The unscrupulous elder sister

Chapter 224 Taiwan and Planting Trees

Chapter 224 Taiwan and Planting Trees (5)
My son once inquired privately with several businessmen who escaped from the siege of pirates. Most of the pirates were adventurers from barbarian countries. Sometimes those barbarian sailors would pretend to be pirates and rob passing merchant ships. .And if it's their own merchant ships, those naval forces will naturally protect them.Therefore, the sea passages for buying and selling goods in various places have also been controlled by them. Huang Ama only needs to look at the property obtained by his son this time, to know how much the barbarians who have been robbing at sea for a long time can get.

So even if we don't fight with them, we must protect our caravan of the Qing Dynasty. We can't let the barbarians snatch the things we got. But, this is exactly what my son wants to say to Huang Ama According to those caravans, there is still a gap between the navy of the Qing Dynasty and those barbarian countries. After all, those people often live on the water, and the Qing Dynasty is indeed inferior to them in this respect...

Kangxi lowered his eyes thoughtfully.

Baocheng pursed his lips and said again, "My son also learned that those barbarians are quite cruel. We can get a glimpse of this from the actions of the Japanese pirates. They respect the strong, and their artillery and guns are better than those of the Qing Dynasty. Many, and then began to expand wildly around the country. They never treated each other with courtesy like our Qing Dynasty. They directly carried out burning, killing and looting, and transported all the property of the defeated country to their own country to support the country to become stronger. People are driven and killed at will like livestock, and they call this behavior 'colonization', and the land they occupy is called 'colonization'."

Baocheng took a deep breath, and then continued without waiting for Kangxi's reaction, "And one of the precursors of their invasion of the colony is the 'lease', which is like using the boat as an excuse to occupy Macau on the other side of Guangdong. In fact, it has already shown their long-term coveting and ambition for our Qing Dynasty, and they will wait for the right time to invade the Qing Dynasty step by step!"

Kangxi slapped the table with a "slap", his face was unprecedentedly livid.

Baocheng moved the corner of his mouth and fell silent.

Kangxi's heavy breathing gradually calmed down, and he said slowly after a long while: "Why didn't you say this when you came back last year?"

"My son doesn't dare." Baocheng pursed his lips.

"Then how dare you do it now?"

"Son, I don't want to see our Qing Dynasty suffer..."

Kangxi was silent for a while, and finally sighed, "You are a good boy."

"The son is not good, the son is still afraid, afraid, and hurt Huang Ama's heart."

"What do you want to do?" Kangxi thought for a moment, then asked.

Baocheng's eyes lit up, "If Huang Ama believes in his son, then the trading caravans at sea will be handed over to him, and the son will use the proceeds to improve the navy and defend Taiwan and the coast of Guangdong. Go out, and then I can also lead the navy to become pirates to snatch those barbarian things, hum, otherwise I think our Qing Dynasty is easy to bully!"

Kangxi looked into his bright eyes, couldn't help laughing out loud, and then stroked his forehead. When he was persuading him just now, he was justified and well-founded. Seeing that he was about to agree, he actually showed his true colors again.

Kangxi waved his hand weakly, "Go, go down and sort out what you said just now and give me a booklet."

Baocheng curled his lips, "Huang Ama, I can't write a single note."

Kangxi was annoyed, "Then make it into a booklet and present it!"

"Son obeys the order..." Baocheng retreated.

That night, Baocheng ran the space to integrate the actual situation along the coast from the hidden guards, while browsing books and materials on the third floor, and began to write a thesis. They are not so serious, but the responding teacher is incomparable with the giant Kangxi.

Baocheng took a look at Ming Rong, who was lying comfortably on the soft couch and eating grapes, smiled, then lowered his head and continued to write.

The idle and flustered Ming Rong realized her conscience, she stepped forward and asked him if there was anything he could do to help?
"You'd better sit still, don't worry about it when you have a body."

Ming Rong peeled a grape and stuffed it into his mouth, "You don't have to work so hard, take your time, these things can't be done in a day."

Baocheng smiled slightly, "It's fine if you don't know it at first, but now that you know it, how can you let it go? And there are so many books for me to learn from. I have already gained a lot of money. If I don't work harder, I'm afraid God will kill me." You can't see it anymore, not to mention, you can't wait any longer with this stomach, I want to take you out of Beijing as soon as possible."

It turned out to be for her.

Ming Rong knew that his previous reason was true, but it was definitely not the main reason, the main reason was that even if she was wearing the loosest clothes on her stomach, she could still see signs of it when she looked carefully.

"I live in Zhuangzi now, and I'm all yours. I'm afraid I won't be discovered even if I give birth?"

Baocheng frowned and shook his head, "What if the emperor Ama or Huangma announces you to enter the palace? I can't take this risk!"

Ming Rong fell silent, then walked behind him and pressed his shoulders.

Baocheng sighed comfortably, closed his eyes and leaned back on the chair, enjoying her service.

After a while, he held her hand, and said in a gentle tone, "Okay, be careful. If you have nothing to do, go read a book. I'll accompany you when I'm done."

"Okay." Ming Rong lowered her head and pecked lightly on his lips, then went to read a book.

After a night in reality, the pale-faced Baocheng presented a booklet to Kangxi, which was divided into two parts. The first part explained in detail how to form a navy, from the most basic selection of recruits to detailed training methods to dinner. Welfare and pensions are all explained one by one. The second part is the establishment of Taiwan's health center and the overall construction of Taiwan, from grassroots farming to upper-level construction, listed in detail.

The more Kangxi looked at him, the more surprised he was. At first he was on guard, but when he looked up, he saw his son-in-law looking at him expectantly. , He can put such detailed things in front of him one by one, isn't that called honesty?He has nothing to doubt him, and he is his son, it is a good thing to be smart.Besides, he is now asking himself to go to the border area to guard, and he is not raising troops in the capital. This son has done this for him, what else does he want?
Kangxi felt a little guilty for his wariness, so this is the man from the Aixinjueluo family. If he loves you, he will live and if he hates you, he will die. When he believes in you, he will not doubt you. Eating onions at noon will make him think three times and three times, thinking about whether you are trying to use this to put a smoke bomb on him to kill him.

(End of this chapter)

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