dragon hunter

Chapter 100

Chapter 100
I felt that the condition of the head was too weird, it seemed that some kind of evil ritual had been performed after death, and there was still an extremely yin and evil aura lingering on it, so I didn't act rashly.

As soon as he put the phone back into his pocket, he suddenly found a business card, and remembered that it was the business card of the mysterious Mr. Lai, so he took out the phone and the business card.

I dialed the number on the business card, and after a few rings, Mr. Lai's voice came from the other end of the phone, sounding very calm.

I explained the strange situation of the head inside the wall to the other party carefully, and asked the other party if they had seen similar examples.

"Piercing a wooden cone into the eye is a Nanyang technique. I thought of a possibility. Don't act rashly. I'll come right away." Mr. Lai hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

"Mr. Zhang, should we call the police?" Teacher Fang leaned half out of the door and asked nervously.

"Don't call the police, this is not as simple as a murder." I took out a stack of talisman papers and pasted them on the surrounding walls.

I don't know much about the various magics in Nanyang, so I just made some preventive arrangements.

"Principal Fang, do you still have Qiu Dongzhu's files at the school?" I walked out of the abandoned boiling water room and asked the old principal in the corridor.

"It should still be kept. I'll ask Tingting to take you to the file room." Principal Fang nodded, looking a little uneasy.

The school archives room is in the teaching building on the other side, and the teacher asked nervously all the way up, and I could feel a hint of excitement hidden under her nervous appearance.

"It's so bizarre. I thought these plots would only appear in TV dramas." Teacher Fang opened the door of the file room with a key.

"Ms. Fang, please help me find Qiu Dongzhu's files, and He Qingyang's files, too." I walked into the file room.

"Let's think about it, their files from that class should be over there." Teacher Fang walked to a row of filing cabinets on the left.

Through the glass window, I looked at the rows of folders inside, which recorded the class and year and month.

Teacher Fang opened the cabinet door with a key, took out several folders, and said, "There were only a few classes back then, let's find them one by one."

I opened the folder, pulled out a stack of old student files, and looked through them one by one.

"Qiu Dongzhu... He Qingyang..." Teacher Fang muttered in a low voice, quickly flipping through the files in his hand.

Thinking of the weird head inside the wall, I was a little distracted, and the files were scattered on the ground when I loosened my hands, I bent down to pick up the files hastily.

"Huh." A familiar photo came into view, it was He Qingyang's file back then, I picked up the thin file paper.

"I found it, Qiu Dongzhu's file is here." Teacher Fang exclaimed in surprise.

I casually put down He Qingyang's file, took an old file from Teacher Fang, and browsed through it item by item.

"It's an abandoned baby, adopted by grandpa." I looked at the record on the file.

"It's a pity that she did well in her studies back then." Teacher Fang came over and looked down at the file with me.

A wisp of delicate fragrance poured into the tip of my nose, I turned my body slightly, and continued to browse down the files.

"Her birthday is a bit weird." I flexed my fingers and calculated quickly.

Teacher Fang was curious, staring at my flickering fingertips. There was a light wind blowing outside the window, and a strand of hair was slightly on the tip of my nose, which made me almost sneeze.

"Sorry!" Teacher Fang blushed, realizing that she was too close to me, and took a step back.

"It's okay." I rubbed my nose, being interrupted like this, I had to calculate again.

According to the file, Qiu Dongzhu's appearance looks pretty good, but her skin tone is a bit dark and her lips are thin.

"Snake, born in the lunar month of the Yin year, is it the fate of a woman who is extremely Yin?" I muttered to myself.

Yinjue girls are a special kind of fate, and girls with this kind of fate are generally weak and sickly, born with disabilities.

"But it's recorded in the file that she seems to be normal and not disabled." I was a little puzzled.

Putting aside my doubts for a while, I continued to browse the following content, and saw the record of jumping out of the window to death, and the time recorded on it made my eyelids twitch.

"At three o'clock in the morning, the yin energy is at its peak at this time, and this day happens to be Ghost Festival, what a coincidence." I felt that a dusty secret was being gradually revealed by me.

Putting down the thin file paper in my hand, I picked up He Qingyang's file, feeling a little curious about this one of the protagonists of the incident that year.

"The family is poor, but they are both good in character and learning." I looked at the records in the file, and a middle-aged man's face subconsciously appeared in my mind.

"I made a fortune within three years after graduation, donated to the school many times, and even wanted to renovate the old dormitory. There is a problem." I put down the file in my hand.

"Did you see anything?" Teacher Fang asked curiously.

"Teacher Fang, please find He Xiaoyu's file." I thought for a moment, looked at Teacher Fang and said.

"Xiaoyu's file is on my phone, I'll look for it." Teacher Fang took out his phone and swipe the screen.

I put the files of Qiu Dongzhu and He Qingyang together, looked at the two yellowed black and white photos, and tried hard to restore the truth of the year.

"I found it, here it is." Teacher Fang came over with his mobile phone.

I took the phone, slowly swipe the screen, and browse He Xiaoyu's file, which records the information of her deceased mother.

"Mr. Fang, do you know how Xiaoyu's biological mother died?" I asked while staring at the phone.

"It's written in the file that she died of illness, but I heard that she committed suicide." Teacher Fang thought for a while, and answered with some uncertainty.

"The blood type doesn't match." A trace of doubt flashed in my eyes.

Xiao Yu's blood type is a bit special, if He Qingyang's file records are true, then Xiao Yu cannot be his biological daughter.

"No matter who He Qingyang finds, it is impossible to give birth to a daughter with such a blood type." I flicked the phone screen unconsciously.

A familiar photo popped up from the screen of the phone, it was the back of a person, and I looked very familiar.

"Give me back the phone, why are you peeking at other people's privacy?" Teacher Fang reacted excitedly, reaching out and snatching the phone.

I was taken aback for a moment, then came back to my senses, stared at Teacher Fang who was blushing, and asked suspiciously, "Why are you secretly filming me?"

No wonder the street and the figure from the back looked familiar just now, isn't that just me, a big old man was secretly photographed, what's the matter?

"You said it was you, so it's you? You're dazzled." Teacher Fang became furious, gritted his teeth, and left in a hurry.

"This... this..." I felt like running through ten thousand grass mud horses in my heart, doing business, who knew that I would encounter such a magical turning point.

Walking out of the file room, Teacher Fang disappeared. I also felt that my nose was not a nose, and my eyes were not eyes. I stood at the door and thought for a while, then walked to the fifth floor of the girls' dormitory.

Zhen Qingyi was still waiting there, Principal Fang saw me coming back alone, and asked, "Where's that girl Tingting?"

"She went to work temporarily." I touched my nose in embarrassment.

"Is there something more important than the current thing, it's really unreliable." Principal Fang muttered in a low voice.

"Sister Xu, what kind of business did He Qingyang make his fortune?" When I saw the young woman standing aside, I remembered a suspicious point in the file.

"Emerald jade, he has access to Nanyang." Sister Xu replied.

"A student who just graduated, at that time, there was a channel in Nanyang." I sneered.

The phone rang in my pocket, and I took it out to see that it was Mr. Lai calling, thinking that the other party could not find the location of the school, so I quickly answered the phone.

"Brother, something happened temporarily, I may not be able to come today, I'm sorry." Before I could speak, Mr. Lai's voice came from the other side of the phone, and he sounded very tired.

"What's the matter with that head, what's the point?" I was slightly taken aback, and hurriedly asked.

"There is an evil method in Nanyang, called Ten Absolute Resentment Girls, but it can only be used on Yinjue girls. From your description, I feel that the situation is a bit similar." Mr. Lai explained wearily.

"Ten Absolute Resentful Girls, what is the theory, and how should I explain it?" My heart tightened, and Qiu Dongzhu was the fate of a Yin Jue girl.

"It's very troublesome. You should seal the scene with the evil spirit talisman first, and we'll talk about it when I come over tomorrow." After Mr. Lai finished speaking, he apologized again and hung up the phone.

I frowned and stared at the hole under the sink, and took my mobile phone to call my second uncle, but the tone was always busy and no one answered.

"Mr. Zhang, what should we do now?" Principal Fang asked nervously.

"Wait for me to strengthen the seal first." I walked into the abandoned boiling water room, bit my finger, and drew a few anti-evil symbols on the surrounding walls.

Principal Fang looked anxious, walking around very restlessly, his old face was like a bitter melon.

"Don't let anyone come near here today. When a friend of mine comes over, we'll solve the head problem." I took out a cigarette and lit it with some annoyance.

I don't know anything about the evil methods in Nanyang, and there is basically no record in the broken Buddhist scriptures. If I deal with the head rashly now, I am worried that there will be accidents.

Just as he was about to leave, the second uncle called back. After listening to what happened, he was silent for a moment.

"I don't know much about Ten Absolute Resentment Girls, but there are rumors in the circle that there was a famous Feng Shui master in the south who died on this." The second uncle's voice was a little dignified.

"Is this thing so evil?" A chill rose up my back, and my head was more troublesome than I imagined.

"Your friend seems to know Nanyang magic very well, let's wait for him to come over." The second uncle sighed.

I hung up the phone in silence, the distance between the lines was like a mountain, even the famous Feng Shui master fell on top of the Ten Absolute Resentment Girl, that is definitely not a head-dropping technique like flying head, it can be compared.

"Let's go back first, Principal Fang, we must not let anyone come near here." I confessed again with some anxiety.

"Okay, I'll lock the iron door on the fifth floor later." Principal Fang nodded solemnly.

On the way out of school, I asked Sister Xu some questions about He Qingyang. Sister Xu had only been married to him for a few years, so she didn't know much about his past.

"Xiao Yu is not He Qingyang's own daughter." I said suddenly.

"No wonder, I always feel that their father-daughter relationship is a bit strange, and I thought it was Xiao Yu who didn't accept me, so it was like this." Sister Xu muttered to herself.

I tried my best to recall the face of the middle-aged businessman. What kind of secret was hidden behind such a grandiose plan of the ten-year-old girl?
(End of this chapter)

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