The unscrupulous elder sister

Chapter 223 Taiwan and Planting Trees

Chapter 223 Taiwan and Planting Trees (4)
Baocheng was a little amused, "Didn't I say everything I wanted to say?"

"But weren't you ancients very superstitious? Shouldn't you drag me over and burn me on the fire?" Ming Rong refused to let go.

Baocheng was both annoyed and funny, "What are you thinking about, I accept things like cultivating immortals, so it doesn't matter where you are from?" He paused, and then his voice didn't change, but it was mixed with With extremely serious emotions, "You don't know, how glad I am that you came here, and I caught you again..."

Ming Rong still said: "How can you accept it so easily? Didn't you ancients say 'you don't talk, it's strange, it's strange'?"

"Don't 'You ancients, you ancients', I heard people say that women always think wildly when they are pregnant, and they are really right." Baocheng flicked her forehead with a smile in his eyes, and then kissed her on the eyes , "Don't think about it, go to sleep, if you are not tired, let's do something else, what do you think?"

"I'm tired!" Ming Rong quickly closed her eyes.

Baocheng chuckled, and pulled her into his arms.

From then on, even if the two are in two places, they can still meet in the space, and even go from one place to another directly through the space. Just take her out.

This also made Ming Rong very excited. In the future, if Baocheng is sent on a business trip by Kangxi and is not allowed to take her with him, then she can directly go to him through the space to play for a few days. This space is simply an invincible shortcut. .

Kangxi stayed in Horqin for three days, which was considered too much for the sake of the two empress dowagers. One of the ministers arrived and stayed for one night and left early the next morning.

The see-off team was very spectacular. Ming Rong was watching Kangxi accepting the kowtow farewell from the person in charge of Horqin, when she suddenly felt her clothes being pulled, and looked down, Jing Yue's wide-open eyes were looking at her.

Ming Rong pinched her round face with a smile, "Why is Jing Yue here?"

The little girl tugged on her clothes, her eyes were watery, and she asked earnestly, "Is Big Sister leaving?"


"Then big sister will come to see Jingyue in the future?"

Ming Rong looked into her expectant eyes, and could only vaguely say: "If my sister is free, of course she will come to see our Jing Yue, Jing Yue is so cute."

The little girl smiled so much that her eyes turned into crescents, "Really? Big Sister is so kind!" Then she twitched a little, and took out a small bag that was hanging diagonally, took out an oiled paper bag, and opened it carefully. , are several pieces of different pastries, the little girl stared at them for a long time before handing them to Ming Rong reluctantly, "Big Sister, I'll give you some delicious ones."

Ming Rong laughed, then pinched a piece and put it in her mouth to eat, "Big sister has already eaten the rest, let Jing Yue eat the rest."

The little girl laughed happily, and immediately stuffed a piece into her mouth, making her mouth bulge.

"Jingyue, go back quickly, or Mommy will be worried." Ming Rong patted her head.

The little girl nodded, and then emphasized, "My sister must come to see Jingyue when she is free."

"Okay." Ming Rong smiled and waved at her, watching her run away like a nimble little squirrel.

After Kangxi visited most of the ministries, it was already the end of May when he returned to the capital. Baocheng sent Kangxi a request to go back to the coastal area and form the Royal Navy of the Qing Dynasty.

Then the Taiwan question was inevitably brought up again.

Kangxi didn't pay much attention to Taiwan, so Baocheng reorganized the materials he saw in the space study into a book and presented it to Kangxi.

"My son thinks that we can set up guards in Taiwan, just like Tianjin Wei. Moreover, the climate in Taiwan is warm, the products are abundant, and the grain can even be harvested three times a year, so there is no need to worry about production and life. More importantly, Taiwan's geographical location is very superior, it is a natural good port, it is very convenient whether it is used as a maritime trade or a military base, and it can effectively resist the invasion of Japanese pirates and the disturbance of overseas countries."

Baocheng presented another account book to Kangxi, "And this, my son tried the water last year without telling Huang Ama, and asked Huang Ama to forgive me, but my son hoped that Huang Ama would pay attention to Taiwan after reading this account book. "

Kangxi's eyes changed slightly, he glanced at Baocheng who was kneeling at the bottom, and signaled Li Dequan to bring the things up, Kangxi took it and slowly flipped through it, his face changed slightly, but the emotions in his eyes were violently surging.

After a long time, he closed the account book, then closed his eyes and let out a sigh of relief.

Seeing this, Baocheng said again, "All the property has been transported to the capital, can Huang Ama take a look at it?"

"Get up first." Kangxi sighed, "There is no need to look over it. Since it is the capital you raised, then you can also put away all the proceeds."

Baocheng stood up, thought for a while, and said, "Son, as long as one part of the capital is recovered, the rest should be sent to the national treasury. It is useless for the son to ask for such money now, so it is better to put it into the national treasury for other purposes."

Kangxi glanced at him appreciatively, "Then do as you say."

"As long as Huang Ama doesn't blame his son for making his own decisions." Baocheng smiled uncomfortably.

"Tell me, how did you discover this way to make money?" Kangxi rubbed the jade wrench finger in his hand, and raised his phoenix eyes slightly.

Baocheng smiled coyly: "I said Huang Ama, don't be angry, because my son is fighting Japanese pirates in Guangzhou, he often walks on the pier, and finds some merchants going out to sea privately, so he seizes the boat for investigation. Only then did he find out that his son also I don’t believe it, the price of a dozen taels of medium-grade tea can be ten times the price in those barbarian lands, and silk porcelain is very popular, so my son also asked people to try it, but he was afraid of failure, so he didn’t Tell Huang Ama..." At this point, he lowered his head slightly, and the roots of his ears were still red.

Kangxi glanced at him, and couldn't help feeling amused, "If you fail, you fail, and I will blame you for it?"

"That's not it. My son doesn't want to disappoint Huang Ama. Fortunately, it's true."

"Yes." Kangxi sighed, his tone was very proud, "How can our Qing Dynasty be compared to those barbarians?"

Baocheng pursed his lips and said: "But Huang Ama, it is precisely because of this that the Qing Dynasty is even more coveted by those barbarians."

Kangxi frowned, and his face became serious, "What's going on? Tell me about it."

Baocheng paused for a while, organized his words before saying: "Although my son said that this test of the water was successful and earned a lot of property, the risk of trading at sea is still very high. Not only do we have to face the treacherous climate at sea , What is more dangerous is the pirates, especially those seas south of Taiwan, which are very unsettled, and pirates often appear and hijack passing merchant ships."

(End of this chapter)

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