The unscrupulous elder sister

Chapter 208 How Can You Cry

Chapter 208 How Can You Cry (2)
A trace of true energy passed through Jingyue's heart and lungs, and retreated after a few circles. The little girl obviously felt a change, but she couldn't explain clearly, she just tilted her head and blinked her eyes, "It's so comfortable..."

Ming Rong looked at her silly and cute appearance, laughed, and then took out a jade tablet for her, "Go back and find a red thread to hang around your neck, so you won't get sick in the future, take it well and don't lose it Slightly."

The little girl took the jade tablet, stared at it blankly, rubbed her eyes, then raised her head in disbelief and asked Ming Rong, "Big sister, is this for me?"

"That's right." Ming Rong nodded, feeling that her reaction was really cute.

The little girl was stunned for a while, then suddenly jumped up, and ran to her aunt, while holding up the jade token and shouting, "Aniang, look, it's a jade token, we can go home now... "The last sentence drifted in the wind.

Ming Rong heard it, but didn't think about it, just smiled and watched the little girl run away, a smile appeared on the corner of her lips, and then turned to urge the horse back to the camp.

"Yinzhen, go back."

Xiao Si saw Ming Rong showing a completely different happy and relaxed expression from when he came, his eyes moved slightly, and then his long eyelashes trembled, "En."

Within two days, Kangxi drove back to Beijing.

But only a few months later, Ming Rong stepped into the majestic and majestic Forbidden City again, but it seemed like a lifetime away. The repulsion in her heart came to her wave after wave, but she had to restrain herself, and a vacant look appeared on her face. Come on with a smile.

The Palace of Compassion and Ning is still so heavy and serious. When Ming Rong passed by, Xiao Zhuang was resting, but Su Mo'er came out quietly, and saw a smile on her face, "So the princess is back, the slave has seen the princess .”

"Mom, this is to break Ming Rong's life." Ming Rong smiled, "Is Ukuma resting?"

"Exactly." Su More'er replied, but a trace of worry appeared on his face.

Ming Rong frowned, "How is Ukuma recently?"

Su Mo'er sighed, "With the pills left by the princess, the Empress Dowager is not sick at all, she just sleeps very lightly, and she will wake up when there is any movement."

Ming Rong breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words, "Nurse, don't worry, it's normal. Ukuma has already passed the seventy-sixth year, and it's almost [-] years old. It's right to sleep lightly, but it's not good if it's lethargic. It's normal, I'm sorry to trouble you on weekdays."

Su More'er also breathed a sigh of relief, "The maidservant can rest assured that there is a princess."

Ming Rong waved her hand, "Ukuma wakes up later, I'll go in and show her, I can't be sloppy."

After talking with Su Morer for a while, Xiao Zhuang woke up. Ming Rong saw Xiao Zhuang, and her complexion was pretty good, but after all, she was almost [-], and she worked hard in her early years, so even with Ming Rong The pills are nourishing, but the spirit has still begun to decline.

Ming Rong took her pulse, and told her about the scenery outside, and some interesting things among the people. Both grandparents and grandchildren were very happy. Ming Rong paid attention to her expression, and when she saw the tired look on her face, she knelt down to rest. Out of the Compassion Palace.

"I haven't seen my master so happy for a long time. I thank you princess." Su Morer sent Ming Rong out, her eyes were slightly red.

Ming Rong waved her hand, "I'm not filial, I went out to play on my own, but I should have been filial in front of Ukumamo."

"The princess's heart is known to the master."

Ming Rong just smiled, "Whether Ukumamo knows or not, honoring the elders is what juniors should do, so there is no need to send Mammy far away, Mingrong still has to go to Huangmamo to say hello, Mammy, let's stop."

"The servant sends the princess off respectfully."

Ming Rong's mood when going to Ningshou Palace is much more exciting than going to Compassion Ning Palace. Even though she likes Xiaozhuang, she also respects her very much, but it is precisely because of this respect that she and Xiaozhuang can't really get close to each other. However, Ming Rong is the queen mother who raised her hand in hand since she was a child, and Ming Rong is very close from the bottom of her heart.

The Empress Dowager seems to be in good health, she has always been a reassuring person, because she sees clearly, there is no struggle without desire, so even though she is in this cage-like Forbidden City, she is probably the only one who can live so freely Yes, but it is inevitable that there will be some loneliness.

Even so, I'm afraid she has already learned to taste loneliness.

She was also very happy to see Ming Rong, hugged Ming Rong and talked for a long time, asking her if the journey was going well, if she was eating well, if she was wearing good clothes, where she was going and so on.

Ming Rong nestled in her arms, as if she had returned to her childhood, acting coquettishly and cutely with her.

So, in fact, it is not bad to come back to the palace. Although she has not seen the person she missed for a long time, it is worth it to feel the real love and warmth in this Forbidden City.

She and Baocheng still have a long time in the future, but the life of Xiaozhuang and the queen mother is not so long, so it's good to come back and see them.

Afterwards, he went to see a group of younger brothers and sisters. The youngest fourteen, Yinreng, was able to stumble and walk, holding the small jade gourd pendant Mingrong gave him, smiling so hard that he couldn't see his teeth or eyes.

The others who were not close to Ming Rong just retreated after seeing her for a few words, but Xiao Wu and Xiao Jiu always clung around her, one for food, one for the baby, and Xiao Si Just sit and don't speak, and Shisan has already shown signs of "Four Master Party", nestling in Xiao Si's arms, blinking his eyes quietly like a little girl.

After laughing for a while and losing a lot of things, Xiaojiu Baozi was finally satisfied. At this moment, Baoqing, who had been standing by the side, said, "Sister, brother wants to ask you something?"

Ming Rong was surprised, and looked at him with a smile: "You child, you have been standing here without talking for so long, and my sister thinks you are just here for fun, so just talk about it, why are my siblings so polite?"

Baoqing's ears turned crimson, and then he said: "It's my younger brother's daughter. She has been in poor health since she was born in October last year. The imperial doctor went to see her several times and drank a lot of decoctions, but nothing worked. She is still very healthy. It's sick, so my younger brother wants to ask my older sister to come over to have a look..."

Ming Rong nodded without thinking about it, looked at the frame again and said: "Let's go now, there is still some time before dinner."

Baoqing didn't expect her to be so straightforward, he was very happy, he couldn't hide the smile on his face, "Thank you, sister."

"Baoqing didn't see outsiders like this when he was a child." Ming Rong joked, ignoring his embarrassed look, and said to Xiao Si and the others: "You all go back first, and come to sister's place at noon tomorrow. Let's eat." As he spoke, his eyes focused on taking care of Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu accepted all her banter with a playful smile, and cupped her hands, "Since my sister has said so, my brother will definitely come here on time."

(End of this chapter)

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