live on the computer

Chapter 361 The Gnar Alliance in the Gap

Chapter 361 The Gnar Alliance in the Gap
This is in the void of a gap, and countless warships are fighting.

The battleships of one fleet have a uniform long strip shape, only two sizes, and they attack extremely ferociously, especially for those large warships, in front of its attack line, the opponent's warships that block its advance always move silently. Disappeared.

The warships of the other fleet were of various styles, with more than a dozen styles, divided into multiple camps, and the largest part of the formation was a gourd-shaped battleship with a small front and a large rear.

The firepower of this gourd-shaped warship is relatively sharp. Although it cannot break the shield of the other warship at one time, it can basically cause the opponent's shield to disappear after two attacks.

However, its protective ability seems to be weaker. Almost as long as it is attacked by antimatter shells from another warship, its shield can only offset one attack before disappearing.

This battlefield seems to stretch for dozens of astronomical units. After careful observation, the fleet of the multi-style side seems to be heading towards the center of the galaxy, while the long warship side is besieging and blocking the huge fleet up, down, left, and right. The opponent advances.

In terms of quantity, this makes people feel a little unbelievable, because the number of warships on the multi-style side seems to be hundreds of millions, far more than these long warships.And the fleet that is on the side with the absolute advantage in numbers, on the whole, is actually in a state of fighting and going.

The elongated warships kept trying to block the direction of this huge fleet, but every time the elongated warships appeared on the route ahead of the large fleet, they often disappeared within a few seconds.

It was obviously annihilated by some kind of weapon attack, but even so, the side of the long warship would still mobilize a group of warships to block it from time to time.

If you see this scene from the perspective of God, you will have a feeling that this is a pack of wolves tracking and hunting a group of large animals.

The outermost fleet of the various styles of giant fleets are gourd-shaped warships, like a hard shell, blocking the long warships tens of millions of kilometers away from the entire large fleet.

But even so, there are always elongated battleships that can rush forward suddenly and attack other warships behind the gourd-shaped battleship's defense line with long-range attacks.

In this giant fleet formation that stretches for more than ten astronomical units in length and several astronomical units in width and height, from time to time there will be some warships of a certain shape that will directly turn into cosmic dust after being hit.

Obviously, in this giant fleet, except for the gourd-shaped warships, their protective power is almost completely irresistible under the attack of the elongated warships.

In the core formation of this giant fleet, in a huge battle star, Dorji, the supreme consul of the Gnar Alliance, frowned and looked at the projection screen, which showed the enemies who were constantly besieging his fleet, and his face was full of sadness for a while. .

"Your Excellency the Consul, we must discard part of the fleet of low-level civilizations. Only in this way can we get rid of the attack of the Devourer warship again."

A voice sounded behind Dorji. It was a humanoid intelligent creature with fiery red skin, a strange uniform, a height of 2 meters, and a long and narrow face like a falcon.

Dorje also has fiery red skin, but the lines of his face are much softer than those of his partner behind him, or his face is a little rounder.

"Marshal Dota, if we once again abandon our allies, the Gnar Alliance will no longer exist."

Marshal Dota shook his head and said: "Your Excellency, if we don't abandon them, then the entire fleet will be completely wiped out by the Devourer fleet in this chasm, and the Gnar Alliance will cease to exist!"

After hearing this, Duoji was stunned, and sighed: "Is there no other way? We have gotten rid of this situation many times in the past 60 years. Is it impossible to get rid of it this time?"

Marshal Dota frowned and said: "Your Excellency, the number of warships that the enemy has chased up this time has reached 1800 million.

The number of warships in our Doth civilization has now dropped to 2000 million. According to the previous exchange ratio with the enemy, if we cannot get rid of the Devourer fleet now, then we will not be able to persist at the other end of the gap.

The most important thing is that in this chasm area, there are no star systems that can replenish energy. If we don’t leave some low-level civilization fleets now, even after we cross the chasm, we won’t be able to stop and replenish them under the entanglement of the Devourer fleet. energy. "

Dorje said calmly: "Marshal Dota, you should know that we cannot go to the Yinxin without low-level civilizations, and the low-level civilizations in the alliance already know that the Devourer is going to devour intelligent creatures.

We have discarded low-level civilizations 5 times before, and the most recent time, the remaining low-level civilizations are clamoring to disperse on their own.

Most importantly, we wouldn't be here if we didn't have the sacrifices of these lower civilizations. "

Marshal Dota nodded and said: "Of course I know, but this time I discarded the low-level civilization to the enemy, the rest should not leave us, because this is a chasm area, without us, they have no ability to leave here."

Dorje was stunned, but he hadn't thought about it, because the last time he crossed the chasm, the Devourer didn't catch up with the fleet, and was still digesting the fleet of a low-level civilization.

"Are you sure they don't have the ability to leave?" Dorje asked.He actually knew the reason, and asking this question was just a way to ask for support.

Even the fifth-level civilization in the alliance, because the energy materials are concentrated in the alliance's transport ships, cannot sail so far in the chasm area alone.

Marshal Dota still replied: "Yes, the energy reserves of the fifth-level civilization are only enough for them to sail for one year."

Dorji said: "The alliance now only has 3 level 7 civilizations, 5 level [-] civilizations, and [-] level [-] civilizations. Which civilization do you think will be discarded this time?"

Marshal Dota asked the brain to project it, pointed to the fleet in the projection and said: "We have lost a lot recently, and we may need to abandon at least 3 third-level civilization fleets.

The combined fleets of these three civilizations are barely enough for 3 million warships. Use them to block the battleships of the Devourer, and then we will jump away, and we should be able to get rid of it for a while.

This time should be enough for us to reach the shield-cross arm. Once there, we can replenish energy as soon as possible, and then go through the space transition. If we are lucky, we may get rid of this damn devourer. "

Dorji thought for a while, and said: "Don't discard their three civilization fleets so obviously, it's good to have a time difference with those other civilizations when you convey the formation change order.

Then, after they were dropped, our fleet attempted to save them, but was blocked by the Devourer fleet.

At this time, you order the entire fleet to make a space jump.In short, this time we cannot discard low-level civilizations as blatantly as before. "

What Dorji said made Marshal Dota feel a little amazed. The consul just said that he was unwilling to abandon the low-level civilization just now, but this time he was able to make such a strict plan to abandon it. Politicians really can't be messed with.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty the Consul, I must have made a careful plan to make it look like the Devourer's attack was so violent that we couldn't resist the normal losses caused."

Dorje let out a long sigh and said, "Then let's do it quickly, we must get rid of the Devourer as soon as possible and cross this gap!"

Seeing Marshal Dota leave, Dorji sighed heavily again, and then fell into thinking.

Where did this Devourer come from?Is it right or wrong for me to designate them as the Yao Clan army in the ancient book?
Is it true that the ancient books mentioned that there is a powerful alliance in the center of the river system to fight against the army of the Yao tribe that destroys wisdom and civilization?

However, judging from the current situation, the Devourer's fleet should not be as good as that of the Yao Clan's army. According to the situation recorded in the ancient book, if the Devourer's fleet is the Yao Clan's army, I am afraid that the Gnar Alliance has already been wiped out by the opponent. Let yourself lead the fleet of so many civilizations to retreat to the center of the river system?

Moreover, the way devouring demons treat intelligent creatures is also different from that of the Yao Clan army. They actually want to devour intelligent creatures alive.

When Duoji was thinking, his secretary came in and reminded: "Your Excellency, Marshal Dota urgently seeks an audience."

"Huh? Invite him to come in!" Duoji ordered, a little strange at the same time, Marshal Dota just left not long ago, how could there be an emergency?
As soon as Marshal Dota came in, he said to Dorji: "Your Excellency, we may not need to discard some low-level civilizations. Because the Devourer battleship seems to be retreating!"

"What did you say? The Devourer's fleet is retreating?" Duoji couldn't believe it. In the past 60 years, during the battle with the Devourer, the Devourer's fleet has never retreated on its own initiative.

Every time, the Gnar Alliance can temporarily get rid of them through two consecutive space jumps.

If it weren't for the weapons inherited from the ancient books that prevented the Devourer fleet from attacking unscrupulously, the Gnar Alliance would not be able to persist until now.

This time, the Devourer fleet will take the initiative to retreat?what reason?
Marshal Dota nodded and said: "Yes, I was discussing to formulate a new formation change, but it turned out that the warships of the Devourer have been out of contact with us, and the nearest fleet has retreated to a place 10 astronomical units away from us. gone."

"So are they still retreating? Or are they stopped at 10 AU?" Dorje asked.

Marshal Dota directly let the brain project the star map around the entire fleet. At this time, the fleet observation system has marked the surrounding swallowing demon fleets in red.The red dots are connected into a line, wrapping the giant fleet of the Gnar Alliance, like a big rice dumpling.

In the dark void of the chasm, the Gnar Alliance did not launch detection satellites, so it can only conduct long-distance detection through the fleet's detection system, but in this dark void background, it is also difficult to have a clear image.

Even if the Devourer's fleet is only 10 astronomical units away from the Gnar Alliance Grand Fleet, it would be good to see the general situation now.

"Marshal, it seems that they just stopped there and did not retreat further. Maybe they have some conspiracy. Forget it, don't worry about it, let's take this opportunity to consume some energy and immediately space jump out of here!"

After Dorje looked at it for a while, he said decisively.

 The second update today, thank you for your subscription and rewards!The Gnar Alliance is in dire straits, please support us with recommendation tickets and monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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