Chapter 363

In the edge area of ​​the Sagittarius Arm, facing the direction of the center of the galaxy, and close to the black chasm, there are almost no star systems.

But in this dark star field, there are two star systems standing like lighthouses in the dark void. The two stars are like the navigation lights in the lighthouse, bringing a ray of light to the battleships and spaceships sailing in this star field. bright.

The two star systems are 3 light-years apart, much like the Solar System and Proxima Centauri, but when viewed from the direction of the dark chasm, the two star systems are side by side.

If you want to stay here and defend against potential attacks from the direction of the chasm, then the civilization level will be at least the pinnacle of level [-] civilization.

Because the technological level of the interstellar civilization fleet that can cross the gap is definitely not lower than the peak of the fourth-level civilization, otherwise it will not be able to safely cross this gap of nearly tens of thousands of light years.

This level of civilization usually has a detection capability of 3 light years, so once a civilization is stationed here, the interstellar civilization fleet coming from the direction of the chasm must detour for more than 3 light years if they want to avoid it.

Dang Haochen's 49th Fleet has now turned to the direction of the gap that he called the Gemini galaxy, about 3 light years away.

Why did you turn to this side, because it's dark enough here!

The black gap is not called for nothing. Without a star system, the gap here is wider than the gap between the Sagittarius Arm and the Perseus Arm. The nearest star system in the direction of the center of the galaxy is also tens of thousands of light-years away. You say How bright can it be in here?

The light that can be seen here is transmitted from the two stars of the Gemini galaxy. Everyone knows that it is difficult to see clearly when you look at a dark place from a bright place, but when you look at a bright place from a dark place, Then it will be much clearer.

Now Dang Haochen's 49th Fleet is observing the Gemini galaxy in the gap, oh, the focus is on the one on the right.

The galaxy on the right is the location on the other side of the space gate as calculated by the space locator when Lin Tao's third fleet attacked the Gold Swallowing Beast.

This is also the mission target of Dang Haochen's 49th Fleet as the vanguard fleet, after a comprehensive detection by the reconnaissance ship arranged by Dang Haochen.

Within 10 light-years around, there are only these two star systems, and even within 20 light-years, there are only these two star systems.

After ruling out the possibility that there might be a gold swallowing beast fleet entrenched in the surrounding area, Dang Haochen prepared to encircle and approach these two galaxies from two directions.

Now the 49th Fleet has been divided into two parts, one part is led by Chief of Staff Sun Xiaolei, guarding the inner position of the centaur arm, 4 light years away from the target galaxy, ready to launch a coordinated attack according to Dang Haochen's order at any time.

Dang Haochen himself led 5 fleets around the chasm, and then gradually approached, reaching a position 3 light-years away from the Gemini galaxy, and then activated the remote observation system.

Even if the observation system will see the situation of the target galaxy 3 years ago, even if the gold swallowing beast has covered it, Dang Haochen believes that he can see something from it, at least he can know how many planets there are in this galaxy, and their approximate positions. .

Soon, the observation system projected the observed situation. There are 7 planets in the Gemini A galaxy, including 3 gaseous planets and 4 terrestrial planets.

Judging from the observed situation, the signs of occlusion by the gold swallowing beast are obvious, especially the positions where several planets are located, there is a special gravitational field, which makes the light obviously bypass the position of the planets, and the observation results with the gravitational lens prove that at this point.

Dang Haochen didn't care about these, but hurriedly calculated whether the positions of the 7 planets were correct, or whether the 7 planets really existed.

After calculation, Dang Haochen couldn't help sneering, "This gold-swallowing beast is really trying to cover up! There is actually one hidden between the 4th and 5th planets.

Could it be that this planet is also similar to the battle star in the S326 galaxy? This kind of concealment was carried out 3 years ago, obviously the gold swallowing beast has a plan. "

Because Sun Xiaolei was on the other half of the fleet, and there was no one around, Dang Haochen could only talk to himself.

At this moment, there is a question in his mind, why did the Golden Swallowing Beast take an unusual cover-up three years ago?
Usually, when an interstellar civilization shields its own galaxy, it will not shade the entire planet, because that would consume too much energy. After all, a planet is so big that even if it is shaded, it can still be discovered and calculated with a gravitational lens. The effect is not good.

But the Gold Swallowing Beasts did this. The key point is that they did it 3 years ago. There was no war with the Fengshen Empire 3 years ago. They will never guard against the Fengshen Empire, so what are they guarding against?
Combined with the fact that the gold swallowing beasts are chasing the Gnar alliance, they should be guarding against the Gnar alliance, but this is wrong. The gold swallowing beasts are chasing the Gnar alliance, and the Gnar alliance should run ahead. Why should the gold swallowing beasts guard against the Gnar alliance? Seoul Alliance?

Could it be that the Gnar Alliance hadn't come here 3 years ago, and the Gold Swallowing Beast was deployed in this place in advance?
Thinking of this, Dang Haochen immediately dispatched a reconnaissance ship to continue space jumping in the direction of the dark chasm. The jumping distances are 6 light years, 5 light years, 4 light years... 1 light year. Remote observation.


So it seems that the gold swallowing beast came here 7 years ago and began to completely cover the fifth planet.

Looking at the fifth planet from the picture taken 8 years ago, Dang Haochen noticed something different.

Through spectral analysis, the metal content of this planet is very high, and its volume is not large, even a little smaller than Mars.

Dang Haochen thought about the battle star in the S326 galaxy, and suddenly understood why the Gold Swallowing Beast chose the Gemini A galaxy and the S326 galaxy as its bases. It seemed that it was all for the purpose of transforming the battle star.

It is much easier to transform a metal-rich planet into a battle star than to directly build a metal battle star. It takes a long time to build the two battle stars of the empire.

Dang Haochen took back these reconnaissance ships, and then opened the space gate of the flagship. The coordinates are between the position of the first planet and the second planet in the Gemini A galaxy. There are some meteorites gathered there. The moment the space gate opened, three " Pathfinder 1" has been delivered.

"Pathfinder 8" quickly sent back the detected images, and was not attacked by the gold swallowing beast. Dang Haochen couldn't help but nodded and said to himself: "The 3rd Fleet's move is quite effective."

In the picture, in the galaxy with a radius of 40 AU, everything can no longer be covered up, and the fifth planet is gone.

It was empty there, and at the same time, there were no countless warships in the galaxy as Dang Haochen imagined.

The rocky planets in the galaxy have been mined in sevens and eighties. At the same time, the two gas giant planets have become much smaller, and the hydrogen-containing atmosphere of the entire gas giant planet has almost been evacuated.

Dang Haochen immediately opened the space door again, and directly dropped "Pathfinder 8" into the Gemini B galaxy. The situation in the galaxy is similar to that of the Gemini A galaxy.

Dang Haochen immediately connected to Sun Xiaolei, "Xiaolei, the whole army will jump directly into the Gemini B galaxy!"

At the same time, Dang Haochen himself led this part of the fleet to jump into the Gemini A galaxy, and arranged for the warships to start searching and detecting the satellites of those gas giant planets.

As a result, the Gold Swallowing Beast, which always leaves a lot of equipment, unexpectedly left nothing this time. The space detector showed that there was a large amount of space energy overflowing here, and the estimated time was about 10 days ago.

This time is the day when the S326 galaxy battle is completely over, that is, before the gold swallowing beast is completely wiped out, it should have passed the news back here, so the gold swallowing beast here has all evacuated.

Afterwards, Dang Haochen discovered that the Kuiper belt of the galaxy and the surrounding warning network satellites still existed, and immediately destroyed them all unceremoniously.

Sun Xiaolei quickly connected again and said, "The Gemini B galaxy has been harvested, except for the resources and energy planets. Nothing is left. Is it the same in your place?"

Dang Haochen said seriously: "There is something left, there are many galaxy shielding devices in the Kuiper belt, and in some places outside the Kuiper belt, many disguised detection satellites have been discovered.

Obviously, the warning net of this galaxy still exists, and the gold swallowing beast seems to be singing an empty city plan here. "

Sun Xiaolei was dumbfounded by Dang Haochen's statement, and said: "Is this what you call keeping things? It should be too late to take them away, right? Or as you said, leaving these things is an empty plan, so we don't spend more money because of it." Got some time for scouting?"

Dang Haochen said: "Now I really can't figure out where these gold-swallowing beasts have gone, especially the battle star here!"

Sun Xiaolei was taken aback, and asked, "What battle star?"

"Oh, the fifth planet here is the same as the planet in the S5 galaxy. Because it is rich in metal, it was transformed into a battle star by the gold swallowing beast, but now this battle star has also been withdrawn." Dang Haochen explained .

Sun Xiaolei's face was a little dignified, and he said, "Then you should quickly summarize the situation and report to the former enemy commander Zhuo Yuan."

At this time, the pursuit headquarters has already issued a notice on the appointment of Zhuo Yuan as the commander of the former enemy. At the same time, the follow-up reinforcement fleet has been speeding up with the arrival of space gate warships and energy supplies.

Dang Haochen nodded and said: "Yes, not only do you need to report to Zhuo Yuan, but you also need to report to Zhang Yuan, the pursuit headquarters, this matter is somewhat strange.

I found that the gold-throwing beast came here 7 years ago, and it came here earlier than the Gnar alliance. The gold-throwing beast may have fought a battle with the Gnar alliance in this area. "

As Dang Haochen said, he told Sun Xiaolei the experiment he had done before, and Sun Xiaolei couldn't help but said, "Okay, you actually used this method to detect.

Now, although the Gold Swallowing Beast withdrew from here, we didn't get any credit, but if you do it like this, we can count it as meritorious service. "Speaking, Sun Xiaolei actually became happy.

Dang Haochen ignored him, and after finishing the conversation between the two, he hurriedly collected the relevant information and materials and sent them to Zhuo Yuan and the pursuit headquarters.

Not long after, in the void near the sixth planet of the Gemini A galaxy, several space gate battleships appeared first, and then these space gate warships quickly activated the space gate to dock with the space gate on the other side.

After the completion, a large number of warships poured out from the space gate in the void, and soon a large fleet appeared in the void, and they quickly moved away from the space gate and occupied a position.

Soon another large fleet appeared, and an hour later, in the void of the Gemini A galaxy, a huge group of battleships filled the place.

This is the first pursuit fleet composed of 16 large fleets with a total of more than 170 million warships. The former enemy commander is Zhuo Yuan and the chief of staff Deng Qiuheng.

After Zhuo Yuan received Dang Haochen's report, he immediately decided that the first pursuit fleet should rush here, and was going to send out further scout ships to investigate in the direction of the boundary.

At the same time, he intends to build the Gemini galaxy as a bridgehead, because the resources here are almost mined by the gold swallowing beast, so he applied to the pursuit headquarters for the supporting facilities of the transfer station.

Anyway, here is the star system, at least it is easier to set up defenses than in the chasm.

"Zhuo Yuan, are you planning something?" Chief of Staff Deng Qiuheng asked.

Zhuo Yuan nodded and said: "I have calculated, according to the situation discovered by Dang Haochen, if the Gold Swallowing Beast appeared here 7 years ago, the Gnar Alliance came later.

Either they pass through here and fight the gold swallowing beast and then escape into the chasm, or they enter the chasm from other nearby places. Now both of them should be between 2000-3000 light-years away from the chasm.

If we don't build a transfer station here, and continue to build a transfer station towards the dark chasm, then even if we catch up with them, we may not be able to interfere. "

 The second update today, thank you for your subscription and rewards!We are about to catch up with the Golden Swallowing Beast, please vote for recommendations and monthly tickets to support!
(End of this chapter)

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