Chapter 357
"No, use the dark matter cannon!" Lin Tao said coldly.

"Ah?! Lao Lin, although the flagship is equipped with this weapon, we need authorization from the headquarters to use it.

This thing is too dangerous, it won't turn this star field into a barren wasteland, right?We're going to take over here. Su Chenggong couldn't help being taken aback and said.

The rest of the fleet commanders looked at Lin Tao, waiting for his further explanation.

Lin Tao said: "Old Su, the dark matter cannon attack can instantly wipe out this battle star, and the space gate on it must also disappear together.

Although it once caused the destruction of the Celer star field and our empire star field, it was caused by the excessive emission of dark matter.

Nowadays, the dark matter equipped in battleships does not have that much weight, and if we attack the star field near the battle star, the intelligent brain will calculate the corresponding amount and launch it. The range of destruction caused should not affect the nearest third star. first and fifth planets.You should know this. "

Su Chenggong said hesitantly: "I am aware of this, but imperial scientists have repeatedly stated that this weapon is still potentially undeterminable. What if something happens?"

"Don't worry, the use of this weapon must be approved by the headquarters. The situation you think of will definitely not be unexpected by the headquarters." Lin Tao comforted.

Su Chenggong was taken aback, nodded and said: "That's right, this matter needs to be approved by the headquarters anyway. However, if the headquarters does not approve, what weapon should we use to deal with this battle star?
To be honest, hearing you say that you want to use this weapon, I am also worried that even the ultimate annihilation may not be able to destroy this battle star. "

Lin Tao said: "You first send the data of the S326 galaxy you investigated back to the headquarters, and in addition, apply for the use of the dark object cannon."

Su Chenggong nodded and said "OK", then got up to make arrangements.

"Commander, if we use this weapon, wouldn't we have no battle to fight?" Ding Sheng asked involuntarily when he saw that the two chief officers had finished their discussion.

Lin Tao smiled and said, "How can there be such a good thing? According to the use of the dark matter cannon, it is estimated that the 30 warships around the battle star may not be able to cover it.

Once an attack occurs, these surviving battleships will definitely flee. You must keep an eye on the space energy detectors and chase them at any time.

Besides, there are still 20 warships in the Kuiper belt, and you still have to be busy. "

Zhao Fei said in a broken voice at the right time: "Ding Sheng, it's time to avenge the old bears, we must not relax, so many warships are a group of pigs, and it will take time to catch them.

I'm worried that the headquarters will send a large number of fleets up, and there will be few pieces of meat in our mouths. "

"Zhao Fei, you are very clever. The headquarters really came to give orders. Form the front-line headquarters of the Persian Arm, mobilize the army, and prepare to wipe out all the gold-swallowing beasts in the Persian Arm." The projection has changed the screen, which is the latest order notification from the General Staff.

"My dear, this is going to be a big deal! Let me count, 50 large fleets will be mobilized? More than 500 million warships?" Ding Sheng exclaimed.

The empire has been in peace for 20 years, and everyone knows that the number of warships has been increasing. The commanders and staff officers who were sitting on the bench waiting for distribution have begun to be assigned to new squadrons. However, most people are still vague about the specific number of warships in the empire. of.

Although Lin Tao is the commander of the Grand Fleet, he does not have a specific concept of how many warships the empire has. At the beginning, the number of warships was small and could be calculated, but the speed of building ships has become faster and faster.

In particular, in the past 20 years, the empire has not only controlled the original Ziya Civilization's star field, but also controlled the part of the star field where the Orion spiral arm is about to enter the Sagittarius arm, and various warships have been continuously built.

For the Fengshen Empire, which has countless resource planets, the speed of shipbuilding now only depends on the number of construction robots, and has nothing to do with the number of people in the empire.

This is completely different from the concept of the earth age. The biggest problem in manufacturing a product in the earth age is cost, manufacturing cost, material cost, labor cost, etc., and the human factor cannot be avoided.

Today, in the Fengshen Empire where intelligent robots are prevalent, the human factor only accounts for the design and development of a certain product. Although it is the core, the cost is the most insignificant.

The Fengshen Empire possesses the powerful production capacity of the most distasteful intelligent mechanical civilization in the universe, and the Gold Swallowing Beast also has similar characteristics, so the duel between the two, if the technical level is similar, it may really be Compare the quantity.

Lin Tao saw that a group of fleet-level commanders were still discussing the orders from the headquarters, and immediately said: "Everyone is paying attention, and the headquarters has also approved our application for the use of dark matter weapons.

It is estimated that one hour later, the other 7 large fleets of the first echelon will complete the construction of the 326 light-year encirclement of the S6 galaxy.At that time, we will be the first to launch an attack on Battle Star, and you all have to prepare quickly, understand? "

"Understood, Commander!" All the commanders agreed in unison.Afterwards, everyone's projections were withdrawn one after another.

"Old Lin, the attack on Battle Star was initiated by our flagship. Do you still plan to jump in with the whole fleet and attack directly?" Su Chenggong asked.

"That's right, since there are other large fleets encircling it, don't worry about the Gold Swallowing Beast fleet fleeing in all directions. Anyway, we need our flagship to launch an attack immediately. We will naturally rush inside and fight from the inside out, which will be more effective. Lin Tao nodded.

Su Chenggong smiled lightly and said, "Aren't you going to let others eat meat?"

Lin Tao nodded and said: "Yes, the headquarters approved our dark matter cannon attack, and decided that this piece of meat can only be eaten by our fleet, and everyone else can only drink soup! We must be worthy of the old bear!"

"Okay then, I'll arrange the attack sequence carefully, and hope they don't think it's too clear." Su Chenggong said with a smirk.

An hour flies by.

During this period of time, the "Pathfinder 326" staying in the S8 galaxy, near the innermost asteroid belt near the star, has continuously sent back information, confirming one thing.

Li Chunfeng and the others made a mistake in their judgment. The Gold Swallowing Beast had no intention of escaping. Instead, it passed through the two space gates on the surface of the battle star and massively increased its troops!

In an hour, the number of warships gathered near the battle star has increased from 30 at the beginning to 50.

Including the fleet of the Kuiper belt, the entire S326 galaxy has already gathered 70 gold swallowing beast warships.There are only two levels of warships in the Gold Swallowing Beast, flagship level warships and ordinary warships.

Lin Tao and Su Chenggong continued to correct the position of the fleet after jumping in according to the ever-changing enemy situation.

At the last moment, Wang Dingnan, the commander-in-chief of the front line, came over via video link. As soon as the projection appeared, Lin Tao said, "Commander-in-chief, do you have any orders?"

Wang Dingnan looked at Lin Tao and said, "Our other fleet will jump to the outer edge of the Kuiper belt of the S326 galaxy after you launch an attack, to ensure that you have a good time killing. You... Take care!"

After Wang Dingnan finished speaking, he ended the call and withdrew the projection.

Lin Tao was stunned for a moment, and said, "What do you mean?"

Su Chenggong patted Lin Tao on the shoulder and said, "Old Wang understands us. For the sake of Lao Xiong and the others, they escorted us and let us take revenge."

"I know. What I'm asking is, why are we being asked to take care? We will definitely be safe and sound, and we'll be done!" Lin Tao said, turning around and giving instructions to Zhinao.

"The entire fleet is attacking according to the attack plan!"

In planet S326, the position of the fourth planet, if you look carefully, most of this planet has been replaced by metal.

This has become a metal planet, and tens of thousands of planetary engines are densely built on the surface of the planet in the direction of the star.

Usually, if a planet is simply turned into a battle star, when its planetary engine is fully activated, the planet's crust will definitely be fragmented, underground lava will rush out, and the entire planet's surface will be completely changed.

However, this planet has basically been completely remodeled by metal, and it is questionable whether there is still hot lava inside. Even if there is, it is estimated that it is sealed at the core by a metal shell of unknown thickness.

Therefore, if such a metal battle star is fully activated, it will be able to achieve an astonishing speed, thereby ensuring its maneuverability.

But at this time it is quietly orbiting the planet, and the planetary engine has not been ignited.

Surrounding it, 50 warships stretched for a distance of millions of kilometers. In the core area closest to the battle star, there were even 1000 flagship-class warships.

There were battleships flying out of the two space gates, and then joined the surrounding battleship group. Such a large battleship group made the gold swallowing beast feel very safe.

When more than 3 warships of the third largest fleet of the Fengshen Empire suddenly appeared at a distance of 8 million kilometers from Battle Star, none of these warships reacted.

Come on, don't you see that we have 50 warships here?You, a fleet of less than 10 warships, dare to space-jump near us and don't want to live anymore?
This is the thinking of most of the shadow generals in the Gold Swallowing Beast Fleet. Although their self-thinking ability is not strong, they still have a little sense of autonomy.

As the supreme ruler of the gold-swallowing beast, the film king, his own group had just completed the upgrade, and when he was about to go out, he would encounter the attack of intelligent life. This kind of thing has never been seen before.

The key point is that they dared to fight more with less, with just over 8 warships, they dared to enter the interior of the planet and launch an attack against 50 warships.

Yes, the third largest fleet has already launched an attack, and all the warships are pulled apart to form a huge hemispherical arc, within the arc are facing 3 gold swallowing beast warships and the battle star.

"For the heroes of the 33rd Fleet!", more than 8 warships launched the ultimate annihilation amidst the roar of the commander or captain!

Among the surviving battleships of the 33rd Fleet, another sentence was shouted, "Brothers, go all the way!"

Lin Tao's flagship fired the dark matter cannon at the moment the jump appeared when this wave of ultimate annihilation was sent out. Silence is the characteristic of the dark matter cannon.

Then, at the moment when the Gold Swallowing Beast Fleet was about to dispatch, the third largest fleet of the Fengshen Empire had disappeared collectively.

The battle star and fleet of the swallowing gold beast are a little confused, what kind of tactics is this?
Even in the battle when the Fengshen Empire fleet used the ultimate annihilation to destroy the gold swallowing beast in the Triangular C galaxy, it disappeared before the launch was completed.

The actor in Battle Star had a faint feeling that something was wrong, and immediately gave the order to start the planetary engine.

On the battle star, the forest of the planetary engine suddenly burst into flames, and the entire hemisphere was illuminated by the huge tail flame.

Battle Star began to move slightly, and the 50 warships were also accelerating, and the outermost fleets had rushed out, looking for the Fengshen Empire fleet.

But he didn't notice that the space where the battle star was located was changing.

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(End of this chapter)

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