live on the computer

Chapter 369 The First Battle

Chapter 369 The First Battle
In the dark chasm area, where there is almost no material, during the escape of civilization, a friendly soldier suddenly fell from the sky. This kind of good thing makes the leader of Senka civilization a little unbelievable.

Therefore, after he was ecstatic, he was deeply suspicious.The good thing about the pie in the sky can't help but make people suspicious.

However, since the other party asked where the Devouring Demon Fleet was, they could naturally tell the other party that if they didn't deceive themselves, it would be good for them to fight the Devouring Demon Fleet.

At that time, it is not the enemy of the Devourer Fleet, but it will be too.

The leader quickly replied: "They defeated our alliance, the main force of the alliance should have fled in the direction of the shield and cross arms, and the main force of the Devourer may have gone after the main force of the alliance.

Our civilization fleet and the other fleets of the Roland civilization and the Entropy civilization fled to a place less than 10 light years away from here, and were stopped by a fleet of millions of battleships from the Devourer.

Our civilization ran out, they should still be fighting the Devourer fleet.In addition, the place where the original battle took place may be 20 light-years away from here. "

While the leader sent the information, he also marked the locations of the two battlefields on the star map, and then sent the corresponding pictures.

After Dang Haochen got these information, he began to make calculations on the star map, so as not to be fooled by the Senka civilization. After all, a level [-] civilization can run so far away from the battlefield, no matter how you look at it, it is a bit strange.

"Haochen, it is obvious that the warships of the Senka civilization must have made space jumps, although their jump distance is not as far as ours. However, to be able to run so far, and let other civilization fleets help stop the gold-swallowing beast fleet, obviously This Senka civilization is also quite cunning." Sun Xiaolei said.

Dang Haochen waved his hands and said: "I don't care how cunning they are, in the face of overwhelming strength, all opportunistic tricks are useless.

Zhinao immediately dispatched a reconnaissance ship, opened the space door, and carried out reconnaissance and search near the above two locations. "

Sun Xiaolei nodded and said: "Anyway, it's hard to trap you kid, I'll report the situation here to the front enemy headquarters and the pursuit headquarters first.

By the way, what are you going to do with this Senka civilization?Let them keep running? "

Dang Haochen said: "They must have the intention to run away, but we don't need to stop them, just send a scout ship to follow.

If we really stop them, I'm afraid they will regard us as enemies and fight us desperately.Well, on the grounds that the other party invaded our empire's territory, we arranged for a scout ship to accompany them until they left. "

The Senka Civilization Fleet, who has been paying attention to the movement of the Fengshen Empire's fleet, found that the Fengshen Empire seemed to have dispatched several warships, and then disappeared.

The leader of the Senka civilization became a little worried. Could it be that the fleet of the Fengshen Empire called for reinforcements?No, summoning reinforcements and using the hyperspace communicator directly is faster than dispatching warships.

But I can't stay here for too long, otherwise I won't be able to escape if the Devourer fleet comes after me.

Just when he was suspiciously worried, the Fengshen Empire fleet sent a message saying: "Senka civilization, since you have broken into our empire's territory, we need to send warships to follow you until you leave our empire's territory."

The star map sent along with this message shows the territory map of the Fengshen Empire, which is so large that the leader of the Senka civilization will lose his glasses, if he has one.

" this possible? If so, how did our Gnar Alliance get to the chasm? Shouldn't they have been discovered by their empire and expelled?"

The leader suddenly thought about it, the Fengshen Empire might have other plans, anyway, his civilized fleet just wants to leave here as soon as possible, and it is not a big deal to have their warships accompany them.

The foreseeable situation is that if they are so high-handed, whether they have been enemies of the Devourer before or not, they will be enemies now.

Although it is impossible to evaluate the technological level of the opponent's warship, it is obviously not weaker than the Senka civilization. Then if they are entangled with the Devourer fleet here, wouldn't the fleet of their own civilization escape the clutches of the Devourer?

After returning to the Sagittarius Arm and finding a good galaxy to settle down, the Senka civilization can develop again.

At that moment, the leader immediately replied: "I am very sorry that we recklessly broke into the territory of your country, and thank you for the large number of adults in your country who did not blame us.

Your country's warships should accompany you. We will re-approve the corresponding route according to the star map you sent, and leave your country's territory as soon as possible and return to the Sagittarius Arm star field. "

Sun Xiaolei, who had just reported the situation here, saw the reply and said, "This Senka civilization is really interesting."

Dang Haochen pursed his lips and said: "They are not sensible, they want to run away quickly, fearing that the delay will be too long, and the gold-swallowing beast fleet will chase them, and they will not be able to run away."

"Hey, what you said makes sense. This Senka civilization is indeed very slippery, so let them go?" Sun Xiaolei asked.

"Let them go, we have to leave here too, the scout ship has sent back a message, there is a big battle going on in Battlefield A, and the Gold Swallowing Beast fleet has the upper hand.

Battlefield B, the Gold Swallowing Beast is besieging and killing those warships of the third-level civilization.If it weren't for the intelligent creatures that the gold swallowing beast wanted to catch alive, it is estimated that the third-level civilization would have been wiped out long ago.However, if we go late, we will really be captured by the gold swallowing beast.

At that time, the number of swallowing gold beasts will greatly increase again.The pictures sent back by the scout ship showed that there were probably more than 2000 million battleships left in the fleets of those third-level civilizations, and there were wrecks of warships everywhere.

It is estimated that the Gold Swallowing Beast did not use too powerful attack methods, but just smashed the warships, and then rushed up to catch the living intelligent creatures, otherwise there would not be so many warship wrecks. "

After Senka Civilization sent the star maps of the two battlefields, Dang Haochen named the two battlefields, the one that is closer is Battlefield A, and the one that is far away is Battlefield B.

Sun Xiaolei nodded and said, "Commander Zhuo Yuan has issued an order just now, asking us to save the two civilizations on battlefield A. According to the Senka civilization, there are 100 million gold-swallowing beast warships there.

Therefore, Commander Zhuo Yuan will send 10 more large intelligent fleets to our unified command. These fleets will arrive from the space gate at the same time as we arrive.We are required to wipe out this gold-swallowing beast fleet of 100 million warships.

As for Battlefield B, Commander Zhuo Yuan will personally lead 80 large fleets to go there,"

Dang Haochen nodded and said, "Okay, let's set off right away."

As the more than 50 warships led by Dang Haochen disappeared into the black void in an instant, the leader of the Senka civilization was stunned.

"The Fengshen Empire has enough energy. I wonder if we can buy some from them? Originally, we could go back to the arm of the people in a straight line, but now they have drawn such a large area, and it has become the territory of the Fengshen Empire. I The route has to go around in a big circle."

Only at this time, the large fleet of the Fengshen Empire had already left, and only a few small warships followed from afar.

The leader of the Senka civilization thought about it, and decided to run along the new route for a while. If the energy is really insufficient, they will run to the territory of the Fengshen Empire, and then wait for them to come. It is best to ask for some energy. It is not possible to exchange and buy.

Not to mention that the Senka civilization continued to run away with its own little calculations. More than 40 warships led by Dang Haochen appeared at a distance of about 1 million kilometers near the A battlefield.

Just over ten seconds later, 10 large fleets reappeared in the void behind Dang Haochen's fleet. After completing the formation of more than 49 million warships with the 150th large fleet as the core, they rushed towards Tunjin without hesitation. Beast battleship.

At the same time, the Lolan civilization, which had been beaten down by the Gold Swallowing Beast Fleet to only have more than 200 million warships, suddenly discovered a new fleet appeared near the battlefield.

At first, they thought it was the reinforcements of the Devourer fleet, but soon found that the appearance of the battleship of this fleet was completely different from that of the Devourer. While hesitating, they received a message from the other party.

"Loran Civilization, this is the territory of the Fengshen Empire. The war between you and our enemy, the Golden Beast Fleet, has violated the territory of the Fengshen Empire.

Considering that you are fighting with our enemies, we don't need to hold you accountable, but we hope that both of us will work together to attack and destroy this fleet of gold swallowing beasts. "

The leader of the Lolan civilization is completely confused. What is the situation? This... dark chasm area, where there is not even a single hair, is this the territory of the Fengshen Empire?

He also said that instead of holding us accountable for intruding into its territory, we just need to work together with them to destroy this fleet of gold-swallowing beasts?Did they call the Devourer the Gold Devourer?
However, the leader of the Lolan civilization was not in a daze for long, because at this moment, the more than 150 million warships of the Fengshen Empire had already rushed towards the gold swallowing beast fleet besieging him from a distance.

Although the number of warships remaining in the Loraine civilization is still greater than that of the Gold Swallowing Beast Fleet, they are still under siege by the Gold Swallowing Beast Fleet.

But at this time, the Gold Swallowing Beast Fleet was a little flustered. Some of the warships were still attacking the warships of the Loland Civilization, and some of the warships were in a hurry to assemble to deal with the new fleet of the Fengshen Empire.

It seems that the Gold-Tuning Beast fleet and the Fengshen Empire fleet are really enemies. Obviously, the Gold-Tuning Beast knows this fleet.

"The conventional speed is more than half the speed of light! Is it a level [-] civilization fleet?" The leader of the Loraine civilization was stunned by the scene in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, the observation system of the Loland civilization seemed to find that the warships of the Fengshen Empire launched an attack when the fleet of the Fengshen Empire was 5000 million kilometers away from the Golden Beast battleship.

Almost at the same time, some gold swallowing beast warships were surrounded by the flames of the explosion, and the warships were blown into several sections.

"Oh my God! The Fengshen Empire is really a level [-] civilization. Isn't this attack too sharp? The warships of the Doss civilization attack the Devourer warships, and they can't blow up their shields and warships in one round, right?" Lolan Civilization The leader couldn't help but exclaimed.

Immediately afterwards, he wept with joy, and murmured: "Hahaha, Lolan's civilization is saved! Order, the whole fleet stay on one side, don't get too close to the Gold Swallowing Beast fleet.

As long as we don't let these guys escape, Lorraine's civilization has sacrificed too much, and we can't continue to sacrifice. "

Dang Haochen divided the fleet into four groups, attacking the gold-swallowing beast fleet from four directions, which was changing from the state of encircling the Luolan civilization fleet to the state of assembly.

 Today's first update, thank you for your subscription and rewards!To fight the gold-swallowing beast again, we urgently need everyone's recommendation tickets and monthly tickets for support.

(End of this chapter)

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