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Chapter 359 Where did the gold-swallowing beast go?

Chapter 359 Where did the gold-swallowing beast go?

Li Chunfeng mentioned to Zhuang Yun and the others before that Professor Justin has researched a space confinement device that can reinforce a certain range of space so that warships in it cannot make space jumps or travel faster than the speed of light.

Seeing the remnant fleet of the Gold-Tuning Beast running away blindly, although the imperial fleet can also chase and intercept, but every time they catch up, they can only destroy a group of enemy ships, and the other warships run away regardless.

Li Chunfeng transported the experimental equipment of Professor Justin to the vicinity of the battlefield, and directly tested it in actual combat.

Three light-years away from the battlefield, a fleet is quietly suspended in the void. In one of the huge new Fengshen-class battleships, Li Chunfeng and Justin are looking at the picture in the projection, and another projection on the side are shown for those instruments.

"The effect of space confinement is not bad, but it consumes a lot of energy. At present, in 10 minutes, the energy will be consumed and the space will return to normal." Justin said.

"10 minutes? Well, it should be enough for them to wipe out the last remnant enemy." Li Chunfeng asked Zhinao to notify Wang Dingnan of this time.

"Old Jia, it seems that your equipment can be used in actual combat. I think you can launch the first-generation product first, so that all the warships of the empire can equip it." Li Chunfeng said.

Justin shook his head and said: "Prince, are you a little too anxious, now this equipment needs at least 240 simultaneous activations to be effective.

The energy requirement is also very large. It is installed on a battleship. Once this thing is opened, only one of the multiple shields can be opened. This is too unsafe for a battleship.

The key point is that the 240 units have only 2 astronomical units in the area of ​​action, and the action time is only half an hour.This time, if it wasn't for the imperial fleet to enclose the remaining gold swallowing beast fleet within this range, we wouldn't even be able to carry out the experiment. "

Li Chunfeng smiled and said: "Old Jia, you are wrong. First of all, this kind of equipment is not a common function, but it is necessary for every large fleet to be equipped as a special means of fighting the enemy.

Secondly, you will definitely continue to improve this device, but we are now at war with the Gold Swallowing Beast. We can't wait until the product is completely free of problems before releasing it to users like in peacetime.

Finally, regarding the issue of energy consumption, under the protection of the fleet, the safety of these warships with equipment turned on is also guaranteed.

Therefore, the most important thing is that you need to improve the subsequent second-generation products as soon as possible. "

Justin nodded and said: "What the head of state said is that it is wartime now, we really can't pursue perfection too much, and it is more important to solve whether there is any."

During the conversation between the two, 10 minutes passed quickly, and they chased from the S326 star system to here, and finally wiped out the last remaining fleet of the gold swallowing beast.

In the entire S326 star system battle, the Gold-eating Beast Fleet, which used to have as many as 70 warships, was completely wiped out by the Fengshen Empire.

In the S326 star system, the starry sky at the position of the fourth planet has returned to normal, but there is no matter at all in the void there.

Starting from near the Kuiper belt at the edge of the galaxy, along the escape route of the gold swallowing beast, there are 20 large fleets of the Fengshen Empire gathered, and they are patrolling and searching to avoid any fish that slip through the net.

At the same time, all the space locators are turned on to determine whether there are individual gold-swallowing beast warships jumping and fleeing in the chaotic space, so as to avoid the Solda escape incident in the Seiler civilization.

A fleet headed by the flagship of the Fengshen suddenly appeared near the final battlefield, escorted by a total of [-] Emperor-class warships, which showed that this fleet was the escort fleet of the head of state.

Among the countless warships on the battlefield, everyone has been notified to enter the virtual world.When they enter the virtual world, they are guided into a modular world.

There, everyone lined up according to the fleet formation. On the high platform before the queue, Li Chunfeng, the head of the empire, watched them.For a moment, the voice of "Wan Sheng!" sounded.

All the fleet commanders and captains looked excitedly at the appearance of the head of state on the high platform ahead, which made the imperial soldiers who had just won a big battle cheer.

This was the largest battle experienced by the empire since its founding, and it was also the first battle in which imperial soldiers were sacrificed.

Although the Fengshen Empire fleet has an overwhelming advantage in numbers, it also seized the initiative on the battlefield due to its successful sneak attack on Battle Star.However, in the ensuing war, more than 6 warships were lost.

The desperate resistance of the Gold Swallowing Beast Fleet in the early stage of the battle caused the Imperial Fleet to suffer a greater loss, and the subsequent pursuit battle turned into a defeat battle.The Gold Swallowing Beast fleet had no intention of fighting at all, so the battle damage of the Fengshen Empire fleet was greatly reduced, and the final loss was fixed at more than 6 warships.

Including the clone captain, more than 6 imperial soldiers died in this battle, plus the loss in the previous battle where the third largest fleet suffered a sneak attack, a total of more than 3 people.

This is because the warships of the Fengshen Empire are highly intelligent, with only captains on staff, and only the fleet at all levels is equipped with an expert team, and the number is only 10 people.

If it is like the usual intelligent civilization, even the battleships of the sixth-level civilization must have more than ten times the number of crew members of the Fengshen Empire. In that case, the losses in this battle will be at least one million.

It can be seen that Star Wars is very cruel.

"Warriors of the empire, we have won an important battle! Let us pay tribute to the heroes of the empire who sacrificed their lives in silence!" Li Chunfeng said in a deep voice, looking at the soldiers standing like pine trees below.

All of a sudden, the audience was silent for 3 minutes.

Li Chunfeng said again: "The gold-swallowing beasts were our former enemies, and they are the enemies of all intelligent life. About 60 years ago, they attacked more than a dozen interstellar civilizations living in this star field.

The massacre devoured an unknown number of intelligent creatures, and even chased and killed the fleeing intelligent creatures. Look at our battle, the gold swallowing beasts here alone have more than 70 warships, and this number is ten times that of the triangle galaxy. Not only that.

If we don't continue to find them and destroy them, then when they snowball and expand, we will be the ones who will be wiped out!
At that time, the universe will be a desert, and there will be no more intelligent creatures!

Warriors of the Empire, would you like to see such a scene happen? "

"I don't want to!" the soldiers roared in unison.

Because the energy of consciousness is fed back into the virtual world, Li Chunfeng is in the virtual world at this time, and can clearly feel the emotions of every consciousness that enters the virtual world.

Li Chunfeng knew the mood of the soldiers at this time, so he said loudly: "Then, let's find out the rest of the gold-swallowing beasts together!"

After withdrawing from the virtual world, Li Chunfeng also called all the chief officers of the Grand Fleet for a meeting.

There is only one requirement, quickly formulate a corresponding search plan, start the search from this area first, and clean up the gold swallowing beast piece by piece to ensure that there is no omission.

After handing over this matter to Wang Dingnan's frontline headquarters, he took Professor Justin and the head of state escort fleet through the continuously opened space gates and returned to the S128 galaxy.

Along with them were the transport ships, which were filled with some equipment left by the gold swallowing beasts on the resource planets of the S326 galaxy, as well as a large number of gold swallowing beast battleship wreckage.

According to Li Chunfeng's preliminary identification, the metal smelting process of the gold swallowing beast seems to have improved again. From some leftover equipment on the resource planet, it is also found that the metal smelting of the gold swallowing beast is no longer done by itself, but by some kind of consciousness technology. The device is complete.

Although this metal material is not as good as the super nanopolymer of the empire, it is also a very good material.

In the case of limited production of super nanopolymers, if the metal material of the swallowing beast can be mass-produced, it will be very beneficial to the imperial warship.

Of course, if further improvements are made on this basis, it will of course be more perfect.

After returning to the S128 galaxy, I saw the busy Zhuang Yun in the command hall of the Mars Headquarters.

"Has Wenhao already set off?" Li Chunfeng asked without seeing Zhang Wenhao.

Zhuang Yun nodded and said: "He has this opportunity, so he hastily set off with his army, for fear that he will not be able to catch up with the gold-swallowing beast."

"Well, Lin Tao and the others discovered the coordinates of the Gold Swallowing Beast 8000 light-years away. Did you pass it on to him?" Li Chunfeng then asked.

Zhuang Yun said: "It has been transferred to him, we have discussed it initially, and feel that it is necessary to approach that location quickly.

It's just that the distance from our estimated 3000 to 5000 light-years has now changed to 8000 light-years, which is really a test of our space gate technology.

At present, we only need to bring more transport ships, prepare more antimatter energy, and use energy to ensure multiple openings of space gates for teleportation. "

"Zhuang Yun, analyze it. It should be about 60 years since the Gold-Tuning Beast chased and killed the Gnar Alliance and left this star field. Maybe there are some seed groups of the Gold-Tuning Beast left in this star field to reproduce and develop on the spot.

However, why this time in the S326 galaxy, the space gate will suddenly connect with 8000 light-years away, and the 20 warships for subsequent reinforcements all come from there.

Could it be that there are no other gold-swallowing beasts in the star field of Perseus Arm?So that they can only be reinforced from 8000 light-years away? " Li Chunfeng asked.

Zhuang Yun thought for a while before he said: "Suppose the Gnar Alliance does not make space jumps, but only escapes by super-light speed, and travels from the edge of their star field to the coordinates of the gold swallowing beast at a speed of 300 times the speed of light. 6000 light years.

In other words, they will run for 20 years without fighting.Obviously, it is unlikely that they will keep running. Even if they are not fighting, they must collect and produce energy materials, otherwise they will not be able to persist.

However, with the technology of the sixth-level civilization of the Gnar Alliance, it should be unrealistic not to use space jumps during the escape process. Therefore, if the Gnar Alliance has not been wiped out by the Gold Swallowing Beast, they should have crossed the centaurs arm, enter the shield Southern Cross arm.

That is, a distance of about 1 light-years, and why did the swallowing gold beast open the space gate at a distance of 8000 light-years to teleport back?
I think it should be that the S326 galaxy was originally a seed left by the gold swallowing beast, but after meeting us, the seed asked for help from the gold swallowing beast army, so the space gate was opened to dock with S326, and reinforcements were sent back
As for why the gold-swallowing beast army is 8000 light-years away, I think it may just be the point closest to S326 in their current control area. "
(PS: Why are the chapters at the beginning of the battle skipped every time? Don’t like the plot of the battle?)

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(End of this chapter)

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