live on the computer

Chapter 341 The System That Kills Creativity

Chapter 341 The System That Kills Creativity

"This is the super nanopolymer?" Li Chunfeng looked at the inconspicuous brown granular substance in front of him with some curiosity.

Almost instantly, the mind field has enveloped these particles.

Countless grids appeared in Li Chunfeng's mind. At the macro level, each of these grids is smaller than 1 picometer, that is, a hundred times larger than a proton.

The problem is not that it is small, but that there are almost no gaps between such small grids, and they are so close together, and there are no atomic nuclei, protons, neutrons, electrons, etc., only these small grids are tightly combined with.

When Li Chunfeng's mind field was scanned, he could feel the stagnation. If the mind particles passed through the energy shield of planet S128 C last time, they fell into a swamp.

So now Li Chunfeng's thought particles are drilling holes, or the feeling of drilling holes in that kind of hard steel plate.

Therefore, Li Chunfeng's mind field is powerless to continue just seeing this structure.

This is the second time that Li Chunfeng's mind field failed to scan the inside of an object. The last time was the creation of that advanced civilization, the mysterious cuboid.

In fact, this time it wasn't completely a failure to scan, at least the mind entered a little bit, and I saw those small grids.

Li Chunfeng was not frustrated because the mind field scan failed, on the contrary, he was very happy, because this performance alone is enough to show that this substance is an extremely powerful material.

"Deng Cong, I didn't expect you to be able to discover this kind of substance? You call it a super nanopolymer?" Li Chunfeng looked at Deng Cong who was a little nervous in front of him, and said.

Deng Cong did not expect that he would apply to the Academy of Materials Science for related equipment for further research after he had just obtained information on the natural super nanopolymer and its birth environment, and was preparing to catch up with the main fleet of the Empire.

Unexpectedly, at this time, he received an order to go directly to the S128 galaxy. After Zhanger King Kong came to the S128 galaxy confusedly, he would be taken to the flagship of the head of state.

Didn't the head of state follow the main fleet of the empire to the S188 galaxy?

Hearing Li Chunfeng's question, Deng Cong quickly said: "Ah, yes, I was studying nanomaterials before, and I think that if the electromagnetic force can be completely eliminated at the nanometer level, better materials should be obtained.

The best solution for matter to eliminate electromagnetic force, I think, is that there are no atomic nuclei and electrons. Without these, there will be no electromagnetic force in matter.

Because this is possible at a level smaller than a nanometer, I call this substance an ultra-nanopolymer. "

Li Chunfeng nodded and said: "Your idea is very creative. When our empire stepped into the fourth-level civilization, most material scientists just thought about reducing the electromagnetic force as much as possible and increasing the strong force, so as to obtain new types of materials.

You can actually think of simply abandoning the key atomic nuclei and electrons of matter, and directly aggregate at a smaller level.Tell me, how did you get the support from the School of Materials Science to let you do corresponding scientific exploration experiments? "

Deng Cong sighed: "I have no one in the School of Material Science who agrees and supports my idea except my teacher. Fortunately, my teacher has enough voice and can help me get the corresponding resources to accomplish what I want to do." experiment.

This time I was able to get the support of a squadron to go to the Orion Nebula, and it took five months to finally get these substances and the environmental data on how to produce them, thanks to my teacher, that is, your father-in-law Professor Wu Mingshen. "

Li Chunfeng couldn't help laughing when he heard what Deng Cong said, and said: "You are not bad, you are still as good as you were back then, and you are good at using your own favorable resources to accomplish what you want to do."

Speaking of this, Li Chunfeng remembered that it was just a few days after his consciousness was reborn in the computer, because he tracked down the hacker who attacked Fengdu Company, he caught up with Deng Cong. At that time, this guy used the virus written by his sister Deng Linger, and His sister's name and laptop to carry out the hack.

Deng Cong was taken aback by Li Chunfeng's words. He didn't know what year the head of state was talking about. He didn't seem to know the head of state, right?Although his sister seems to know the head of state.

Seeing Deng Cong's bewildered expression, Li Chunfeng was even more amused, but he didn't want to tell the truth, so he said: "It's not surprising that you can become my father-in-law's student, but what is strange is that you can get him Strong support, so he also agrees with this idea, so why didn't he participate in this matter?"

Deng Cong said: "The teacher said that this idea is very challenging. If it is successful, maybe the empire should have a great scientist in material science.

If he participates in it, the name is likely to fall on his head, which is very unfair to me who proposed this idea.

He also said that he is the father-in-law of the head of state, so this false name cannot be claimed, so the teacher did not participate at all except to help me obtain relevant external resources. "

Li Chunfeng couldn't help being a little silent when he heard this. As an old father-in-law, he was the most indifferent to fame and fortune in his life. In the earth age, he invented new nanomaterials, but gave up publishing papers for national projects, and contributed all research and development materials to the country.

Now that he has founded the kingdom of scientists, the old father-in-law is only holding the title of vice president of the Academy of Materials Science, so that he can do some things conveniently, and he has not competed to be the president of the Academy of Materials Science.

But Deng Cong's incident today reminded me that although the empire has only a short history of 62 years, it has gradually solidified some interest groups.

Scientists rely on scientific research contributions to obtain corresponding points and be promoted to corresponding levels. It is originally a relatively fair thing, and there is a No. [-] intelligence in charge of evaluation, and there will be no such things as favor evaluation and bribery of judges.

However, as the empire entered the fourth and fifth levels of civilization, various scientific researches required more and more resources, and the verification of many basic theories often required huge equipment such as super-large particle colliders.

Although the empire has built a lot, there are not as many scientists as there are, and this situation of too many monks and too few porridge has always continued.

As an artificial intelligence, scientific resources are still allocated according to the corresponding grade points of scientists. Under the same application time conditions, high-level scientists are given priority.

Over time, low-level scientists will gradually be unable to obtain priority resources to conduct research, resulting in fewer and fewer research results, and their level will become increasingly difficult to improve.

To put it simply, the current system is not very friendly to newcomers, so that newcomers do not have many opportunities to show up. Obviously, this is not conducive to Li Chunfeng's purpose of discovering great scientists.

If a civilization's technology wants to develop by leaps and bounds, it would be impossible without a great scientist like Einstein.

The reason why many interstellar civilizations stay at a certain level for a long time is because the number of great scientists in the civilization has decreased, or the old great scientists have exhausted their talents. Without the addition of new great scientists, the scientific development of civilization will naturally slow down. up.

The current system is not only not friendly to newcomers, even for scientists like Deng Cong who already have a corresponding level, after they come up with a special idea, if the idea is not accepted by everyone, then if they want to get extra resources to research, It is also impossible.

What is the logic?You know, most innovative ideas are not accepted by everyone at the beginning.

This scientific research affairs management system is killing the creativity that Li Chunfeng has always admired!

Li Chunfeng's eyes narrowed involuntarily. This system must be improved, and it is very important to support newcomers. Only the continuous innovation of newcomers can promote the continuous innovation of science.

Any civilization or organization, if it does not give newcomers a channel to rise to the top after solidifying the class, then this civilization or organization is going downhill, and it is dying.

The Fengshen Empire is only 62 years old, and it is about to go downhill?
Absolutely not!
Deng Cong suddenly felt a great pressure. This pressure came from the head of state whose face suddenly sank in front of him. Did he say something wrong?

I tried my best to invite the teacher to participate. In Deng Cong's view, even if the teacher participated, the title of great scientist would fall to the teacher, but he must have it too.

Didn't my younger sister, Angel, and Alex become great scientists in the field of computer science together?
It is absolutely feasible for the teacher and myself to become great scientists in the field of material science, but the teacher is so indifferent to fame and fortune, and is completely unmoved.

He also said to himself, "I have a student of a great scientist, isn't that the greatest reputation?"

Since Deng Cong devoted himself to the field of materials science, especially after studying nanomaterials under Wu Mingshen, his whole person has completely changed.

Even in the past few decades, every time my sister saw me, she would say, "Brother, how can you be my brother who is so outstanding?"

Although some of Deng Cong's cleverness is still retained, facing the teacher's state of being strong without desire, he can only do his own thing well and strive to repay the teacher's love with scientific research results.

It's just that after he said that just now, why did the head of state seem to be angry? Could it be that he was wrong in doing so?

Just when Deng Cong was thinking wildly, Li Chunfeng spoke up, "Deng Cong, you applied to go to the Orion Nebula to conduct field exploration experiments this time. Did you ask your teacher to apply from the beginning, or did you apply yourself?"

Deng Cong was taken aback, and quickly replied: "This kind of activity of mobilizing a squadron and going to a strange star field for scientific investigation should not be able to apply for it at my level.

Such a large resource call, according to the system regulations, must be at least above the level of the vice president of each discipline.I had no choice but to ask the teacher for help. After all, the teacher is the vice president of our School of Materials Science. "

Sure enough, Li Chunfeng sighed and said, "Deng Cong, don't worry about your follow-up experimental resources, just apply.

I just have one request, the sooner the quantitative production of this material can be completed, the better, and the day it is completed is when you become a great scientist. "

Deng Cong was still a little uneasy when he heard the head of state sigh, but he was surprised by what he said next, and immediately responded: "Prince head, don't worry, I will finish it in the shortest time!"

After sending Deng Cong away, Li Chunfeng immediately found Smart No. [-] and Smart No. [-] to carry out a comprehensive rectification of the scientific research affairs management system.

In the scientific community of the future empire, if there are various whimsical ideas that need the support of scientific research resources, such applications will be handled by No. [-] Intelligence, and after summarizing all the relevant information of the applicants, they will be submitted to Li Chunfeng for review.

For this reason, Li Chunfeng specially opened a parallel thread to process this transaction. For Li Chunfeng, who has terrifying computing power, the consumption of this computing power is nothing.However, for the innovation and development of imperial science, it is a qualitative improvement.

In a word, the core of the rectification of the scientific research affairs management system is to foster newcomers with innovative thinking and ensure their scientific research resources to realize innovative thinking.

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(End of this chapter)

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