the shield of such a technological level of Ziya civilization not be able to block the death ray?
Li Chunfeng searched the corresponding information comprehensively in all the associated databases of Xiaoba, and finally knew the relevant situation of the enemy of the Ziya civilization.

It's just that there is very little such information, only a few paragraphs of description.

"There is news from the Alliance that a large army of the Yao Clan will soon attack the Cantilever Starfield where we are, please prepare for defense as soon as possible."

"Our energy shield can't withstand the attack of the Yao Clan's army. They destroyed our 117 inhabited planets, and we lost more than 1000 billion people. The rest of us must evacuate to the alliance star field as soon as possible."

"For the future of intelligent creatures, we need to keep relatively complete facilities as relics. I hope these places will not be destroyed by the Yao Clan's army."


Seeing these descriptions, Li Chunfeng couldn't help empathizing with the crisis moment that the Ziya civilization was in.

When leaving the Nanhe Samsung system, someone in the empire proposed to destroy all the infrastructure, etc., but Li Chunfeng did not do so. What he thought was that it could be left to future generations.

The universe is vast, and the birth of life is so miraculous. Perhaps after countless years, intelligent creatures discovered these things. If it can bring them technological progress, it can be regarded as a kind of inheritance of civilization.

Today, Li Chunfeng saw such a description at a relic of a high civilization.

What kind of civilization is this Yao Clan army? It can sweep a sixth-level civilization. Why is there no corresponding information about this civilization in Xiaoba's database, and the place where this civilization is mentioned is only the simple "Yao Clan Army" four What about a word?
Could it be that the warships or detection equipment that came into contact with the Yao Clan's army were all destroyed by the opponent, or did they not have time to send back the corresponding information before they were destroyed?
Then the scientific and technological strength of this Yao Clan army is really too powerful.

Li Chunfeng's heart was awe-inspiring. The joy of having just come into contact with the sixth-level civilization at this moment was diluted. The appearance of a high-level civilization far surpassing the sixth-level civilization, even if it happened more than 1 years ago, still made Li Chunfeng feel a big stone on his heart. .

At this moment, having mastered the language of the Ziya civilization, Li Chunfeng understood that the "Sainader" that the artificial intelligence said at the beginning meant "Who are you?".

"Little Ba, why don't you know what civilization the Yao Clan army is? And there is no video about it?" Li Chunfeng complained looking at Xiao Ba's avatar.

Smart No. [-] uses the mascot of Ziya Civilization, a small animal called Die Yi, which looks like a rabbit, as its virtual image.

"Master, I am only responsible for the management of this planet and the operation of the defense system, and other data are not stored here. Moreover, a lot of data was cleaned up when the Ziya civilization evacuated.

At present, in various databases on the planet, there are only some basic data of the Ziya civilization and the data of the corresponding system, and more scientific and technological data are not very complete. "No. [-] intelligence immediately replied after hearing Li Chunfeng's question.

"I'm just complaining, I know you don't have this information here." Li Chunfeng knew that the No. [-] intelligence would answer every question, but after scanning the computer system of the entire planet, he already knew what was there.

This Ziya civilization said that it left here as a relic for future intelligent creatures to explore, but in fact it did not leave much scientific and technological information. Could it be because the situation was too urgent to take care of, but why did it delete some data?

It seems that the corresponding technology can only be deduced from some equipment and products here, and my mind field can show its power.

Sure enough, you still have to do it yourself in order to have enough food and clothing.

Such an underground space, such a powerful defense system, and those 117 similar planets, all failed to block the attack of the Yao Clan's army.

But the No. [-] intelligence has no corresponding information about the enemy. Hasn't the Yao clan's army ever been near this planet?
Thinking of this, Li Chunfeng scanned the corresponding defense system data again, only to find that the defense system has a very limited detection distance to the outside world, and can only detect within [-] kilometers beyond the planet.

At the same time, the storage method of the data acquired by this detection system will be deleted every ten years without any retention.

Think about the fact that there is no intelligent life on the planet, and the restricted artificial intelligence will not increase the production of new storage devices. Of course, according to the conventional setting of Ziya civilization, the observation data will be cleared every ten years.

That is to say, even if there was this observation data before, after more than 1 years, this data has been deleted long ago, and it is not in the observation system database, so the No. [-] intelligence naturally does not know anything.

This underground world has been able to maintain the normal growth of most plants without animals for more than 1 years. This is due to the corresponding program settings in the No. [-] intelligence, which will regularly activate some robots to maintain plants. Including the pollination of pollen and the like.

Otherwise, without insects such as bees and butterflies, many plants will not be able to grow and reproduce. Of course, some plants will undergo new evolution, and some microbial populations between animals and plants will also survive in the absence of animals. A new evolution takes place.

After tens of thousands of years, because the database of the internal and external observation system of the planet has repeatedly deleted a lot of data, there is no way to confirm whether the animals here were wiped out by the Yao army's weapon similar to the death ray, or were taken away by the Ziya civilization. .

However, the probability of the former is higher. After all, no matter which civilization evacuates, it is impossible to take all the animals away.

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(End of this chapter)

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