The unscrupulous elder sister

Chapter 218 Horqin's High Priest

Chapter 218 Horqin's High Priest (2)
Baocheng seemed to be stunned for a moment, then let her go, holding her shoulders with both hands, his eyes were surprisingly bright, and his voice soared uncontrollably, "What did you just say?"

Ming Rong didn't seem to feel the pain on his shoulders when he held her tightly, but looked into his eyes very seriously, "It's just that you can't take that position, Xiuxian, the throne, you can only choose one."

Baocheng looked at her, gradually calmed down, let go of the hand that was holding her tightly, and returned to the unhurried Baocheng, "Tell me about it, what's going on?"

Ming Rong pursed her lips, and then seriously explained to him what was going on with Xiu Xian.

"I've reached the Nascent Soul Stage now. Although I'm not in a mediocre state during the journey of cultivating immortals, I still have a thousand years of lifespan. Moreover, the power to move mountains and fill seas has not yet been reached, but the short-term travel of clouds and rain is nothing. Question, look at this." Mingrong stretched out her palm, and then a fireball suddenly appeared, Mingrong flicked her fingers, and the fireball suddenly divided into several, floating in the air, and with another movement, the fireball disappeared, but a green vine appeared in the palm of her hand again. Then the rattan grew rapidly, and with a "snap" yank, the sandalwood lamp stand was shattered into several pieces, and fell to the ground with a "crash".

"Cultivating immortals requires division of spiritual roots. I have three spiritual roots of fire, metal, and wood. It's just because the master left behind a limited number of cheats on cultivation, so I don't learn many spells. Even so, this is already very powerful. Do you still remember that when I was in Yangzhou, I used the metallic coagulation technique; also, flying into the sky and escaping from the ground is not a big problem, and there are also talismans and seals. I remember also giving you a kind of contract talisman. On that Chen Ning..." Ming Rong looked at his deep, emotionless eyes, squeezed her fingers and said, "With such a long lifespan and such unusual means, if such a person becomes a human being again The emperor will definitely break the balance of heaven, so once he cultivates immortality, he will not be able to ascend the throne."

Baocheng was silent for a while, as if he was digesting what he had heard, before he spoke slowly, "That's why you didn't tell me anything?"

"You want to get that chair, don't you?" Ming Rong said in a low voice, but she felt the cold air on his body getting thicker and thicker, and then looked at his darker and darker face, she couldn't help but move back a bit, muttering He continued, "Anyway, I'll tell you after you abdicate, and it won't be too late to practice..."

The air-conditioning and oppressive force dissipated in an instant, a light flashed in Baocheng's eyes, and then he sighed slightly, "I want to get that chair, but it's also because of the brother who will definitely get it if I don't get it." Erase, I can't leave you behind, more importantly, I want to give you a title, I don't want you to follow me like this, nothing, I want to give you a fair and aboveboard wedding, let everyone in the world know, You are my wife, so no one can object to me being with you."

Ming Rong opened her mouth, and then tears fell, "I, I thought..."

"You are the most important thing in my heart. I thought you should know that when I tried to usurp the throne last time." He hugged her, then chuckled, "If I can be with you forever without getting that throne, I And why would you do such a thankless thing?"

"I told you that if I could prevent Huang Ama from finding us, I would ask you if you would go with me, but if you don't believe it, it's you who don't believe it!" Ming Rong stretched out her hand and beat him.

"Okay, okay, it's my fault." Baocheng held her fist, coaxed her amusedly, lowered his head and kissed the tears on her face, "How do I know you have such a great ability if you don't say anything?" What, huh?"

"Then I thought you wanted that chair. I'm afraid you won't be able to choose. I'm afraid that even if you choose Xiuxian, you will regret it in the future. What will you do if you blame me?"

"Silly girl." Baocheng sighed softly, "You are afraid of this and that, but you don't tell me anything, and you don't ask me anything, how do you know what I think?" Then he paused He stopped, then lowered his face, and said word by word: "So, I'm very angry."

Ming Rong was stunned, "Huh?"

Baocheng was so depressed that he gritted his teeth secretly, and his tone became heavier, "I said I was very angry!"

Ming Rong blinked, then stretched out her hand to caress his chest, "Don't be angry." After a pause, she asked tentatively, "Shall I teach you how to cultivate immortals?"

"Aren't you going to teach me if I'm not angry?" Baocheng glanced at her.

"How come, I was going to teach you." Ming Rong laughed, "I'm just afraid that you are not sure, you really don't want that chair? Huang Ama will pass on the throne to you in the end, are you really Do you want it?"

Baocheng smiled slightly, "Actually, it's not a problem. If I don't ascend the throne, I'm not an emperor. It's okay to be a regent only as a prince."

Ming Rong opened her mouth slightly in surprise, "Then, doesn't it mean that a country cannot live without a king?"

"It's because I'm worried that no one will make decisions about state affairs." Baocheng's finger stroked her Yin Hong's lips lightly, and said with a chuckle: "If Huang Ama issues an edict to pass on the throne to me, then my identity will be determined." Come down, it doesn't matter when you ascend the throne. If you find an excuse like "respect the emperor's father" at that time, it is not a problem to postpone the enthronement for ten or eight years. When the time comes, you will directly throw the throne to our son , we can go sightseeing in the mountains and rivers.”

Ming Rong just stared blankly, is it still possible to do this?Ming Rong finally understands why so many people like to take advantage of legal loopholes since ancient times, and this person in front of him is even the best of them, even taking advantage of Heaven's loopholes.

"But there is one of the biggest problems." Baocheng looked at her in a daze, the joy in his eyes was quite strong, but his face still showed a very embarrassed look, and his brows were slightly frowned.

Ming Rong, who finally learned that he could have both, subconsciously followed his words and asked, "What's the problem?"

The corners of Baocheng's lips curled up slightly, his phoenix eyes flickered and shone brightly, and his gaze was fixed on her lower abdomen, "If there is no son yet, who will inherit the throne by then?"

Ming Rong was taken aback for a moment, then her face was stained crimson, she subconsciously covered her lower abdomen, after thinking for a while, she suddenly realized that something was wrong, so she raised her head and glared at him, "No, if we leave, we have to take it with us." Go to the child! Besides, our child also wants to cultivate immortality! Do you want me to watch our child disappear?"

Baocheng's eyes moved, seeing her excited expression, he looked her up and down, and then suddenly said: "Are you pregnant?"

"How do you know?" Ming Rong subconsciously interjected, then immediately realized what she said, covered her mouth all of a sudden, and looked at the expressionless Baocheng in horror.

She thought he was angry and hid it from him, but how could she know that he was actually in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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