live on the computer

Chapter 368 Sudden Allies?

Chapter 368 Sudden Allies? (Leader "Coffee-colored Glasses" rewards [-] coins plus more)
Hearing the sudden reminder from the brain, Dang Haochen looked at Sun Xiaolei, and couldn't help but said happily: "Haha, we've hit the jackpot!

Sure enough, I guessed it right, the Gold Swallowing Beast and the Gnar Alliance are really in this area.Hey, this trajectory is actually coming in our direction. "

Sun Xiaolei also laughed, and said: "Whatever you think, we found that the first skill of the gold-swallowing beast fell to us. Look, the detection method I arranged is quite effective."

Dang Haochen said "It works, it works", and he quickly ordered: "Leave the Z133 large fleet to stay here, open the space door, coordinate XXXX, and we will go to ambush near that track to see what fleet it is. In addition, immediately inform the former enemy commander Zhuo Yuan."

The 49th Fleet moved quickly, followed by the other three smart fleets.

Originally planned to open the space gate to dock with the space gate of the transfer station of the base camp, and transmit the warships and other facilities of the transfer station, but now input new coordinates and open the temporary one-way space gate.

After all, it’s not possible to use a space door. The place where the situation was discovered is a full 200 light years away. This distance is the most economical to use a space door.

+ + + + + + + + + + + +
After the fleet of the Senka civilization escaped from the battlefield by sailing at super-light speed, after changing direction several times, it quickly turned to the direction of the centaur arm.

After all, it is so far away from the arm of a man and a horse, and if it can save some energy, there is no need to make any detours. It's just that the leader of the Senka civilization is not sure how long the Lolan civilization and the entropy civilization can hold back the Devourer fleet.

If the time is too short, like the Doss civilization, it is estimated that the fleet of their own civilization will still be overtaken by the Devourer fleet.He still doesn't know that Yin Entropy Civilization has also slipped away.

In the minds of the leaders of the Senka civilization, with their two more than 2000 million warships, it should take a while for the Devourer fleet to digest. After all, the Devourer fleet only has 100 million ships.

However, if the Devouring Demon Fleet is powerful, they will be disabled in a short period of time. It doesn't take much, as long as they send 30 warships to chase after them, their own fleet probably won't be able to escape.

The Devourer fleet can jump in space, and can do it multiple times in a row. Although the fleet of our own civilization has strengthened research in this area and made some progress, the distance and number of space jumps are far worse than those of the Devourer warship. Too far.

Thinking of the distance of the space jump of the Doss civilization, the Devourer can catch up again and again, and the space jump that his own civilization has only researched, or... barely use it.

Although some energy will be consumed, it is still possible to jump twice, at least to prevent the Devourer fleet from discovering the location of its own fleet in one go, and it will be good to hide and confuse it.

So the fleet of the Senka civilization quickly broke away from the superluminal state, and made two space jumps.

Afterwards, it flew in the dark chasm in the usual way, and fully implemented the blackout, and used some concealment methods to hide the engine part, hoping to avoid the detection of the Devourer in this dark area.

In this dark chasm area, after hiding the fleet, under normal sailing conditions, even if advanced civilizations want to easily discover it, various conditions and coincidences are required.

The leaders of the Senka civilization did not expect that when the fleet just exited the superluminal state, a large fleet appeared in the void 2 light years away.

"Huh, why is it gone?" Dang Haochen was still staring at the tachyon detector screen, preparing to further detect the situation of the fleet sailing faster than the speed of light, such as the shape and number of battleships, but the signal disappeared immediately.

"Don't worry, the opponent should have withdrawn from the superluminal state. If you perform this kind of operation in the position of the dark chasm, you may have to perform a space jump." Sun Xiaolei said.

Dang Haochen nodded and said: "I'm concerned, so I'm in chaos! Command, send out a scout ship, space jump to the position where the super-light signal disappeared just now, and see if you can detect where the other party jumped to."

"Of order, Your Excellency Commander." The Fleet Brain replied immediately.

Soon, a scout ship in the large fleet disappeared from the void, and when it reappeared, it had already arrived at the place where the Senka civilization fleet just disappeared in a space jump.

The space positioning detector of the reconnaissance ship quickly found the corresponding position, and immediately jumped into space again to chase after it.

This void was still empty, but the space positioning detector detected the opponent's jumping position again.

The reconnaissance ship quickly jumped over again. After completing the jump this time, the fleet was still not seen, but the space positioning detector did not find anything new.

In the pitch-black void, the surrounding starlight is too far away, there are almost no objects that can emit light, and optical detection instruments are basically useless.

"Haochen, the reconnaissance ship has lost its target, and the optical detection instruments are almost useless in the dark chasm. The reconnaissance ship is waiting for further instructions." Sun Xiaolei said.

Dang Haochen looked at the images from the reconnaissance ship and found that it was exactly the same as the current fleet location, pitch black.

"Notify the reconnaissance ship, use the supermagnetic scanner! Scan the surrounding area, and at the same time, the reconnaissance ship starts to circle from the current position with a maximum scanning range of 3000 million kilometers.

After completing one circle, expand the radius of 6000 million kilometers, and then continue to circle around to scan the surrounding area, and keep the speed at half the speed of light when expanding the radius.

The target fleet must be sailing covertly in a conventional way, and their speed should not exceed half the speed of light, otherwise the engine exhaust flames will not be able to cover them. "

After thinking about it, Dang Haochen quickly issued an order to the reconnaissance ship. It is believed that the ultra-magnetic scanner's scanning radius of 3000 million kilometers should scan this fleet in a short time.

After hearing this, Sun Xiaolei couldn't help but said, "Okay, I've figured out a solution so quickly. Don't you worry that the target fleet will suddenly jump and run away after scanning it in a circle?"

"No, since the target fleet has entered this concealed navigation mode, it will not be easily exposed again. I guess, this fleet is not the Gold Swallowing Beast fleet, it should belong to the Gnar Alliance, but I don't know how many there are." Dang Haochen said.

While the two were talking, the reconnaissance ship a few light years away quickly completed the first lap of detection, and then expanded to the second lap, and after completion, it went to the third lap, and then...

The detection system prompts, "300 million kilometers away from the reconnaissance ship, a fleet is found, the speed is one third of the speed of light, and the number of warships is 720 million."

Afterwards, all these materials were sent back to the large fleet several light years away. When Dang Haochen and Sun Xiaolei saw the images scanned by the supermagnetic scanner, they were a little stunned.

The shape of the battleship of this fleet is already in the database. It is the battleship of the Senka civilization, the first civilization that the empire encountered when it first arrived in the Perseid Arm.

This is a fourth-level civilization, and its technological level is similar to that of the original Bribar civilization. The fleet of their civilization appeared alone in this gap.

"It doesn't matter, catch up and ask, maybe you will know the reason." Dang Haochen said.

The 49th Fleet led three intelligent large fleets to space jump to a place 3 million kilometers away from the fleet of Senka Civilization, and immediately sent a message in the common language of the NAR Alliance.

"This is the territory of the Fengshen Empire! Please explain your purpose."

Dang Haochen didn't underestimate them because the other party was a fourth-level civilization, nor did he treat them as friends because the other party was hostile to the Gold-Tuning Beast, and he didn't treat them because the Fengshen Empire had rescued some members of the Senka civilization before. The fleet took no precautions.

Therefore, the fleet of the entire Fengshen Empire appeared in front of the Senka civilization fleet in an attack formation.

The moment a fleet suddenly appeared blocking the way, the leader of the Senka civilization really thought that the Devourer was chasing him.

But immediately the communication system received the other party's information, the standard Gnar Alliance lingua franca, which showed that the other party was fully aware of the Gnar Alliance.

However, the Senka civilization has never heard of the Fengshen Empire since joining the Gnar Alliance. Of course, the observation system has finally seen the appearance of the opponent's warship at this moment.

Well, this kind of battleship shape has never been seen before. This unknown civilization actually said that this is the territory of their civilization?

Just kidding, this is the dark chasm!There is nothing here, what can this place be used for as the territory of civilization?
However, judging from the appearance of the opponent in space jumping, at least the level of civilization will not be lower than his own. Although the number of warships of the opponent is less than his own, the leader of the Senka civilization does not dare to underestimate the opponent.

The point is, they actually regard the Dark Divide as their own territory. This is something that no level [-] civilization would dare to do. After all, there is no material in the Dark Divide, and a lot of energy is needed just for navigation.

Even if it is a space jump or a space transition, the energy consumption is a big one. If you dare to use this place as a territory, at least the energy reserve is extremely strong.

The leader of Senka civilization quickly calmed down and replied to the other party immediately.

"We are the Senka civilization of the Nar Alliance. We are being pursued by the enemy. We don't know that this is your country's territory, please forgive me."

After seeing the other party's reply, Dang Haochen knew that it was indeed the Senka civilization, so he asked further: "What kind of enemy are you being chased by? Can you provide the shape of the enemy warship that is chasing you?"

The leader of the Senka civilization was a little surprised. Why did the other party care about what enemy was chasing him?
However, there seems to be nothing to hide about this point. At present, the Senka civilization quickly sent the picture of the Devourer battleship to it, and submitted the corresponding format description so that the other party could analyze the picture information.

"The battleships in these pictures are the battleships of our enemies. We call these enemies devourers. They will devour intelligent creatures. They are very cruel and terrifying."

The leader of the Senka civilization explained by the way. At this moment, he is already thinking about whether he can win the Fengshen Empire into a comrade-in-arms, and jointly fight against the Devourer fleet that may be tracked.

Dang Haochen didn't need to analyze it according to the format instructions they gave, because the relevant computer technology of the Senka civilization had already been clearly studied by the empire.

Seeing the shape of the battleship in the picture, Dang Haochen immediately understood that it was the battleship of the Gold Swallowing Beast.

In other words, the credit for catching up with the Gold Swallowing Beast can no longer escape.

In a happy mood, I sent a message, "Your enemies are also the enemies of the empire. We call them gold swallowing beasts. They do feed on intelligent creatures to grow. Where are they now?"

After receiving this information, the leader of the Senka civilization was overjoyed. He didn't expect that he didn't have to win him over. This is his ally.

 Thanks to the lord "Coffee-colored glasses" for today's reward of [-] coins, thanks for the support all the way, special addition!

(End of this chapter)

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