live on the computer

Chapter 346 The Cause of the Great War

Chapter 346 The Cause of the Great War

Because the Kalmar galaxy is on the edge of the spiral arm, there is little matter here, so it does not form the Kuiper belt like many galaxies, and there are even only three planets.

Outside the outermost gaseous planet, a fleet quietly appeared, it was Li Chengyu's small fleet that had jumped from space.

The Fengshen Empire has made a lot of progress in space technology over the years, including the analysis of space transition devices.

Due to the improvement in cognition of both matter and space, scientists from the Academy of Space Sciences finally figured out the principle of this device, and also figured out the difference between space jump, space transmission and space jump.

This actually contains a concept similar to quantum teleportation, but it goes a step further. This device stimulates the quantum state replacement of matter through energy.

Yes, this is not teleportation, but the matter in place A is quantized and replaced with the matter in place B according to the magnitude of the input energy.

However, this process is easily affected by changes in the space energy of the universe, especially if there is an anomaly of space energy at the departure point, this replacement may even fail.

When the Iceman used it in a hurry, because the death zone is the area where high-energy particles from supernova explosions pass through, the space energy is also in an unstable state.

It is precisely for this reason that the Iceman's space transition has undergone a change, not only the distance has become farther away, but also the position of the replacement is also affected by high-energy particles, resulting in a direct quantum state replacement with the crustal material in the earth.

It is impossible to clarify the mystery of this, but the principle of the entire jump device has been confirmed by the scientists of the Fengshen Empire.

After understanding the principle, the improvement of this device is a matter of course. Within a certain range of energy consumption, the maximum transition distance of this device is generally extended to 10 light-years.

Since the antimatter production line obtained by the Fengshen Empire from the Gold Swallowing Beast is very efficient, the empire is relatively abundant in antimatter energy.

This is also why the empire dared to build a large number of space gate battleships, using various space devices, from the initial consumption of energy and materials, to the continuous optimization and improvement, which has reached a relatively satisfactory level.

Although the preparation time for the jump of the space jump device at a distance of more than 5 light years is slightly longer than that of the space jump, it is more stable and reliable.

Therefore, most fleet commanders will choose to use space jump if they are in a hurry during the voyage of more than 5 light-years and less than 10 light-years.

After Li Chengyu led his escort fleet to appear on the outskirts of the Kalmar galaxy, he immediately launched a batch of "Pathfinder 8".

Although the Kalmar galaxy is small, the third gaseous planet in the outermost circle is only 20 astronomical units away from the first living planet.

However, at the maximum flight speed of "Pathfinder 8", which is one third of the speed of light, it will take more than 8 hours to fly.

It is already possible to observe further situations from this position, and it is obvious that the intelligent creatures on this living planet have not stepped into the universe yet.

This can be seen from two aspects. On the one hand, there are no space facilities such as satellites in the outer space of the planet, and on the other hand, the galaxy does not use any means of information obscuration.

It's just that we need to observe closely what kind of technological level the intelligent creatures on this planet have reached.

Li Chunfeng couldn't wait for "Pathfinder 8" to fly over by himself, so he boldly dispatched a famous general-class warship, activated the all-round stealth system, and even turned on the dimensional shielding, space jumping to the vicinity of this planet, and then "Pathfinder 8" Orbiter [-]" is arranged on the high orbit of this planet.

With the deployment of "Pathfinder 8" in place, the situation of this living planet was quickly collected.

"Oh, this planet is actually in a war! Look at their aircraft, which is quite similar to our triplane during World War I." Zhang Ningyuan couldn't help being happy when he saw the video data that was continuously sent back.

"Are you taking pleasure in other's misfortune? They are considered a level 0.5 civilization. How many people will die in such a big battle?" Li Chengyu gave Zhang Ningyuan an angry look.

Then he issued an order to the brain, saying: "Immediately report the situation of this planet to the General Staff!"

+ + + + + + + + + + + +
In the past two days, Tejer, the Prime Minister of the Karma Federation, felt like he was dumbfounded. Just as he thought that he would be like the previous nine prime ministers, who would be responsible for the defeat of the war and be ousted by the House of Representatives.

As a result, all the councilors have been asking Tejer to stay in office and continue to lead the Federation to defeat the invading army of the Qamar Empire.

In the past, the noisy congressmen united as one, unanimously passed a series of long-awaited bills. Tejer’s previous measures had been discussed and discussed by the congressmen, and now it took only half a day to pass all of them.

Even sitting in the prime minister's office at this moment, Tejer still feels like he is in a dream.

Lev, Commander-in-Chief of the Bundeswehr, looked at Prime Minister Tejjer, who was fascinated, coughed dryly, and then reminded: "Your Excellency, Prime Minister, what do you think of our military's plan?"

Prime Minister Tejer reacted and said quickly: "Can your plan cut off the retreat of the giant army?"

Lev nodded and said: "Your Excellency, the new weapon used by our military this time is something that the previous prime ministers had placed high hopes on. Now it has finally been developed and produced. It is definitely a weapon for naval warfare. It can 100% transport the giants. The entire fleet was sunk in the sea."

Prime Minister Tejer suddenly had an impression, and asked hesitantly: "You mean, the ship that can attack warships from the water? It seems to be called a submarine..."

"Scuba boat!" Lev reminded.

"Yes, it is a diving ship. Has it really been developed? So how many ships do we have now? Can we ensure the completion of the task of cutting off the enemy's supplies?" Prime Minister Tejer asked uncertainly.

"The previous prime ministers worried that the parliament would not provide a one-time budget, so they included part of the production costs in the research and development costs, and divided them into multiple batches and submitted them for consideration together with other military expenditures.

Therefore, we have actually achieved small batch production. As long as this battle is won, I think the congressmen should approve the follow-up large-scale construction plan. " Lev said with a smile.

Prime Minister Tejir couldn't help being a little dumbfounded. It seems that some of the political systems of the Federation have really reached the point where they must be reformed. Maybe he can take advantage of this opportunity. What will happen again.

Just as he was thinking so, there was a hasty knock on the door.

"Please come in!"

"Your Excellency, Professor Qi Shan is here, would you like to see me now?" Science and Technology Secretary Yellen pushed the door open and asked.

Prime Minister Tejer immediately remembered that he invited Professor Qi Shan to discuss with Commander-in-Chief Lev about aliens.

"Invite him in quickly, let's discuss together." Prime Minister Tejer said, took out the photos that Qi Shan had brought last time, and handed them to Commander-in-Chief Lev.

"Lev, look at the discovery of our astronomer Professor Qi Shan, he observed the alien fleet!"

"What?!" Commander-in-Chief Lev stood up in shock, then threw himself on the table, flipping through the photos one by one.

But he murmured, "Did they come?"

Lev flipped through the photos quickly, and the expression of shock on his face had turned into deep confusion, "Strange, why are these alien warships different?"

When Prime Minister Tejer heard Commander-in-Chief Lev's words, he couldn't help being surprised and said, "Lev, do you know something?"

At this moment, Professor Qi Shan followed Secretary Yellen in.

Lev did not immediately answer the Prime Minister's question, but asked Qi Shan, "Are you Professor Qi Shan? When was this photo taken?"

Secretary Yellen quickly introduced Commander-in-Chief Lev.Qi Shan said quickly: "Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, these photos were taken a few days ago. They appeared for a short time, and disappeared after only a few minutes."

"So, do you have any other information about this alien?" Lev asked.

Qi Shan shook her head and said, "No more. I waited for ten years before observing again. If I hadn't been prepared, I wouldn't have been able to take these photos in such a short time."

Lev nodded, and then said to Secretary Yellen: "You take Professor Qi Shan to your place first, I need to talk to the Prime Minister alone."

Secretary Yellen froze for a moment, glanced at Prime Minister Tejer, and immediately responded, "Okay."

After speaking, he led Professor Qi Shan out of the Prime Minister's Office.

Prime Minister Tejer looked at Lev and said lightly: "Lev, it seems that there are still things in the military that I don't know about."

Lev looked a little embarrassed, and said: "Your Excellency, it's not that the military deliberately concealed it, but that the cabinet has changed too frequently in recent years, and the military has no time to report some things."

Prime Minister Tejer said clearly: "Okay, no need to explain, I understand. After all, I have only been in office for less than three months. Now tell me, it seems that you are no stranger to aliens."

Lev sorted out his thoughts a bit, and said: "About 100 years ago, not long after our federal government was established, there was a meteor shower that year, and that meteor shower brought an escape capsule for aliens.

The escape pod must have been damaged before it crashed. The federal government sent troops to monitor the scene, and the alien in the escape pod was injured and died.

However, when he was dying, some information was conveyed to those who were in contact with him at the time.They are from the starry sky across the chasm, from an alliance of interstellar civilizations called the Gnar Alliance.

They were battling an evil enemy, their ship was damaged, and an escape pod brought them to our planet. "

Prime Minister Tejer was very surprised. Unexpectedly, this incident of aliens happened more than 100 years ago, and the federal government at that time had contacted it.

"Wait, Lev. Since the federal government came into contact with aliens more than 100 years ago, why is the technology of our federation not as good as that of the Kamal Empire?" Prime Minister Tejer suddenly asked.

Lev sighed: "The secret of aliens is the top secret of the Federation, and a special base has been established to conduct various research on those life-saving spacecraft.

However, 30 years ago, a federal commander who had been in charge of the base fled to the Qamar Empire with some information because he was impeached by the congressmen.

This is the main reason why the technology of the Kamal Empire surpassed ours in just a few decades. Of course, their empire system ensures the continuity and efficiency of scientific and technological research.

In fact, a large part of the reason for this war is also that the Kamal Empire wants to capture the remains of the alien escape pod from us. "

"Are you talking about the traitor Trafael?" Prime Minister Tejer asked.

"Yes, it's him."

Prime Minister Tejer didn't know what to say. Seeing the photos on the table, he suddenly thought of Lev's performance just now, and asked, "Lev, you seemed to say that the battleships are different. What's going on?"

Commander-in-Chief Lev explained: "The aliens from the Gnar Alliance gave photos of their warships, which look completely different from this outline. Maybe this fleet is another alien."

Prime Minister Tegil thought about it: "You said, could they be the fleet of the evil enemy that the Nar Alliance said?"

 Today's second update, thank you all new and old book friends for subscribing and rewarding!I beg you to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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