dragon hunter

Chapter 104 The first line of life and death

Chapter 104

"Ah, what's the matter, I'm here." Tian Xiaoyan replied subconsciously before she could figure out the situation behind her.

The vigilance in my heart was raised to the extreme, if two identical Tian Xiaoyan appeared beside me at the same time, one of them would always be a fake.

"Why cover your face?" I rushed into the dormitory, closed the dormitory door, and reached out to grab Tian Xiaoyan's arm.

"No!" A shrill scream sounded, Tian Xiaoyan covered her face with her hands, and hid aside.

I reached out and locked the door of the dormitory, blocking the group of bewitched female students from the outside, drew out the mahogany sword at my waist, and walked towards the figure squatting on the ground.

The figure hugged its head, squatted on the ground trembling, and blocked its face behind its arms.

I grabbed the opponent's arm, and it was cold without a trace of warmth. I pulled the opponent's arm away forcefully, and a completely unfamiliar face appeared in front of my eyes.

"She asked me to kill you, so she gave me back my freedom, but I didn't intend to harm anyone, nor did I harm anyone." The woman explained tremblingly.

I pressed the tip of the mahogany sword against the opponent's neck, and asked with a vigilant look: "You are the substitute of the ten-jueyuan girl? You sneaked up behind me just now, did you want to take the opportunity to kill me?"

"I didn't. I'm just a female student who died unjustly. I didn't dare to hurt anyone." The woman's figure gradually became transparent.

I was noncommittal, hesitating whether to hand out the mahogany sword to destroy this innocent soul of unknown origin.

"I'm not her substitute, she still has the last substitute, and your two companions have been arrested, please let me go." The female wronged soul kept begging.

"Is what you said true or false?" I stared into the other person's eyes, and began to worry about the safety of my second uncle and Fatty Wang.

"I swear, I'm telling the truth. I'm just a female student who was killed by someone. I've been controlled by her all these years, but I haven't hurt anyone." The female ghost stared at Taomu Jian in horror.

There was constant banging on the door, time was running out, and I couldn't continue wasting time here, so I gritted my teeth and made a decision.

"I can send you to reincarnation, but if you play tricks, then I will kill you with a sword." I said quickly.

"Thank you, I am willing to reincarnate." The female wronged soul nodded vigorously, with a grateful expression on her face.

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust..." I stretched out a finger and touched the eyebrow of the female injustice, keeping a little vigilance in my heart, and silently recited the mantra of passing away.

The figure of the female injustice became fainter and she stood there quietly, looking at me gratefully, without any movement.

After chanting the mantra of rebirth, and watching the female injustice turn into white light to reincarnate, I breathed a sigh of relief, remembering what the female injustice said, I hurried to the door, no matter what happened to the second uncle and the others, I must rescue them.

I picked up the mop by the door and suddenly opened the door of the dormitory. A group of figures crowded by the door fell to the ground because of excessive force.

I yelled vigorously, and rushed out waving the mop. I was eager to save people, so I started a little harder. Fortunately, if I was hit by the mop, my body would be bruised at most, and it would not cause too serious injuries.

Fortunately, this is a girls' dormitory building, a group of bewitched girls, delicate and weak, are not difficult to deal with.

I managed to break out of the encirclement, panting heavily, and ran towards the stairwell, scattered behind, chasing a few fish that slipped through the net.

"Second Uncle, Fatty Wang!" I quickly climbed the stairs and shouted loudly.

It was quiet all around, and there was no response. I ran to the corridor on the third floor and took a quick glance. The corridor was empty.

Without stopping, I continued to run to the fourth floor. There was a ticking sound in front of me, which made people feel a little palpitating.

I looked up and saw a figure in white clothes standing at the top of the corridor with blood dripping down his face.

"Go away!" Holding the mahogany sword tightly, I rushed over. It was just a ghost with a horrible appearance, and it couldn't scare me.

The wronged soul screamed shrillly, stretched out its long red nails, and grabbed me, its eyes were extremely venomous.

"Your sister, who are you scaring?" I dodged to avoid the other party's sharp nails, and slashed at the female wronged soul with a backhand sword.

With a scream, the mahogany sword hit the female wronged soul's body, and thick black smoke came out from the opponent's body. The enraged female wronged soul bit my neck with sharp teeth.

I quickly took a few steps back, stepped on Kui Dou's footsteps, rushed over and slashed at the female wronged soul with a sword.

The lives and deaths of my second uncle and Fatty Wang are unknown. I can't care about controlling consumption now, and I just want to rescue them as soon as possible.

The scorching air enveloped the mahogany sword, and the female injustice was chopped into flying ash by the sword.

"Ten absolutely resentful girl, don't hide and hide, it's useless to send some young people!" I yelled loudly, and ran straight forward.

The corridor on the fourth floor was empty and silent, I didn't stop, I passed through the rusty iron gate, and ran to a higher floor at high speed.

The burning sensation on the shoulders is rapidly fading away, and the fifth floor of the girls' dormitory is shrouded in a cold and evil atmosphere.

I gritted my teeth tightly and stepped on Kuai Dou again, activating the Yang fire on both shoulders, to fight against the cold and evil aura.

The place where I found that weird head last time was in the abandoned boiling water room next to bedroom 503, and I ran over there quickly.

When I passed the 503 dormitory, I hurriedly glanced inside. It was empty and looked ghostly.

"Second Uncle!" I exclaimed, and saw a figure lying in the boiling water room beside me.

The second uncle's eyes were tightly closed, and he lay motionless on the ground, with a few pieces of talisman paper scattered around him, and the mahogany sword fell aside.

"Second Uncle, wake up." I rushed over and hugged Second Uncle, with a look of apprehension on my face, stretched out my hand to sniff, Second Uncle is still alive!

No matter how I shake and yell, the second uncle remains motionless, his eyes are closed tightly, and there is no response.

I looked anxious, I didn't know what happened to my second uncle, I turned my head and looked around, and saw the black hole under the pool, my heart stopped suddenly for half a beat, and the weird head was gone.

"Second Uncle, wake up!" I stretched out my finger and tapped on the center of Second Uncle's eyebrows, using the Zhang family's blood sense to forcibly wake up Second Uncle.

The second uncle moved his eyelids, slowly opened his eyes, saw my appearance clearly, and said weakly: "Leave me alone, they are on the top of the building, you go and save the fat man."

"What happened?" I asked anxiously.

"I can't say a word or two, you go, be careful!" The second uncle was very weak and kept urging.

"I'll go right away." I supported my second uncle against the wall, and used talisman paper to form a simple formation beside him, then turned and ran.

The corridor leading to the top floor has not been visited for many years, and it is full of disgusting stale musty smell.

Panting for breath, I ran to the top floor and pushed open the broken wooden door. The scene on the opposite side sent a chill down my back.

A woman with disheveled hair was tied to a concrete pillar. From the look of her attire, she should be Teacher Fang. Her head was slightly lowered, as if she had passed out.

Fatty Wang's face was blue and purple, and he was lying at my feet unconsciously, his brows were sealed together, a cloud of black air was entangled with a trace of golden light.

"Fatty, wake up." I squatted next to Fatty Wang and yelled loudly, but the other side didn't respond.

Fatty Wang's situation is unknown now, so I dare not move around for fear of self-defeating, and there is a figure in front of me, which makes me feel fatally threatened.

A translucent figure without a head stood quietly in front of Teacher Fang and turned around slowly.

The other party was holding a withered head in his hand, with a wooden awl inserted into each of the eyes of the withered head, and there was a horrible crack between his brows. The withered head faced me with a strange smile on the corner of his mouth.

The headless figure did not speak, and walked towards this side step by step, like an old black and white silent movie, everything is so weird and gloomy.

"Should I call you the girl of ten grievances, or Qiu Dongzhu?" I subconsciously wanted to break the silence and asked.

The corner of the mouth of the withered head evoked a strange smile again, it left the palm of the headless body and flew towards me.

I held the mahogany sword tightly, with a look of vigilance, took out a few talisman papers and held them in my hands.

"Grandpa, Qing Yang, why are you trying to harm me?" A faint voice rang directly in my head.

The dry head floating in the air rushed towards me at a sudden speed, biting my neck with ragged and rotten teeth.

"What do you mean?" I didn't have time to think about it, I turned sideways and dodged to the side.

I have experience in dealing with flying heads, and I know that this kind of flying thing is very difficult to deal with. Holding the mahogany sword in both hands, I keep a close eye on the flight path of the dry head.

Suddenly, a pair of cold hands grabbed my neck from behind. I was startled, and stabbed back with a mahogany sword with one hand, as if I had stabbed a jelly-like thing.

The cold hand on my neck loosened a little, and I took the opportunity to turn around and stab forward again with my sword.

Standing behind me was that headless figure. This thing was very strange. It was five meters away from me just a second ago.

I had a dragon tattoo on my back, and I suddenly had a fever warning. I didn't have time to think about it, so I hid sideways.

"I hate it so much, I want to drink up everyone's blood..." Youyou's voice continued to echo in his head.

A withered head whizzed past, and I cried out in my heart, I stretched out my hand and threw a few burning talisman papers.

Before I could wait for the burning talisman paper, the headless figure in the sticker, my eyes went dark, and I felt a strong sense of weakness.

"Not good, the consumption of casting spells here is several times stronger than downstairs." A layer of cold sweat oozes from my forehead.

The withered head turned a corner, roaring and rushing towards this side again, the rotten and blackened teeth were chilling to see.

Just dodging aside, I was shocked to find that the headless body disappeared strangely, and a few pieces of burning talisman papers fell powerlessly to the ground.

There was a cold breath coming from behind me, I turned around and swung the mahogany sword in my hand, before I had time to check the results of the battle, I immediately jumped aside.

"Blood, give me blood..." The voice echoing in his head sounded a little crazy.

The withered head passed by again, almost biting my neck, cold sweat pouring out from my forehead, the situation before me is extremely dangerous, if I react a little slower, I will die without a place to die.

I reached out to the cloth bag, looking for something that could save my life. The talisman paper consumed too much, so I didn't dare to use it at all. With only the mahogany sword in my hand, the chance of defeating the opponent was zero.

I touched a few round things in my hand, and I immediately took them out. When I saw the things in my hand, I was slightly taken aback. I don't know why the second uncle put these things in the cloth bag.

(End of this chapter)

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