The unscrupulous elder sister

Chapter 209 How Can You Cry

Chapter 209 How Can You Cry (3)
"Brother also go to see my little niece, maybe I haven't seen her for a long time." Xiaosi got up and said to Baoqing.

Ming Rong frowned secretly, and before Bao Qing could speak, she pretended to be angry and said: "Yinzhen doesn't have to go, this time my sister is going to show my little niece, what trouble do you want to make, if you really want to go, then go It's not too late for my little niece to recover after a few days, what do you think?"

Xiaosi's eyes flickered, and then she lowered her eyes, "My sister is right, but Yinzhen didn't think carefully."

"Okay, my sister just said something casually, but you are so old-fashioned." Ming Rong smiled, but did not look at him, and turned to Baoqing, "Baoqing, let's go."

"Sister please."

The two went to report to Kangxi, and then left the palace.

Baoqing had already started to open a mansion outside, but Ming Rong hadn't been here once. Considering that she hadn't been to the princess mansion that was already built, she might as well find some time to visit it.

Just as Mingrong was thinking, Baoqing outside asked her to get out of the car.

Baoqing's Fufujin is Yiergenjueluo, the daughter of Shangshu Keerkun. She is very small and exquisite. At first glance, she looks very pitiful, but her demeanor cannot be fooled. Ming Rong can't help thinking of Some people in modern times once commented that Kangxi chose his daughter-in-law mainly to see if he could put on airs and have the bearing of a Fujin.

Looking at it this way, this eldest prince Fujin is indeed qualified. Although he is a bit thin and weak, but look at the formulaic smile on the corner of his lips, it is neither close nor distant. Respect, how accurate you are.

"The concubine has met Sister Chunxi."

Ming Rong smiled and nodded, "Get up, don't be too polite, don't learn from Bao Qing, and make it look like you're too close to your sister." She said and gave Bao Qing a look.

Baoqing smiled a little embarrassedly, and then helped his own Fujin up, "Okay, my sister can't bear these rules, so you don't have to be polite in front of her from now on."

"That's right." Ming Rong smiled, then looked around, "Where's my little niece?"

Seeing that Baoqing nodded slightly, Ergenjueluoshi hurriedly said: "It's in the inner room, sister, please come with me, because I can't blow the wind, so I haven't dared to carry it out."

Ming Rong followed her all the way into the room, a suffocation rushed over, making Ming Rong's breathing stagnate, and she couldn't help sighing, sometimes the more nervous the children, the more they want to protect them, but they actually hurt them.

Ming Rong moved closer to the cradle and looked at the child, he was thin and weak, his face was very pale, and his breathing was so light that it seemed to be cut off in an instant.

Going forward to hold Xiao Gege's wrist, and feeling the pulse, Ming Rong knew in her heart that there was nothing serious about it, it's just that the womb was insufficient, and she was born prematurely, so her body was weak. If she recuperated well after birth, It's completely possible to raise it slowly, but it's a pity that the new couple who have just taken office are too nervous about this child, and they overprotect her, which makes her weaker and weaker.

Ming Rong took one of the pills that Zhang Tingyu had used back then and fed it to the child, the effect was immediate. Little Gege's complexion began to turn rosy immediately after feeding the medicine, and her breathing became heavier.

Da Fujin touched Xiao Gege's face in disbelief, then looked up at Ming Rong in surprise but gratitude, couldn't say enough excited words, tears streaming down tremblingly, "Sister, thank you, really thank you ..."

Baoqing was also very excited, Ming Rong patted Da Fujin on the shoulder helplessly, "Don't be in a hurry to thank me, come out with me first, I have something to tell you."

The young couple followed Mingrong out of the house, and Mingrong began to popularize knowledge for them. The point is not to be too nervous. Too much protection is not good for the children but harmful. Baoqing and Dafujin listened carefully, and even thought about it. She wrote it down with paper, which made Ming Rong dumbfounded.

"This is medicine for my little niece. One pill a day, and it will be fine for three days. I'll come back after three days. As long as you pay attention to these things on weekdays, there shouldn't be any major problems." Ming Rong put the medicine in her hand The white porcelain bottle was handed to Da Fujin, and after thinking for a while, he took out a blue one, "This one is for you, you hurt your body when you gave birth to your little niece, you should take care of it."

Da Fujin blushed slightly, then took the porcelain bottle, "Thank you, sister."

"Thank you." Ming Rong smiled narrowly, "I'm also doing it for my younger brother. Only when you are healthy can you give birth to a little nephew, right?"

This time, Da Fujin's face was all red, and Baoqing's face next to him was also stained crimson.

Ming Rong smiled lightly, and stopped teasing them: "Okay, I should go back to the palace, or I won't be able to catch up with dinner later."

"Sister, why don't you just use some in the mansion, and let us do our best." Da Fujin hurriedly said.

Ming Rong waved her hand, "Let's talk about it next time. You should take care of the little niece first. I had already agreed with Chang Huangma to have dinner with her."

Baoqing and the two of them couldn't say anything more after hearing it, "Then the younger brother will send the older sister back."

Mingrong and Baoqing walked towards the gate of the mansion and said: "Why didn't you let me come over earlier to take a look, hey, it's my fault, I didn't even know about this, otherwise my little niece wouldn't have suffered so much crime."

"It's my brother's fault. At the end of last year, I also wanted to let my sister come and have a look, but..." Baoqing hesitated for a while, as if he was thinking about what to say.

Ming Rong thought about it, and understood his thoughts, so she sighed softly, "You have a heart, but my sister has also accepted her fate, my sister only hopes that you are all well, and if my sister has nowhere to go in the future, she can still go If you have a hot meal at your house, my sister will be satisfied."

Baoqing smiled and said: "My sister's words are really embarrassing. My sister can come to Baoqing's place for dinner, but Baoqing can't even ask for it. If I can come once, my brother is very honored."

"Baoqing has grown up after all." Ming Rong also laughed, "The words are getting more and more serious, what you said really sweetened my sister's heart."

"My sister praised me."

Within a few days, Little Gege's health improved, and Da Fujin's complexion became more and more rosy, so Da Fujin and Ming Rong also got close, and often came into the palace to talk to her.

Ming Rong is also alone, and she doesn't often go to Lan Zhi and Lan Jing's side, so she is compatible with Da Fujin.

The sun and the moon are flying fast, three months have passed quickly, now it is the end of October, and it is almost November, and there has been a fluttering snow in the capital, Ming Rong put away the note in her hand, The joy and joy from the heart couldn't be concealed no matter what, two months, two months to see him, Ming Rong could only feel the heart beating and beating in her chest , as if she was about to bring herself to him in the next moment, there seemed to be some hope for such a dull life in the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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