live on the computer

Chapter 349 Doomsday Deguer

Chapter 349 Doomsday Deguer

After arranging for Phoenix to study the Kamal Stars, Li Chunfeng was still thinking about the mysterious cuboid.

Of course, I have studied the natural charging process of the mysterious cuboid, but because the mind field cannot be scanned, and the energy detector cannot detect it at all, obviously this process is enclosed in a rectangular box.

Facing the rectangular box that could not be dismantled, Li Chunfeng could only sigh in awe.

Although the rectangular box can't quickly transform into a great scientist, it does make some progress in Alex's research on enhancing consciousness.

At least now there are nearly 300 people whose consciousness has reached Level 67 or above, [-] of them are already at Level [-], and Alex has confirmed that he has entered Level [-].

How to confirm this three-level standard?When Li Chunfeng used his mind field to scan the giant warship of the Gold-Tuning Beast, he came into contact with the consciousness of the Shadow Commander of the Gold-Tuning Beast. The five Shadow Commanders of the Gold-Tuning Beast were able to gather the consciousness of millions of Gold-Tuning Beasts at different levels to control the entire giant ship.

But at present, it is obviously difficult for Alex to gather the consciousness of these hundreds of people. Obviously, it cannot reach the intensity of the shadow commander. Then the shadow general should not be able to reach it. Maybe it is the shadow school, but the shadow school can control the gold-swallowing beast medium-sized battleship. .

Alex can't control some of the consciousness control devices he made. It seems that the level of the shadow school has not yet been reached, which means that it may be equivalent to the level of the shadow captain.

Thinking of the level of the gold swallowing beast, Li Chunfeng simply took the corresponding level of the gold swallowing beast as the standard. The third level is equivalent to the shadow captain, the fourth level is equivalent to the shadow school, the fifth level is corresponding to the shadow general, the sixth level is corresponding to the shadow commander, and the seventh level is the actor. I still haven't determined my level.

Because Li Chunfeng knew that his level must be far higher than the actor's.Li Chunfeng also tried to build a module in the virtual world, and then moved a part of the residual consciousness energy into this module, and asked Alex to try to absorb it to see if his consciousness level could be improved.

The result is that Alex's consciousness that enters this module can feel this energy, but cannot absorb it.

This frustrated Li Chunfeng's desire to use this energy to cultivate a large number of people with strong consciousness.Nowadays, these people can only be cultivated slowly with the mysterious rectangle.

Thinking of the Tunjin Beast, Li Chunfeng was also very surprised. It has been more than 70 years since the Triangular Galaxy War, and the Fengshen Empire has explored the cosmic starry sky within a range of nearly [-] light-years. During this period, it has never encountered Tunjin again traces of the beast.

Could it be that after the film king who annihilated the gold-swallowing beast that time, their group disappeared?So where did the shadow body that had fought with him go?

Li Chunfeng felt that as long as the shadow consciousness exists, the Gold-Tuning Beast must still exist. If the Gold-Tuning Beast develops, it may be more terrifying than the Kunpeng Battleship.

After all, there is only one Kunpeng battleship at present, and the gold swallowing beast is a group. If it really develops to the sixth or even seventh level of civilization, plus their number, it will undoubtedly make any intelligent civilization feel desperate when facing them.

Perseus spiral arm, near the edge of the spiral arm, towards the direction of the center of the galaxy, there is an unknown galaxy.

There are 7 planets in this galaxy, and the third planet is a habitable planet with green mountains and green waters and a fresh atmosphere.

Today, the atmosphere here is turbid, the planet is completely covered by thick dust clouds, and the earth is completely frozen, because it is difficult for the light of the stars to pass through. The surface temperature of the planet has dropped to minus [-] degrees, and even in the daytime, the light is dim. It's like dusk.

The entire planet seemed to be uninhabited, and there were ruins of destroyed cities everywhere, and there were huge craters caused by some kind of explosion in many places.

Even the thick snow can't cover up the damage to the planet. It's like the end of the world.No, this is the end of the world!

In a seemingly wild place, on the edge of ruined walls, an animal with long horns on its head is lowering its head and tearing at something.

With a sound of "swish", some kind of piercing sound came out, and the animal's head burst open suddenly, and then the fat body of the animal fell to the ground.

Afterwards, the surroundings fell into tranquility again.

After a full 5 minutes, somewhere under the thick snow-covered snow pack, something suddenly drilled out, moving very quickly, rushing towards the animal corpse in the distance.

However, just halfway through the run, it suddenly stopped and turned 90 degrees rapidly, followed by a burst of dense sounds.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

It turned out to be a Gauss rifle in its hand, and it was spraying high-speed bullets at this moment. In front of it, at some point, there was a giant white python with its head raised high, and its mouth was about to bite it.

With this burst of rapid shooting, the head of the white giant python was smashed into pieces in an instant, but at the moment when it was about to die, its tail swiftly swept over.

It failed to dodge, and this blow sent it flying more than ten meters away. If it wasn't for the snow on the ground, it would probably have fallen half to death.

With such a fall, the thick clothing-like object that was originally wrapped around it loosened, revealing its true appearance.

This is a humanoid creature. Its head is not irregularly spherical, but rather long in front and back, like a horse's head. Its face is also long and narrow, and its eyes are large and very beautiful. The pupils are green, like gemstones.

The body length of the humanoid creature lying on the ground is about 1.8 meters, which is quite tall, but it just moved quickly, and it didn't give people the feeling of being tall and clumsy.

At the moment it is grinning, its mouth is big, white teeth are thick, and it looks quite threatening.

It didn't seem to be hurt. After a while, it turned over and got up, and walked to the white python unsteadily, seeing bright red blood flowing all over the snow.

It immediately pounced on it, and sucked the blood from the wound of the white python. This is a good thing, it's a pity that it bleeds so much.

After it drank fiercely, it put down the white python, drew out a sharp knife beside it, skinned the white python a few times, took out the snake gall, and swallowed it without hesitation.

After cleaning up, the white boa constrictor was put away, and then walked towards the dead long-horned animal again. It walked very carefully, and looked around no less than ten times in a short distance of more than 100 meters.

Obviously, it was worried that other beasts would appear. On this planet, all the survivors were ferocious ones.

When it came to the dead animal, its movements suddenly became faster.

He took out a roll of rope from his body and quickly tied up the animal, which was much bigger than it, and then dragged the animal's body and quickly ran towards the snow bag it had just come out of.

During the return journey, it didn't look around like just now, but ran at the fastest speed.

After it got into the snow bag, the surrounding area was still quiet, nothing happened, and everything became quiet again.

Not long after, there was heavy snow like goose feathers in the sky again, but the snow was gray.After a while, the bloodstain was covered up, as if nothing had happened here.

In the snow bag, the humanoid creature carried the animal corpse on its back, its eyes stopped at a silver door, and the door suddenly opened.

After the humanoid creature passed through the portal, the silver portal closed automatically, and it went straight to a staircase. This staircase was not upward, but downward.

After the humanoid creature descended several flights of stairs in a row, it walked through a corridor and came to a place that was obviously a door.

The humanoid's eyes stared at a position next to the door for a few seconds, and the door opened automatically.

The humanoid walked in, and the door closed instantly behind him.This is a closed all-metal small space, the humanoid creature stood still, after about tens of seconds.

A door was opened on the other side of the space, and it walked out. After passing through a passage and a door again, it came to a space. The space was not large, about 50 square meters.

"Lalda, you're back? You actually hit a Hui beast?" Another humanoid creature lay in the corner of this space.

"Grandpa, I'm lucky today. With this wisdom beast, we can eat for a long time. In addition, I also caught a white boa, take a look."

Lalda poured out the white boa from his pocket and showed it to his grandfather.

"Great, with these two things, plus our previous reserves, the next snowstorm season should be able to pass safely." Grandpa said.

"Grandpa, don't worry, with me here, we will definitely survive the snowstorm season as in previous years." Lalda said.

"Well, decades have passed since the end of the world. Every year, this blizzard season is the most difficult. We don't know how many people are left on this planet. Fortunately, the blizzard season has become shorter and shorter in recent years." Grandpa sighed.

"Grandpa, I should have repaired the machine that received the signal. I don't know if I can receive any information." Lalda said.

"What did you say? Did you fix that machine? That's a hyperspace communicator! When did you learn how to fix it?" Grandpa suddenly became excited.

Lalda took out a piece of white boa meat and began to boil it in some kind of equipment, and poured some plant particles from the room, put it into another vessel, and boiled it on the same equipment.

While answering Grandpa’s question, he said: “I have already learned all the knowledge you stored in the terminal that you gave me. In fact, the hyperspace communicator is not seriously broken. I didn’t know how to fix it before. After I figured it out, It was done in no time.

It's just that this communicator can really contact the alliance fleet?And, will they come back to save us? "

Lalda couldn't believe what Grandpa said, as long as he got in touch with the Alliance Fleet, they would come back to save the refugees on the planet.

After all, the Alliance Fleet might not have defeated the invaders. Otherwise, why would not a warship have appeared in this starry sky for decades?

The Deguer galaxy is a remote area in the Senka civilization, but it was the first galaxy to be invaded and destroyed by the enemy. Later, many galaxies in the Senka civilization were also destroyed by the enemy, and the surviving fleet of the civilization retreated to the alliance area.

If the alliance fleet wins the war, the Senka civilization that escaped the catastrophe will definitely send people back here to check the situation, but decades have passed, and there is no trace.

You must know that even without space jumping, the speed of the alliance warship sailing at the speed of light is enough for the fleet to go back and forth several times.

But Lalda knew that if he directly said that the Alliance Fleet had been defeated, his grandfather might lose his last thoughts, and his body would definitely not be able to hold on.

"Lalda, Grandpa knows that you are smart, so I can't hide it from you. The Alliance must have been defeated. However, the Alliance must still be there, and the invaders must have gone after the Alliance fleet, otherwise those invaders must have returned to occupy our planet It is." Grandpa said.

"Grandpa, what's wrong with you today?" Lalda couldn't help being surprised when he heard that his grandpa said the alliance's defeat.

"My Lalda has grown up and has learned all the knowledge. Even if you are the only one left in the Senka civilization, you still have knowledge to pass on. Besides, we still have cloning equipment. Since you have mastered the knowledge of all systems of civilization , then it can be used.

On the third floor below, there are some spare gene pools of civilization, which can clone some people, and of course those who have passed away.

However, the premise is that you can solve the problem of mass production of food, otherwise, even if you clone a human, you will not be able to support them.

This is also the reason why grandpa has been unable to make up his mind to clone several times over the past few decades. Of course, energy is also one of the reasons, but fortunately, the energy in the base is still sufficient. "

After Grandpa finished speaking, he was a little out of breath and couldn't help coughing rapidly.

Lalda hurried forward, patted Grandpa on the back, and said, "Grandpa, don't worry, since people can be cloned, we will find a way to resume food production.

After we have enough food, we will clone humans.Now you can put your heart firmly in your stomach, everything has me. "

Grandpa smiled and said, "I know, I know. Go and see, don't burn the food, Grandpa, I'm hungry."

"Okay, you wait, I'll go and have a look."

Lalda got up to check whether the food was cooked. These devices were all automated. Although they did not have brains, they were controlled by programs. At this time, the food had already sounded a reminder that the food was cooked.

Lalda quickly took a container and put it in front of Grandpa, "Grandpa, this white boa meat is really delicious! Try it soon."

With a "bang", the utensil in Lalda's hand fell to the ground, and the person had already rushed to Grandpa's side, "Grandpa—"

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(End of this chapter)

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