The unscrupulous elder sister

Chapter 242 When We Can't Chapter Head

Chapter 242 When We Can't Turn Back (5)
So four years later, the two finally met Kangxi again, and at this time, under the nourishment of the little bun's true energy, Kangxi's body was almost in good shape, and his complexion was not bad.

"Ahem, why are you here?" Kangxi was also very happy to see the two of them, but he couldn't bear it in the end.

Ming Rong glared at Baocheng, who stopped talking after saluting, and walked forward, "Huang Ama, my son and Baocheng miss you very much. I heard that Huang Ama is ill, why don't you rush over here?" ?”

Kangxi snorted softly, "It's very pleasant to say, I don't think I can come back to see me once in four years? Look, I have left Hong Xi behind, where are parents like you?" The words were addressed to Ming Rong As he said, Kangxi's eyes were always on Baocheng.

"Isn't the minister afraid that Huang Ama will be angry..." Ming Rong smiled mischievously, and gave Baocheng a wink from the side of her head.

Baocheng snorted softly and turned his head away, muttering, "Why don't you leave me behind, I haven't seen you ask me to go back once in four years..."

"Bastard!" Kangxi was so angry that he wanted to jump up from the bed, "If I didn't call you, you wouldn't know you came back? Do you still think that I am your Ama? Cough cough..."

Seeing that Kangxi was coughing badly, Ming Rong hurriedly stepped forward to caress his heart, while winking at Baocheng to let him come over.

Baocheng moved, and then slowly came over and sat down on the edge of the bed, with one hand on Kangxi's shoulders, and the other gently stroking his heart, "Don't be angry if you are not healthy, I don't blame you, really ..."

Kangxi stared, and slapped him on the shoulder, "You unfilial son!" His eye circles turned red as he spoke.

Ming Rong could see clearly that the slap was really raised high, and then gently lowered. Seeing that his eyes were red, she pulled the little bun and backed away, leaving the father and son a space to get along alone.

As soon as the door was closed, Xiao Baozi threw himself into his mother's embrace, "Mother, my son misses you so much."

"My dear son, Erniang misses you too." Ming Rong's eyes also turned red, and then the mother and son found a place to talk about their parting feelings to each other, chirping and cooing that they didn't care about Baocheng's return.

I don't know what Baocheng and Kangxi said. After Kangxi recovered, Baocheng and Mingrong left again.

It was not until the 48th year of Kangxi that Baocheng and Mingrong returned to Beijing. Soon after, they were ordered to guard the Yalu River.

In the 55th year of Kangxi, Baoqing and Mingrong returned to Beijing. Mingrong returned to Guaerjia Mansion to recognize her ancestors and return to her family. On the fifth day of September, she married Baocheng and lived in Yuqing Palace. Since then, Baocheng has been with Kangxi until the Kangxi died on October 65, [-].

"Emperor Prince Yinfeng has a noble character, and he is deeply respected by me, so he will be able to inherit the great rule. After I ascend the throne, that is, the emperor's throne, that is, follow the public system, hold the clothes for 27 days, release the clothes and announce them at home and abroad, so that the salty envoys will know .”

Baocheng stood at the gate of Qianqing Palace with his hands behind his back holding Kangxi's edict, squinting his eyes to look at the glow in the western sky.

After arranging Kangxi's funeral, Baocheng suppressed the minister's request for enthronement, and postponed the enthronement time under the pretext of "keeping filial piety for his father". The other is to distribute money so that the adult brothers can go out and start a mansion.

The three-year period of filial piety is nothing to Baocheng and Mingrong, but it has undergone earth-shaking changes for Qing Dynasty. Although Baocheng has not ascended the throne, he has real power in his hands. All the things that were not easy to operate during the reign of Kangxi were revealed, and the Qing Dynasty underwent earth-shaking changes.

Baocheng directly streamlined the organization in the palace, abolished the rule that the coating family inherited the position of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from generation to generation, all the servants were employed, and all the servants were released from the palace when the contract time was up. system, and a special reporting office.

In addition, the craftsmen's registration was abolished, and those craftsmen were gathered together, and special departments were set up to focus on researching various technologies.And set up schools everywhere, not only to teach the hundreds of schools of thought in the subset of the Book of Songs, but also to set up business management, finance, military, medical skills, etc.

There are also various measures to benefit the people.

And in the past three years, not only Baocheng was on the move, but the other brothers were also on the move, especially Baoqing and Yinzhi, who were the most obvious. Unfortunately, Baocheng defeated them one by one, and Baocheng didn't even bother to deal with them. .

After three years of filial piety, Baocheng took off his filial piety clothes, then drove lightly, and walked slowly to Prince Yong's mansion, then climbed over the wall and entered without anyone noticing, all the way to the door of Yinzhen's study smoothly.

The guard guarding the door was stunned, his mouth opened and closed, and he couldn't speak at all.

Baocheng lightly moved his fingertips, and all the guards around him, including the hidden guards, passed out.Standing at the door of the study and listening to the soft voices coming from inside, Baocheng chuckled lightly, and then pushed the door open.

The few people in the door were all dumbfounded when they saw this, including Yin Zhen, who was always indifferent to emotions, couldn't help showing strange expressions, but he was the first to calm down.

"You all go out, I have something to say to my fourth brother."

Soon there were only two brothers left in the study.

Baocheng put on his clothes and sat down calmly, then raised his eyelids and glanced at Yinzhen who was standing still, and said calmly, "Sit down."

Yinzhen moved, tightly clenched his trembling fingers, then walked across to him and sat down.

"We've got in touch with Guangdong and Guangxi. Now I'm thinking about how to get a hold of Liangjiang? Or should I go directly to the admiral of Jiumen?" Baocheng rubbed his fingers, squinted his eyes and asked calmly.

Yinzhen reluctantly held the corner of his lips, "Your Highness is joking."

"I remember you used to call me second brother."

"My brother dare not."

Baocheng smiled slightly, "Your second sister-in-law is right, you are just boring." Seeing his fingers clenched suddenly because of the word "second sister-in-law", Baocheng moved his eyes away.

"My brother is guilty."

Baocheng laughed happily, "What's your crime?"


Baocheng looked at him struggling and hesitating, "The crime of seizing the throne?"

Yinzhen immediately knelt down: "My brother dare not."

Baocheng laughed suddenly, then shook his head, and said, "I know very well what you want to do. I know you love her because she wants to get the right to the throne, so now I will give you a choice, you Choose the throne or choose her?"

Yinzhen suddenly raised his head and looked at him in disbelief.

Seeing his always expressionless face, Baocheng was stunned, stroked his fingers and said slowly: "I will choose her, so I will give you the throne."

"Won't you regret it?" Having already got her, the throne is within reach, and it's clear that you can have both. If you choose this way, won't you regret it?
(End of this chapter)

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