The unscrupulous elder sister

Chapter 273 Seeking to treat each other sincerely

Chapter 273 Seeking to treat each other sincerely (4) ([-])
Then I directly decreed to grant a marriage, and I didn't believe it.

But in fact, I have to believe it.

I sent someone to guard inside and outside Fu Dali's house, but I didn't find any traces of man-made operation. After I woke up from my anger, I realized that I had also confirmed the name of the little girl Kefu on impulse. .

I sat in the Zhaoren Hall and sighed secretly, recalling the relaxed light in Ming Rong's eyes and the obviously relieved look in my mind, I was really powerless in my heart, that's all, there is me, if I go, And Baocheng.

Thinking about it, I don't worry about it anymore. As long as the girl is happy, she can do whatever she wants, and I don't care about her anymore.

It's just that I let it go, the little girl's own love debt has not been settled yet, I heard the report from the people below, that the child Zhang Tingyu went to her village alone to propose marriage, I was really angry and funny, This piece of Tingyu is very bold.

But I changed my mind, Zhang Tingyu is not bad, although Man and Han are not allowed to intermarry, but Zhang Ying is also a good person, it is not a big deal to break the rules and give a marriage, thinking about it, I also began to expect that girl to agree to Zhang Tingyu.

It's a pity that Zhang Tingyu turned out to be wishful thinking. I heard the news and shook my head regretfully. Hey, didn't it mean that the tiger father has no dogs?Why is Zhang Ying so cunning, why didn't that child Zhang Tingyu learn it?

Huang Ma even went to test it out in person, and the girl didn't respond to the matter. It can only be said that Zhang Tingyu is also a worthless person. Didn't he play well when he was a child?
After this incident, I don’t bother to care about that girl anymore. I heard from Huang Ma that she lived happily in that hot spring village by herself. Now the village is not the same as before. It just sells those few sticks every winter. Green vegetable leaves can make a lot of money. When I use the green vegetable leaves every day, I still think about whether I should let that girl earn more money for me and send it to the treasury.

Of course, that's just a thought, it's rare for her to enjoy herself, so I won't interfere.

It didn't take long, seeing that the New Year's Eve was coming, I naturally became more busy, even Baocheng was busy following me, and I didn't want to think about whether he would threaten me , He has always been so well-behaved, even his uncle Suo'etu handed him a sign every time, he saw it, but he just said a few words, not alienated but not close enough, and not like Baoqing was like that at the beginning, and he was so close to Mingzhu, and there was no arrangement in the other places. At most, he had cultivated a few confidantes, bought two villages and two shops to run, and there was nothing nearby. It was so clear, I What else can I say?
Naturally, I never expected that one day he would say such things to me.

On the 22nd of the twelfth lunar month, I took him to the Jiaotai Palace to seal the treasure, and then returned to the Qianqing Palace. He suddenly proposed to have a few words with me in private. I really felt that something was wrong with him in the past few days, and he seemed to be silent a lot. I thought he was tired, but it seemed that the root cause was here. I waved my hand to let everyone go down, and then waited silently for his words.

He wants to leave the palace.

As soon as he said this, my first reaction was that I heard it wrong, but his next words proved that I heard it right.

Like when he was a child, he leaned on my lap intimately, calling himself his son, and talking to me with a hint of affection and coquettishness in his tone. I don’t know why I suddenly felt a little dazed. That girl was probably with him, and then the two children looked at me with blinking eyes, full of admiration and admiration.

Time flies by like this, I am getting old, and my two children have grown up, but that girl is better, but I can be sure, sometimes I can't understand what he is thinking in his heart, when he was a child, I looked forward to I watched him be sensible, but when he grew up slowly, gradually became calm, mature, and calm, I began to worry that he would grow too fast and that he would threaten my position.

Just like when he said he wanted to leave the palace just now, my first reaction was to be on guard, it was actually on guard!

I listened to him talking slowly, and my heart slowly became sour. This is my son, the son I held in my palm since I was a child, what happened to me to doubt him so much?
He didn't notice it, but he wanted to take a step back, so as not to let the prince's power be too great, which would affect me.

I was doubting him.

I was suddenly a little discouraged, I am an emperor, the lord of a country, but it is also true, can I not even be an Ama?I didn't protect that little girl, I doubted and guarded against my only son-in-law, I deliberately ignored Xiaosi for the sake of balance, and I let Baoqing and Yinzhi fight each other...

I looked at Baocheng's shining eyes, touched his head, moved my mouth, and couldn't help asking him why he kept holding back his true temperament and acting like an old man.

But he answered me with a little confusion, doesn't Huang Ama like his children like this?Didn't Huang Ama hope that his son would be more mature and stable?

Yes, I like it, I hope, so this child became like that, trying to suppress himself, wearing a mask, not daring to go beyond the slightest.

As if sensing my melancholy, Baocheng took a careful look at me, and then tried his best to make me laugh. I laughed as he wanted, but my heart still felt dull pain.

Go, go fly, when you are tired of flying outside, Ama is waiting for you to come back.

I know that girl Mingrong is lively and doesn't like to stay in the Forbidden City. Since the Zhuangzi was built, she has been running outside the palace, but when I saw it with my own eyes, I told her that she could go out with Baocheng. When she was in Beijing, the light in her eyes suddenly lit up, but she still felt a little bored in her heart suddenly.

I opened my mouth to ask her, did the palace just make her uncomfortable?She doesn't miss me when she goes out, does she miss Huang Ma and Huang Erniang?
But in a flash, I thought of Baocheng's words again, and thought of the pain she had buried in her eyes during these days, and I couldn't utter the words anymore.

I watched the two children walk out the door with a smile, and my heart suddenly felt a little empty. For the next few days, I habitually called out the name "Baocheng", then I was stunned for a while, and then smiled wryly. Shake your head.

I have changed too much, from the trembling, fearful, and lonely battle when I ascended the throne, to the current strategizing, counting everything, and those two caring children, I remembered what Huang Mamo said to me at the beginning: Xuan Yeh, don't trust anyone.

But now I want to trust those two children, the two children I have watched grow up with my hands in my arms, so, Baocheng and Mingrong, you must not let me down.

The secret guard sent me their whereabouts every other day. I looked at the news on the note and imagined the appearance of that jumpy little girl having fun everywhere. I couldn't help but find it funny. Gradually, every other day News has become my habit, and I also found that I really miss those two children.

(End of this chapter)

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