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Chapter 347 The Idea of ​​Crossing the Chasm

Chapter 347 The Idea of ​​Crossing the Chasm

S128 galaxy, inside the Mars battle star, Tian'an City.

The volume of the Mars battle star is slightly larger than that of the Earth battle star by 20%. The interior of the battle star is modeled on the layout of the underground world of the Ziya civilization, and an inner space like a living planet has been built.

However, because it is a battle star, there are not as many hollow parts inside it as the underground world of the Ziya civilization, but the height of the space is much higher, reaching a height of 20 kilometers.

On the surface of this inner space, three huge super cities are still built, but the names of the cities have not been reused from the inside of the Earth.

With the launch of the Mars, all personnel in the Earth have moved into the Mars, because the Earth will undergo a comprehensive upgrade.

Of course, most of the astral materials are updated to super nanopolymers, and the interior will also be modified to the same design as Mars.

As for why not rebuild a battle star, but choose to upgrade the Earth, the main reason is to save time. In fact, the materials used to transform the Earth have already built part of the component modules, and only waiting to replace the corresponding parts of the Earth That's it.

Due to the discovery of the remains of the Ziya civilization, the scope of the empire's exploration of new life planets has always been within the range of 3000 light years.It was originally said to cross the spiral arm gap to the star field where the Gnar Alliance is located, but it was delayed. Li Chunfeng didn't want to procrastinate here for a long time.
Although here, you can also send a fleet to contact the Nar Alliance first, but since there are so many products and technologies of the Ziya civilization that need to be digested, of course it is better to improve yourself before going.

Who knows if the Gnar Alliance will be able to communicate peacefully?Moreover, according to the previous judgment, the Gnar Alliance may be a sixth-level civilization, or at least the peak of the fifth level.

This is also Li Chunfeng's patience, and he is here to study the remains of the Ziya civilization. Although the data in all computer storage devices was cleaned up when the Ziya civilization evacuated, a large number of equipment and ready-made products still make Fengshen Empire's technology in all aspects have improved.

Since the fields of technology marked by the sixth-level civilization are all improved on the basis of the original theory of the fifth-level civilization, there seems to be no threshold, but it is still very difficult to achieve iconic results in a short period of time.

Although the Fengshen Empire has some good applications in the exploration of the origin of matter, such as dark matter and dark energy, the basic theory is still not fully perfected, so it cannot be said that it has entered a sixth-level civilization

The same is true in space technology. There have been many breakthroughs in applied technology, but there are still some ambiguities in the theoretical part.

As for energy technology, thanks to the information of Ziya civilization, it has come from behind, and it has reached the level of a sixth-level civilization.

At this moment, in Tian'an City, in the meeting room of the Head of State's Palace, the Elders held another meeting.

This time it was Li Chunfeng who wanted to send a long-distance fleet out of the Great Spiral Arm of Perseus to contact the Gnar Alliance.

In recent years, from the remains of the Ziya civilization, some information about the shocking war more than 1 years ago has been obtained. Although there is not much information, there is also a vague understanding.

This is indeed a shocking war, and the war has really spread throughout the galaxy, not even in the galaxy.

The researchers of the Fengshen Empire were extremely surprised by the two sides of the war. On one side was the countless interstellar civilizations. From the few words of information obtained from the Ziya civilization relics, at least tens of thousands of interstellar civilizations had been discovered.

But on the other side, there will always be only four words, "Yao clan's army"!
What a shocking thing this is. As the name suggests, the Yao Clan's army may be an army of one race.

How crazy it is for one race to wage a war against tens of thousands of races beyond the Milky Way, and even more intelligent races.

However, in all the surviving computer storage devices, there is no video data about the Yao Clan's army, which is a bit strange.

You must know that since the two sides are fighting, it is impossible for the side with a large number of people to have no video data of the enemy at all. Even if there is no information about the Yao army before the Ziya civilization, the alliance should have this information and pass it on to the Ziya civilization, so that It is right for the Yuziya civilization to deal with the army of the Yao people.

If this information is passed on to the Ziya Civilization, then there is no reason that there is no such information among the 6 underground world planets that have survived.

Now there is only one explanation, that is, Ziya Civilization deleted all these information when it evacuated. Being able to do this kind of thing at such a moment shows that Ziya Civilization should evacuate more calmly.

However, why is it necessary to delete this information?
Li Chunfeng did not guess that the information was deleted by the Yao army, because if the Yao army had occupied these planets, there should be no reason to preserve these planets so well.

Most importantly, if the Yao Clan army ever occupied it, there would always be clues left behind.

Therefore, the matter about the Yao Clan's army became even more mysterious in the eyes of the Fengshen Empire.

Under the circumstance that the Yao army could not be deciphered from the remains of the Ziya civilization, Li Chunfeng thought of the Naer Alliance that he wanted to contact before.

Since this alliance may be in a sixth-level civilization and an alliance of multiple interstellar civilizations, it may have a long history, so is it possible to obtain information about the great war ten thousand years ago from the Gnar Alliance?

Besides, as the Fengshen Empire, which is about to step into the sixth-level civilization, it now has enough confidence to communicate with other interstellar civilizations.

"Head of State, I fully agree to go to the Nar Alliance area. Anyway, with the support of our fleet, our Ministry of Foreign Affairs can definitely communicate with them." Huang Bingchang took the lead in expressing his opinion.

Zhang Wenhao nodded and said: "Don't worry Da Huang, our fleet will definitely give you the strongest support."

"You two, don't think so simply. Since the Gnar Alliance is an alliance of interstellar civilizations, there should be more than one interstellar civilization. In the Great Spiral Arm of Perseus, it does not know how large a star field it occupies.

Our side is 6000 light-years away from there, and there is no intermediate galaxy as a supply point. If there is a conflict, the fleet we send is afraid that it will suffer. "Sun Jingan said involuntarily.

Liu Mingchuan followed Sun Jingan's words and said: "Chunfeng, I wonder if it is possible to build a void transfer station in this 6000 light-year blank area first.

Reserve materials, energy, and warships in the transfer station. According to our current space transmission distance, we only need to set up 3-5 transfer stations to ensure that we can provide strong protection for the fleet that is more than 6000 light-years away. "

Zhang Wenhao nodded again and again and said: "The prime minister's idea is good. If we knew that we should start building the transfer station earlier, then we can directly cross this area now."

Li Chunfeng also agreed: "It's not too late now, just 10 new life-class spaceships have been completed, which can be used as the core body of the transfer station, coupled with several space fortress ships, mobile space ports, etc., to build an offensive and defensive spaceship." It is also a transfer station."

Zhang Wenhao asked excitedly: "The head of state said that everything seems to be ready, so when will we dispatch and start building the transfer station?"

Liu Mingchuan said: "You don't need to worry, after the plan is arranged, several artificial intelligences will dispatch the corresponding resources according to the plan, and the fleet for the construction of the transfer station can set off."

Li Chunfeng nodded and said: "What Ming Chuan said is that now it seems that everyone has no objection to exploring the Great Spiral Arm of Perseus. Next, Wen Hao will work with the General Staff to formulate corresponding plans..."

Before Li Chunfeng finished speaking, he received a message from Zhuang Yun. After thinking about it, he simply asked Zhuang Yun to project it directly and report.

Following the appearance of Zhuang Yun's projection, Zhuang Yun greeted the elders first, and then reported: "Commanders of the 28th Fleet Li Chengyu and Zhang Ningyuan discovered the planet of life, but it is an owner's land!"

"Hey, these two boys have just been promoted, so they have made meritorious service. I remember they just went to the S177 galaxy area. How can there be a living planet there?" Zhang Wenhao couldn't help but asked happily.

Zhuang Yun directly projected the video data sent back by Li Chengyu and the others. At this time, the data is relatively rich, because Li Chengyu has already sent a robot with visual invisibility to land on the Kalmar star, and has collected more information.

After reading the information on Kalmar, Li Chunfeng asked: "Everyone tell me how the empire should treat the civilization on this planet."

Zhang Wenhao took the lead in saying: "This planet is at war, judging from this situation, it is about the same level as the First World War in our Earth era.

We can directly come forward to quell their wars and accept them as subordinate civilizations. "

Huang Bingchang shook his head and said: "Haozi, this is not acceptable. To become an affiliated civilization of the empire has to make a certain contribution to the empire. The intelligent civilization of this planet has no contribution to us. How can it be directly designated as an affiliated civilization."

Zhang Wenhao said with a smile: "Rhubarb, don't even think about it, he has contributed a planet of life! Isn't that a big contribution?"

"Hey, you guy, you don't want to contribute this planet, are you planning to snatch it?" Huang Bingchang pointed to Zhang Wenhao and said.

Phoenix suddenly said: "The two kinds of intelligent creatures on this planet are interesting. The Ziya civilization has stored the images of hundreds of civilizations in that alliance. Take a look, they seem to be similar to the images of intelligent creatures from two civilizations." very similar."

When Fenghuang said this, he immediately reminded everyone that Li Chunfeng had discovered this just now. Hearing what Fenghuang said at this time, he immediately picked out those two images of intelligent creatures in the alliance stored by Ziya civilization, and projected them out. .

"Like, it's so similar, the giant race on this planet is almost the same as the creature of the Muda civilization." Sun Jing'an sighed.

"This short creature is similar to the creature from the Shanqi civilization, but slightly taller than the creature from the Shanqi civilization." Wu Yumeng said in comparison.

Liu Mingchuan asked: "Phoenix, do you think the two races on this planet are left by these two civilizations?"

Phoenix shook his head and said: "There is no evidence, so it cannot be confirmed. The Ziya Civilization's data only have the images of intelligent creatures and the names of the civilizations, and there is not even the location of these two civilizations.

We cannot assume that there is an inevitable connection between them just because they look alike.After all, the technological level of the two races on this planet is less than level one, and to be able to join the alliance mentioned by Ziya civilization, I think at least level five civilization, right? "

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(End of this chapter)

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