live on the computer

Chapter 362 Crazy Attack

Chapter 362 Crazy Attack

"Don't we need to observe again? Will something unexpected happen?" Marshal Dota asked.

Dorji shook his head and said: "This time, it was originally because of the opportunity of the Devourer's invasion that these low-level civilizations were willing to follow us and walk the road to the center of the river system described in the ancient book.

If the Devourer hadn't been able to find us every time and stop in front of us, we should probably be almost at the center of the river system.Once there, with the help of a powerful alliance, they might be able to advance to the seventh level of civilization. "

At the end, Duoji actually looked forward to it.

Marshal Dota reminded: "Your Excellency, the Consul, will the powerful alliance mentioned in the ancient book really help our civilization improve technology? Will they be like us?"

Duoji couldn't help but paused, looked up at Marshal Dota, and said: "The Dos civilization can go to today and become the only sixth-level civilization in the surrounding star field, all relying on the knowledge in ancient books. Do you think the ancient books Will the description deceive us?"

Marshal Dota smiled. According to the aesthetics of humans on Earth, such a smiling face would definitely stop a baby from crying.

"I'll just say that, then I'll arrange a space transition now." Marshal Dota said goodbye to Duoji.

Before reaching the door, the door suddenly opened.

Dorji's first secretary rushed in and said hastily: "The Devourer's fleet... rushed into our fleet formation and launched a fierce attack on us!"

Duoji was taken aback for a moment, and immediately asked the brain to project the situation around the fleet.

In the projection screen, the Devourer battleship, which was still 10 astronomical units away just now, has already entered the fleet of the Gnar Alliance. turned out to be to open the distance, and then jump in directly from the space!

be cheated!
Where did the devouring demon warship just want to evacuate? Unprepared, the huge fleet formation of the Gnar Alliance is now like a tiger into a flock of sheep, and the warships of low-level civilizations are being smashed into cosmic dust one by one.

The gourd-shaped warships of the Doss civilization hurried back from the outer circle of the formation. The gourd-shaped warships deployed in the inner circle of the formation have begun to desperately plug the leaks. The nine battle stars are also attacking the Devourer warships within the range from time to time.

The entire void battlefield became a mess in an instant, and some fleets of low-level civilizations began to fly to the outside, obviously wanting to avoid this chaotic battle.

After all, when the battleships of the Devourer and the warships of the Doss civilization were at war, the incoming artillery fire could easily turn their battleships into cosmic dust.

Of course, a few warships of the fifth-level civilization can resist it a little bit, but at this time they couldn't hold back and ran out.

The Devourer's warships chased those low-level civilization warships at first and opened fire, but after being resisted by the warships of the Doss civilization, they began to fight with the warships of the Doss civilization.

Marshal Dota apologized and ran to the command hall of Battle Star. He had to command the fleet to fight in an orderly manner.

Dorje was really surprised that the Devourer actually adopted such a tactic, which really caught his side completely unexpected.

You must know that for decades, every time the Devourer fleet attacks, because the nine battle stars of the Doss civilization are connected as one, it will form a dimensional attack barrier to block the Devourer fleet.

Therefore, after the Devourer Fleet suffered a loss, it never approached within 5000 million kilometers outside the battle star connection area.

So much so that over the years, the Gnar Alliance has become accustomed to the war mode in which the Devourer fleet surrounds the large fleet and conducts various attacks 5000 million kilometers away.

Today, the Devourer suddenly made a big change, instantly breaking the balance of the battlefield maintained by the two sides for many years. At this time, the entire battlefield is in a chasm area, and there are no star systems around, and even meteorites are rare objects.

The antimatter shells fired by the Devourer warships poured into the giant fleet of the Gnar Alliance like a torrential rain.

And the flagship of the Devourer Fleet took the lead, its negative matter cannon silently and continuously cleaning up the warships blocking its way forward.

This time, because the Devourer fleet jumped directly into the middle of the Gnar Alliance fleet, the two sides fought together thoroughly, and they couldn't distinguish each other for a short time, which made the Gnar Alliance's dimensional attack barrier unable to be used.

The warships of the Gnar Alliance can only fight head-to-head with their opponents now, but the exchange of damage between the two sides is obviously in favor of the Devourer.

At this moment, the three fifth-level civilizations of the Gnar Alliance couldn't hold it anymore. Their fleet quickly turned and jumped towards one of the directions.

At the same time, about 3 fleets of level 50 civilizations also entered and exited at the same time, entered the super-light speed sailing state, sailed at [-] times the speed of light, and quickly moved away from the battlefield. .

Standing in the command hall of Battle Star, Marshal Dota was extremely annoyed when he saw this scene. He hadn't abandoned the low-level civilizations yet, and these low-level civilizations ran away by themselves.

Especially for the three Level 3 Civilization Fleets, they must be able to evacuate together under such circumstances. They must have discussed it long ago and formed an alliance in private.

At this time, among the remaining 9 civilization fleets, 5 third-level civilization fleets do not have the ability to travel faster than the speed of light, nor do they have the ability to jump in space. They can only escape from the battlefield by conventional navigation.

The other four level 4 civilizations were a little confused at this time, not knowing whether to leave or stay.If he left, he might not be able to run away from the Devourer's battleship. If he didn't leave, he might be wiped out by the Devourer's battleship now.

Time quickly helped them make a decision.

Only a few hours later, the fleet of a fourth-level civilization was wiped out by the strangulation of the Devourer warship. During this process, the fleet of the Doss civilization could not give any help at all.

Seeing this situation, the other three fourth-level civilizations did not hesitate any longer and quickly withdrew to the outside of the battlefield even though the fleet suffered a lot of losses. One civilization's fleet even braved the bullets from the devouring warship to forcibly attack them. Entering the state of superluminal speed, he fled directly towards the direction of the centaur arm.

As a fourth-level civilization, they are very clear that the position of the fleet at this moment is at least 6000 light-years away from the shield and cross arm on the opposite side of the chasm, and the return journey is less than 2500 light-years away.

Although at the 50 times the speed of light they travel faster than the speed of light, it will take nearly 50 years to return to the man-horse arm, and many warships may be sacrificed as energy in the middle, but at this moment, escape is the most important thing, so there is no need to care about these.

The Devourer fleet completely turned a blind eye to the low-level civilization fleet fleeing the battlefield. Their fleet at this time was besieging the Doss civilization fleet dominated by 9 battle stars.

At this moment, under the command of Marshal Dota, the fleet of Doss civilization has finally completed the concentration, and 9 battle stars have also formed a formation.

At the moment when all the battleships completed their retreat, the nine battle stars used the dimension attack barrier without hesitation, and a dark curtain rose, sweeping towards the Devourer fleet around the formation of the nine battle stars.

However, the Devourer Fleet immediately made a space jump and fled the moment the shady scene first emerged. As a result, the number of warships covered by the shady scene was only more than 100 million warships.

If Li Chunfeng and the others were here, they would find that this was very similar to the dimensional attack performed by the two battle stars of the Yate Fleet back then.

If the No. 3 intelligence was here, it would recognize that among the three fifth-level civilizations that ran together just now, one of the fleets belonged to its former mother civilization, Nansu civilization.

However, Li Chunfeng and the others must have never expected that this kind of dimensional attack technology is not the kind studied by the Southern Su civilization, but developed by the Doss civilization based on the scientific and technological knowledge recorded in its own ancient books.

Looking at the attack effect now, it is indeed different from the dimensional attack developed by the Southern Su civilization.

After the black curtain covered those Devourer fleets, it didn't use time to wait for the dimension change to destroy the trapped targets like the Yate battle star trapped the Kunpeng battleship.

Just after the black curtain was completely covered, some black spatial cracks erupted. Although the extension distance was not large, it happened to sweep across the entire space within the black curtain.

As a result, a considerable portion of the shields of the attacked battleships of the Devourer fleet in the shady scene were broken in an instant. However, the shields of the Devourer battleships were space folding shields. After being forcibly broken, it would bring about greater space energy riots.

As a result, these space cracks extended another 1000 million kilometers, but there were no warships on both sides within this distance.

Although the explosion of 100 million battleships caused space energy riots, there were many space cracks, the farthest of which even extended 3000 million kilometers, almost attacking the fleet of Doss civilization.

But the space chaos caused by this wave of attacks came to an end. After just over ten minutes, under the stable space law of the big universe, all the space chaos returned to calm.

The battleship of the Devourer is currently launching a new tactic in several other directions. Using the space jump technology, it suddenly appears next to the fleet of the Doss civilization, launches an attack, and then leaves with the space jump.

This makes it impossible for the Doss civilization to lock a large number of warships, so that it can no longer carry out dimensional attacks. After all, dimensional attacks require a huge amount of energy. If there is no corresponding result, it will be too bad.

Seeing this situation, Marshal Dota could only use the conventional firepower of the battle star, but after all, it was a battle star, and the ordinary conventional firepower alone increased the loss of the devourer's battleship a lot.

Due to the sufficient energy and the large size of the battle star, a lot of giant negative matter cannons are installed, and they can be fired from multiple directions.

All of a sudden, the Devourer battleships in several directions were hit by this giant negative matter cannon, and even a flagship battleship failed to hold on, and was destroyed without a trace.

The Devourer fleet quickly adjusted their tactics, and they began to swim like fish again, using the ultra-short-distance super-light speed sailing method, constantly swimming around the Doss civilization fleet.

Every approach will destroy a batch of warships of the Doss civilization, but the loss is very small.This astonishing exchange ratio made Marshal Dota panic again.

He spoke directly to Duoji and asked, "Your Excellency the Consul, we have to make a space leap to leave. If this continues, our fleet will be exhausted by the Devourer."

Dorji didn't hesitate, and said directly: "The situation has changed, let's evacuate first!"

Marshal Dota was approved, and immediately commanded the fleet to gather, and the 9 battle stars launched countless tiny nano-ropes, connecting countless battleships with other various spaceships and warships.

Almost at the moment it was just completed, the space transition was executed.

In the void, the Doss civilization fleet that was fighting fiercely with the Devourer fleet disappeared instantly in this dark void, leaving only five third-level civilization fleets more than ten astronomical units away from the battlefield.

At this time, the Devourer fleet quickly divided into multiple groups, and a group of about 800 million warships quickly jumped in the direction of the shield and cross arm.

A wave of 500 million warships jumped directly to the vicinity of the five third-level civilization fleets, and they were about to start enjoying the spoils.

The other three groups, each with 100 million warships, chased in the direction where the previous level [-] and level [-] civilizations fled.

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(End of this chapter)

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