dragon hunter

Chapter 102

Chapter 102

"It seems that if it is not necessary, we can no longer use expensive spells." The second uncle walked to me with a serious face.

"Fatty, you have great strength, come here and kick the door open." I stared at the utility room vigilantly and greeted.

"Fatty Master is here." Fatty Wang shouted, and rushed over like a wild boar, kicking the door with a flying kick.

"Bang Dang!" The utility room door was kicked open, and a rancid smell came from inside.

"Oh my god, what the hell is that? It's so evil." Fatty Wang rushed forward a few steps in inertia, and when he saw the figure curled up in the corner, he turned around and ran away in shock.

The figure curled up in the corner, wrapped in long hair, gave off a strong rancid smell, which made people want to vomit.

"Look at the clothes uploaded on me. It's either a cleaner or a dormitory administrator. How long has it been dead? Why hasn't anyone found out?" I covered my nose and looked at the figure with a frown.

"Be careful, she has stood up." The second uncle took out an ink thread and tied it to the utility room door.

The figure curled up in the corner stood up stiffly, with long hair dragging to his feet, twisting like a snake, his head hanging down so that people could not see his face clearly.

I subconsciously wanted to throw out a piece of talisman paper, thinking of the "domain" covering the entire dormitory building, I forcibly held back, and reached out to fumble in the cloth bag.

I took out several wooden awls with pointed tops and rounded bottoms, bit my fingertips on the tops of the wooden awls, smeared a bloodstain on them, bent down and placed them under the door.

This thing is called "Ghost Not Stepping", and it has the same effect as the ink thread, and it has a strong restraint effect on zombie-like evil spirits.

"Dead early and reborn early, you said you are dead, why do you still harm people." Fatty Wang hid behind, muttering nervously.

"Seize the opportunity in a moment and stab that evil thing's heart with a sword." Second Uncle said hastily.

If we change the environment, a mere rotting corpse will be destroyed after throwing a few talisman papers. It will never make us feel like an enemy. However, in this weird "domain", many methods are restricted, so we must be cautious.

The rotting corpse walked to the ink line and stopped, its long hair poking around like tentacles.

I stared nervously at the door, where there were a few "ghosts not to step", as long as the carrion stepped on it, I would shoot immediately.

After being stunned for a moment, the rotting corpse stretched out his hand to tear off the ink line, lowered his head, and took another step stiffly, stepping on a "ghost does not step", and paused.

"Good opportunity!" I stabbed the carrion's heart like lightning with a sword, the blood symbol on the sword shimmered, and the wooden mahogany sword easily pierced the evil thing.

A puff of thick black smoke rose, I quickly pulled out the mahogany sword and stepped aside.

"Hurry up, the smoke contains the dead body poison of the other party." The second uncle greeted and backed away quickly.

The rotting corpse fell to the ground, and the smoke in its body quickly spread to the surroundings, and the space in the corridor was continuously occupied.

"Let's go to the second floor first." I held my nose and ran up the stairs.

"Wait for me, it's pitch black, without even a light." Fatty Wang stepped on the ground and almost fell down.

"There are people in the corridor on the second floor." The second uncle pointed his flashlight at the front and reminded in a deep voice.

"Could it be Teacher Fang?" I quickly ran to my second uncle and looked along the beam of the flashlight.

A figure in pajamas, with his back to us, stood alone in the corridor, looking a little weird.

"It should be a student in the dormitory. Something is wrong. Let's go and have a look." The second uncle walked forward slowly with his back tensed.

Wearing pajamas in the corridor was a thin girl, she turned around slowly, her face was a little purple, her eyes were tilted up strangely, and she was staring at us nervously.

"We are all good sisters, why did you betray me?" The girl's voice sounded ghostly.

"This little girl is bewitched, don't be afraid, Master Fatty is here to save you." Fatty Wang, the coward, probably looked at the girl's thin body and was not threatening, so he walked over eagerly.

"Fatty, this dormitory building is very weird, be careful." I warned with concern.

"Look, Master Fatty will show you something." Fatty Wang's voice was a little smug, and he didn't take my words to heart.

As soon as the words fell, the doors of several dormitories behind the girl opened one after another, and strange figures came out one after another.

With bluish-purple faces, heads slightly lowered, they walked towards us stiffly.

"My god, why are there so many, don't come here." Fatty Wang jumped up like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, turned around and ran away.

"Fatty, your sister, can you be more successful?" I cursed angrily. I was full of confidence just now, so it's only been a minute, right?

"It's over, there are also behind, we are surrounded." Fatty Wang stopped suddenly, his face pale.

I quickly glanced back, and saw that the corridor behind was also crowded with bewitched female students, walking towards this side one by one stiffly.

"Scatter glutinous rice on the ground." The second uncle ordered in a hurry.

I reached into the cloth bag, took out a handful of glutinous rice, and sprinkled it on the ground in front of me. These were old glutinous rice that had been sealed in jars for several years.

Fresh glutinous rice mixed with chicken blood is the kid's favorite food, but the sealed old glutinous rice can ward off evil spirits.

Seeing the group of figures in front of me getting closer, I gritted my teeth and rushed over, stretched out my hand and pointed at the front, the eyeballs of the bewitched female student twitched strangely, and fell limply to the ground.

I didn't expect it to be so simple, I just got one done, I was a little happy, and was about to do the same for the second one, when the group of bewitched female students in the back suddenly became agitated.

"Be careful, they're going crazy." Fatty Wang yelled in horror.

"I'll stop the rear, you can just concentrate on dealing with the front." The second uncle said quickly.

The bewitched female students, with hideous expressions, stretched out their arms and grabbed at me. As soon as I pushed one away, two rushed towards me.

There was severe pain in my arm, and I couldn't help but let out a cry of pain. Looking sideways, I saw a female student with disheveled hair biting my arm.

I subconsciously stabbed with the mahogany sword, and just touched the opponent's body, I remembered that she was not a dead corpse, but a living person, so I stopped my hand abruptly.

"Suppress evil spirits!" I took out a piece of yellow talisman paper and slapped it on the forehead of the female student beside me, who let go of her teeth and fell limply to the ground.

I was about to rush out of the encirclement, when a pair of arms hugged me tightly behind me, and the evil female students around me grabbed their arms and legs, making me unable to move.

"Fatty, you are watching a show, hurry up and help me." I struggled hard and shouted loudly.

"Your sister, Fat Master is also in danger of protecting himself now." Fatty Wang said with a hint of crying.

I was lifted up by the group of female students, and they seemed to want to throw me down from the stairs, scaring me out of my wits.

"Let go!" I didn't care about pity and pity, I kicked away the female student behind me, swung my elbow, hit a limp body, and rolled over on my side.

As soon as his feet touched the ground, before he could catch his breath, he took out a handful of glutinous rice and sprinkled it around.

The group of female students who were sprinkled with glutinous rice obviously paused. I seized the opportunity, took out a few pieces of yellow talisman paper, and quickly pasted them on their foreheads.

However, there are too many bewitched female students in this group. The first few were cleaned up just now, and a group of them immediately added up.

I quickly glanced around, pushed a chubby female student away, rushed into a dormitory, and pressed my back against the door.

The sound of knocking on the door made my forehead sweat from tension, a gust of wind blew in from the window, and I found a figure hanging in the room.

"Tian Xiaoyan?" The figure I saw hanging on the rope turned out to be the female student named Tian Xiaoyan.

I locked the door of the dormitory, pulled a table behind the door, lifted a chair, and ran towards Tian Xiaoyan.

I stood on the chair, burned the rope with a lighter, and caught Tian Xiaoyan with both hands. The girl's eyes were closed tightly, but fortunately she had a slight heartbeat.

"Tian Xiaoyan, wake up quickly." I patted the girl's face lightly, the group of female students who were bewitched by the evil outside would rush in at any moment.

"Wake up!" I bit my finger and tapped it between Tian Xiaoyan's eyebrows. The finger was continuously injured and the pain was burning.

The situation is critical, I must wake up the other party immediately, otherwise I will not be able to play with a comatose burden.

"Be careful behind you!" Tian Xiaoyan slowly opened her eyes and reminded weakly.

A pair of cold hands pinched my neck tighter and tighter, and a cold laughter sounded behind me.

I don't care about casting spells in the "domain", the consumption will be doubled, and I waved a burning talisman.

A scream came from behind, and there was a warning in my heart. I bit my tongue lightly, spit out a mouthful of blood on the mahogany sword, turned around and stabbed.

A translucent wronged soul was stabbed in the body by a mahogany sword, a trace of unwillingness flashed in his eyes, and his soul flew away.

A feeling of weakness came over me, I squatted down and gasped for breath, as expected I couldn't cast spells in the "domain", just these two strokes almost made me faint.

"Are you okay?" Tian Xiaoyan struggled to stand up with a concerned expression on her face.

"What the hell is going on, why are you hanging on the rope?" I shook my hand, staggered and ran over, leaning against the loose door of the dormitory.

"I don't know what's wrong, but a voice has been tempting me in my ear, and I was in a daze, so I did as the other person told me." Tian Xiaoyan's face turned pale.

"Come here, help hold the door, do you even believe nonsense?" I leaned on the table behind the door.

There are a lot of nonsense, talking about this kind of situation, sometimes there is a voice in the ear, don't pay attention to it, it is all harmful nonsense.

Tian Xiaoyan's face turned pale, and she ran over to help reach the door of the dormitory. Hearing the knock on the door, her body trembled slightly.

"Second Uncle, Fatty Wang, how are you doing?" I shouted loudly.

It was quiet outside, and there was no response. My heart sank, and I shouted a few words again.

Second Uncle and Fatty Wang seemed to be missing, no matter how much I shouted, there was no response.

A trace of anxiety flashed in my eyes, and I wanted to rush out to see the situation, but luckily reason prevailed and I forcibly held back.

(End of this chapter)

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