The unscrupulous elder sister

Chapter 217 Won't You Explain It To Me

Chapter 217 Won't You Explain It To Me (7)
But the next moment, she stood up in panic again, "Baocheng!"

Seeing the shrill voice approaching him, Baocheng knew he had been exposed, so he immediately ordered an attack.

Although Galdan hadn't entered the encirclement, but because Baocheng chose a higher terrain when he set up an ambush, and the soldiers he led were also elites, he still had an advantage in attacking those messy remnants.

It's just that Baocheng faced the slightly wretched and skinny man in front of him, but erected a shield of defense from his heart. The inexplicable fear made his whole body tense up. As the man took a step forward, he unconsciously stepped back slightly.

The skinny man smiled triumphantly, looked Baocheng up and down, and then his shrill voice rang out, "Give me the treasure on your body obediently, if you say no, I can spare your life."

Although Baocheng didn't know what the treasure he was talking about, just his extremely rude behavior and his arrogant and disdainful tone were enough for Baocheng to put him on the death list, and Baocheng held him tightly. The hilt of the knife looked at him coldly and sharply.

The skinny man on the opposite side was surprised by Baocheng's sudden aura, and then suddenly said: "Are you the prince of the Qing Dynasty?"

"It's good to guess the identity of the master, so that you don't know who killed you when you die." Bao Chengping said flatly, his whole body was tense, and his eyes became sharper, trying to find the skinny man opposite him. The flaws in the body.

But he was full of flaws, which made Baocheng dare not act rashly.

Hearing the words, the skinny man suddenly raised his head and laughed, then twisted his mouth, and immediately formed a strange look on his already dry and wrinkled face, his tone was still sharp, but it seemed to be sinister, like a ghost In the call sign: "Prince, the prince is even better. The sky is noble, and it contains dragon energy, which is a great tonic. I am afraid that my dark wound will be healed by [-]% after eating you. Tell me, can I be unhappy?"

Baocheng remained motionless, but his pupils shrank violently, and subconsciously raised the knife in front of him.

Then the skinny man rushed towards him, Bao Chengyun stepped on the wind and dodged narrowly, the skinny man seemed surprised, and then he rushed over again with intense interest in his eyes.

This may be the first time in Baocheng's life that he was in such a mess. He tried his best to dodge left and right, and he couldn't even find a trace of energy to fight back.

But the effect was not obvious, and it even directly made the skinny man impatient. The nails on the outstretched skinny and pitch-black finger kept growing, forming an arc like a blade, glowing with a faint green light, directly towards the skinny man. Baocheng stuck in the back of his mind.

When Mingrong found Baocheng, what she saw was such a thrilling scene, her heart seemed to be about to pop out of her throat, and the flying sword that had been kept warm in her dantian was sacrificed, and then she didn't even pause , like a flash of light, the skinny man's hand was cut off at the wrist.

"Ah." He yelled sadly holding his broken wrist, and looked at Ming Rong viciously with bloodshot eyes, "Who are you? Why are you meddling in your own business?"

Ming Rong held the flying sword, looked at Baocheng, gave up the plan to go to him, made a handprint, threw a barrier on him, and then sneered at the skinny man: "You want to hurt my husband, Can't I just look at it?"

The skinny man sized her up carefully, then "quack" laughed, "You are a cultivator, but you actually find a mortal to be your husband, why don't you follow me?"

Ming Rong has already seen that this "monster" has been cultivated, but it is obvious that it is a crooked way, because there are no ugly people in the world of cultivation, and only those crooked demons and evil ways will go through various evil ways in order to pursue the obsession of power. People who mess with themselves are neither human nor ghost.

Moreover, he has only just reached the foundation building stage, and he still has serious internal injuries, so who gave him the courage to moles her?

Ming Rong didn't even bother to say anything, and then directly threw the flying sword in her hand, only to hear a "clang", the flying sword was blocked by a black stick that the skinny man took out from nowhere, the two collided, and The Gang Qi also collided together and exploded in all directions, directly interrupting a large area of ​​trees in the middle.

Ming Rong quickly recalled the flying sword, and smashed all the tree trunks that were about to hit Baocheng's body. Although there was actually a barrier, those tree trunks couldn't hurt him at all.

"Hmph, you have a magic weapon, don't I?" The skinny man was triumphant, and while Ming Rong was distracted, he took out another pot-shaped object and threw it at Ming Rong, "Definitely."

Holding the flying sword, Ming Rong sighed in her heart that she had never really fought before, she really was inexperienced, but fortunately this "monster" had just reached the foundation building stage, and the level of the magic weapon was not high, otherwise it might really suffer a big loss.

While thinking, Ming Rong stretched out her finger, and the milky white real essence gushed out from between her fingers, and then flicked lightly towards the pot cover, the pot cover stopped, and then it cracked open with a "click".

Ignoring the horrified expression of the skinny man, Ming Rong's handprints changed so quickly that it dazzled people, and then the broken pot lid quickly melted and condensed into small black arrows, shining darkly in the dense and dark forest. Matte gloss.

Seeing the little arrows encircling him, coming very fast, the skinny man hastily raised the black iron rod, the faint blue light formed an arc-shaped protective circle in front of him, Ming Rong snorted coldly, and the little arrow suddenly changed He lost his direction, flying around him, and some kind of vine plant under his feet also began to shake its tough body and quickly wrapped around his legs, and the long thorns on the vine mercilessly pierced into his body.

"Damn it, ah." The skinny man was attacked from top to bottom at the same time, and he didn't care about it. Ming Rong snorted coldly, held the flying sword, and circulated his true energy, and then saw a dazzling white light burst out from the flying sword. "go."

The dazzling light seemed to burst out of the sky, and it came in a flash of lightning. When it encountered the blue layer, it cut into it without even a pause. After a slight cracking sound, the white light penetrated from his chest, and then turned sharply in the air. Turn back and return to Ming Rong's hands.

Holding the black iron rod that was broken in two, the skinny man slowly lowered his head to look at a big empty hole in his chest in disbelief, so big that he could even see the trees behind him through it, then looked up at Ming Rong, "" clucking, "You..."

Ming Rong didn't bother to look at him again, and released the pill fire to burn the flying sword once before putting it in the dantian, then walked over to undo the barrier, and helped Baocheng who was leaning under the tree, "Are you okay?"

But she didn't wait for his answer, looked up, and saw his eyes looking behind her in horror, Ming Rong followed his line of sight, and saw the skinny man's body slowly turning into a skeleton, a puff of black smoke Floating out from the corpse, slowly forming a human form.

(End of this chapter)

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