Chapter 352

Lalda nodded and said, "Of course, but can your computer equipment be connected to our civilized system?"

Gao Yuan nodded, commanded a robot to come forward, and said, "No problem, just tell me where the interface is."

Lalda pointed to a place next to the terminal and said, "It's right here."

Lalda is very curious, let alone whether there is a difference in civilization level between the two civilizations, just language differences, as well as technical differences in computer systems, will cause the data in the two systems to not be directly exchanged.

In Lalda's knowledge system, to solve this problem, usually provide interface programs directly to each other, and at the same time define hardware interface devices of the same standard, and then read data from each other and convert them into their own systems.

There is a special organization in the Gnar Alliance that is responsible for this kind of thing, defining a unified interface standard, so that different civilizations in the alliance can communicate in many ways.

But seeing Gao Yuan's confident look, it seems that the Fengshen Empire has the ability to directly obtain data from the system without a standard interface.

A robot came forward, stretched out a finger, and a thin needle-like thing protruded from the tip of the finger, and then inserted it into the interface pointed by Lalda.

After only tens of seconds, the robot withdrew its finger, then returned to Gao Yuan, and said, "Your Excellency Commander, the data has been downloaded and sent back to the flagship. Do you have any other orders?"

Gao Yuan shook his head and said, "Not yet."

Lalda was a little surprised and said: "You can really get the data directly? The Fengshen Empire should be a sixth-level civilization, right?"

Gao Yuan smiled and said: "Well, if you only talk about computer technology, the Fengshen Empire is definitely the best among the sixth-level civilizations. By the way, what level is your Senka civilization?"

Lalda was a little excited. The Fengshen Empire turned out to be a sixth-level civilization, so he should have the ability to fight against the enemy who invaded and destroyed Planet Deguer.

What's more, according to Gao Yuan, these invaders were originally enemies of the Fengshen Empire, so everyone is fighting against each other.

Lalda quickly said: "The Senka civilization is a fourth-level civilization, and it is considered the backbone of the Gnar Alliance."

Gao Yuan nodded and said: "Then the Gnar Alliance should have a sixth-level civilization, right? Can you tell me about the Gnar Alliance?"

Apart from her grandfather, Lalda has never seen anyone else, and she is very happy to be able to talk to Gao Yuan who saved her at this moment.

"In fact, I also know the situation of the Gnar Alliance from the database of the central computer, and some things are told to me by my grandfather.

The Gnar Alliance was founded by the Doss civilization. At that time, the Doss civilization was a fifth-level civilization. After more than 200 years since the Gnar Alliance was established, they finally entered the sixth-level civilization.

Nar means friend in Doss. At that time, Nar civilization had already joined more than ten interstellar civilizations.

When the Doss civilization entered the sixth-level civilization, the Nar Alliance developed faster, because the Doss civilization organized the alliance fleet and began to continuously expand the alliance's sphere of influence.

Our Senka civilization also met and joined shortly after the Gnar Alliance entered the sixth-level civilization. "

Gao Yuan asked with interest: "So the Gnar Alliance has existed for thousands of years? Are there any special requirements for joining the Gnar Alliance?"

Lalda nodded and said: "Of course, members of the Gnar Alliance must complete some tasks assigned by the alliance every year. After completing these tasks, corresponding rewards will be given, such as a piece of technology.

If it cannot be completed, it will be punished, such as handing in a large amount of energy materials as a fine, or handing in a group of scientists as hostages, etc. "

Gao Yuan was a little speechless, is this an alliance?Isn't this treating alliance members as their own affiliated civilization?Well, that's not true, most interstellar civilizations are quite harsh on affiliated civilizations.

Therefore, the operation mode of the Gnar Alliance is similar to the affiliated civilization system of the Fengshen Empire.

"In this way, as a member of the alliance, isn't it unequal? ​​No matter how you look at it, it's the low-level civilization that does things for the high-level civilization." Gao Yuan couldn't help but said.

Lalda said: "I heard from grandpa that it is very kind for the higher civilization to treat the lower civilization in this way. First, the Doss civilization will not destroy us. Second, if the Senka civilization encounters a strong enemy, there will be an alliance to back it up. Third, After completing the task, you can still get some good technology as a reward.

Therefore, after the Senka civilization joined the alliance, it has almost never had any wars with other interstellar civilizations, and the entire civilization has spent hundreds of years in a state of peace. "

Gao Yuan asked: "So what level of civilization was the Senka civilization before joining the Gnar Alliance? Has it been upgraded in the past few hundred years?"

Lalda thought for a while, and said: "Before the Senka civilization joined, it was the middle stage of the fourth-level civilization. Over the past few hundred years, it has also been upgraded to the late stage of the fourth-level civilization."

"So slow? Has the Dossian civilization upgraded in the past few hundred years?" Gao Yuan asked.

Lalda shook his head and said, "I'm not too sure about this. According to my grandfather, it seems to have been upgraded to the middle of the sixth level, but I can't be sure. After all, the higher the level of civilization, the harder it is to upgrade."

"Since the Gnar Alliance is your backing, why didn't they come to rescue you this time?" Gao Yuan asked again.

Lalda sighed: "This time the enemy is very powerful, and our civilization fell almost quickly. After some of them fled to the alliance, the enemy followed closely. Near the Dishang galaxy of the round civilization, The first battle broke out between these enemies and the coming Alliance fleet.

The Alliance Fleet must have lost, and then the enemy didn't know why, and the number seemed to be increasing, and they didn't know where they came from. They destroyed and wiped out many civilizations of the Alliance along the way. After that, the Alliance Fleet was repeatedly defeated. .

In the end the alliance seems to have withdrawn with a part of civilization.These are all from my grandfather. At that time, the hyperspace communicator here was still able to communicate and received some information. "

Gao Yuan couldn't help asking: "So, does your grandfather know which direction the Alliance fleet is retreating?"

Lalda said: "According to grandpa, it should be heading towards the core area of ​​the galaxy where we are, but it is so far away, I don't know if I can reach there without being overtaken by those enemies."

"I've heard you mention your grandfather all the time, is he there?" Gao Yuan asked.

"Well, my grandfather just passed away less than a day ago. If you had come earlier, maybe he wouldn't have died." Lalda said sadly.

The two were talking here, and a blizzard had already raged on the surface of the outer planet.

But at this time, the interstellar marine regiment landed by the Fengshen Empire had already established a rather huge camp with the efforts of the construction robots.

No matter how windy and snowy it is outside, the camp is warm as spring, and various facilities have been completed.

Thousands of light years away, in the S128 galaxy, the Mars battle star.

Tian'an City, Head of State Palace, Command Hall.

After the start of Operation Crossing the Dark Chasm, the General Staff has moved the headquarters to the command hall of the Head of State Palace, because the Head of State must always pay attention to the situation of the imperial fleet entering the Great Spiral Arm star field of Perseus.

"Well, the second largest fleet, the third largest fleet, and the fourth largest fleet are all progressing smoothly. This second largest fleet is lucky. As soon as it passes the Great Spiral Arm of Perseus, it encounters a suspected life planet."

Zhang Wenhao held a cup of tea while drinking happily while talking.

"Wen Hao, don't worry about your wife going out this time?" Li Chunfeng asked with a smile.

"This operation, if I still stop her from dispatching, I will probably turn against me. You must know that when dealing with the Sailors, she has never even been to the Sailor Starfield, and she is holding her breath. "Zhang Wenhao said.

Li Chunfeng nodded and said: "Well, I support her. You kid abused his power. The Sailors themselves went to the battlefield, but left our first female general at home."

After hearing this, Zhuang Yun interjected, "That's right, from now on, we'll let Lao Zhang sit at home and let him experience the feeling of not being able to go to the battlefield."

"That can't be done. In that case, all the soldiers of the First Fleet will be in a hurry with me. In fact, they are already in a hurry this time." Zhang Wenhao said hastily.

Li Chunfeng suddenly reached out his hand to stop the laughter of the two, and said, "Look, there are new materials coming."

In fact, Li Chunfeng has already learned the content of these messages, but in order to deceive others, he let the brain play them and let's take a look together.

"Damn it, aren't these gold-swallowing beasts? After a long time of trouble, they ran to the great spiral arm of Perseus? No wonder we couldn't find them." Zhang Wenhao immediately shouted when he saw the appearance of those warships.

Several people watched all the video materials, and watched a part of the real-time data of the ongoing conversation between Gao Yuan and Lalda.

Li Chunfeng pondered and said: "Zhuang Yun, immediately dispatch [-] scout ships, and focus on selecting the star field of the Nar Alliance star field facing the direction of the Milky Way to conduct search and investigation. That area should be where the Nar Alliance is heading towards the galaxy. Directions to the nearest location across the dark chasm.

See if you can find traces of the retreat of the Gnar Alliance, or the traces of the Gold Devourer fleet.It is 266 light-years away from our S3500 galaxy. Although it is a bit far away, the scout ship must be sent there anyway, and we must find a way to catch up as soon as possible.

The gold-swallowing beasts have already begun to poison intelligent civilizations. With so many intelligent civilizations in the Gnar Alliance, the number of gold-swallowing beasts must have exploded.

We have to find a way to catch up and destroy them!Otherwise, bad luck will befall the empire sooner or later. "

"Yes, I will arrange it immediately." Zhuang Yun hurriedly went to discuss the corresponding plan with the subordinates of the staff department.

"Führer, since the S266 galaxy is 3500 light-years away, should we plan ahead and build strategic nodes along the way as soon as possible.

In order to be able to put it into use as soon as possible, the transfer station mode of the dark chasm can be used, and the transfer station can be directly placed in the corresponding strategic node galaxy, so that the strategic node can be used directly without waiting for the galaxy development. "Zhang Wenhao suggested.

Li Chunfeng agreed: "That's right, this idea is very good. I will notify No. [-] to increase the production tasks of the corresponding transfer station spacecraft. After completing one, it will form a corresponding fleet with other supporting warships, and immediately open the space gate to occupy the selected spaceship." Strategic node galaxy."

Since the new life-class spaceship was temporarily used as the core of the transfer station, Wei Xinghai, the director of the Battleship Design Center, immediately organized personnel to investigate and clarify all the requirements of the transfer station.

Subsequently, a brand-new combined transfer station spacecraft was designed, which is a complex spacecraft integrating a series of functions such as production, maintenance, living, and supply.

Its volume is even larger than that of the new Fengshen class, and the latest space folding technology is widely used in the interior, and the internal practical space is three times larger than its volume.

Such 10 comprehensive supply spacecraft will be able to support a large fleet and fight at high intensity for a month in a void with no supplies at all.

With such a comprehensive supply ship, combined with space gate spacecraft, space fortress ship, mobile space port, space dock ship, etc., it can be combined into a huge transfer station.

Zhang Wenhao's proposal has indeed solved the problem of strategic node management. With such a transfer station, it can be arranged in places with star systems, and a galaxy can be occupied and used immediately after selecting a galaxy.

It is no longer necessary to wait for the production capabilities of this galaxy to be available before it can support the activities and operations of the large fleet as before.

 The second update today, thank you for your subscription and rewards!Continue to have the audacity to beg for the recommendation tickets and monthly tickets in your hands.

(End of this chapter)

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