live on the computer

Chapter 350 The Legend of the Silver Heart

Chapter 350 The Legend of the Silver Heart
Grandpa was not breathing at this time.

Lalda's big green pupil eyes were already filled with tears. Grandpa really went this time, and he just finished learning all the knowledge and couldn't hold on anymore.

Grandpa had an injury. He was injured by a snow vulture two years ago to save himself. Since then, Grandpa's health has been deteriorating.

In my short life, my grandfather has saved me countless times. Without my grandfather, I might have died as early as my infancy.

Lalda was born in the last days. Not long after she was born, her parents were injured by ferocious beasts and died.For some unknown reason, not long after the end of the world, some animals on the planet became more and more ferocious.

As an infant, I was rescued by my grandfather. On this planet with scarce supplies, my grandfather raised me and allowed me to master the knowledge system of the entire civilization when I often encountered powerful beasts.

Of course, on the one hand, this is due to the fact that I am naturally extremely smart, and on the other hand, it is also because my grandfather has retained some kind of learning machine left over from civilization.

After so many years, I finally completed the learning task, and was able to start some machine tools in the base, design and manufacture some weapons and equipment.

But grandpa couldn't hold on, you know, I have already started to think of a way to recreate it according to a certain healing device in the data, as long as there is more time, I will be able to complete this healing device, then Grandpa's injury will be as soon as possible. It can be cured.

Lalda's mind was blank at the moment, and after an unknown period of time, she finally came to her senses.

He went to fetch the new clothes that grandpa kept, and prepared to change them into grandpa. He wanted grandpa to leave this world with dignity.

After unbuttoning the clothes on Grandpa, he saw something in Grandpa's hand.

Lalda curiously opened her grandfather's fingers and took off this thing. This is a recording device, Lalda's heart moved, and she quickly pressed the play button.

"Lalda, by the time you hear this recording, Grandpa should have already left.

Recently, I feel that God may take me away. Everything in this base is entrusted to you. I hope you can solve the food and energy problems, re-cloning a group of Senka people, so that our civilization can continue.

On the planet, there should be some surviving Senka people in other areas. You have to find a way to contact everyone and unite.

After all, decades have passed, and the planet should gradually recover, and the long winter may be coming to an end.At that point, the food problem is easily solved.

After you unite, create some powerful weapons and eliminate those powerful beasts, this planet will be in the hands of our Senka people again, and civilization will be revived.

All of this depends on you. Grandpa is very happy that you can take over my heavy responsibility.

Yes, this is my important task. Grandpa is the highest surviving official of Senka civilization Deguer planet. Now I appoint you as the supreme commander of Deguer planet.

You must be wondering what kind of enemy invaded us and caused the rapid defeat of Senka civilization, even the Gnar Alliance behind us couldn't resist it at all.

Unfortunately, I don't know what civilization the other party is, because they didn't talk to us at all, and launched an attack directly. You have seen the video.

You must want to know where the Alliance fleet will retreat. I can tell you that there is a legend within the Alliance.

In the core of the distant river system, there is a powerful force. They will protect the weak and intelligent civilization. As long as they get there, no matter what powerful enemies are chased and killed, they will be protected by them.

Therefore, if the alliance cannot withstand the enemy's attack, it will definitely withdraw towards the core of the river system. The enemy is obviously chasing the alliance fleet.

Therefore, you have to hurry up and revive our Senka civilization after the long winter on the planet, and re-develop it as soon as possible.

Grandpa will bless you, and you will become the savior of the rebirth of Senka civilization! "

The recording ended here, and Lalda blinked her big green eyes, determined in her heart that she must fulfill her grandfather's entrustment.

At that moment, Lalda changed Grandpa into new clothes, picked him up, turned around and walked out of this residence, walked through this corridor, turned to another corridor, and went up a staircase.

When he opened a door, it was a larger space.

However, there are many things like hibernation cabins here, which are actually the frozen cemetery of the base, and all survivors will be placed in the freezer here after death.

Because there is not enough energy, and there is not enough food. After every survivor dies due to various accidents, they will be frozen here, and this frozen energy can still be maintained.

Once civilization recovers in the future, these dead people can reappear through cloning. Although there is no memory of the past, it can be regarded as an alternative life continuation.

Lalda put Grandpa in one of the cryogenic cabins, looked at Grandpa carefully again, and many images flashed in his mind.

Unknowingly, a lot of time passed, Lalda let out a long sigh, and finally closed the freezer compartment, connected to the energy source and turned it on.

Almost instantly, Grandpa's body was sealed up by huge ice cubes.

Lalda wiped away her tears, turned and walked out.

+ + + + + + + + + + + +
On the edge of the pitch-black spiral arm gap, a fleet suddenly appeared.

This is a fleet of more than 10 warships, all of which are huge warships composed of several layers of discs.

The entire fleet flew towards the starry spiral arms in an aggressive formation, and there was a galaxy about a few light-years ahead of them.

"Report to the headquarters that the second largest fleet has entered the Great Spiral Arm of Perseus. The galaxy numbered S2 is ahead. The reconnaissance ship has entered the galaxy and found a suspected life planet!"

In the command room of the flagship Dao Shen of the Grand Fleet, Wang Dingnan is giving instructions to the flagship brain.

The name of the first fleet that entered the great spiral arm of Perseus still fell on the head of the second largest fleet.

"Dingnan, aren't we lucky? We just entered the Perseus spiral arm, and the first solar system we encountered actually had a living planet." Sun Jiaming still feels a little unbelievable.

The empire has only seen a few living planets in the Orion's spiral arm for so many years. This has just arrived in Perseus, and it is still on the edge. There are suspected living planets in the first galaxy.

Although the intelligence brain gave a suspected life planet, which can detect the ship's detection capabilities, the probability of this suspicion being true is very high.

Wang Dingnan smiled and said: "Why, the 28th Fleet can find a living planet on the edge of the Orion's spiral arm, and we found a living planet on the edge of the Perseus' spiral arm, shouldn't it be nothing?"

"Hey, how do you compare with the 28th Fleet? They were punished. We discovered it through normal operations, but the head of state is too strict with Chengyu." Sun Jiaming said.

Wang Dingnan said: "Chengyu is the eldest son of the Führer, and the Führer has always been strict with him. This time, it is even more important that the merits and demerits are demerits. What a great expectation."

Sun Jiaming was a little dissatisfied, and said, "No, how did you see the high hopes of the head of state?"

Wang Dingnan explained: "He is also the son of the head of state, but Li Chenghao takes the route of a scientist. Do you think the head of state has strict requirements on him?

This can explain the problem very well. It shows that the head of state is cultivating Chengyu, so he has strict requirements and does not want him to make mistakes.Even if you make a mistake, you must be clear about it and never mess up. "

Sun Jiaming stared at Wang Dingnan, smiled involuntarily, and said, "Old Wang, you are a general who has devoted himself to meritorious service, when did you start to study this set? As far as you are appreciated by the head of state, don't you worry about these things? ?”

Wang Dingnan shook his head and said: "I'm not delving into this, but human nature. We must understand the intentions of the head of state and do a good job in relevant cooperation."

With one gesture of his thumb, Sun Jiaming exclaimed: "Dingnan, you really deserve to be a general of the head of state, and he is able to share the worries of the head of state."

"Don't act like you have nothing to do with yourself. Come and see, the situation of this galaxy, if you have no objection, I will order the space to jump in." Wang Dingnan gave Sun Jiaming a glare.

Sun Jiaming hurried to see the latest situation sent back by the reconnaissance ship.

"Hey, this planet looks like it really is a living planet, but why is the atmosphere so thick? The surface of the planet can't be seen." Sun Jiaming looked at the projection and said.

"Intellect, let the reconnaissance ship send 'Gust 4' into the atmosphere for detection." Wang Dingnan ordered.

The reconnaissance ship quickly dispatched ten "Gust 4" into the atmosphere from multiple locations, and the picture of the thousands of miles of ice on the surface was sent back.

Wang Dingnan suddenly had a feeling of déjà vu, and couldn't help saying: "Old Sun, this planet feels a lot like the earth is in a state of nuclear winter.

Look, those should be man-made buildings, right?See those big holes?How come there are so many big pits, should it be caused by some kind of attack? "

Sun Jiaming agreed: "That's right, it feels like a nuclear winter, but the detection equipment of 'Gust 4' doesn't seem to have detected any radiation. What's going on with this dust cloud?"

Wang Dingnan thought about it and said: "If too many antimatter bombs or energy bombs are thrown, the surface rock and soil layer will be destroyed into a large amount of dust, which will be lifted into the atmosphere, and this dust layer will be formed to block the rays of stars from entering.

So many huge craters must be masterpieces of antimatter bombs. The dust in these craters rushes to the stratosphere of the atmosphere, but it is difficult to land back to the ground. It's like a nuclear winter. "

Sun Jiaming suddenly pointed to one of the images and said, "Look, what kind of bird is this? It's so powerful, it has such a big animal in its claws."

This is a huge cyan-feathered giant bird with a wingspan of almost 4 meters that was photographed by one of the "Gust 8". big animals.

Wang Dingnan also pointed to another scene, and said, "Look what kind of animal is this, it's freezing and snowy, and it's actually running out?"

It was a dark-bodied animal about the size of a wild boar, but it was not a wild boar in appearance, but a bit like a dog. It was as tall as a pony, and its tail was raised high.

At this moment, the animal was sniffing and digging in the snow, and soon stood in front of a big snowpack.It stopped, wandered around and sniffed, and then began to howl continuously, with a long and shrill sound.

"No, it's summoning its companions." Wang Dingnan suddenly saw a farther place on the screen, a lot of black spots in the snow quickly running towards this place.

Sun Jiaming was also attracted, and suddenly pointed to a place on the screen and said: "Old Wang, look at the snow, it seems to be bloodstained?"

Wang Dingnan issued an instruction through his brain, and a few light-years away, the "Gust 4" that originally flew over here began to lower its altitude and hover.

The picture sent back became clearer and more specific. At this time, the black dog-like animal that had just summoned its companions had stopped barking.

Because hundreds of companions have gathered around it, they form a semicircle, surrounding the big snowpack.

The flickering bloodstains in the snow that Sun Jiaming found were extending all the way to this snowpack.Perhaps the black dog-like animal just now smelt the smell of blood, so it sliced ​​open the snow and ice covered above.

At the very beginning, the black dog-like animal howled suddenly, and suddenly ten black shadows sprang up beside it, and rushed towards the big snowpack.

It was actually ten black dog-like animals. They rushed to the big snow pack and started to dig the snow.

The speed was very fast, and not long after, many parts of the snow bag were planed to open the ice and snow, and one part was planed to collapse.

A silver portal appeared deep within the snow pack.

 The second update today, thank you for your subscription and rewards!I ask everyone to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets for support.

(End of this chapter)

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