live on the computer

Chapter 342 1 White People

Chapter 342 A White Man

In an unknown galaxy, a squadron of the Fengshen Empire appeared in the galaxy in a space jump mode, and its position was at the position of the third planet in the galaxy.

However, Han Junyi, the commander of Squadron 543, was a little frustrated at the moment, because the third planet was actually a gaseous planet.

At a distance of 1.5 astronomical units from the star, it is still a gaseous planet, which is relatively rare.

The detection system found a star system with 6 planets, and the star is in a relatively stable period. This kind of galaxy may have planets that can be transformed into habitable planets.

Generally speaking, this transformable planet will be in the third or fourth position of the galaxy. Originally, Han Junyi and his partner Zhao Chen made a bet on which planet they thought might be transformative. Zhao Chen chose the fourth planet. I chose the 3rd one.

As the commander, he naturally had the right to order the fleet to jump here first, but it turned out to be a gaseous planet, which made Han Junyi lose directly.


The two large fleets divide this spherical star field with a radius of 200 light-years, with S128 as the center of the sphere, and the centerline of the spiral arm star-intensive area as the boundary. One side of the large fleet assigns tasks to squadrons in their respective hemispheric star fields, Search comprehensively.

This is not like the current search for living planets. It is to first find out the star system at the approximate distance from the star map, conduct preliminary remote observations around it, judge that the stars in the galaxy are stable, and there are potential reformable galaxies, and then mark them out.

After all these candidate galaxies are marked, determine the corresponding strategic nodes according to the strategic direction, and then send out intelligent exploration warships, use the space gate to teleport there, and conduct a preliminary search. If it is confirmed that there are planets that can be transformed, this galaxy will be will be numbered accordingly.

Although this method may miss life planets, it is superior in speed, and the strategic tentacles can be extended thousands of light years in a short time.

At the same time, after focusing on selecting some strategic nodes for construction, the territory of the empire will undoubtedly be formed. This way of dealing with the vast and boundless universe, supported by the space gate technology owned by the Fengshen Empire, is the expansion that a huge interstellar empire should have. train of thought.

The reason why Li Chunfeng changed the traditional method of building the core star field and expanding it step by step is also because the empire was hit hard by the expansion of the local universe this time.

If one's own empire is vast enough, then a disaster of this level will not affect the empire much at all.

After all, the universe is so big, even if the Fengshen Empire occupies the entire Milky Way, it will only be one in tens of billions, which is too small.

As for how to manage an empire with a larger territory, for the Fengshen Empire with space gate technology, this problem is becoming less and less a problem.

His son Li Chenghao followed Sun Jianyong in the field of space transmission research, making continuous progress.

Although the farthest transmission distance has not been increased yet, the optimization has reduced a lot in terms of transmission energy loss.

This is a very good improvement. With this, at least the energy consumption of the empire's fleet will not be too painful when teleporting.

At least the energy consumption of the longest teleportation of the Grand Fleet in the past can now be teleported twice.

This is actually equivalent to doubling the maximum distance of transmission, which is 3000 light years.

This number actually became the radius of the territory of the Fengshen Empire in Li Chunfeng's mind.

In other words, the size of the future territorial radius of the Fengshen Empire is equivalent to the farthest distance of space teleportation.

However, the youngest son, Li Chenghao, doesn't think so. He has already made a suggestion that a normalized space gate transportation network should be established between all strategic nodes or important galaxies of the empire.

The project he is currently working on is to make the space door half open normally.That is to say, the space gate is open, but when there are no battleships passing by, it is in a dormant state to save energy.

And once a battleship needs to pass through, it can be activated in a certain way, so as to pass through smoothly by itself. This method saves a lot of energy than restarting the space gate every time.

This is the subject that Lee Seung-ho is working on, and he has a great chance of success.

If Li Chenghao obtained this research result, then the territory of the Fengshen Empire could actually be even larger, because no matter how large it is, they can quickly rush to the corresponding position through the space gate, and the energy consumed is within the acceptable range.

Now, both large fleets are searching for the 117 destroyed planets of the Ziya civilization and other possible surviving relics, hoping to obtain more information about the science and technology of the Ziya civilization or its enemy, the Yao army.

"Junyi, you lost, remember to transfer me 1000 energy coins." Zhao Chen looked at the projected galaxy scene with some joy.

"Your energy coins are indispensable. Isn't there only six planets in this galaxy? Why is the third planet a gaseous planet?" Han Junyi said angrily.

"Junyi, don't be discouraged. There seem to be many satellites near this gaseous planet. We can also search for it, and maybe we can gain something."

Zhao Chen looked at this somewhat miniature gaseous planet, and saw that there were many satellites around it, so he couldn't help comforting Han Junyi.

Han Jun glanced at the satellites, and said, "Don't be ridiculous, what you're looking for is the remains of the Ziya civilization in the planet. This gaseous planet is so small, how big can the satellite be? How is it possible..."

Han Junyi suddenly stopped talking, but moved closer to the projection, staring at several satellites, and then staring at the gaseous planets for careful observation.

"Junyi, what's the matter? Did you really find something?" Zhao Chen got up from the command chair, walked to the projection, and asked.

"Zhao Chen, do you think the core of a gaseous planet should be solid? And the atmosphere of a gaseous planet is cold, right?" Han Junyi asked.

"That's right, most of them are like this, and a few... No, gaseous planets are all low temperature because they are far away from their stars, and if they are high temperature, wouldn't their atmosphere escape?" Zhao Chen said. .

Han Junyi pointed to the gaseous planet in the projection and said: "Then look, isn't this gaseous planet a little weird? The observation system has initially detected that its atmospheric temperature has reached 246°C. Doesn't it seem right?"

At this time, Zhao Chen also saw the basic data of the gaseous planet displayed in the projection, and couldn't help being stunned.

Han Junyi pointed to several satellites and said: "Look at these satellites, it seems that there are some problems with their orbits. They seem to be too close to each other, and they feel like they are separated."

Zhao Chen saw that it was indeed the case, and asked involuntarily, "What do you think?"

Han Jun gave an order to the fleet intelligence brain: "Order, climb out of a battleship and go to the vicinity of these satellites, and use several detection instruments to scan and detect them."

"Of order, Your Excellency Commander." Zhinao quickly replied.

In an unknown galaxy, 5000 million kilometers away from the third planet, a lieutenant-class battleship of the 543rd Squadron has already quickly flew towards the several satellites gathered together.

When the distance was close, it was already decelerating, and at the same time, a landing ship flew out of the lieutenant-class battleship, and soon approached the largest one among the several satellites.

These satellites are not spherical, the largest one is more than 500 kilometers long, and the smallest one is only about 200 kilometers long.

The landing ship landed on the largest satellite, quickly released a batch of robots, then went to the next satellite, released another batch of robots, and soon the five nearby satellites had robots active on them.

Although there is no gravity on it, the feet of these robots have corresponding foot nails, which can completely nail themselves firmly to the satellite.

The efficiency of the robot is very high, and the detection equipment quickly collects the relevant data of these satellites, sends them back to the mothership, and finally summarizes them to the fleet's flagship intelligence brain.

"Your Excellency Commander, there are a total of five satellites from the largest to the smallest. It is found that there is a man-made metal object in the part of the second satellite. It is 2 kilometers away from the rock formation. Do you need to excavate it?"

Han Junyi and Zhao Chen looked at each other, and their hearts suddenly became excited. Han Junyi said anxiously: "Quick, first use the supermagnetic scanner to detect the No. [-] satellite and see what this metal object is?"

"As you order, Your Excellency Commander."

Following the order, the Lieutenant-class warship close to the satellite group has activated the supermagnetic scanner, scanned the No. [-] satellite, and sent the scanned image back to the flagship.

Han Junyi and Zhao Chen on the flagship were stunned when they saw the image sent back.

This metal object has a silver-white metal shell, which looks like a rescue capsule, and the supermagnetic scanner has also scanned the objects inside.

There is really a person inside!

Yes, the scanner images clearly show that the creatures inside are extremely similar to humans on Earth!
Since the ultra-magnetic scanner uses color imaging, this person looks very much like a Caucasian!Oh, it should be said that this is a white body, or a mummy!
Although the rescue capsule seems to fit perfectly and is buried in the rock layer, in space, after the life support system of the rescue capsule fails without energy, water will still be lost.

Han Junyi and Zhao Chen looked at each other, not knowing how to react for a while.

"Quick, dig this thing out as soon as possible." Han Junyi was the first to react and gave an order.

The robots on the No. 2 satellite started digging immediately after receiving the instructions. Although they were not as professional as the "drilling mice", their digging speed was still very fast. The depth of [-] kilometers was not too difficult for them.

Not long after, the robot had dug out the metal object that looked like a rescue cabin. The entire exterior was covered with silver-white metal. There seemed to be no place to open it, but there were several damages.

Didn't the fleet come to find the remains of the Ziya civilization?The Ziya people don't look like humans on Earth. How could there be a mummy similar to the white people on Earth?

"Junyi, that's not right, look at the words on the rescue cabin, it's indeed the language of the Ziya civilization." Zhao Chen suddenly pointed to something that looked like a pattern in the middle of the rescue cabin on the projection screen, and said.

The language of the Ziya civilization has been put into the language bank of the virtual world. As the commander of the squadron searching for the remains of the Ziya civilization, of course it is the first time to learn and master it.

Han Junyi also saw clearly at this time that the rescue capsule was indeed written in Ziya civilization, but why was there a white corpse inside?

"Intelligent brain, check if this rescue capsule is still usable?" Han Jun gave an order.

After only a few seconds, the fleet intelligence replied: "Your Excellency, the energy of this rescue capsule has been exhausted, and there are still three damages. It needs to be analyzed to determine whether it can be repaired. Currently, it cannot be used."

"Then can we open the rescue cabin and take out the mummy inside?" Zhao Chen asked.

"The rescue cabin can be opened and the mummy inside can be taken out. Excuse me, do I need to take it out now?" Zhinao replied.

"Not for the time being! Report our findings to the headquarters and ask the headquarters for instructions." Han Junyi ordered.

"As ordered, Your Excellency Commander!"

 Today's second update, thank you all new and old book friends for subscribing and rewarding!Everyone, please vote for recommendations and monthly tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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