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Chapter 339 We Posted

Chapter 339 We Posted
There is also a possibility that after the Ziya civilization withdrew, this place was cleared by the Yao tribe, just like the Kunpeng battleship cleaned up the star field where the Bribal civilization was located.

As for not destroying the defense system of this planet, and then destroying all the facilities, I am afraid that the Yao Clan army would disdain it, just like the Kunpeng battleship, which did not destroy the life planet of Shenmu Empire and Bribar civilization.

Thinking about it this way, Li Chunfeng suddenly felt that this Yao Clan army could be the Kunpeng battleship, right?But it can be called a large army by the Ziya civilization, and there must be more than one warship to describe it that way.

If the Kunpeng warships were on the scale of a fleet, then the Fengshen Empire would face such a fleet, not many, just dozens of them, and it would probably be a crushing defeat.

If it was said that there was a big stone on his heart before, then now Li Chunfeng has a sense of urgent crisis.

Could it be that the Kunpeng battleship is a member of this Yao clan army?With the combat power of the Kunpeng battleship, just one ship can destroy the Yate fleet of the fifth-level civilization, which is definitely above the sixth-level civilization.

The Ziya civilization of the sixth-level civilization can't stop such a large fleet. Doesn't it mean that the Yao army should be a seventh-level civilization, and there are even more powerful warships in the fleet.

I am not even a sixth-level civilization now, and facing a seventh-level civilization, I have to wait for death.

Wait a minute, Ziya Civilization failed to resist the Yao army, but it seems that it still has the ability to make a final evacuation.

No, I have to analyze everything here, so as to raise the technology of Fengshen Empire to a higher level.Otherwise, if the Kunpeng battleship really has a large army, at least the Fengshen Empire must have the ability to evacuate.

The Yao army did not destroy this planet. According to the description of the Ziya civilization, 117 inhabited planets were destroyed by the Yao army, and countless intelligent creatures died.

Will there be such an underground world among the 117 planets?Or in this star field, can we find more planets like this?

According to the previous speculation, the Yao clan's army should not have destroyed the facilities of the Ziya civilization planet for those planets that did not resist. reserved.

Although the Fengshen Empire has carried out preliminary exploration in this star field, it has adopted a leap-forward exploration mode. Many places have not been explored, and even if they have been explored, they have never thought that there will be such an underground world.

If this galaxy hadn't just been chosen for construction this time, and if Su Yi of the 16th Fleet hadn't been more careful, it would have been impossible to find this planet.

It seems that I really need to do a good search in this area of ​​the star field. In the underground world of this planet, I have not found any warship construction factories or the like. Maybe the planet of Ziya Civilization is a division of labor, not here, and in other places. Maybe on the planet.

The Imperial Main Fleet originally wanted to go to the S188 galaxy, but the S188 galaxy also has no living planets. Now it seems that there is no need for that for the time being. They simply use the S128 galaxy as a temporary stop. After all, there is a living planet here.

Although I don't know if this underground world has been transformed, it can be regarded as a transformed planet.

However, after more than 1 years of evolution on such a planet where only plants and microorganisms exist, it is unknown that some strange things may have evolved.

Be sure to check it carefully to confirm that this underground world can allow humans to survive safely, and then choose humans to enter.

Well, just do it.

Once Li Chunfeng made up his mind, he immediately prepared to evacuate his thoughts, but before evacuating, he thought of the restricted state of No. [-] intelligence, which was not conducive to the subsequent exploration work.

So he quickly modified the core code of No. 1, so that No. [-] intelligence can completely face complex situations alone, instead of following the steps in this way. More than [-] years have passed, and the underground world has not changed much.

If any of Xiaoqi and them were here, an intelligent mechanical civilization would definitely be created in 1 years.

The energy shield of this underground world is actually divided into two layers. The outer layer is responsible for protecting the planet from being destroyed by attacks, and the inner layer is responsible for protecting the underground world from being invaded.

Now 80% of the energy of this shield has been consumed by myself, so it obviously needs to be replenished. Otherwise, if it takes a little longer, there may be problems with the rock layers supported by the void.

Fortunately, the energy of this shield is also antimatter energy. Li Chunfeng scanned its energy storage place, and soon found that there is very little antimatter energy left in this underground world.

If the Fengshen Empire hadn't discovered this planet this time, once the energy was exhausted, the shield would disappear, and the rock layer would collapse, burying the underground world, and then meteorites would continue to hit the planet.

Now that I come by myself, I will definitely replenish the energy as soon as possible, and I will also reserve a batch.The No. [-] intelligence has also been upgraded to the level of super artificial intelligence, and it will take this matter as a big deal.

Even if no one provides energy in the future, it will find a way by itself.This is the difference between super artificial intelligence and strong artificial intelligence. Super artificial intelligence will do things that are not stipulated by the program. Of course, this thing is beneficial to it.

When the energy shield in the underground world is opened, it is identified by the No. [-] intelligence. As long as the authority is assigned, the energy shield is completely indistinguishable from the person or thing with authority.

Previously, the shield of the outer planet did not prevent the landing of "Gust 4", and it was also the No. [-] intelligence that judged that this might be the arrival of intelligent creatures, so it was put in according to the program settings before Ziya civilization left.

The manipulation of energy to such a subtle level is definitely at the level of a sixth-level civilization.

Li Chunfeng's heart is hot. As long as this energy technology is mastered, the level of the shields of the warships of the Fengshen Empire will be directly raised to another level. It is unknown that the combined multiple shields may be able to withstand the attacks of the seventh-level civilization warships.

After Li Chunfeng made the arrangements, he explained that as long as it is an intelligent aircraft, battleship or intelligent robot of the Fengshen Empire, they can enter the underground world.

For the time being, no human beings are allowed to enter. After all, this underground world has been closed for more than 1 years, and it is unknown if there is any potential danger.

In the command hall of the God of War, a projection appeared in front of everyone.

"Hello, Führer!" Everyone saw the projection clearly and said quickly.

"Everyone is still discussing how to crack this energy shield? Let me tell you the good news, this shield has been cracked by me.

The artificial intelligence of this planet's defense system has also been subdued by me, and now it is the No. [-] intelligence. "Li Chunfeng briefly explained.

"Really! Führer, you are too powerful, so you took it down? What's the situation inside?" Ke Fei was a little impulsive, although after decades, he had grown from a space fighter pilot to a commander of a large fleet , but this nature has not been completely changed.

Li Chunfeng directly projected the situation of the underground world, and what he saw in his mind can be transferred to a supercomputer for storage.It is very simple to play it now.

"This... a perfect underground world!" Ke Fei exclaimed.

"This should be a planet of life, right? Or it has been transformed. The scenery is so beautiful! I must go for a walk and have a look." Zheng Ran, a tourist fan, said excitedly.

"Don't get excited, didn't you see it? There are no animals here, I'm afraid it's weird. If you want to take a walk, you may have to wait until all the tests are completed." Su Yi said.

"Su Yi is right. This underground world has gone through tens of thousands of years. An ecosystem suddenly has no animals. After such a long time, plants and microorganisms must have undergone extraordinary evolution.

Therefore, it is necessary to carefully detect, investigate the attributes of each plant, and detect each microorganism.The empire will temporarily make its home here. " Li Chunfeng looked at Su Yi appreciatively, this man is really careful.

Zhuang Yun asked: "Prince, is the S188 galaxy going?"

Li Chunfeng nodded and said: "Wait for me to confirm with the elders. However, if the main fleet does not go to the S188 galaxy, you have to arrange a large fleet to garrison there. It is also an important position for our empire. The empire's follow-up exploration mission."

"Okay, I will discuss with my colleagues in the General Staff Department to see which large fleet is arranged to go." Zhuang Yun nodded in response.

"Hey, Head of State, Chief Zhuang, there's no need to discuss it, just arrange for our fleet to dispatch. With our 7th fleet, we can ensure that the S188 galaxy is as solid as gold." Song Yuan suddenly begged for his life.

"Old Song, you are too quick to act, aren't you? Head of state, Chief Zhuang, our 5th largest fleet requests to station in the S188 galaxy!" Ke Fei said hastily.

Since the fleet was re-divided, the medium fleet was cancelled, and the large fleet directly managed 10 fleets.The empire currently has 18 large fleets. It has just experienced a war. Before finding new life planets, it is estimated that there will be no major battles. Therefore, the exploration and stationing missions of these new galaxies are very popular.

Naturally, the task of exploring and stationing an important hub galaxy like this must be rushed, otherwise it will either be arranged at the headquarters without a mission, or it will be stationed in an area that is not important enough.

Li Chunfeng smiled and said: "It's useless for you to fight now. President Zhuang will definitely give the task after comprehensive consideration. However, this momentum is still good. The enemies the empire will face in the future must be very strong. If there is no such courage If you don’t have the energy to do things, then you won’t be able to win.”

Zhuang Yun also said: "Don't worry about arguing, the garrison mission of the S188 galaxy must be selected according to the rules. Besides, you two have not finished the mission here, so you want to run away?"

"President Zhuang, it's not that the head of state came out to take care of this planet, and Su Yi and the others are here, so it should be nothing to us, right?" Ke Fei said involuntarily.

Li Chunfeng asked Smart No. 200 to project the star map of the surrounding [-] light-years, and said: "Ke Fei's words remind me that this planet is left over from a civilization called Ziya. Originally, this vast star field was all Ziya. The land of civilization.

So, there may be such a planet in this area, Zhuang Yun, you arrange their two large fleets to disperse first, and continue to search for such a planet within the range of 200 light-years.

Maybe we can still have such a harvest, at least there are 117 planets around here that may have ruins after being destroyed. "

Zhuang Yun couldn't help but happily said: "Really? That's great. If there is such a planet in the underground world, it is equivalent to a modified living planet. As long as we detect that there is no problem, it will directly become the living planet of the empire." gone."

"Führer, we really sent it this time!" Ke Fei said happily.

Everyone in the Fengshen Empire knows that transforming a planet into a livable planet, not to mention the conditions that need to be met before the transformation, is that the transformation cost is very high, plus the transformation time.

With the current technological level of the Fengshen Empire, it would take at least 5 years to transform a planet with particularly good conditions.

However, for a ready-made livable planet, it only needs one revolution cycle of the planet to fully complete the testing process.

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(End of this chapter)

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