live on the computer

Chapter 343 Keep Discovering

Chapter 343 Keep Discovering

The 5rd Squadron of the 543th Fleet found a rescue capsule containing the mummified bodies of the white people of the earth.

This incident seemed to open a Pandora's box. Since then, the 5th Fleet and the sub-fleets of the 7th Fleet have continued to report new discoveries.

The 7st Squadron under the 1021th Fleet discovered the ruins of planets that were destroyed and became meteorite belts, and there were also some Ziya people who had become mummified.

The 7rd Squadron under the 1033th Fleet discovered half a planet, which turned out to be a satellite of a gas giant planet in the galaxy.

The 5st Squadron under the 591th Fleet discovered the wreckage of a battleship, which spread tens of thousands of kilometers.

The 5th Squadron under the 612th Fleet discovered a wreckage similar to a space fortress.


The Fengshen Empire's previous mode of exploring life planets was that a single exploration ship would directly appear in the galaxy selected from the star map. This method would indeed miss a lot of possibilities.

Now, knowing that there are relics here, with two large fleets and 400 squadrons conducting a galaxy-by-galaxy search, there are indeed a steady stream of discoveries.

A star field controlled by a sixth-level civilization, even after tens of thousands of years, those remaining traces in the universe will always exist as long as they are not discovered and cleaned up by the latecomers.

For example, those mummies, if they were on a living planet, might instead be turned into soil due to microorganisms, oxygen, and so on.In the vacuum of the universe, they just lose water and become mummies.

As for the wreckage of warships, fortresses, etc. in the universe, it will be eternal. What happened at that time? Tens of thousands of years have passed, and they may have been hit by meteorites at most, or attracted by the gravity of a huge planet.

If there is none, then they will be in the same state as they were back then, floating in the starry sky of the universe, like a cemetery, and want to tell future generations what happened to them back then.

"29 star systems have been discovered. According to the Ziya civilization, 117 living planets were destroyed by the Yao army. It seems that this range should be very large." Zhuang Yun sighed.

Li Chunfeng looked at the constantly changing pictures of various relics in the projection, nodded and said: "This was discovered within 200 light-years, although we haven't completely searched it yet.

According to the level of a sixth-level civilization, the territory it controls is definitely more than a few hundred light-years away. We should indeed increase our strength and expand our search range.

At the same time, the search mode should also adopt a dragnet search, and a star system cannot be missed.Remember not to use the previous mode of jumping to explore the planet of life, as it is easy to miss.

Although this mode can save resources, time, and energy when used to explore living planets, this mode sometimes relies too much on luck. "

"Prince, the goal of the jumping exploration is a planet with potential life, so it is not aimed at finding high-level relics, and it is normal to have omissions.

If the head of state has any regrets, he can actually add a group of exploration ships that specialize in searching for ruins during the jump-type exploration. The star system they choose does not need to be limited to stars that must be stable. " Zhuang Yun suggested.

"It's a good suggestion. Then you inform the No. [-] intelligence to revise the conditions for dispatching the exploration ship." Li Chunfeng said with a smile.

"Prince, doesn't the main fleet come over through the space gate?" Zhuang Yun asked.

"Some of the scientists in the research team will be teleported through the space gate in advance, and others will adopt the combination of superluminal travel.

Just this way, you can search for star systems within 5-6 light-years around the route. " Li Chunfeng said.

It is a full 128 light-years for the main fleet to reach the S1600 galaxy from that temporary mooring. Along the way, there were originally only 3 strategic nodes, and now it seems that they can conduct a more detailed search.

When the fleet is sailing faster than the speed of light, the tachyon detector can detect the surrounding situation with a radius of 3 light years. If the space door is directly opened or the space jumps during this process, something may be left behind.

After all, the S128 galaxy used to be the location of a sixth-level civilization, so any relics within 1 light-years are possible.

"Führer, the rescue capsule of the suspected white man on Earth has been sent to the S128 galaxy, how do you plan to arrange research?" Zhuang Yun asked again.

"The veteran of Phoenix has brought the expert team of the Academy of Biological Sciences to come ahead of time, and just leave it to them." Li Chunfeng said indifferently.

In fact, Li Chunfeng has already preliminarily investigated this mummy that is suspected to be a Caucasian on earth, and now this mummy does have a history of tens of thousands of years.

Then it shouldn't be possible for them to be white people on earth. In this way, the universe is so big that it is really possible to have similarities.For example, those animals on Fengshen planet that are similar to those on the earth, especially those animals that are similar to those described in Shan Hai Jing.

Of course, this is an explanation for most people, and in Li Chunfeng's heart, there is another possibility.

Because I discussed with Fenghuang before, because the genes of the human beings on the earth have been locked, the human beings on the earth may be imprisoned by a certain higher civilization, and it is even very likely that they were created by a higher civilization.

It is not uncommon for a mummy similar to that of a white man on Earth to be located nearly 3000 light-years away from the solar system.

This mummy is in the rescue cabin of the Ziya Civilization, which shows that the Ziya Civilization knew this white race, so if you search further in the ruins, you may be able to find similar ones.

Or in a certain computer storage device, there may be a corresponding narrative.

Half a year passed quickly, and Li Chunfeng not only asked Zhuang Yun to step up the search mission, but also asked Zhuang Yun to send four more large fleets to join in the search for the ruins in advance through the space gate. Expanded from 200 light-years to 500 light-years in radius.

As for the source of the white man, Li Chunfeng did not think that the Ziya civilization could produce humans on Earth, although the Ziya civilization is already a sixth-level civilization.

From the current database of the No. 128 intelligence and the storage of other computers in the underground world of the S[-] planet C, although there is no complete scientific and technological data of the Ziya civilization, it can be determined only from these incomplete scientific and technological data that the Ziya civilization is a A civilization that favors energy technology.

In terms of biotechnology, this is even the shortcoming of Ziya civilization.

The Ziya people are about 1.7 meters tall, with a small head, protruding eyes like fish eyes, a long and narrow face, slender hands like antennae, each hand has eight slender fingers, a slender waist, relatively thick lower limbs, and two feet. Also larger.

Although they already have a sixth-level civilization, the lifespan of the Ziya people is only about 850 years old, and their cloning technology is also very backward.

However, the Ziya people are very fertile, and each Ziya couple will have more than 200 children in their lifetime.

Therefore, the Ziya civilization is a huge interstellar civilization. The star field they control has a radius of 2000 light years. The capital galaxy of the Ziya civilization is 128 light-years away from the S1800 galaxy, on the other edge of the spiral arm facing the direction of the center of the galaxy. area.

In other words, the S128 galaxy is basically the frontier of the Ziya civilization. No wonder the Fengshen Empire never found it when it expanded its territory in this direction, because it was too far away.

The location information of the capital galaxy is actually not in Xiaoba's database. It was obviously deleted by the Ziya people on purpose, but this information was finally found in a computer storage device in a space fortress.

What was found together with this piece of information was the star map of the territory of the Ziya Civilization, which gave the Fengshen Empire an instant target for its search for ruins, instead of exploring galaxy by galaxy.

Zhuang Yun took this map as a treasure, and immediately re-planned and arranged with the staff members of the General Staff Headquarters to rationally distribute the six large fleets to ensure that all those in Ziyawen's star map will be captured in the shortest possible time. All marked planets have been explored.

The appearance of Ziya people is relatively weird, but it is also in line with the appearance of aliens recognized by humans on earth. If aliens look like humans, it is estimated that people will be surprised.

For example, because of this, the School of Biological Sciences is still studying the white mummy, but it is almost impossible to obtain the corresponding cells because it has been in the universe for too long.

It was originally thought that the corresponding surviving cells could be obtained from its hair, but it turned out that the mummy had been invaded by various rays long after the universe, and there were no living cells left.

Otherwise, the School of Biological Sciences will definitely clone this white man, but now we can only get a preliminary understanding of this white man through ordinary dissection methods.

In general, this Caucasian mummy, whether it is internal organs or brain, is the same as the human beings on earth, there is not much difference.

Unfortunately, it was discovered that in his galaxy, the planet that looked like a gaseous planet was actually the planet that was destroyed by the Yao Clan's army. Since the entire planet was not completely destroyed, the lava in its core overflowed and the atmosphere completely disappeared. Large rocky planets were also blasted into countless pieces.

The largest wreckage has accumulated a large amount of hydrogen for unknown reasons, forming a gaseous planet-like appearance, and it still appears at a relatively high temperature.

Therefore, this planet can be said to have been completely destroyed. It is undoubtedly a fantasy to find information about the dormant cabin and the white man's mummified body that miraculously survived from here.

Li Chunfeng felt that this white man must still have information in the remains of the Ziya civilization. Anyway, he has obtained the territory star map of the Ziya civilization, and he can quickly find the corresponding planet by following the map.

At the speed of the main fleet, it will be able to reach the S128 galaxy in about two years. Now, judging from the star map, the S128 galaxy has really become the center.


With the territory star map of Ziya Civilization, the discovery of ruins is getting faster and faster. After nearly a year of exploration, basically all the star systems marked on the territory map have been explored.

They actually found underground worlds similar to planet S128C, but the number was not as many as imagined. Only 5 were found, and with the addition of S128C, there were only 6 in total.

If you find a similar planet, with Xiaoba here, you will naturally know how to gain permission to enter it, so you don't need to absorb the corresponding energy from the shield as before.

The supercomputer where Li Chunfeng lives today has not been replaced, so the feeling of obesity still exists, which makes Li Chunfeng unable to continue absorbing energy.

However, the No. [-] intelligence was arranged to start the production of a new and larger quantum computer. At the same time, Deng Linger and the others were given a new task to absorb and integrate the light computer technology of the Ziya civilization, and study the computer technology to improve the empire again.

The relics that are constantly discovered, the corresponding products, and the corresponding scientific and technological data are continuously obtained, and are slowly absorbed into the scientific and technological system of the Fengshen Empire.

Time flies by.

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(End of this chapter)

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