Chapter 345
"Brother Chengyu, we have only arrived in the S177 galaxy for a few days, and those fleets have not yet fully arranged for defense, so you come out with the escort fleet, isn't it good?" Zhang Ningyuan muttered.

"Where do you come from so many words, we have been guarding the main fleet for 20 years, and we have not had a single exploration mission, let alone a garrison mission.

I almost forgot how to command a fleet to fight.Now that we have the opportunity, of course, we must familiarize ourselves with this star field belonging to our newly established 28th fleet before assigning it to the following fleets to garrison. " Li Chengyu said.

"However, the General Staff Headquarters has already made a defense plan. Do we want to change it? And we seem to have come out too far." Zhang Ningyuan asked
"After we get familiar with it, if we need to change it, we will of course submit it to the General Staff to modify the deployment map. Okay, turn back from here, and we will return."

A fleet is traveling at super-light speed, sailing along the outer edge of Orion’s spiral arm, and at this time is drawing an arc back from the dark area.The number of warships in this fleet is not large, but it has a new Fengshen-class warship and 200 new famous generals.

The new Fengshen-class battleship "Tianjin" is Li Chengyu's flagship after he was promoted to the rank of admiral, and the 200 new famous generals are assigned to the escort fleet of the commander of the large fleet according to the latest military regulations.

An admiral with 100 ships, Li Chengyu and Zhang Ningyuan came out together this time, and naturally both of their escort fleets were dispatched.These 201 warships may seem like a small number, but their combat power is extremely powerful.

After 20 years of development in today's Fengshen Empire, although the development of various technologies has not yet officially entered the sixth-level civilization, the various technologies reflected on the battleship are already completely sixth-level civilization technology.

Whether it is the level of protection or the ability to attack, it may even slightly exceed the level of the sixth level of civilization.

The most powerful of these is the new Fengshen-class warship. Although it is a combined warship, the hull of each module is made of the most expensive and rarest ultra-nano polymer in the empire.

The hull made of this material allows the new Fengshen class to withstand the attacks of level [-] civilization energy weapons even without a shield.

It is estimated that the Kunpeng battleship can withstand the space weapon that smashed the Yate fleet's battle star a few times.

This can be said to be the material in this universe that is second only to neutron star matter, and if neutron star matter is to be artificially produced, it may be difficult even for a seventh-level civilization.

What's more, if it is really a seventh-level civilization, it is completely possible to obtain and transform neutron stars, so why bother to manufacture them yourself?As many stars as there are in the universe, it is estimated that there are as many neutron stars.

Being able to control and transform neutron stars for their own use, this kind of technology can only be possessed by level [-] civilizations.

Fengshen Empire now possesses ultra-nanometer polymer materials, but the manufacturing process is still very complicated and consumes energy.

Therefore, Li Chunfeng still cannot replace all warships with this material as he likes, so currently only the new Fengshen class will be used in the Fengshen Empire.

Of course, the recently completed new Zhanxing Mars is all made of this material, and the material used to build the Mars can be used to build 100 new Fengshen-class ships.

However, Li Chunfeng still started construction when this material was just mass-produced, and it has been going on for 18 years, and it has just been completed this year.

Only Li Chunfeng knows that his consciousness needs better protection from the battleship. In the core space of the Mars battle star, there is now a super super computer.

After absorbing the light computer technology of the Ziya civilization, the computer technology of the Fengshen Empire has made new progress again. Now this super super computer, after Li Chunfeng moved in, the feeling of being bloated and fat disappeared immediately.

This time, Li Chunfeng also deliberately increased a lot of storage space, wanting to see whether the capacity of the conscious body is limited by both CPU and storage, or only by storage.

Since the manufacture of this battle star consumes most of the output of super nanopolymers, in the past 18 years, it can only guarantee the upgrade of the new Fengshen class warships. As for other classes of warships, there has been no material upgrade for the time being.

However, due to the rapid development of science and technology, both offensive weapons and defensive shields have been greatly upgraded and improved.

Therefore, the new Fengshen class can be said to be the strongest warship in the Fengshen Empire except for the battle star. In the combat power evaluation system of the virtual world, the combat power of the new Fengshen class warship has been equated with the known Kunpeng warship.

At this time, this small fleet, although small in number, but with a combat power comparable to that of a fifth-level civilization fleet, was quietly sailing outside the edge of Orion's spiral arm under the command of Li Chengyu.

The void matter here has begun to decrease. According to the detection of the battleship's vacuum zero-point energy detector, the energy level of the vacuum zero-point energy in this place is actually greater than that of the star-dense area in the center of the spiral arm.

Seeing this number, Li Chengyu was also a little surprised, and quickly recorded this situation. Now many scientists in the empire are studying this aspect.

"Ning Yuan, I didn't expect that there is such a peculiarity here. No one has been here before. It seems that the empire has stayed here long enough to study the Ziya civilization. We should go to the Perseus spiral arm opposite. .”

Li Chengyu looked at the obviously very dark starry sky through the porthole of the command room, and said to Zhang Ningyuan.

For a long time, Li Chunfeng has considered the defense of battleships in interstellar wars, and at the same time, due to the maturity of 3D holographic projection technology, the battleships of the Fengshen Empire are all fully enclosed and have no porthole design. The interior of the battleship is 3D holographic projection. spectacle.

This seems to have become a certain practice. Until this time when the battleship was upgraded to the sixth level of civilization technology, the designers of the battleship design center thought that it should be possible to use direct portholes, at least for the command room and observation platform of the battleship. porthole.

After all, battleships now mainly rely on shields for protection. When the shields cannot withstand enemy attacks, basically the hull materials are also unable to resist, so even if some parts are portholes made of transparent materials, it will not reduce the defense of the battleship. ability.

Moreover, with the improvement of new material technology, the porthole of a battleship is also a nano-transparent material polymer, which can be said to be stronger than many metals.

The battleship with portholes seemed to look much more beautiful immediately. When this design was presented to the head of state for review, the head of state was also very satisfied.

Therefore, although the shape of the Fengshen Empire battleship has not changed much in the past 20 years, there have been many small design improvements.

Since the imperial warships are all combined warships, this kind of upgrading is very common, which not only improves the combat power of the imperial warships, but also improves their aesthetics a lot. It is definitely a model representative of violent aesthetics.

"Brother Chengyu, do you know something, so you chose to come to the S177 galaxy? However, if you want to cross this void and go to the Great Spiral Arm of Perseus, you should also dispatch from the S188 or S211 galaxy, right?
Are these two galaxies closer to the Gnar Union?We are still too far away here. "Zhang Ningyuan said.

"I don't know, you didn't get any news from your father, and my father certainly wouldn't tell me about this." Li Chengyu looked at Zhang Ningyuan and said in a slightly complaining tone.

As the eldest son of the head of state and the commander of the fleet for many years, if the person in front of him was not his long-time friend and partner, and also the son of the elder Zhang Wenhao, if the two of them had similar feelings in many ways, Li Chengyu would not have expressed his emotions to outsiders.

Now the lifespan limits of the citizens of the Fengshen Empire are constantly being refreshed, and they are young for a long time. People of their age do not have the feeling of being old and twilight like in the Earth era. Instead, they are full of youthful hormones.

However, Li Chengyu quickly changed the subject, "I think this void is of great research value, think about it, why aren't there so many star systems gathered in this place?
Unexpectedly, as expected, we only came near the edge, and found that the vacuum zero point can be different. If we go to the middle of the void, I am afraid that there will be many interesting phenomena. "

Zhang Ningyuan shook his head and said: "No matter how valuable it is, is there any value in the original star field of the empire? Local expansion of the universe is a phenomenon that can reveal the mysteries of the universe.

I didn't see those big scientists all bringing a special exploration fleet, soaking around there, thinking about obtaining huge research results.

Even Brother Chenghao is not immune, if you want to fool people into studying this void that has existed since ancient times, it is estimated that no one will come.

Besides, near the place where the universe expanded, toward the center of the galaxy, there is also such a void. "

"Aren't you feeling uncomfortable if you don't hit me? Anyway, what's unusual here, we'll report it up. As for whether anyone comes, that's not our business." Li Chengyu said.

As soon as Li Chengyu's voice fell, the flagship brain suddenly sent out a reminder.

"Your Excellency, Commander, the fleet detection system discovered that there is a star system 5.5 light-years away, and the first planet in the galaxy seems to have signs of life!"

"What? Found a living planet?!" Zhang Ningyuan was a little stunned.

Although Li Chengyu was also a little surprised, he was calmer and said immediately: "Project the star map and mark this galaxy and planet."

A star map appeared in front of the two of them in an instant. The S177 galaxy and the marked life planet were 35 light-years away.

The location of this newly discovered galaxy is almost entering the dark void between the two spiral arms, and the Fengshen Empire will indeed not conduct life planet exploration activities in such marginal areas.

Of course, there is another reason. The stars in this galaxy are obviously red dwarfs. Although they are stable enough, they are still not the first choice for finding living planets.

At the same time, because this galaxy is relatively far away from the S177 galaxy, even the patrol line of the garrison fleet is at least 10 light-years away from this planet, and the patrol fleet can only detect at most six light-years around the line.

Therefore, this small galaxy has never been noticed by the empire.However, at this moment, Li Chengyu's small fleet accidentally discovered a living planet in such a small galaxy.

This is a living planet!We must know that in the past 20 years, the Fengshen Empire has explored and expanded nearly 3000 light-years along the edge of Orion's spiral arm.

In this region, at least 85% of the stellar systems with relatively good conditions have been explored, but no naturally born living planets have been found.

If it weren't for the six underground worlds left by the Ziya civilization, it is estimated that the Fengshen Empire may have left this star field and went to a new star field to find life planets.

"Hurry up, let's rush over there immediately, and prepare to start the space leap, so that the fleet will directly appear in the outer space of that living planet, um... just 2000 million kilometers away." Li Chengyu said excitedly.

"Your Excellency, Commander, the observation system has discovered that there are intelligent creatures on this living planet! Are you sure that the fleet still needs to space jump to a distance of 2000 million kilometers away from the planet?" the flagship intelligence brain prompted.

"Ah? There are already intelligent creatures? There is already a master?" The joy of just discovering a living planet was greatly discounted.

The Fengshen Empire is almost equivalent to a sixth-level civilization. In the process of exploring the planet of life, the empire has corresponding regulations.

For example, when a living planet with intelligent creatures is discovered, first of all, these intelligent creatures cannot be alarmed immediately, and they must be observed secretly.Then report to the headquarters, confirm the level of intelligent biological civilization, and then determine the way to contact it.

That's why Zhinao asked him to confirm again, whether it appeared directly at the close distance of the living planet.

Li Chengyu shook his head helplessly and said: "The previous order is cancelled." Then he studied the preliminary situation of the galaxy given by the detection system.

After all, there is a distance of 5.5 light-years, and what the observation system sees should be the scene of the galaxy 5.5 years ago, so it is necessary to observe it secretly.

"The fleet immediately space-jumped to the vicinity of the third planet in the galaxy, and opened the dimensional shield." Li Chengyu issued a new order.

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(End of this chapter)

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