dragon hunter

Chapter 10

Chapter 10
"What's wrong with me?" I was a little dizzy, and my whole body was limp.

"Yin Qi enters the body, you'll be fine after a few days of rest." Zhen Qingyi smiled lightly and handed me the peeled apple.

"Did we succeed?" I remembered the weird experience yesterday, and I was a little concerned about the outcome of the matter.

"Successful, Second Uncle Zhang has taken the Soul Cultivation Wood to find the Fengshui treasure cave." Zhen Qingyi replied softly.

A chubby face protruded from the door of the ward. Fatty Wang walked in with a fruit basket in his hand and a playful smile.

Zhen Qingyi greeted him with a smile, took a plastic cup, and went to the corner to open a water bottle to pour water for the other party.

"Your illness is really worth it." Fatty Wang winked, pointed to Zhen Qingyi's back secretly, and gave me a thumbs up.

"I can see you everywhere." I didn't respond angrily, but the fat man was very well informed.

"That's right, brother is the most loyal person. As soon as I heard that you were sick and didn't have breakfast, I ran here." Fatty Wang patted his chest and boasted.

"Look at your wobbly stomach, I believe you are a ghost." I knew the fat man's virtues, so I exposed it unceremoniously.

"You boy, real people don't show their faces." Fatty Wang lowered his voice with a wretched face, "Why don't you increase your luck for my brother?"

"No problem, change the price to 18888, pay first and then serve." I said very straightforwardly.

"Go to hell, unscrupulous profiteer!" Fatty Wang looked angry.

Zhen Qingyi came over with a glass of boiling water, Fatty Wang took it flattered, and then secretly winked at me.

"Did you know that there was big news in our small county this morning." Fatty Wang took a sip of boiled water and said mysteriously.

"What big news?" I vaguely had a bad feeling.

Fatty Wang took out his mobile phone and showed me a piece of news, "Early in the morning, a few broken tree stumps floated on the moat, and then a strange thing happened."

I looked at the tree stump in the photo very familiarly, and a broken chain on it made me horrified.

"Bleeding water continuously flowed out from the cut of the tree stump, staining half of the moat red." Fatty Wang lowered his voice and said mysteriously.

I subconsciously rolled my eyes at Zhen Qingyi, and found that he was sitting by the bed with a smile on his face, as if everything had nothing to do with her.

"I heard that it was an old pagoda tree that was sawed off. When I heard the name, I felt scared." Fatty Wang looked scared.

My heart was turbulent, and I looked straight at Zhen Qingyi, but unfortunately the other side's face was calm, and I couldn't see any clues.

After Fatty Wang finished his gossip, he sat for a while and walked away on elephant legs.

"That's what you did?" My voice was a little dry, and I couldn't figure out why.

"I did it, don't ask why." Zhen Qingyi said calmly.

The cell phone beside the bed rang suddenly.

I picked it up and saw that it was a call from my second uncle, feeling inexplicably restless.

"Yifan, your daughter-in-law moved the old locust tree in the yard to startle the snake. We must be targeted by the old thing." The second uncle's tone was a little hasty.

"What's going on?" I was at a loss, completely ignorant of the cause and effect.

"I can't say a few words clearly. Things are troublesome. Don't lie down. Get out of the hospital quickly. You have business to do." The second uncle urged with a loud voice.

"Hello? Hello?" Before I could ask clearly, I hung up the phone.

"Did I do something wrong?" Zhen Qingyi stood up and asked anxiously.

what can I say?Standing up, I packed my things and was discharged from the hospital.

Zhen Qingyi also knew that she had done something wrong, and Xiao Yi served her all the way, completely lacking the demeanor of a strong woman.

I met my second uncle at the door of the shop. He was squatting on the flower bed by the roadside, smoking a cigarette with a sad face, and a few cigarettes were left on the ground, all of which were half-smoked.

"Second Uncle!" I raised my hand in greeting.

"You girl, why are you so stubborn? If those guys were easy to provoke, I would have killed Sister Tan early in the morning to avenge Sister Tan." The second uncle threw half of the cigarette on the ground, and said with a look of hatred.

Zhen Qingyi bit her lip and stood behind me with her head bowed, without saying a word.

"Second uncle, let's talk in the store first." I walked over to open the store door and greeted.

Zhen Qingyi walked into the store with his head down, and sat silently on the chair, like a child who made a mistake.

The second uncle didn't speak, with a serious expression, smoking one cigarette after another.

"Who can tell, what's going on?" I couldn't hold back my curiosity.

"The situation is critical. We must race against time to seize the opportunity before the other party responds." The second uncle took a deep breath of his cigarette and said in a hurried tone.

"Who is the old man?" I asked curiously, the person who can make the second uncle jealous must not be simple.

"Don't ask, knowing too much is not good for you." The second uncle directly blocked my curiosity, and then ordered, "You are in the store these few days, don't go anywhere, and listen to my arrangements."

"Second Uncle..." Zhen Qingyi stood up, a trace of stubbornness flashed across her pretty face, and she was about to say something.

"I know what you want to say, don't meddle in this matter, the man in my Zhang family is not dead yet." The second uncle interrupted the other party domineeringly.

(End of this chapter)

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