dragon hunter

Chapter 11

Chapter 11
I was at a loss, there must be a story between my second uncle and Zhen Qingyi that I don't know.

"Girl Qing, you can't help with this matter, go back and do your own thing." The second uncle seemed to have made up his mind.

"Then I'll leave everything to the second uncle." Zhen Qingyi bowed to the second uncle, showing me an apologetic expression.

I have some toothaches. Ever since I had this beautiful fiancee, my peaceful life has become ups and downs, but as a man, I can't just admit love, can I?
After seeing Zhen Qingyi off, the second uncle smoked another half of his cigarette, and took out a broken booklet from his pocket.

"I only taught you some superficial physiognomy before. I was afraid that you would be too young and energetic, and you would go out and cause trouble if you learned too much." The second uncle handed me the broken booklet.

"When I was young, I was lazy and didn't want to learn. What is this?" I curiously took the booklet. It looked old and the pages were a little yellowed.

"My ancestors of the Zhang family were revered as the Master of Finding Dragons, relying on this scripture handed down from generation to generation." A hint of pride flashed in the eyes of the second uncle.

"It's too damaged, isn't it? Even the pages of the book are lost." I flipped through it casually.

"There are so many nonsense, if you want to survive, study hard!" The second uncle came over and patted my head.

Broken Physiognomy not only records many anecdotes and secret techniques, but also records the anecdote that one of my ancestors supervised the construction of the imperial tomb for a former emperor.

A few thin sheets of paper recorded that ancestor's beautiful and luxurious life, servants coming in and out like clouds, hills of money flowing through his hands, and a family full of beautiful wives and concubines.

All of this made me, a poor dick, drooling with envy, deeply hating myself for being born a few hundred years late.

The physiognomy masters of the ancestors were respected as dragon-hunting phase masters. They often only did one thing in their lives, and that was to travel all over famous mountains and rivers, search for dragons and determine caves, and build mausoleums for the royal family.

The second uncle left behind the dilapidated manager and left in a hurry, saying that he would call me if something happened.

I guard the shop every day, and when I have nothing to do, I look through the dilapidated scriptures. Occasionally, Zhen Qingyi will call, and the two sides chat for a few words.

That day, I had already closed the store and received a call from my second uncle.

His tone was a bit solemn, and he said that a female client came to me after a while, and asked me to try my best to win her appetite.

I know that this matter is not simple, maybe it is the follow-up of the moat driftwood and locust tree bloody incident.

The mysterious customer came very quickly. I just opened the door of the store and before I put out the light box sign, a black Honda Accord was parked on the side of the road.

The car door opened, and a fat woman in her early forties stepped out, covered in jewels, with a fat face like an inflated balloon.

The obese woman stood in front of the physiognomist's shop, looking at me with some hesitation, as if she thought I was too young.

"Boss, do you have elders in your family who know better about physiognomy?" The obese woman squinted her small eyes, looking a little arrogantly at others.

While the other party was looking at me, I was also looking at her. The obese woman has an unusual face, with a small nose, small eyes and small mouth, and all the facial features are gathered together.

This kind of face is called Five Rats Gathering Wealth. People with this face are mean and stingy by nature, and they attach great importance to money gains and losses.

"Auntie, if you are looking for me to see your fortune, then you have found the right person." I responded calmly.

Ordinary people looking for a physiognomist only ask about three things: career, marriage, and wealth luck. The fat woman's face does not seem to be a personality that pays attention to marriage and career.

The obese woman's eyes lit up, and she walked over, "My surname is Yu, and I really want to see my fortune. There is still a problem, and I need to find someone to advise me."

"Don't stand outside, come in and talk." I greeted the other party.

Fatty Yu walked into the shop, took out a napkin, wiped it on the stool, and sat down with a look of disgust.

"Looking at the fortune, you need the date of birth and your name." I was talking nonsense, but I just wanted to collect more information about the other party.

"I understand this. The name and horoscope are on this piece of paper." Yu Feipo probably had seen it with other photographers, and took out a piece of paper from her bag.

"Yu Jinhua..." I looked down at the note in my hand, picked up a pen from the table, and pretended to count on the white paper beside me.

In fact, judging from Fatty Yu's appearance alone, the other party has not lacked in fortune in this life, and the other party's attire also proved this point.

But if everything goes well, who would turn to a fortune teller for fortune?
I pretended to do some calculations, raised my head, and looked at Fatty Yu carefully from head to toe.

The earlobes are fleshy and the lips are plump. From the perspective of physiognomy, this is a symbol of wealth. The other party has a pair of chubby hands with short and thick fingers, which are also characteristics of being able to catch money.

But when I saw the other party's nails, my eyes froze for a moment. The ten nails were full and ruddy, but there was a deep horizontal line on each of them.

There are only two possibilities for horizontal stripes on the nails. One is the lesions caused by malnutrition and lack of vitamins.

There is another kind of evil, that is, the other party has fallen into a feng shui magic called "finger sand".

(End of this chapter)

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