live on the computer

Chapter 358 It's Not Scientific

Chapter 358 It's Not Scientific
"Did you see that the Gold Swallowing Beast really doesn't have spatial positioning technology, otherwise it would have chased us directly." Lin Tao, who led the third largest fleet to appear in the Kuiper belt, pointed to a batch of "Pathfinder 3" that had just been thrown out and returned said the screen.

"Old Lin, take a look! The end of the space gate of the swallowing gold beast is so far away!" Su Chenggong suddenly pointed to the projection on the screen of the space locator.

"I'm going, 8000 light years!! This is unscientific. The space gate technology of the swallowing beast comes from the same source as ours, so it can be so much more advanced than ours?" Lin Tao exclaimed.

The red dot on the screen of the space locator flashed, and the distance number displayed on the side was 8000 light years!

When the Fengshen Empire seized the space gate from the Golden Beast, the maximum distance at that time seemed to be 600 light-years. Later, through the efforts of the imperial scientists, the space gate of the Fengshen Empire finally reached 1500 light-years.

And the current energy consumption is also much smaller, so it can be turned on twice in a row, so that it can travel 3000 light-years in a short time.

But at this moment, the Gold Swallowing Beast has traveled 8000 light years to open the space door, which is too shocking.

If the space technology of the gold swallowing beast reaches this level, it will be really difficult for the empire to defeat them.

"Leave it alone, let's destroy the Gold Swallowing Beast Fleet in front of us first!" Su Chenggong pointed to another projection and said.

Lin Tao reacted and said: "Fortunately, the intelligence brain automatically executes according to the previous plan, otherwise the two of us will really miss the opportunity of the battle."

The third largest fleet jumped from the position of the gold swallowing beast battle star in the galaxy to the Kuiper belt, directly surrounded a patrol fleet, and quickly launched a dimension missile attack.

The war in the Kuiper belt had just started, and the large fleet of gold swallowing beasts next to the Star Wars in the galaxy were all flying outwards in panic.

Even the outermost warships, which had just been wiped out by the third fleet's ultimate annihilation, were still flying outward with all their strength, and Battle Star wanted to speed up and leave their original positions.

At this moment, with Zhanxing as the center of the sphere, the starry sky within a radius of 1 kilometers suddenly cracked open.

The matter in it fell apart in an instant, and the fragments flew in all directions!

Among them, including the battle star!
The battle star instantly shattered into countless pieces, and the pieces were instantly accelerated to close to the speed of light, hitting the surrounding 50 battleships like shells.

This kind of pure physical kinetic energy attack can fly at close to the speed of light, and the kinetic energy contained in it is simply terrifying.None of the kinetic energy weapons of intelligent civilization can accelerate close to the speed of light. Only energy weapons can attack at the speed of light.

The shield of the gold swallowing beast battleship blocked the attack of a piece of debris!The second piece, the third piece...

There are too many fragments of an almost all-metal battle star, and the energy of the battleship's shield is quickly exhausted.

The battleship closest to the inner circle of the battle star was the first to be unable to resist, and the space shield was even more forcefully broken.

Then, it brought about the riot of energy in the surrounding space of the battleship. This is not the case of one battleship, but that of many warships.

The raging space energy is gradually connected in series, and the slight local expansion of the universe originally caused by dark matter is triggered by the riot of space energy to cause deeper space changes.

The space that was supposed to restore calm suddenly collapsed!

A total of twelve black space cracks flashed in an instant, extending towards the surrounding area.

Since the film king of this group and some important shadow coaches disappeared with the disintegration of the battle star on the battle star, the entire group of gold swallowing beasts in the galaxy showed signs of chaos.

The 50 warships gathered around the battle star did not evacuate immediately after losing their unified command. Instead, they began to instinctively speed up and flee outward after the warships in the inner circle suffered losses.

Fortunately, the warships in the outermost circle had chased them out at the beginning, which eased the concentration of warships a little.

But even so, the density of 50 warships is still astonishing, so under the attack of the space crack, a large number of warships were swallowed up, without even a shadow.

In the asteroid belt near the star, "Pathfinder 8" faithfully recorded these images and transmitted them to the frontline headquarters of the Perseid Arm of the Fengshen Empire, the General Staff, and the flagships of the participating large fleets.

At first glance, the feeling on the screen is that the continuous 50 warships seem to have been eaten by some monster in one bite.

At this moment, Lin Tao didn't pay much attention to this place, because Kuiper's battle here is already in full swing.

The third largest fleet jumped over suddenly, and immediately launched a devastating blow to one of the Gold Swallowing Beast fleets, destroying a fleet of 3 warships cleanly.

At this time, the remaining 9 fleets led by Kuiper and the Gold-Tuning Beast were like wasps that had been stabbed in the nest, and the nearest fleets immediately came to encircle and annihilate the third largest fleet.

Due to the distance of nearly 5 astronomical units, the swallowing gold beast rushed towards the third fleet in an ultra-short-distance super-light speed sailing mode.If it weren't for the tachyon detectors of the battleships of the Fengshen Empire, which are standard equipment for battleships, if they were replaced by a fleet of level 3 civilization, they would be blinded by losing the enemy's trace in an instant.

However, the third largest fleet ignored the gold-swallowing beast fleet traveling at super-light speed, and directly space-jumped to the vicinity of the gold-swallowing beast fleet at a distance of more than 3 astronomical units, and launched an attack.

Just 2 seconds after those gold swallowing beast fleets entered the superluminal curvature space, a large number of Fengshen Empire warships appeared 1000 million kilometers away from these superluminal trajectories.

The moment they appeared, space energy bombs were fired at those superluminal trajectories.

As a result, the gold swallowing beast fleet, which was sailing at super-light speed, was unlucky, and the curvature space collapsed instantly. The lucky warships in it were thrown into the normal space, and the unlucky ones were thrown into the turbulent space and disappeared without a trace.

The appearance of a large number of reinforcement warships from the Fengshen Empire caused Kuiper to completely panic the remaining Gold Swallowing Beast fleet. Just as the mutation in the galaxy came, a large number of enemy fleets appeared here.

For a stratified society like the Gold Swallowing Beast, suddenly there is no top level, so it's no wonder it's not chaotic!
The problem is that the fleet of the Fengshen Empire didn't give the gold swallowing beast time to recover, and the blows continued one after another. In the vast starry sky of the Kuiper Belt, the war was fiercely going on.

And with the addition of more than 30 gold-swallowing beast warships that escaped from the galaxy, the battle entered a climax.

The offensive and defensive capabilities of both sides are extremely strong, relatively speaking, the protection of the Fengshen Empire is stronger, and the space shield of the gold swallowing beast is still a bit weak.

However, the anti-matter cannon of the Golden Beast is relatively powerful, and the negative-matter cannon of the flagship is also very powerful. Basically, only warships above the emperor level can withstand the attack of this negative-matter cannon.

Fortunately, each fleet has only one flagship warship like the Golden Beast, and the original 1 such warships next to the battle star should be used as the battle star escort fleet alone, so they are also the closest to the battle star.As a result, the battle star fragments and space cracks were also attacked first, and the entire army was wiped out.

Otherwise, the warship damage rate of the Fengshen Empire would be much higher.Even so, this battle is also the one with the largest battle damage rate of the warships of the Fengshen Empire.

Since the Gold-Tuning Beast lost the space door to retreat, and the high-level members of the group were basically eliminated, only a few shadow commanders were left, which made the cooperation between the various fleets far worse than before. At this time, the battle was completely relying on the inherent model.

But the Gold Swallowing Beast is also very crazy in the battle, knowing that the moment the space shield of its battleship is broken, some space energy riots will erupt, and if there are warships around at this time, it will be affected and damaged.

Therefore, these gold-swallowing beasts desperately narrowed the distance between them and the warships of the Fengshen Empire, the purpose is that when the shield is attacked to the point where it cannot support them, they can choose to perish with the warships of the Fengshen Empire.

It's just that the Fengshen Empire is very experienced in this area, and never gave the Gold-Tuning Beast warship this opportunity. Often when the opponent's warship approached, multiple warships would attack and destroy it.

The antimatter shells of ordinary battleships swallowing gold beasts are very powerful. Under their joint attack, the lieutenant warships of the Fengshen Empire are often unable to withstand the bombing of more than two waves of antimatter shells, and will lose their dimensional shields.

Immediately after two more waves of antimatter shells, the space shield can only be closed, and finally the energy shield can withstand three waves of antimatter shells.

If there are still consecutive attacks at this time, the battleship will be blown up.

In this battle, the number of times the warships of both sides came and went was far more than seven rounds, and several times due to the short-distance super-speed maneuver of the gold swallowing beast, some warships of the Fengshen Empire were in the situation of being attacked by concentrated fire.

As a result, although the number of warships of the Fengshen Empire exceeds that of the Gold Swallowing Beast fleet as a whole, the battle damage is gradually increasing, especially the lieutenant-class warships.

When the battle lasted for 3 hours, the second batch of 12 large fleets of the Fengshen Empire appeared on the battlefield, and this determined the fate of the complete failure of the Gold Swallowing Beast fleet in the S326 galaxy.

The Gold Swallowing Beast lost nearly 20 warships due to the destruction of the battle star before, and the remaining 30 warships joined the battlefield in the Kuiper Belt, and by this time there were less than 20.

The first batch of 8 large fleets of the Fengshen Empire also lost 5 warships after the battle during this period of time, which can be called the largest battle loss since the empire fought in the interstellar world.

The remaining fleet of the Golden Beast discovered that the Fengshen Empire had arrived in a large number of fleets, and began to jump through space in a panic, trying to escape from here.

The Fleet of the Fengshen Empire had already anticipated this situation. Through the space locator, it kept tracking synchronously and tightly trapped the remaining fleet of the Gold Swallowing Beast.

During this period, some warships dispersed and fled from the remaining fleet of the Golden Beast, but they were overtaken by the simultaneous pursuit fleet of the Fengshen Empire and wiped out at a faster speed.

Fortunately, the limit number of space jumps of the gold swallowing beast warship is indeed less than that of the Fengshen Empire. The ordinary warship is twice less than the lieutenant warship, but the jump distance is actually 1 light year longer.If it weren't for the large number of warships of the Fengshen Empire this time, and they were tracking them in batches, it might really be possible for them to escape.

With the exhaustion of the energy of the gold swallowing beast's space jumping device, the gold swallowing beast fleet, which was unable to jump in space, began to escape by sailing at super-light speed.

At this time, the numerical advantage of the Imperial Fleet was fully revealed. The Imperial Fleet was divided into several parts, continuously cutting off the escape route of the remaining Gold-Tuning Beast fleet, but every time the remaining Gold-Tuning Beast fleet left some warships to entangle, and the rest ran away regardless.

In the process of escaping and chasing, 10 days passed unconsciously.

Li Chunfeng did not expect this battle to be fought like this. He originally wanted to destroy the space gate of the gold-swallowing beast, so that the possible gold-swallowing beast fleet from the surrounding galaxies could come to reinforce it.

Unexpectedly, in this galaxy, there is the king of the gold-swallowing beast clan, and this film king was wiped out along with the battle star, and a group of shadow coaches were also wiped out together.

After the second batch of imperial fleets arrived at the battlefield, they were so frightened that the remnant fleets of the Gold Swallowing Beasts ran away. Now, after chasing after them, they ran away for more than 20 light years in a blink of an eye.

Now the remnant fleet of the Gold Swallowing Beast has exhausted the energy of the space jumping device. Although it can only escape by sailing faster than the speed of light, the speed has reached 300 times the speed of light, so it is not an option to let them run down.

Therefore, Li Chunfeng came here personally with Professor Justin's new equipment.

The empire took advantage of the number of fleets and blocked the remaining fleet of the gold-throwing beast into a void. After losing another batch of warships and pulling a little distance from the imperial fleet, the gold-throwing beast fleet immediately repeated the old trick and was ready to enter the super-light state again .

As a result, they found that they could not enter the curved space at all, and the speed of light was also out of the question. At this moment, they found that the fleet of the Fengshen Empire appeared 2000 million kilometers around them, and surrounded them.

At the edge of this warring starry sky area, some transport ships of the Fengshen Empire are appearing around the area in a special formation.

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(End of this chapter)

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