The unscrupulous elder sister

Chapter 246 I used to blend with your breath

Chapter 246 I used to blend with your breath (4)
But she never waited for me, whether it was when I didn't figure out what kind of feelings I had for her, or now, when I didn't know how to treat her or get close to her.

He came back, and not long after seeing him, Huang Ama gradually lost her mind about choosing the princess, but I used Huang Mamo and Xiao Wu to thwart her plan to leave Beijing with him again.

Who would have expected that even if she went out alone, she would not want to stay in the capital, she still left, without any regrets, like a bird, slowly flying away from my life with its wings spread.

Four years seems like a long time to me. I was immersed in thinking about her, while developing my power, I expanded slowly and carefully. For this reason, at the age of 13, Huang A When Ma wanted to give me a roommate, I made a move, and one of them was the daughter of Li Wenye, the prefect of Guangzhou. She is a very bright woman, especially when she smiles, her lips look like her. The first time he possessed her, he couldn't help reaching out to cover her nose and above, and then his eyes suddenly became red.

what should I do?
Love parting, can't ask for it.

Missing is as cold as frost and snow, I am struggling in such pain and embarrassment, the boundless sea of ​​suffering, but I don't want to look back, I dare not look back, I am afraid that I will touch her in the next moment, but I will be caught by me at this moment Giving up ignorantly, I was terrified.

But this kind of fear, but no one said it, was pressed in my heart day after day, and the pressure was getting deeper and deeper. I could hardly bear it, and then I completely collapsed when I saw that child.

I watched him and her bring that child into the Qianqing Palace, and with just a glimpse, I could clearly see that immature face, which was so similar to his.I froze in place, my mind went blank, as if I had returned to the night when Mrs. Tong insulted me viciously. In the dark night, my whole body was immersed in cold water, and there was no way out. This time, there was no way out.

I froze in place, watching them go in for a while, then come out again, and then left the palace again.

I don't know how I got back to the third office in the south, I just heard the screams of the servants who served me, and I forced my hand away. I seemed to see the white powder being poured into the palm of my hand, covering the dark red blood , I hooked my lips and laughed.

The wound on the hand is treated with medicine, but what about the wound in the heart?What about my heart full of holes, it is bleeding, why can't you see it, why can't you see it, since you can't keep warming me, why did you pull me out of the darkness in the first place?Why?
At this moment, I suddenly hated her so much, hated her so much!
I also hate myself so much, why do I have to be greedy and pursue things that don't belong to me, Aixinjue Luo Yinzhen, wake up, turn around, don't go on, this road is really difficult , you have worked so hard to reach the end, you will find that the end of the road is a deep abyss!
I fell into a grotesque dream in a daze. The lonely and cold Jingren Palace, Tong's vicious words, and Wu Ya's cold fake smiles invaded my aching mind one by one, and I tried hard to break free. , but I couldn't break free, the noisy voice seemed to be a gangrene, entangled and wanted to drag me into the cold hell.

I struggled desperately, and then I heard a gentle smile from above my head, "Come on, give me your hand.", "Little Si is the cutest." Her smiling face floated out, and she stretched out her hand towards me, but I Hesitating, whether to continue to be greedy for her warmth, or just sink into the darkness again.

"Come, little four, come quickly..." She called me with a smile, that bright and brilliant smile, like the sunshine in spring, enveloped my whole body, instantly warmed me up, and I passed my hand over .

Those who have tasted warmth never have the courage to go back to darkness and coldness.

After being in a coma for three full days, I finally woke up, stared at the ceiling, and pressed all my emotions back to the bottom of my heart.

The person who cried in a coma, never appear again!

Xiao Wu said, fourth brother, you got sick once, and it became even colder, and my younger brother didn't dare to approach you anymore.

I moved the corners of my lips, wanting to give him a smile, but I couldn't do it any more, I don't want to remember the past, I tried my best to hold back the embarrassing things with a straight face.

Those are all over.Yes, it's all over.

Even so, when Huang Ama proposed marriage to the prince and Shi Wenbing's eldest daughter, I still exhausted all my strength to be able to stand firmly on the court.I don't know what I'm still hoping for, but I just can't stop.

When I saw that immature face again, I still couldn't control the waves in my heart. Even when he said that his mother often mentioned me, I still felt joy in my heart, so I said goodbye to him in a hurry. He doesn't look like her at all, but it's her blood after all, I can't even control my emotions.

She didn't go back to Beijing with her child, but lived in Hangzhou. She heard that she would stay until spring, and then see the beautiful scenery of West Lake. When the child said such words, there was tenderness between the eyebrows and eyes, very much like that person.

And his talent and mind are very similar to that person. During the few months he stayed in the palace, he wandered among the many uncles, but he kept watching from the sidelines. Some of the elders tried to attack him, but they taught him to defuse it time and time again, feeling an unknown feeling in his heart.

I couldn't help but think, if it was me and her child, would it be so smart?

After the year, Huang Ama made her third tour to the south and passed by Hangzhou. She and him came to see him and knelt for two hours, but Huang Ama didn't see them. Their looks, even the eldest brother and the others are secretly gloating, but I know that Yihuang Ama's temperament may not be able to save face. This is a common problem in the Aixinjueluo family, so the two broke up unhappy. But she was left behind to do her filial piety in front of Huang Ma, but I knew that it was just her and him giving Huang Ma a step.

I stood behind the sparse flowers and trees on the porch, watching him pull her out, she didn't seem to have changed at all, she was always so beautiful, when she was about to leave, she seemed to be aware of it, and then turned around.

Her eyes are dark and bright, with a gentle and sincere smile as usual, she looked at me, her pupils flickering, as if with a wordless apology and sigh, but these are not what I want, I Looking at her quietly, watching her turn around and catch up with the person who was pulling her.

I laughed sadly in my heart.

I don't know if I knew this farewell at the time, and we would meet again in 14 years, would I have let her go so easily.

(End of this chapter)

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