dragon hunter

Chapter 103 Ghost Double

Chapter 103 Ghost Double

After a while, the knocking on the door outside the dormitory gradually weakened.

Disorderly footsteps sounded, and the group of bewitched female students seemed to be attracted by something, and left here one after another.

I was overjoyed, thinking it was the second uncle and the others, worried that he and Fatty Wang would not be able to handle it, so I quickly moved the table and wanted to go out to help.

Opening the door of the dormitory, the second uncle and the others were nowhere to be seen in the corridor, and the group of bewitched female students had all disappeared.

"Why are they all gone? It's so weird." Tian Xiaoyan walked out cautiously.

"Follow me closely, don't run around." I looked around nervously, and whispered to Tian Xiaoyan behind me.

Before I took a few steps, I just passed the door of another dormitory, and an arm stretched out and grabbed my arm.

I was startled, and punched to the side, with a muffled groan, the other party let go of my arm.

"Ah, it's Aunt Liao, our housekeeper." Tian Xiaoyan exclaimed from behind.

"You were kind enough to hold you back, but you were punched. It's really not rewarding for your kindness." A middle-aged woman with a mole on her face said angrily while standing in the dormitory, clutching her shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I'm a little nervous." I explained with apology, but I was a little puzzled in my heart. The whole dormitory was bewitched. Why is this middle-aged aunt okay?
"I have a talisman consecrated by an eminent monk, and all evil spirits will not invade. If I hadn't lured away the students who were possessed by evil spirits just now, you would not have been able to get out." Aunt Liao saw that I was a little puzzled, and immediately explained.

"Have you seen my companion?" I was worried about the safety of my second uncle and Fatty Wang.

"There was a figure that jumped down from there just now. It was too dark, so I couldn't see it clearly." Aunt Liao pointed to the corner of the corridor.

I tensed up, and ran quickly to the corner of the corridor, praying in my heart, it must not be the second uncle or Fatty Wang who had the accident.

I lay on the corridor guardrail, bent down and looked down, and it was pitch black below, and I couldn't see anything.

"Second Uncle, Fatty Wang!" I shouted loudly, the entire dormitory building was wrapped in an invisible force, and my vision was greatly disturbed.

Footsteps came from behind, and the night wind blew, I calmed down a bit, and suddenly felt that Aunt Liao was a little suspicious.

"Wait, that mole on her face seems familiar." I suddenly remembered the rotting corpse soaked in sorcery in the utility room on the first floor, and the other party also had a mole on his face.

The footsteps behind me quickened, and I turned my head in horror, and saw Aunt Liao pushing towards me with her outstretched arms.

"Let's see who you are." I pulled out the mahogany sword at my waist and stabbed hard at the opponent.

Pretending to be Aunt Liao's evil creature, she looked a little crazy, as if she wanted to hug me and fall downstairs together.

I dodged, hid by the wall, and stabbed the evil thing pretending to be Aunt Li with a backhand sword.

The blood talisman on the mahogany sword flickered, and the evil creature let out a scream and dissipated into a trace of black smoke.

"It's dangerous, are you okay?" Tian Xiaoyan ran over, clutching her chest.

"Fortunately, the reaction was quick, or she would have really pushed me downstairs." I was terrified.

"Help, don't chase me." Fatty Wang's voice sounded in the stairwell.

"Fatty, is that you?" I asked loudly, holding the mahogany sword tightly, and ran to the other side of the stairwell.

Fatty Wang ran down panting, with beads of sweat hanging on his forehead, looking undecided.

"Go, something is coming from behind." Fatty Wang grabbed me by the hand and ran away.

The phone in my trouser pocket suddenly rang. I took out the phone and saw that it was Mr. Lai who had sent a text message.

"Sorry, I forgot to remind you about an important piece of information. The ten-year-old girl has three substitutes, and she can transform into anyone. You must be careful!"

"Help!" A faint cry for help came from upstairs, which sounded a bit like Fatty Wang.

"You're a fake, you're a stand-in for the ten-year-old woman." My scalp was tense, and I pulled my hand back forcefully.

A cold light flashed away, and Fatty Wang had a ferocious face, holding a dagger in his hand, and quickly stabbed at my waist.

I stepped on the dragon gossip step, narrowly dodged the stabbing dagger, my heart was pounding nervously, if I hadn't just heard Fatty Wang begging for help, I would have been deceived by the other party.

Fatty Fatty Wang had a gloomy face and said nothing, with a deadly dagger in his hand.

I wielded a mahogany sword and wrestled with the opponent. This guy was very cunning, and seemed to be trying to consume my energy.

There was the sound of chaotic footsteps in the stairwell, and I took a moment to take a look. It was the group of bewitched female students who had wandered back again.

A thin layer of sweat oozes from my forehead. If I can't quickly deal with the fake fat man and wait for the group of female students to encircle me, it will be over.

The fake fat man is very cunning, every time he is willing to give up the opportunity to attack, he also wants to avoid the pursuit of Taomu Jian.

My face turned pale, and when I saw the dagger stabbing at my forearm, I didn't dodge or dodge, gritted my teeth and shouted, and stabbed the fake fat man's heart with a sword.

There was severe pain in my arm, and I exchanged injuries for injuries. The fake fat man was stabbed in the heart by my sword, and the dagger in my hand fell to the ground with a "ding", and his whole body turned into a cloud of black smoke.

"Run, they are here, your arm is bleeding, are you okay?" Tian Xiaoyan hurried over.

"Ten Absolutely Resentful Girls have three substitutes." The contents of the text message came to my mind, and when I saw the figure running towards me, I was inexplicably wary.

"The wound is a bit deep, I'll bandage it for you." Tian Xiaoyan took out a handkerchief, her eyes full of concern.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but I saw an extremely secretive smirk at the corner of Tian Xiaoyan's mouth.

Tian Xiaoyan held a handkerchief in her hand, lowered her head slightly, and walked to my side, trying to tie the handkerchief on my injured arm.

"Wait, I have medical gauze in my bag, I'll do it myself." I took a step back.

"Oh." Tian Xiaoyan withdrew her hand and looked back anxiously. The group of bewitched female students behind her was constantly approaching.

I tore off a piece of medical gauze, wrapped it hastily around my arm, and secretly looked at Tian Xiaoyan. Everything was normal, it seemed to be my illusion just now.

My arm tightened, and was suddenly grabbed by a hand. My nerves were tense all the time, and I subconsciously wanted to stab out the mahogany sword in my hand.

"Let's go, I'm afraid." Tian Xiaoyan's timid voice came from beside her.

"Could it be that I'm too sensitive?" I asked in my heart, and pulled my arm back calmly.

The sound of messy footsteps behind him was getting closer and closer, and blue and purple faces were constantly approaching.

"Go find a dormitory to hide in, and I'll lure them away." I whispered.

"I'm afraid..." Tian Xiaoyan said with panic like a frightened little rabbit.

I looked back anxiously. Among the group of bewitched female students, a familiar face disappeared in a flash.

"You're a fake too." I roared, swung the mahogany sword in my hand, laid the blade across Tian Xiaoyan's neck, and stared into her eyes.

Tian Xiaoyan burst into tears, looked at me with a face of fear, tears fell like broken beads.

"Brother Zhang, you... what are you doing? I'm afraid..." Tian Xiaoyan asked with sobs.

I looked back again, and suddenly I couldn't find that familiar face. The group of bewitched female students had already spotted us and was approaching quickly.

"Whether it's true or not, you'll know once you try it." I was anxious in my heart, stretched out my bitten finger, and pointed towards the center of the opponent's brow.

Tian Xiaoyan just looked at me with a pale face, neither dodging nor avoiding, with a pair of big black eyes shining with innocence.

A red mark was left between Tian Xiaoyan's eyebrows. She didn't have any adverse reactions. Could it be that she is the real one?
"Run!" I didn't have time to delve into it, so I dragged Tian Xiaoyan forward.

"On the other side of the corridor, there is another stairway, let's go there quickly." Tian Xiaoyan said hurriedly.

As soon as the voice fell, purple faces appeared one after another at the other side of the stairs, and a group of female students with stiff movements blocked our way.

I kicked open the bedroom door behind me, quickly glanced inside, saw that there was no one there, pushed Tian Xiaoyan in, and told her to hide.

In the corridors on both sides of me, I sprinkled a few handfuls of old glutinous rice, and the only few "ghosts" left in the cloth bag were taken out and thrown on the ground.

With a heartbeat, I kept my composure and kicked a "ghost not to step" to the door of the dormitory behind me.

Dealing with this group of bewitched female students is very troublesome. Light shots are ineffective, and heavy shots are not good. I turned my head and looked around, and picked up a mop by the wall.

I used my fingers to draw a few broken evil talismans on the wooden handle of the mop, holding the mop with both hands, and felt that this thing was more useful than the mahogany sword.

The leading figure has already rushed over, it is a girl in thin clothes, probably crawled out of the bed, her feet are bare.

Not in the mood to pity the beauty, I waved the mop in my hand, and hit the bewitched girl on the face with the end of the cloth strip.

Blue and purple faces rushed towards us waving their arms, and I frantically waved the mop to open up these rushing figures.

To be honest, if it weren't for their faces, it would be a bit scary to look at, and the feeling of being rushed by a large group of girls is actually not bad.

Beads of sweat fell from my forehead like rain, and the mop with the broken evil talisman drawn on it was called a powerful weapon to exorcise evil spirits. As long as the group of female students who were possessed by evil spirits were swept by the mop, they would immediately fall to the ground unconscious.

However, being in the weird "domain", the physical exertion was too great, and I felt that my arms were getting heavier and heavier.

"Ah!" There was a cry of pain from behind, it was Tian Xiaoyan's voice.

My heart tightened, and I swept away a little chubby girl beside me, and quickly turned around, seeing Tian Xiaoyan squatting on the ground and covering her feet.

"Didn't I tell you to hide? What are you going to do?" I was secretly on guard, the other party appeared behind the door without a sound, if I hadn't left behind, I hardly noticed it.

"I...I'm a little worried about you..." Tian Xiaoyan lowered her head and covered her face with her hands.

A figure rushed towards this side, I turned around in a hurry, waved the mop in my hand, and hit the figure that was rushing.

"Tian Xiaoyan!" I blurted out, and was hit by the mop, and that figure fell limply on the ground, with a blue-purple face, exactly the same as Tian Xiaoyan behind me.

(End of this chapter)

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