live on the computer

Chapter 364 The War 30 Years Ago

Chapter 364 The War 30 Years Ago

The Sagittarius Arm, the S456 galaxy, the command hall of the Sword God flagship.

In a projection, a certain void scene is being played.

It turned out to be a war scene. In the Kuiper Belt area of ​​a galaxy, the defenders formed multiple lines of defense. The warships had various shapes, but the main one was a gourd-shaped warship.

Zhang Wenhao has seen this kind of battleship shape before. It is given in the database of the No. [-] intelligence. It is the main battleship of the Nar Alliance and belongs to the Doss civilization.

In fact, among those warships of various shapes, Zhang Wenhao also saw a familiar warship shape, which is the four-sided star-shaped warship used by the Yate civilization and its mother civilization, the Nansu civilization.

As for the attacking warship, Zhang Wenhao was even more familiar with it. It was the long gold-swallowing beast warship.

In the picture, the number of warships of the Gnar Alliance is far less than that of the defender's Gnar Alliance, but the entire battle scene shows that the Gnar Alliance has suffered a lot. It takes almost five or six warships to destroy a Gnar Alliance warship.

Among them, at least two gourd-shaped warships are required to destroy a gold-swallowing beast. Obviously, the gourd-shaped warships in the Gnar Alliance are the protagonists of the war, but even though they are six-level warships, they are still stronger than the gold-swallowing beasts. Battleships are much less.

"With such an exchange ratio, I'm afraid the Gnar Alliance won't be able to defeat the Gold Swallowing Beast." Zhang Wenhao sighed.

At the end of the screen, a fleet came from the galaxy, and there were 9 battle stars in the fleet!
When the 9 Battle Stars formed a special formation, the Gold Swallowing Beast's fleet jumped out of space one after another.Subsequently, the fleet of the Gnar Alliance quickly disappeared.

Because it is a remote observation, the picture is not very clear. What makes Zhang Wenhao wonder is that all the warships obviously have multiple levels of civilization. How could they disappear together?

The space jumps of low-level civilization warships and high-level civilizations are definitely different. How can they go together?
"Old man, this Dang Haochen's method is really good, and he actually discovered this." Du Shengjie said from the side.

"Well, you do have brains, and you can count it as a merit. If you can really catch up with the gold-swallowing beast and complete the task of eliminating it, then the head of state can reward you for your merit." Zhang Wenhao nodded.

When Zhang Wenhao saw the detection method mentioned in Dang Haochen’s report, he immediately arranged for a batch of reconnaissance ships to conduct long-range observations every 60 years starting from 10 light-years outside some suspicious galaxies he had delineated. .

Finally, a reconnaissance ship observed the battle scene 30 light-years away from a certain galaxy. Obviously, since the battlefield is outside the galaxy, neither side has covered it, so that the war scene can be seen tens of light-years away. observed.

Judging from this propagation distance, the two sides fought a battle in this galaxy 30 years ago, and then the Gnar Alliance fled.

Zhang Wenhao began to calculate on the star map. About half an hour later, Zhang Wenhao pointed to the gap and said, "Shengjie, I calculated it. The two of them are chasing and entangled like this. It is estimated that they have not crossed the arm of the horse and the shield. • Divide between the arms of the cross.

But exactly where it will appear, the range of speculation is a bit wide, and the error may be hundreds of light-years.

If you think about it, is there any way to lock their approximate positions, preferably within 10 light-years. "

Du Shengjie pondered for a while, his face was a little depressed, and he said: "There is really no good way. In the plan reported by Zhuo Yuan before, it was only speculated that the depth was 2000-3000 light-years, but the width was also hundreds of light-years.

We can only use the transfer station propulsion method, and arrange a transfer station every 500 light-years.However, the gap here is nearly 1 light-years. Our method of propulsion may require a large number of warships. I don’t know if the construction period will be enough. "

Zhang Wenhao frowned and said: "It's reasonable for you to say that. Fortunately, it's finally confirmed this time. The Gnar Alliance is indeed fleeing from here to the direction of Yinxin, and the Gold Swallowing Beast is indeed chasing them.

In addition, depending on the situation, the number of warships on both sides is astonishing. We only have 30 large fleets in our hands. Even if we catch up, it will be difficult to make a difference.

You compile the latest situation into a report, send a copy to the headquarters, and ask for additional troops. You can ask for an additional 100 large fleets of smart fleets first. "

As he said that, seeing Du Shengjie's bewildered face, he couldn't help but slapped his forehead, and explained: "Forget that you don't know about this. The empire has been building warships continuously since before the founding of the nation, and what everyone knows now is only matching human commanders. Battleships and smart battleships are managed by No. [-] and No. [-]."

Zhang Wenhao, as a veteran, of course knows that in addition to shipbuilding in these years, the empire is building ships. With the production efficiency of intelligent robots and such a vast star area, the number of warships has doubled. It is impossible to only have more than 1000 now. Thousands of warships,.

It's just that the population growth is slow, and the head of state has not released the restrictions on human cloning. Since more than ten years ago, relevant graduates of military universities no longer have to wait for a long time to be assigned to their own fleet like their predecessors. Basically, as soon as they graduate, there is already a squadron waiting for them to command.

However, the head of state still did not stop the manufacture of warships, but continued to expand. If it weren't for the upgrade of the battle star technology, it is estimated that dozens or hundreds of them will be built.

At the beginning, the entire elder group did not understand, but now Zhang Wenhao admires the foresight of the head of state more.

Look at the number of battleships on the side of the Gnar Alliance in the picture just now, at least over 9 million. Later, a group of fleets and [-] battle stars rushed over. There are so many.

In terms of time, the two sides have been fighting for 30 years, right?There should be a lot of losses during the period, but I don’t know how the number of warships on both sides compares after another 30 years.

Anyway, it is definitely not something that the 30 large fleets of my own can compete with, so I must increase my troops.

Du Shengjie was already stunned by Zhang Wenhao's words. The empire still has many warships, and this mouth requires 100 large fleets for reinforcements. This is more than 1000 million warships, which is almost equivalent to the number of warships known by the empire now.

Fortunately, Du Shengjie is an old man, and he knew that the empire was dominated by smart warships at the beginning, and then humans gradually served as fleet commanders, and he was one of the first batch.

It turns out that the real strength of the empire is those smart warships hidden somewhere, so how many ships are there?

+ + + + + + + + + + + +
In the dark and boundless void, a large fleet is quietly floating, and the engines of the battleships are all turned off.

3 light-years away from this fleet, there are 7 super-large warships sailing at a constant speed. The distance between these warships is very large, and the distance between each other is 1 astronomical unit. The 7 warships spread across the range of nearly 2 astronomical units.

In the space among these 7 warships, there are quite a few small and medium-sized warships. It seems that this is a huge warship.

In fact, these small and medium-sized warships are all empty-shell warships that only have energy engines and can provide multiple shields. Only those 7 warships in the entire fleet are truly complete warships.

And in front of this fleet that is greater than 1 astronomical unit, a fleet is facing them in an attack formation, and there are as many as 20 emperor-class warships at the front end of the attack formation.

On a projection screen in the command hall of the flagship of the fleet 3 light years away, the red and blue dual-color signals of two large fleets are being displayed.

"Führer, everything is ready, and the experiment of transforming dark energy into space energy and space crack weapon is waiting to start." An excited voice sounded beside Li Chunfeng.

"Dr. Watson, I know you have been waiting for this day for a long time, and so have I. So, let's get started!" Li Chunfeng nodded.

Dr. Watson immediately pressed a symbolic button, and the intelligent brain immediately executed the corresponding experimental procedures.

On the projection wall of the command hall, multiple screens showed that at the fleet marked in blue, the 20 emperor-class warships suddenly had some lights on the ship.

Almost at the same time, there seemed to be something flashing in the dark void. Although the observation equipment of "Pathfinder 8" in the test site was already very advanced, but under such a dark void background, if you want to shoot a superluminal flash black space crack.

That is impossible!

The target fleet outside an astronomical unit exploded with countless flames almost at the same time. It was because those small warships exploded immediately after being hit by a space crack.

With their shield level, they can't resist an attack from this space crack at all.

But for those seven super giant ships that were much larger than the new Fengshen-class battleships, their first layer of dimensional shields that made the battleships blur disappeared in an instant.

Obviously, the dimensional shield is powerless in front of the space crack.Just like when the Kunpeng warship attacked the four-sided star warship back then.

Then, the folded space shield on the second floor didn't last long before closing itself, and the folded space still couldn't stop the unstoppable power of the space crack.

It attacked the third energy shield, and this invisible energy shield suddenly lit up.This is the effect brought about by the excited photons during the see-saw process of the two strands of energy.

The space crack is really powerful, the energy shield of the super giant ship didn't last long, and disappeared instantly, the space crack continued to move forward, and there was no shield to protect the battleship.

Therefore, the space rift hit the armor of the battleship's outer shell straightly, and a tooth-piercing creaking sound resounded inside the battleship.

The space rift tore through the armor belt, chopping all the way down, as if the sharp blade swung by the god was cutting something.

Photographed by the surrounding "Pathfinder 8" detection system, at this moment, because the propagation speed of the space crack is blocked by the armor belt of the battleship, it is no longer faster than the speed of light, and people finally see the true face of the space crack from the screen.

This space crack is like a thin black line, but it is thicker than the original black thin line of the Kunpeng battleship.

Its cutting finally stopped, and the giant battleship finally burst into flames. This was caused by space cracks intruding into the interior of the battleship, the gas in it leaking, and igniting combustibles.

But at this moment, that crack in space has disappeared, leaving only a battleship with a big hole floating in the void.

This was true of the seven giant battleships, none of which was completely destroyed by the space crack.

After seeing this effect in the command hall, everyone was smiling, and some even clapped their hands excitedly, as if celebrating.

Isn't the name of this experiment called Space Rift Weapon Experiment?Why did the space rift fail to destroy the target warship, but everyone celebrated instead?
"Prince, the experiment of transforming dark energy into space energy is successful! The experiment of space crack weapon is successful! The experiment of super nanopolymer armor is successful!" Dr. Watson exclaimed excitedly.

Zhong Han at the side muttered to himself: "We have finally stepped into the sixth level of civilization."

"No! We reached the pinnacle of the sixth-level civilization in one fell swoop!" Qian Minhua continued beside him.

Li Chunfeng smiled and said: "That's right, we have reached the pinnacle of the sixth-level civilization! After accumulating for so many years, and doing countless simulations and experiments in the virtual world to cooperate, we have finally fully grasped the essence of matter." Technology."

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(End of this chapter)

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