Chapter 351

Wang Dingnan couldn't help laughing, "It seems that something interesting will happen, Old Sun, do you think intelligent creatures will appear later?"

Sun Jiaming said: "It is necessary. In this situation, there are 100% intelligent creatures here. I just don't know if they can deal with these hundreds of beasts under this situation."

Wang Dingnan stroked his chin and said, "Then can we be the saviors of this doomsday planet?"

"Hey, you have a good idea." Sun Jiaming said with his eyes brightened.

"Intellect, immediately coordinate the fleet and prepare for the space jump. The target is near the third planet in the S312 galaxy, 1000 million kilometers away!" Wang Dingnan ordered suddenly.

"As ordered, Your Excellency Commander!"

The entire fleet hardly adjusted, and after a slight increase in flight speed, it disappeared from the dark starry sky in an instant.

Near the third planet in the S312 galaxy, a huge fleet suddenly appeared, and then this huge fleet began to spread out, heading towards different planets in the galaxy and the Kuiper belt.

However, the largest flagship of the Sword God is still here, and the mobile spaceport in the fleet has also begun to deploy, and the warships have begun to enter the port.

At the same time, a squadron moved closer to the planet, a large number of satellites and "Pathfinder 8" were released, and a group of about tens of thousands of "Gust 4" began to fly out of the battleship, entered the atmosphere, and entered the In a thick cloud of dust.

Immediately afterwards, a group of landing ships also quietly began to descend towards the surface of the planet.

At this time, on this planet, somewhere on a continent in the northern hemisphere.

At that silver portal, hundreds of black dog-like animals have further surrounded the portal.

Dozens of black dog-like animals started digging snow again. They circled the portal, and it didn't take long. The thick ice and snow in the surrounding area of ​​more than ten meters were dug away by them.

Just as some of them continued to move further to the northeast of the silver portal, a continuous sound of "swish swish" suddenly sounded.

Accompanied by the sound of something tearing through the air at high speed, one, two, three... black dog-like animals all fell to the ground while their heads were smashed.

The black dog-like animal scattered in fright, but the first animal near the silver gate barked again at this moment.

Immediately, these animals split into multiple directions, and rushed towards a snow nest in the northeast direction at high speed. The deadly killing intent just came from here, and killed seven beasts in a short time.

This time, the black dog-like ferocious beast rushed there from multiple directions, the sound of "swish swish swish" still did not stop, and the ferocious beasts continued to fall down.

But finally, beasts from at least three directions rushed there!

The sound of "whoosh, whoosh, whoosh" was still continuous, and the heads of the beasts that rushed forward were still smashed and fell to the ground.

But the follow-up has already rushed into the snow nest!

There was a sound of "Peng", as if something had collapsed, and the snow nest disappeared instantly, revealing a corner of a strangely shaped building.

The few beasts who followed up were gone, but not far from the original snow nest, a tall humanoid creature stood up. Obviously, the snow nest was a trap set by him, and instantly killed the beasts that jumped in, but he himself His figure was exposed.

He held a weapon in his hand, the front end was sticking out like a stick, and the back end was wide and thick, as if he was holding it in his arms.

The stick-shaped front end was still shooting something at this moment, and a circle of ferocious beasts fell in front of it.

However, during this period of time, the howling of the ferocious beast did not stop at the beginning, and more black dog-like ferocious beasts appeared around, and the number was already hundreds.

Once here, they valiantly pounce on the tall, exposed creatures.

A trace of anger flashed in the green eyes of the tall creature. He was Lalda, and the weapon in his hand was a Gauss rifle.At this moment, he was about to turn around and jump down a step under his feet, preparing to evacuate.

At some point, a ferocious beast had already sneaked several meters behind him. At this moment, it jumped up and threw Lalda down!

At that moment, the Gauss rifle in Lalda's hand was thrown away, but he did not panic. With a wave of his right hand, a cold light flashed.

At this time, more black dog-like creatures were about to pounce on them. Lalda felt a flash of regret. She underestimated the enemy. Unexpectedly, there were more and more such beasts. It seemed that she was going to accompany her grandfather and the others.

The mutation happened suddenly at this moment!

Countless red rays of light flashed, and the beasts around Lalda fell to the ground in an instant. From a distance, the red rays of light fell like a meteor shower.

All the hundreds of ferocious beasts around were hit by this light and instantly burned into a pile of coke.

Several huge saucer-shaped aircraft hovered in the air, and the jet-black fuselage was spraying red energy bombs, hitting every beast with precision.

In less than ten seconds, there was no living beast on the ice sheet.

Lalda stood up, picked up the Gauss rifle on guard, raised her head, and looked at the disc-shaped aircraft hovering in the air.

This kind of aircraft had never been seen in the database of the base's central computer. The base's central computer also stored the appearance of the invaders' warships and space fighters, so Lalda knew that this aircraft should not belong to the invaders.

This made Lalda feel a little more relaxed, but the arrival of a strange interstellar civilization still made Lalda a little worried.

A huge shadow suddenly enveloped the snow field.

Lalda saw that a box-shaped aircraft had landed, and its lightness and huge body did not match at all.Lalda knew that this must be the effect of the anti-gravity engine.

At this moment, Lalda knew that she should not be able to resist.

The aircraft landed in an open space several hundred meters away from Lalda. As the hatch opened, a group of armed robots quickly surrounded and controlled the area.

Immediately afterwards, several marines in spacesuits also appeared in Lalda's sight.

Because the other party's space suit helmet is transparent, Lalda can clearly see the appearance of the creatures of this civilization. Seeing these intelligent creatures makes Lalda feel at ease. At least this is a race that looks similar to the Senka civilization.

At this time, several marines walked up to a few meters in front of Lalda, and the leader said, "Excuse me, what civilization do you belong to?"

When Lalda heard this sentence, she couldn't help being ecstatic. This language turned out to be the common language of the Gnar Alliance.

"I belong to the Senka civilization, and this is the Deguer planet of the Senka civilization. I am Lalda, the new supreme commander of the planet. May I ask what civilization you are? Are you a member of our Nar alliance?" Lal Da said quickly.

After Gao Yuan bowed to Lalda and saluted, he said, "Your Excellency Lalda, hello! We are the second largest fleet of the Fengshen Empire, and I am Gao Yuan, the commander of the Interstellar Marine Corps.

We know the Gnar Alliance, but we are not members of the Gnar Alliance, and now we are here to visit the Gnar Alliance. "

What a coincidence, on such a big planet, I haven't seen any intelligent creatures. I just met one, and it is the supreme commander of the planet. Is it self-proclaimed?

Gao Yuan is a clone. At present, the human commanders of the Empire's interstellar marine regiment have all been replaced by clones. When dealing with intelligent creatures, these clone commanders can play a role.Avoid other civilizations from thinking that the Fengshen Empire is an empire of intelligent robots.

When Lalda heard that the other party was not a member of the Gnar Alliance, most of the joy in his heart disappeared immediately. He thought that the Gnar Alliance had won the final victory and the fleet had already returned.

No wonder their aircraft was not stored in the central computer, I was so excited just now.

"Hello, Commander Gao Yuan! Excuse me, have you ever encountered our alliance's fleet? When did you encounter it?" Lalda asked.

Gao Yuan said: "We have not encountered your alliance's fleet directly, but learned about it through indirect means, and we are also fortunate to know the lingua franca of your alliance.

By the way, what disaster happened here?Was it being attacked by an enemy that caused this nuclear winter-like situation? "

Lalda was even more disappointed when he heard that the other party had never seen the Alliance fleet, but since he knew it indirectly, there might be some stories, maybe it was the civilization on the way the Alliance fleet was evacuating.

Seeing the gray clouds getting lower and lower in the distance, Lalda said, "A blizzard is coming, would you like to come and sit with me?"

Gao Yuan nodded, and then said to a team leader behind him: "Chang Fang, you arrange to build robots to build a temporary camp before the blizzard arrives. After unloading, let the landing ship return."

"Yes, Captain!" Fang Chang greeted the other two small captains, and quickly ran towards the landing ship.

Gao Yuan turned his head and said to Lalda: "Your Excellency Lalda, we need to build a camp near here to facilitate our further rescue operations.

I think the survivors of this planet need our rescue, what do you think? "

Lalda knew that she had no ability to stop them, and it seemed that there was no need to stop them now, so she nodded without being pretentious at the moment: "Of course, we need your help. Now, follow me inside."

Gao Yuan made a gesture, and a group of robot soldiers followed him, and followed Lalda to the silver portal. Lalda looked at a place, and the silver portal suddenly opened.

A group of people walked in, the light inside was not good, it was quite dim.A few robot soldiers turned on the lights, and the whole space instantly brightened.

"I'm sorry, I need to save energy, and I have turned off a lot of lighting facilities," Lalda explained.

"It's okay, it's normal, you're doing the right thing." Gao Yuan didn't mind, in this end-of-the-world state, the original energy is very precious, of course, save as much as you can.

A group of people came to a central hall, and Lalda manually pressed several buttons on a wall.

The whole hall suddenly brightened, and Gao Yuan quickly scanned the facilities in the hall. It seemed to be a place like a command room, and there were obviously many things like screens on one wall.

There are also many instruments and equipment that look like computer terminals, placed in rows.

Lalda walked to one of the instruments and quickly activated it. Not long after, a screen lit up in the place like a screen wall, and it seemed that it was indeed a projection screen.

"Commander Gao Yuan, I'll play a video later. It's some scenes from when our planet was invaded. After watching it, you can understand what happened to this planet."


After Lalda completed the operation, within a few seconds, the projection screen began to display images.

This should be an image near the Kuiper belt of the galaxy. A fleet of 5000 warships suddenly appeared and immediately launched an attack on the defense facilities in the Kuiper belt.

As soon as he saw the battleship in the picture, Gao Yuan was very shocked. It seemed to be the battleship of the gold swallowing beast!That's right, it's the battleship of the Gold Swallowing Beast!They are exactly the same shape as the battleship of the swallowing gold beast.

In the picture, countless antimatter shells fell on those fortresses, destroying the defense system of the Kuiper belt in an instant.

After the Senka civilization joined the Nar Alliance, it has been peaceful for hundreds of years. The long-term peace has made the Senka people completely relaxed, and they never thought that the galaxy on the edge of the dark chasm would be attacked.

After all, the dark chasm is as wide as 6000 light-years. Without special circumstances, no civilization will cross over, and wars will be launched as soon as they cross over.

The Senka civilization's defense in the Deguer galaxy is not strong. In addition to some daily defense facilities, the fleet has only a fleet of 2000 warships.

At this moment, another fleet of 5000 warships of the invaders appeared directly near the planet Degull, and fiercely attacked the fleet parked in the spaceport.

The subsequent picture shows that various buildings and facilities on the surface of the planet Deguer were destroyed. In the process, it seemed that many people from the Senka civilization were ingested and captured by a strange aircraft.

At the end of the video material, the planet has entered a state similar to nuclear winter.

After watching these videos, Gao Yuan asked: "Your Excellency Lalda, these invaders who attacked you are also enemies of our empire, can you transfer these video materials to us? I need to submit them back to the headquarters of the empire so that Make the right decisions from above.”

 Today's first update, thank you for your subscription and rewards!The gold-swallowing beast is making a comeback, and the empire urgently needs your recommendation and monthly support!
(End of this chapter)

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