live on the computer

Chapter 340 The Ambition of a Super Battleship

Chapter 340 The Ambition of a Super Battleship

In the outer edge of Orion's spiral arm, there is a void.

A huge fleet, stretching tens of millions of kilometers like a giant beast, with a spherical battle star the size of a planet in the center.

This is the main fleet of the Fengshen Empire. Due to the unexpected situation in the S128 galaxy, the imperial main fleet that was originally going to the S188 galaxy stopped halfway and temporarily parked in this empty starry sky.

Battleship Earth, the Headquarters, and the meeting room dedicated to the Elders.

Li Chunfeng's 3D projection is on the main seat, and in the center of the conference table, the underground world of planet S128 B is projected.

The entire underground world has an independent star simulation system, and the space of 2 meters is enough to simulate the operation of the weather system. Therefore, the blue sky, white clouds, forests, and grasslands, everything here is so natural and beautiful.

"Chunfeng, is this... is this really underground?" Liu Mingchuan asked in disbelief.

"It is indeed underground, um... there is a rock layer about 1000 meters above it." Li Chunfeng replied.

"Oh, it would be great if our battle star interior could be made like this, and we could also have such a high sky, blue sky and white clouds..." Wu Yumeng couldn't help feeling a little intoxicated.

"Well, the idea is good, but it can't be used on the battle star. You can consider building a planetary-level life spacecraft separately. It should be possible to manufacture it in this way." Li Chunfeng laughed.

"Führer, according to the Ziya civilization you just introduced, there may be more than 100 such planets?" Zhang Wenhao asked.

"Not necessarily, it's just that according to the description left by the Ziya civilization, they have a total of 117 living planets that were destroyed by the Yao tribe's army. However, as a sixth-level civilization, the Ziya civilization must control a huge star field. Since there is the S128 C planet Those who survived like this, maybe there are others like this, after all, the Yao Clan army seems to be just destroying animals and intelligent creatures." Li Chunfeng explained.

"Prince, isn't that what the Kunpeng battleship does? Could it be that the Yao clan army is the Kunpeng battleship? Or what kind of Yao clan army does the Kunpeng battleship belong to?" Sun Jingan suddenly thought of something and asked.

"Chunfeng, really the same model as the Kunpeng battleship. Is there any description of this Yao army in the Ziya civilization database?" Liu Mingchuan asked quickly.

Li Chunfeng shook his head and said: "The artificial intelligence of this planetary defense system is limited, so the data of the observation system has been deleted programmatically. After more than 1 years, there is basically no information about the Yao clan in the database, just these few descriptions. It is still a simple description in the data log belonging to the Ziya Civilization."

"Then where are we going now, is it safe?" Wu Yumeng asked.

"Don't worry, this happened more than 1 years ago, if there really was an army of the Yao Clan, we should have encountered it long ago.

Now there is only one Kunpeng battleship, as long as there is no fleet, our current strength is enough to deal with it. "Li Chunfeng comforted everyone.

"Führer, I think it is better for the empire to stay on the battleship for the time being. In case of an invincible enemy, we can quickly evacuate through the space gate." Zhang Wenhao suggested.

"Hey, Haozi, when did you become timid? Thinking of running away before seeing the enemy?" Huang Bingchang looked at Zhang Wenhao in surprise and said.

"It's not timid. I have seen that local expansion of the universe not only destroyed the entire Seiler civilization, but also destroyed most of the galaxies in our Fengshen Empire, as well as the star field of the Westminster civilization.

There are so many things in this universe that we are in awe of, and now we have heard the head of state say that the Yao Clan's army can destroy a sixth-level civilization.

I don't know if Ziya civilization managed to escape in the end, but after thinking about tens of thousands of years, they haven't come back, maybe they didn't escape.

Therefore, our Fengshen Empire must be prepared for danger in times of peace and be prepared to evacuate at any time.Head of state, I suggest that no matter where the main fleet is stationed, each large fleet should be deployed layer by layer, preferably with a spherical defense system with a radius of at least 200 light-years. As Zhang Wenhao spoke, he put forward defense suggestions.

Li Chunfeng nodded and said: "Wen Hao is right, why do I always prepare as many warships and life-class spaceships as possible, even in peacetime, let citizens have homes in spaceships at the same time.

Just to evacuate at any time, this time the local universe expansion disaster reminds us again that the disasters in the universe are beyond our imagination.

Let’s take a look at Ziya Civilization, a sixth-level civilization that controls at least more than 100 inhabited planets, and the powerful interstellar civilization that controls the core star field at least hundreds of light-years away, will suddenly be subverted.

The interstellar civilization is not what we earthlings imagined at the beginning. It can develop technology steadily and continuously, and can communicate peacefully with other civilizations.

In my opinion, having the ability to travel across galaxies can be regarded as a real interstellar civilization, which means that a civilization has the conditions for survival.

This condition can be summed up in two words, that is, 'evacuate'.When a catastrophe strikes, the interstellar civilization can evacuate, and the non-interstellar civilization can only sit and wait. "

Liu Mingchuan agreed: "Chunfeng is right. We must have a fleet of spaceships to keep the people away from disasters at any time, regardless of whether the disasters are caused by the natural universe or other advanced civilizations."

Fenghuang suddenly asked: "Prince, I have a question. In the description of the Ziya Civilization you saw, the word alliance seems to be mentioned. Does this mean that the Ziya Civilization is a member of an interstellar alliance? Can we understand that this Alliance is at war with this Yao Clan?
Is the Ziya civilization just a microcosm of this huge interstellar war?In other words, more than 1 years ago, there was an interstellar war that swept across the Milky Way.Can this explain our long-standing doubts about why there are always high-level civilization sites? "

Li Chunfeng pondered and said: "You are right to think so. In the original narration, the news about the attack of the Yao tribe was indeed provided by the alliance, and the Ziya civilization had carried out defense construction before, so their living planet was transferred to to the ground.

Obviously, this project was not completed in a day or two, so the judgment of a big battle should be correct.As for whether it was because of this war that there were so many high-level civilization sites, this is actually not important. "

Huang Bingchang said: "I think it is more important to obtain advanced technology from the ruins of the Ziya civilization. As long as the strength of the empire can be enhanced, we don't have to be too afraid of encountering strong enemies."

Li Chunfeng said: "Rhubarb's statement is correct. At least the energy technology of the Ziya civilization can greatly make up for our shortcomings, making us more confident in entering the sixth-level civilization."

Liu Mingchuan also smiled and said: "Hehe, Da Huang's words are correct. The empire has always emphasized the development system with science and technology as the core, and it will definitely bring the Fengshen Empire to the pinnacle of the universe.

By the way, since we need to find more ruins of the Ziya civilization in this star field, it is correct for Chunfeng to place the main fleet in the S128 galaxy, not to mention there is such a habitable planet, as a citizen on vacation place.

However, I still need to ask Phoenix to work hard and lead the scientists of the School of Biological Sciences to test and study whether such an ecosystem can allow us humans to move freely. "

Fenghuang nodded and said: "Don't worry, Prime Minister, we will definitely complete this inspection task as soon as possible, so that everyone can experience the scenery of this underground world in a down-to-earth manner."

Li Chunfeng said: "Okay, since this is the case, let Phoenix lead the biologists to go to the S128 galaxy through the space gate first, and carry out ecological inspection work on the underground world.

Now this temporary mooring point is 128 light-years away from the S1600 galaxy and more than 188 light-years away from the S1800 galaxy, just at an important inflection point.

The main fleet simply turned to go to the S128 galaxy, but the task of exploring the planet of life is not relaxed.From here to the S128 galaxy, the corresponding strategic node arrangement must be completed, and at the same time, the strategic node from here to the S188 galaxy must be completed, so as to connect the two galaxies. "

Li Chunfeng quickly notified several artificial intelligences to assist Zhang Wenhao and arrange for the main fleet to turn around and move towards the S128 galaxy.

After discussing with Zhuang Yun, Zhang Wenhao and Zhuang Yun arranged for the 9th fleet of Mo Congrong and Yang Jie to continue to carry out the garrison mission in the S188 galaxy. Create strategic inflection points.

After Li Chunfeng disconnected from the 3D projection, he suddenly received a notification from Smart No. [-].

"Master, Deng Cong, a first-level researcher of the Academy of Materials Science, went to the Orion Nebula with the 776th Squadron to study the fusion of stars and obtained the corresponding special materials. Now they have returned safely and are resting in the S79 galaxy."

Li Chunfeng quickly looked up the information about Deng Cong and others sent by the No. [-] intelligence, and he couldn't help being very happy. He didn't expect that Deng Cong could find a new warship material from this aspect.

According to the performance estimates of this material in the data, even if a battleship or battle star as large as a star is made, this material should be fully capable.

Thinking of this, Li Chunfeng couldn't bear it any longer, and immediately said to the No. 776 intelligence: "No. 128, immediately issue an order to let the [-]th Squadron escort Deng Cong and the others to the S[-] galaxy."

Li Chunfeng wanted to use his mind field to check this super nano-aggregate in person. If this material is really so powerful, then he can immediately start building a super battleship.

This will be a ship that is more powerful than ordinary planetary battle stars. You must know that the core material of the Earth battle star is mainly the part of the metal left by the gold swallowing beast.

So if you want to build another planetary battle star like this, it will be much more difficult and less powerful. At most, it will be the same as the battle star of the Yate fleet, and it will be easily destroyed by the space weapons of the Kunpeng battleship.

Since the Earth Battlestar uses the metal of the Gold Swallowing Beast as its core, when facing the space weapon of the Kunpeng battleship, this core part can withstand at least one attack.

If Deng Cong's super nanopolymer obtained from the fusion of stars can surpass the metal of the gold swallowing beast, then there is no doubt that he can not only build super battleships, but also build a batch of stronger battle stars.

With such a batch of super battleships, the chances of winning against the Kunpeng battleship will be a little more. It is estimated that the Kunpeng battleship would never have imagined that the battleship materials alone could resist its space weapon attack.

After solving this matter, a group of robots arranged by Zhuang Yun and "Guangfeng 4" have entered the underground world through the authority opened by the No. [-] intelligence.

They quickly began to collect samples of plants and microorganisms, as well as scan and investigate various areas of the underground world.

No. [-] intelligence also restarted a batch of robots that maintain the plant world and the natural environment. In order to save energy, No. [-] intelligence regularly started these robots to work.

The preliminary test results are still very exciting. Since No. 1 Smart adopts the method of saving energy and regularly arranges robots for maintenance, it has maintained continuous maintenance for more than [-] years, so that the natural environment and the plant world do not have too much damage. big change.

This also means that the possibility of being suitable for human habitation here has greatly increased.

Next, Li Chunfeng will arrange personnel to adjust the atmospheric composition. Compared with the human beings on the earth, the intelligent creatures of Ziya civilization need more carbon dioxide and less oxygen.

This has led to an excessively high level of carbon dioxide in their atmosphere, which has even exceeded the period when the greenhouse effect was the strongest in the age of the earth.

If human beings on Earth are in such an atmospheric environment, they will become unconscious. The Ministry of Empire Construction has a corresponding working procedure for this process.

The members of the S79 Galaxy Construction Committee who were temporarily withdrawn to the S128 galaxy before have returned, and of course they also came with the 776th Squadron, Deng Cong and others.

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(End of this chapter)

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