dragon hunter

Chapter 99

Chapter 99
Fearing another accident at night, I stayed in the villa and did not leave.

Early the next morning, I squinted my eyes, walked out of the room, and was about to wash up. I saw Zhen Qingyi and Sister Xu sitting on the sofa, and the two girls lowered their heads and muttered something.

Then Zhen Qingyi picked up the phone and made a call. The water in the bathroom was a little loud, and I couldn't hear what she said.

"Morning, have you eaten yet?" I dried my face with a towel and walked over to say hello.

"Sister Xu and I have discussed it. We can't just leave this matter alone. We'll go to He Qingyang to settle the score in a while. Are you going?" Zhen Qingyi raised her head, stared at me and asked.

Just as he was talking, a black Buick business car was parked outside, and several tough young men in hotel security uniforms stepped out of the car.

I was stunned for a moment, remembering that there was a hotel under Zhen Qingyi's name, this girl was a little narrow-minded, and that scene last night completely angered her.

"Let's go, what is He Qingyang, let him know how powerful the sisters are." Zhen Qingyi pulled Sister Xu and rushed outside angrily.

"Hey, you guys wait for me, if you encounter Nanyang head-down master, you can't deal with it." I chased him out.

With the support of Zhen Qingyi, Sister Xu became a lot more courageous. First, she went straight to her former home, but the building was empty, and then she couldn't find He Qingyang in the company. The other party seemed to disappear overnight.

"You bastard, you can hide pretty quickly." Zhen Qingyi felt as if he had punched nothing, and was a little unhappy.

"At your house just now, that Gumantong seems to have been moved too?" Sitting in the car, I remembered a detail and asked Sister Xu beside me.

"You mean that ancient mantong? When I was traveling in Nanyang, I suddenly received a call from He Qingyang, asking me to go to a temple and buy that weird wooden sculpture. In fact, I don't believe in those at all, and..." Sister Xu wanted Stop talking.

"And what?" Zhen Qingyi asked curiously from the side.

"The last time that fat master Wang went to our house to exorcise evil spirits, he suddenly went crazy. Looking back now, He Qingyang seemed to have worshiped Na Gumantong at that time. Could it be that he did something?" Sister Xu said about Fatty Wang a privacy.

"It's no wonder that fat man has been reluctant to say that it turned out to be such a shame, but why did he invite Fatty Wang for so much trouble?" I frowned and said to myself.

"It was my suggestion to invite Mr. Yin and Yang to exorcise evil spirits. He Qingyang didn't agree at first." Sister Xu solved my doubts.

"That makes sense. The fat man looks like a pig. Anyone who sees him for the first time will think he is a parallel importer." I figured out the whole story.

He Qingyang had lifted a stone and shot himself in the foot. If he hadn't invited Fatty Wang back then, he wouldn't have had the series of events that followed.

"He's a vicious person, he won't even let his own daughter go." Thinking of Xiao Yu's experience, I feel a little bit emotional.

"The relationship between their father and daughter is harmonious on the surface, but in fact there is a deep gap, but I still don't know why." Sister Xu said from the side.

"Turn around and go to the technical school. If you want to find the answer to the whole thing, you have to start from the source." I told the driver to change the route.

I called Teacher Fang, and I needed the cooperation of the school to unravel the secret of the year.

As soon as the Buick business car stopped on the side of the road, he saw Teacher Fang waiting at the school gate, with an elegant old man with gray hair standing beside him.

"Isn't she the woman who drove the car last night? Do you have any secrets to hide from me?" Zhen Qingyi stared at Teacher Fang suspiciously.

"She is Xiaoyu's head teacher. I went to the psychiatric hospital with her last night and visited Xiaoyu." I explained what happened last night.

"Ah, how is Xiaoyu now?" Sister Xu showed a trace of concern on her face.

"She is missing. Her situation is more complicated. If you want to solve the whole secret, you have to start with Qiu Dongzhu's suicide." I opened the car door and walked down.

"You are here, this is my grandfather, the former principal of the school." Teacher Fang greeted with a smile.

"Hello, I'm Fang Muru, the fifth floor of the school's girls' dormitory has always been a problem of mine." Principal Fang held out his hand to me.

"Hello, Principal Fang, do you still have any memory of what happened in the girls' dormitory back then?" I reached out my hands and shook her.

"How can I not remember it? Originally, the school could be upgraded to a junior college, but because of a series of student suicides, the expansion application was rejected." Principal Fang looked distressed.

"We came here this time to understand the secrets of the fifth floor of the girls' dormitory." I explained my purpose straight to the point.

"Let's talk while walking. In fact, there were students committing suicide in succession back then. In private, I also invited Mr. Yin Yang to come and see." Principal Fang walked into the school.

"What did Mr. Yin Yang say?" I followed behind and asked curiously.

"After Mr. Yin Yang came out, he spat out a mouthful of blood and said that the fifth floor was too fierce and he couldn't do anything about it. Then I had someone weld the passage on the fifth floor to death." Principal Fang talked about the past.

"Ah, grandpa, why haven't you told me about this?" Teacher Fang interrupted.

"You're a girl from every family, why are you mentioning this to you?" Principal Fang said disapprovingly.

"Tsing Yi, please ask the security brothers behind to come over with two strong ones." I turned around and told Zhen Qingyi.

"I heard from Tingting that Mr. Zhang is a very capable photographer." Principal Fang looked at me sideways.

"That's Teacher Fang praising me." I smiled modestly.

"Who praised it, I'm telling the truth." Teacher Fang defended in a low voice.

"Are you very capable? Teacher Xiao Fang seems to admire you a lot?" Zhen Qingyi leaned close to my ear and whispered.

"It's business, what are you thinking?" I lowered my voice, feeling that a woman's mind is like clouds in the sky, unfathomable.

Although Principal Fang is retired, he has a lot of prestige in the school. Along the way, whenever he met a teacher, he would stand by the side of the road and greet him respectfully.

"Principal Fang, is there a tool like a hammer to tear down walls?" I asked the old principal.

"There should be these in the utility room. I'll ask Tingting to take you to get them." Principal Fang thought for a while, then turned around and said.

I waved to the two security guards behind me and asked them to follow Teacher Fang to get tools from the utility room.

"Mr. Zhang, what happened to the fifth floor of the girls' dormitory?" Principal Fang mentioned the fifth floor of the girls' dormitory with a complicated tone.

"I have a guess that needs to be confirmed." I recalled the words "rest in peace within the wall".

Today happened to be the weekend, and some students in the dormitory had gone home. When we entered, it was relatively quiet.

"Principal Fang, do you still have any memory of which dormitory Qiu Dongzhu lived in back then?" I walked in the stairwell and turned around to ask.

"503, this dormitory has been vacant since she committed suicide by jumping out of the window." Principal Fang is old, but his memory is very good.

"503, last time Tian Xiaoyan jumped out of the window, it seems to be this dormitory too." I frowned as I recalled.

Footsteps came from behind. Teacher Fang and two security guards caught up with us with tools to demolish the wall.

When I came to the dormitory again, I asked others to wait outside, took out a compass, stood in the middle of the room, and counted with my fingers.

"It's a bit strange." I frowned and walked around the room, keeping my eyes on the compass pointer.

A gust of wind blew by, the old newspapers pasted on the wall rattled, and the musty smell in the room made people feel a little uncomfortable.

"Aren't you in this dormitory?" After thinking for a moment, I walked out of the 503 dormitory, stood in the corridor and turned around to look around.

"What did Mr. Zhang discover?" the old headmaster asked expectantly.

"What's the use of the locked room next door?" I asked, pointing to the locked door next door.

"Oh, this room used to be a boiling water room, and it has been abandoned for a long time." The old headmaster was stunned for a moment before remembering.

"Brother, help break the door open." Seeing that the lock on the door was rusted to death, I said to the security guard who was holding a hammer.

The head of the security guard, who was big and thick, looked like a bear, staggered over, lifted the sledgehammer in his hand, and smashed the lock on the door with one blow.

I pushed open the door and walked in. An unpleasant smell of corruption made me cover my nostrils. The dry black water stains on the ground looked a little disgusting.

The compass in his hand suddenly responded, and the pointer jumped slightly.

I squinted my eyes and looked around, and found that there seemed to be traces of cement wiped under the pool beside me, so I stretched out my hand and waved backwards.

Two bear-like security guards wrinkled their noses and walked in, carrying tools to demolish the wall.

"Under the pool, the place that was plastered with cement was hammered." I pointed to the bottom of the pool.

Two security guards walked over, waved the hammer in their hands, and smashed it towards the wall. The dust was flying, and a large hole appeared under the pool.

"There seems to be something in the wall, what is it?" A security guard moved his head curiously.

The pointer on the compass turned rapidly, my heart tightened, and I stared at the hole under the pool.

"Oh my god, it's a withered head." The security guard threw the hammer on the ground with a bang, and ran out like shit.

The other security guard's face was pale, and he subconsciously took a few steps back, staring at the bottom of the pool in horror.

There was a commotion outside the corridor. Principal Fang walked in quickly, staring at the hole under the sink with some fear, his arms trembling slightly.

I walked to the edge of the pool, turned on the flashlight function of my mobile phone, and took a photo of the hole in the wall. A withered woman's head was lying quietly in the hole.

"What... what's going on?" Principal Fang's voice trembled.

"If I'm not mistaken, she is Qiu Dongzhu." I stared at the head and face, with dry and blackened skin, feeling a little disgusted.

"How is it possible? Wasn't she sent to be cremated?" Principal Fang looked in disbelief.

"You go out first, this head is a bit weird." I stared at the compass spinning wildly, with a dignified expression.

In the position of Qiu Dongzhu's head and eyes, there are two wooden awls as thick as fingers inserted. There are some small red runes painted on the wooden awls. Someone cut a hole between his eyebrows with a knife, which looks very strange.

(End of this chapter)

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